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Crone of War

Joined: Sat Aug 10, 2002 7:27 am
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 26, 2022 7:56 pm 

rarezuzuh wrote:
You don't sound like you have the best understanding of the contents of your own mind.

The guy who claims to be completely apolitical, to the point that he dislikes mainstream TV shows for supposedly pushing a left wing message is perfectly okay listening to a band called Aryan Terrorism. You're completely deranged.

LMFAOOOO is that true??

And this assclown just went "actually Christians are oppressed (because people made fun of meeeee)" and "so much for the tolerant left"? A

I'm dying to know about Sabrina's leftist agenda, too. Does she rail against the 1% and speak of eating the rich? Does she repeatedly go on about each according to their ability, to each according to their needs, and how wealth must be distributed, and how capitalism must be destroyed?

Truly heinous stuff, if so. Almost as bad as the nazism of Aryan Terrorism, surely. :wanker:
Von Cichlid wrote:
I work with plenty of Oriental and Indian persons and we get along pretty good, and some females as well.

Markeri, in 2013 wrote:
a fairly agreed upon date [of the beginning of metal] is 1969. Metal is almost 25 years old


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PostPosted: Mon Dec 26, 2022 9:18 pm 

Morrigan wrote:
rarezuzuh wrote:
You don't sound like you have the best understanding of the contents of your own mind.

The guy who claims to be completely apolitical, to the point that he dislikes mainstream TV shows for supposedly pushing a left wing message is perfectly okay listening to a band called Aryan Terrorism. You're completely deranged.

LMFAOOOO is that true??

And this assclown just went "actually Christians are oppressed (because people made fun of meeeee)" and "so much for the tolerant left"? A

I'm dying to know about Sabrina's leftist agenda, too. Does she rail against the 1% and speak of eating the rich? Does she repeatedly go on about each according to their ability, to each according to their needs, and how wealth must be distributed, and how capitalism must be destroyed?

Truly heinous stuff, if so. Almost as bad as the nazism of Aryan Terrorism, surely. :wanker:

Y'know Morrigan? Every time I see you enter a conversation, you bring such enrichment to the conversation as can hardly be ignored. Now, you're an OG here, so... well, that's basically it. You're simply an OG here. Good for you.

Have I unironically enjoyed Aryan Terrorism's music (or Burzum, or any NSBM band) in the past? Sure, there have been moments.

I dunno, I don't feel the need to attempt to justify myself to anyone. I haven't resorted to name-calling, personal attack, nor ad hominem here. I'm pretty okay with it. I don't feel any shame in holding (or voicing) any opinion, so long as I do my best to remain sensitive and respectful toward other users. I'm aware that my views and/or tastes are sometimes unpopular. So what? :old: :wanker:
"A bakery across the Parisian street had a sign in the window, which blinked the word PAIN in red neon.
"These people understand," John thought to himself.
France had ruined him forever.

-Jim Stotz, "Bread is Pain"

~Guest 1730521
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 26, 2022 9:25 pm 

^ Inbred psycho. I'll take the permaban for this one, fuck it. "People" like this are no better than fucking diseased animals and should be put down as such. Disgusting stains on humanity and wastes of oxygen. Absolutely tragic that we have to live in a world with these psychopaths, so fucking tired of these losers.


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PostPosted: Mon Dec 26, 2022 9:32 pm 

Spiral Architect 2 wrote:
^ Inbred psycho. I'll take the permaban for this one, fuck it. "People" like this are no better than fucking diseased animals and should be put down as such. Disgusting stains on humanity and wastes of oxygen. Absolutely tragic that we have to live in a world with these psychopaths, so fucking tired of these losers.

Lol... sheesh, why don't you just chill out, guy? I don't think you should be permabanned for that (although it's not my call to make). There's obviously a lack of understanding somewhere. I just reeeeally have to point out that I'm not the one foaming at the mouth over here, n'est-ce pas?
"A bakery across the Parisian street had a sign in the window, which blinked the word PAIN in red neon.
"These people understand," John thought to himself.
France had ruined him forever.

-Jim Stotz, "Bread is Pain"

~Guest 1730521
Metal newbie

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 26, 2022 9:48 pm 

Kill yourself, nobody will miss you. Your dead parents will roll over in their graves and praise the Lord that you're finally dead, as well.


Joined: Sat Dec 17, 2022 11:43 am
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 26, 2022 9:51 pm 

Spiral Architect 2 wrote:
Kill yourself, nobody will miss you. Your dead parents will roll over in their graves and praise the Lord that you're finally dead, as well.

