Perverted Taste Website ed/etsaTdetrevreP//ofnI
Band | Genre | Country |
Band | Genre | Country | # |
Band | Album | Type | Year | Catalog | Format | Description |
Founded by Falk Schäfer.
Early on (1993-1996), Perverted Taste released 7" grind/death singles exclusively, reflected by cat# MOMO 001-013 before switching to cat# P.T. 014 (later on shortened to PT) for regular album releases between 1996-2006.
In 2007, after struggling for some years, the label ended its activities. After restructuring, the company specialized in metal merchandise & continued selling its prior releases.
CEO (2007.01.31-present): Christina Höfer (*1972, Reichenbach).
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Added on: N/A | Last modified on: 2022-05-10 15:59:10 |
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