Hm... well, then. I mean, what am I supposed to do with that?

Has it gone totally unnoticed that I'm doing my utmost to be cool in all of this?

Sorry you feel that way, Spiral. Moving on.
"A bakery across the Parisian street had a sign in the window, which blinked the word PAIN in red neon.
"These people understand," John thought to himself.
France had ruined him forever.

-Jim Stotz, "Bread is Pain"


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PostPosted: Mon Dec 26, 2022 10:45 pm 

M_Mosher wrote:
1. No, I won't be fine if I say it, not if I actually have God to answer to at the end of my life, who will judge me on my every action and every idle word spoken.

2. No, others will not be fine, not if point one above is in any way applicable, for they too will be judged.

3. No, it isn't just a word. It's the holy Name of a Sovereign King, and Lord of the Universe. That is, if the stories are true.

None of this is a problem until it's a problem. Minority groups and disabled people being kept down is a problem right here and now.
4. Christians actually are in danger, because rather than an increased dialogue to understand one another in good faith, they are actually met with increasing hostility, such as the kind readily available in this trite and unnecessary back-and-forth -- hypocritically, I might add, from the same people who preach "tolerance" of everyone else. Christians, apparently, do not deserve the same tolerance in kind.

I'll tell you why this is: people are fed up. This pot's been simmering for hundreds and hundreds of years and now it's a-boiling over. Women, queer people, BIPOC people, and other cultures and customs have all been put down in the name of Christianity for a very long time. Some of that stuff is even written into the freakin' book. Christianity has measurably caused more harm and continues to have similar effects more than any other religion throughout history. So you can understand why being Christian is a red flag nowadays, because, as you're demonstrating very well, they can be apathetic to the world's problems (if not straight up conservative dicks), place more value on eventual and hypothetical spiritual fulfillment rather than real world tangible results, and embody a belief system whose problematic elements are so prominent and have been around for so long that their effects are still widely felt today. Even if you're not that variety of Christian who's pro life, conservative, and apathetic, you still gotta understand that that's a real big part of the Christian population, so based on that people are going to assume. Again: context, context, context. You can't boil things down to being the same based on superficial resemblance. Not all rage is the same, some of it is more justified than the rest.

You think people are gonna continue to treat a contributor to the world's problems with respect, especially with society as a whole becoming more empathetic in recent years? Absolutely fucking not. Nobody is under any obligation to make a place in society for problematic, apathetic, and hateful people, especially if they're personally affected by that apathy and hate. Or if they're just decent, empathetic human beings who don't want to see others put down. You might be staying calm and not name-calling, but nobody else is obliged to. I trust you understand why now.

If you've enjoyed music by NSBM bands in the past because the riffs were good, can you say that you've enjoyed leftist art in the past, even if you disagree with both left and right standpoints? Would you be equally willing to listen to a communist punk band with queer members if the "riffs were good"? If not, then your case for being apolitical has become mighty poor all of a sudden. Obviously you've got a problem with one side more than the other, so you're gonna have to come up with something real good to make yourself not look like a big hypocrite here. I'm not going to judge you so quickly though. I want you to shoot yourself in the foot. I don't need to do it for you.

I also predict that you will not be allowed to post here for much longer if you keep this crap up, so do some thought about what we've all said and understand the context. You seem to be capable of bona fide discussion, so I trust you've been listening this whole time.
King_of_Arnor wrote:
I really don't want power metal riffing to turn into power metal yiffing any time soon.


Joined: Sat Dec 17, 2022 11:43 am
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 26, 2022 11:37 pm 

Lord_Of_Diamonds wrote:
I also predict that you will not be allowed to post here for much longer if you keep this crap up, so do some thought about what we've all said and understand the context. You seem to be capable of bona fide discussion, so I trust you've been listening this whole time.

Look, you're entitled to your opinions, same as anybody else (including myself). So, I'll respond to the above first, and the rest generally.

"If I keep this crap up." What crap? I didn't do anything, except voice an opinion which seems to have been blown out of proportion and misrepresented on purpose in an attempt to make me feel small.

If I did or said something wrong, then I'm sorry. I apologize. But I'm also not responsible for anyone else's meltdowns because they took something I said the wrong way on purpose. Am I? Maybe I am, I dunno. Sorry, I'm a dick.

Anyway, the forum's fine without me, so if I flounce, I flounce.

As for being a fan of, or listening to, Leftist bands, yeah i would. I'm actually a pretty big fan of Liturgy, who many here would even disown lol. "The Ark Work" is pure genius, imo, and is in my top 10 favorite albums of all-time.

More than that, I've been good friends with several real-life Leftists, some who have been either Antifa memebers or sympathizers, and have supported their music as well (Dark Ambient, Grind, Punk, etc.... Dez might actually have some stuff on the Archive come to think of it, he's also got about a hundred bands).

All I can say for Christianity is, it means nothing if it's not true. If it isn't, then I'm the first to say throw it out. But, to me, it's proven to be more true than anything else I've looked into, which is a lot.
So, if it's true, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks about it at all: it only matters what God thinks and wants, in the end. If it's true.

I wish you a good evening. I'm out.
"A bakery across the Parisian street had a sign in the window, which blinked the word PAIN in red neon.
"These people understand," John thought to himself.
France had ruined him forever.

-Jim Stotz, "Bread is Pain"


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PostPosted: Tue Dec 27, 2022 12:00 am 

Every interpretation people have come to based on what you have said has been done so with sound logic and reasoning. I don't think you're a truly terrible person, you just lack some understanding of context and sound rather ignorant in the process. As a side note, Liturgy isn't leftist; they may have leftist members but their song lyrics are not leftist. They're not even political.
King_of_Arnor wrote:
I really don't want power metal riffing to turn into power metal yiffing any time soon.

Metal newbie

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 27, 2022 12:41 am 

M_Mosher, you were kind to me in the mental health thread, so I'll just quickly opine on a few things in a non-mean-spirited way.

-"Apolitical" is a very questionable category - it might apply to hamsters, not so much to adult human beings living in a society of some kind! Even if you (generic "you") don't have super-strong convictions, and/or haven't devoted a lot of energy to exploring their foundations and trying to articulate them consistently and persuasively, it's still highly likely that you tend to identify more with one side than the other, that one side's way of talking somehow "sounds more sensible" to you than the others, more often than not. Try taking the Political Compass test: https://www.politicalcompass.org/test

-As far as I can tell, Christians are not in danger of having their basic rights taken away, any more than any other category of people. People (conservative Christians especially) often seem to confuse this with another point: Unlike in the past, Christians do in many ways (one hopes!) have less power to mistreat and exclude other people in ways supposedly required by their faith, and less power to impose their worldview on society at large; and it's also true that people who rail against modernity for this reason are likelier to be badly thought- and spoken-of. But this is a good, socially healthy thing (at least when viewed from certain quadrants of the Political Compass).

-Being mocked by Morrigan is no fun, but it's also a pretty reliable indicator that you've said something worthy of mockery. ;) It happens.

-But of course, the poster who asked you to kill yourself was way out of line.

-The explanation as to how Breaking Bad crosses the line by using "Jesus" as a curse word, whereas Dark Funeral can be enjoyed with a clean conscience... I still don't find that makes sense. Dark Funeral seems rather explicitly, pervasively pro-Satan. Breaking Bad is a show that merely depicts people doing morally questionable things, but strictly for the purposes of art/entertainment; you can't really draw any conclusions about the creators' ethics or religious views or lack thereof, as far as I can tell. (It's kind of funny - the mention of Sabrina reminds me that Melissa Joan Hart had a lead role in God's Not Dead 2 (Wiki).)

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 27, 2022 8:09 am 

I've been watching 1899 (not done yet, please don't spoil) and I'm loving it. Same folks who did Dark are behind it and I think they must all be geniuses and should be allowed to make whatever they want going forward.

Dark also had Kreator playing and referenced it a couple times which is what initially peaked my interest. If you like stuff that's an absolute mind fuck, I highly suggest both of these.
"God sends meat and the devil sends cooks." -Thomas Deloney


Joined: Sun Aug 13, 2017 5:40 am
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 27, 2022 8:21 am 

I haven't watched Dark yet, but 1899 is very good. The cast is great and I like the fact that each actor uses his native language in a dialogue. The story is very interesting with quite a few twists. At times it felt like I was watching a Nolan movie ala Inception. I also like the songs they would play at end of each episode, lots of rock classics.

Benedict Donald

Joined: Tue Aug 24, 2021 10:36 am
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 27, 2022 10:39 am 

Incantation wrote:
I've been watching 1899 (not done yet, please don't spoil) and I'm loving it. Same folks who did Dark are behind it and I think they must all be geniuses and should be allowed to make whatever they want going forward.

Dark also had Kreator playing and referenced it a couple times which is what initially peaked my interest. If you like stuff that's an absolute mind fuck, I highly suggest both of these.

You sold me.
I was debating watching it, but now absolutely will.


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PostPosted: Tue Dec 27, 2022 6:46 pm 

As if any of us should be surprised by a religious person dancing through the moral garden. The very existence within a religion demands such. I won't speak for anyone else, but the most hateful, most judgemental, most violent, most hypocritical people I've ever met, lived with, and witnessed have all fancied themselves pious people. If they didn't wield so much power and influence, we'd have to laugh.

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 27, 2022 7:26 pm 

Benedict Donald wrote:
Incantation wrote:
I've been watching 1899 (not done yet, please don't spoil) and I'm loving it. Same folks who did Dark are behind it and I think they must all be geniuses and should be allowed to make whatever they want going forward.

Dark also had Kreator playing and referenced it a couple times which is what initially peaked my interest. If you like stuff that's an absolute mind fuck, I highly suggest both of these.

You sold me.
I was debating watching it, but now absolutely will.

I honestly can't recommend it enough. I hope you enjoy!!
"God sends meat and the devil sends cooks." -Thomas Deloney


Joined: Wed Sep 20, 2006 12:13 pm
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 27, 2022 8:51 pm 

Lol, you guys are arguing with an "apolitical" person who stopped watching a show because "they said the Lord's name in vain" (the boomeriest shit I've ever read, I mean even my missionary uncle who'd be over 90 today didn't clutch his pearl at that), while listening to racist right wing metal? This guy is either pulling your leg, or he is a caricature of a character, that's not serious, Jesus fucking Christ that's probably the funniest troll I've ever seen on this site though, I gotta admit.


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PostPosted: Tue Dec 27, 2022 9:30 pm 

I’ve stopped watching Dark after the second season. It’s a bit sinister at first but honestly it’s just long and ultimately boring. I’m not sure it’s worth watching for two brief references to Pleasure to Kill. You do what you want though but be warned, it’s probably the cringiest show I’ve seen in five years including Better Call Saul.

Spoiler: show
Of course, just because I don’t like it, doesn’t mean it isn’t good.
Bishop_Drugsalot wrote:
Give me the riffs. All of them

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2022 12:34 pm 

To each their own. Not everyone is going to like the same thing, but I just really enjoyed all the twists and turns.
"God sends meat and the devil sends cooks." -Thomas Deloney


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PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2023 11:00 pm 

Anyone watched Jack Ryan? Im going to give it a try soon.


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PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2023 11:22 pm 

Well, I haven't been on in a while, and I am thoroughly entertained by the recent troll in this thread. It's too bad they are apparently too busy representing New York's 3rd Congressional district now to keep it up.

From everything I'm hearing, Andor sounds like an excellent show. I absolutely loved Rogue One, and really need to watch it. I appreciate seeing the good reviews in here.
Thrash, Death and early Black Metal Fanatic

Purveyor of absolute bastardry.

Only_Perception wrote:
I guess most people here are just standard copy pastes more concerned with defending the honor of celebrities than thinking about music.


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PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2023 3:17 pm 

Finished the final season of His Dark Materials. Wow, what a great story. What a great ending. A whole lot happened real fast in the final few episodes and that kind of threw me off. I thought they would have done better by stretching the material out over another episode. Still, great show. Next stop is the books that the show was based on.
King_of_Arnor wrote:
I really don't want power metal riffing to turn into power metal yiffing any time soon.


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PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2023 3:03 am 

Empyreal wrote:
The show depicted a police department that was basically bankrupt and couldn't afford cars. I just thought that was funny when you look at how a lot of police depts are funded now where they get like huge shitloads of money every year from any government imaginable.

I realize this was written quite a while ago but I absolutely refuse to watch something like this. To make a storyline like this is why I almost abandoned tv watching all together.


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PostPosted: Wed Jan 18, 2023 5:59 pm 

Okay, so the series premiere of The Last Of Us was good on the whole; too close to the game so far to be truly great (even though it changed some details that it should've kept the same), but it's probably still the best game adaptation by default, by virtue of the strength of its source. We'll see if it leaves the game's shadow more as the season goes on, hopefully.
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ThStealthK wrote:
Thank god you're not a music teacher, the wisest decision you've ever made in your life.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2023 11:49 am 

Face_your_fear_79 wrote:
Empyreal wrote:
The show depicted a police department that was basically bankrupt and couldn't afford cars. I just thought that was funny when you look at how a lot of police depts are funded now where they get like huge shitloads of money every year from any government imaginable.

I realize this was written quite a while ago but I absolutely refuse to watch something like this. To make a storyline like this is why I almost abandoned tv watching all together.

Are you serious? The whole series is constructive criticism of American society as a whole. It is very critical of the way police forces are managed, corruption on all levels, the state of education, etc. Not sure why is that something you would refuse to watch, it's still on the top 3 best series ever recorded. You should watch it.

Bullet Centrist

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2023 2:00 pm 

Smalley wrote:
Okay, so the series premiere of The Last Of Us was good on the whole; too close to the game so far to be truly great (even though it changed some details that it should've kept the same), but it's probably still the best game adaptation by default, by virtue of the strength of its source. We'll see if it leaves the game's shadow more as the season goes on, hopefully.

This seems like an almost impossible line the writers would have to balance to keep you satisfied.
"So, you want to sign songs about your great and glorious invisible cloud daddy? Go right ahead. You have whole tax-free buildings to do that in. I am not only not listening, I am intentionally going out of my way to ignore you."

The Final Frontier

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2023 2:01 pm 

Yeah I mean The Wire is a really great show. Like said above it's got plenty of depth and does show the dark, cynical side of all of that stuff in the American legal system. Really well rounded show. What I'd said before was just thinking out loud. Not meant to be some damning critique or a reason not to see it.
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Crone of War

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2023 6:02 pm 

Face_your_fear_79 wrote:
I realize this was written quite a while ago but I absolutely refuse to watch something like this. To make a storyline like this is why I almost abandoned tv watching all together.

This is beyond embarrassing. The Wire is the antithesis of copaganda and is one of the best shows ever made.

CoconutBackwards wrote:
This seems like an almost impossible line the writers would have to balance to keep you satisfied.

Not to mention it... really didn't do that at all. I realize we're only 1 episode in but so far it's pretty much a flawless adaptation.
Von Cichlid wrote:
I work with plenty of Oriental and Indian persons and we get along pretty good, and some females as well.

Markeri, in 2013 wrote:
a fairly agreed upon date [of the beginning of metal] is 1969. Metal is almost 25 years old


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PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2023 6:43 pm 

I didn't know The Wire was what it was called. I thought it was some other show all together. I will check it out then.

Crone of War

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2023 4:58 am 

So I have to agree with the hype that Severance is pretty good huh? I'm 3 episodes in, but I hope it remains good and won't become some JJ Abrams-like mystery box shit
Von Cichlid wrote:
I work with plenty of Oriental and Indian persons and we get along pretty good, and some females as well.

Markeri, in 2013 wrote:
a fairly agreed upon date [of the beginning of metal] is 1969. Metal is almost 25 years old


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PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2023 7:07 am 

Can confirm that it stays great throughout, one of my absolute favourite new shows. Can't wait for the second season.
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The Final Frontier

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2023 9:57 am 

It is a lot of mystery box type stuff but there's also so much that is good about it. I wish it was more abstract and surreal like the earliest eps promised. But I'm curious how the second season'll go.
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 22, 2023 5:40 pm 

CoconutBackwards wrote:
Smalley wrote:
Okay, so the series premiere of The Last Of Us was good on the whole; too close to the game so far to be truly great (even though it changed some details that it should've kept the same), but it's probably still the best game adaptation by default, by virtue of the strength of its source. We'll see if it leaves the game's shadow more as the season goes on, hopefully.

This seems like an almost impossible line the writers would have to balance to keep you satisfied.
Not really, since there are two basic ways you can change an adaptation from its source material; you can either actually change the original details, or keep them the same, but simply add onto that by expanding with new material, so you're still getting something new without arbitrary change. So in the case of the LOU pilot, I think doing more of the latter would've made the pilot better, and would've suited the new format better, if you ask me.
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ThStealthK wrote:
Thank god you're not a music teacher, the wisest decision you've ever made in your life.


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PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2023 12:53 am 

Finished the first season of Yellowjackets... kind of a 7/10 for me.

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2023 6:33 am 

RE: The Last of Us. First episode was great. I'd rather they stick as much as possible on the original content. I can't remember a previous series that adapted a book/game, changed the core basics of the story and wasn't a disaster. There has to be oie that wasn't awful but I just can't remember.

Bronze Age

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2023 8:54 pm 

Fauda - Season 4; the best thing on Netflix currently. This rivals Narcos. Amazing show.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2023 3:11 pm 

Gravetemplar wrote:
RE: The Last of Us. First episode was great. I'd rather they stick as much as possible on the original content. I can't remember a previous series that adapted a book/game, changed the core basics of the story and wasn't a disaster. There has to be oie that wasn't awful but I just can't remember.

I never played the game. The family and I watched it together and we all liked it. The scene where Joel lost his daughter was very good. I then watched Youtube's EFAP, which showed some of the similarities between the show and the game. I'm under the impression that the gaming community are happy, thus far. Let's hope it continues. Oh, and I do know what happened in the second game, and the huge backlash against Naughty Dog. Do you want to see what happened to Joel changed?


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PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2023 9:22 pm 

Valandil_79 wrote:
Gravetemplar wrote:
RE: The Last of Us. First episode was great. I'd rather they stick as much as possible on the original content. I can't remember a previous series that adapted a book/game, changed the core basics of the story and wasn't a disaster. There has to be oie that wasn't awful but I just can't remember.

I never played the game. The family and I watched it together and we all liked it. The scene where Joel lost his daughter was very good. I then watched Youtube's EFAP, which showed some of the similarities between the show and the game. I'm under the impression that the gaming community are happy, thus far. Let's hope it continues. Oh, and I do know what happened in the second game, and the huge backlash against Naughty Dog. Do you want to see what happened to Joel changed?

I don't. I loved the 2, and I preferred it over the first one. It was bold to have us play as
Spoiler: show
Joel's murderer, and to kill him in such a brutal way, too, but I think it paid off.

Also, I'm convinced the backlash is also due in part to the fact that we have to play as - gasp - a woman who isn't hot (to some) and involves a transgender character in the main story, as well as Jews and lesbians. The main subreddit was taken over by chuds who hated this, and I don't know that it has ever recovered. And I saw users on one side push anti-trans meme or make anti-trans comment, and then on subs less accepting of such behaviour, claim that it was because of the writing
Spoiler: show
and the fate of Joel
that they disliked the second game.

Metal newbie

Joined: Mon Sep 12, 2022 1:16 pm
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2023 5:02 am 

Curious_dead wrote:
I don't. I loved the 2, and I preferred it over the first one. It was bold to have us play as
Spoiler: show
Joel's murderer, and to kill him in such a brutal way, too, but I think it paid off.

Also, I'm convinced the backlash is also due in part to the fact that we have to play as - gasp - a woman who isn't hot (to some) and involves a transgender character in the main story, as well as Jews and lesbians. The main subreddit was taken over by chuds who hated this, and I don't know that it has ever recovered. And I saw users on one side push anti-trans meme or make anti-trans comment, and then on subs less accepting of such behaviour, claim that it was because of the writing
Spoiler: show
and the fate of Joel
that they disliked the second game.

I can't have been paying enough attention then, and I watch Friday Night Tights, [Nerdrotic] Mauler's EFAP, and The Critical Drinker, on Youtube, who all have takes on this kind of entertainment. So, I can't address your take because I really don't know. I'm a complete normie on this one, and like I said, it's a big thumbs up thus far.

Actually, thinking about it, I did see a comment saying that Joel's daughter [Nico Parker] was race swapped, but that's Thandiwe Newton's daughter, and she's half English, and Parker's father's English, so it was hardly a race swap. Parker could pass as his daughter, unlike say, Dr Malcolm's in Jurassic Park. And, her performance was pretty good. I can say that as a normie, it wasn't an issue in the slightest.

Crone of War

Joined: Sat Aug 10, 2002 7:27 am
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2023 6:51 pm 

Azmodes wrote:
Can confirm that it stays great throughout, one of my absolute favourite new shows. Can't wait for the second season.

Yeah I ended up really loving it!

Btw, outie Irving sure as hell is cooler than innie Irving lmao. Goddamn innie Irving is dumb as a sack of rocks
Von Cichlid wrote:
I work with plenty of Oriental and Indian persons and we get along pretty good, and some females as well.

Markeri, in 2013 wrote:
a fairly agreed upon date [of the beginning of metal] is 1969. Metal is almost 25 years old

Metal freak

Joined: Tue Mar 05, 2019 10:08 am
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2023 8:39 pm 

Thanks for the Severance recommendation, I loved it.

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