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Metal Sloth

Joined: Sun Mar 04, 2012 5:55 pm
Posts: 3928
PostPosted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 6:41 pm 

It is. Everyone gets a role and a laminated card and a dry erase pen and a bunch of shit to keep track of.

If you're the engineer, you get this:

Spoiler: show

The captain and the engineer work closely, since navigation decisions interact with the different abilities and weapons. Those are watched over by the first mate:

Spoiler: show
Isn't the art great?

The captain keeps an eye on all that and makes navigation, firing, surfacing, and surveillance decisions. Basically everyone's involved in the decision-making process to some degree except the radio operator who's trying her damndest to block everything out enough to listen to the other captain's orders and clears from the engineer while puzzle solving the location based only on directional commands from across the table to figure out where they are so that her captain can try to figure out how to kill them.

Fuck, where'd they go! FUCK I DON'T KNOW! Shit they dropped a mine, where the fuck is it?
Bigotry is a mental health issue.

Mallcore Kid

Joined: Thu Aug 04, 2016 8:51 am
Posts: 24
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 18, 2017 5:23 pm 

Wandering back on to this thread after a couple of months...

Captain Sonar is BRILLIANT as a game: I've never played it but I've watched our boardgame group flounder about for AGES XD Although one time it was over really quick and everyone was disappointed. Not good if you get bad anxiety though ;P

iamntbatman: been reading your experiences with interest. We have a GM like that here, runs very combat-realistic games. But in his own homebrew (it's actually Pathfinder but good luck finding Pathfinder in there) so there's usually a way to get out of combat. My OH loves his games. Not my cup of tea but there're plenty of other GMs to choose from here :) On the dice-healing thing, that's less compatible with 5th than with 3rd IMO, but we're using slow-healing (actual rules in the DMG) which is blinkin' scary. Added to madness, we thought we were screwed but now we're out of the Underdark we're trying to stay out of trouble like real people and our GM's 'moaning' (in a sarcastic way) that he can't get heroes anymore XD

Another boardgame recommendation: Tales of the Arabian Nights. It's basically storytelling with weird shit happening.
Dawn: I'm only a fan of melodic metal really but know a lot about a few Russian bands!

Twitter: @keletkezes
Facebook: keletkezes
ВКонтакте: Dawn Hazle

Digital Dictator

Joined: Wed Sep 01, 2004 8:45 am
Posts: 11852
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 18, 2017 5:32 pm 

This video review is pretty good at showing just why Captain Sonar is so awesome:

MorbidBlood wrote:
So the winner is Destruction and Infernal Overkill is the motherfucking skullcrushing poserkilling satan-worshiping 666 FUCK YOU greatest german thrash record.

Metal Sloth

Joined: Sun Mar 04, 2012 5:55 pm
Posts: 3928
PostPosted: Wed Jul 19, 2017 12:37 pm 

Shut Up & Sit Down is so good.
Bigotry is a mental health issue.

Chaos Breed

Joined: Sat Feb 21, 2009 5:55 am
Posts: 11421
Location: Tyrn Gorthad
PostPosted: Wed Jul 19, 2017 1:43 pm 

More drama that I'll put in spoiler tags so that people who aren't interested can skip over it more easily:

Spoiler: show
The last couple of sessions switched back to the southern campaign, where I'm playing my wild magic sorcerer. After they had cleared out that cave full of dragon cultists, the party was tasked with following some of the cultists who were transporting some of their treasure from all of their pillaging a month's travel north to Waterdeep in a caravan. They played one session without me while I was traveling, and I joined for the second session.

Honestly it just wasn't that fun. There were a couple things that happened as our group traveled the road for a month, but nothing made sense. First we came across a golden deer on a hilltop, and the caravan leader who hired us as guards (our guise to follow the cultists who had joined the caravan with their wagons of treasure) ran off after it. Seemed like the definition of wild goose chase, so basically no one bit on that and he seemed annoyed that we wouldn't go running off after a deer just to kill it. Next, a silk merchant in the caravan opened one of his crates to find all of his expensive silks infested with moths, and when we tried to cheer him up and get him to come with us, the DM very clearly did everything in his power to try to railroad us into just leaving the guy behind. Finally, we came across a dead guy buried in the road with only his head exposed, and when we wanted to stop to dig him out to see what was up with it he had the caravan just keep going with no guards, again the DM ticked that we'd make a choice like this instead of doing what we were obviously supposed to do (then...why even put stuff like this in there?).

Anyway I got the feeling lots of people weren't really that pleased with the session, and a few days later the DM started messaging us separately to ask our opinions about the session and when basically everyone told him they weren't happy with how he railroaded us every time we wanted to do something, he got super defensive, cancelled the upcoming session, then on the sly replaced it with a one-shot with some totally different people but invited me for some reason. I felt kind of iffy about doing it because if the other regulars found out I was invited but they weren't it could lead to more drama, but just today the DM got in a big argument with one of the new guys via messenger because the guy was too busy to finish making his character sheet by the deadline of three days out from the session. The guy wound up dropping out, and the DM just cancelled again because he planned for three players, not two, and couldn't adjust the one-shot I guess. So maybe I dodged a bullet on that one.

Our next regular session isn't until August 12th, when we're planning a marathon session back with the main party to knock out the rest of the dwarven city ruins dungeon so that our two campaigns can finally come together in Waterdeep. Because I'm naive I'll cross my fingers and hope that everything's gravy, but the cynic in me knows that it will likely be less than satisfying, and this drama is likely due to just get worse. We'll see...

In other news, I actually just started DMing a simple game for an ESL class I teach twice a week for my boss's two kids. They're pretty young - 7 and 9 - so I plan on keeping things simple and light and will ease up on lots of RAW stuff because kids at that age don't really deal well with losing. Normally I'd be a bit harsher, since losing is a great teacher and all. But, boss's kids, and the girl especially is super sensitive so if her character died or something, I could imagine her throwing a serious enough tantrum that I might get in trouble, so yeah, she'll be doing a lot of winning. Still a good chance to get my feet wet with DMing - I've had fun building a little town and filling it with people, and getting some hooks and locations and monsters ready for them. Session zero is complete - the girl is a halfling beast master ranger with a wolf pet reskinned as a nine-tailed fox, and the boy is a bronze dragonborn champion fighter with some really dumb fist weapons the kid is obsessed with sketching that I've done up as reflavored warhammers. Gave them each a free feat and started them at level 3 so they feel nice and strong. Should be good times. Tomorrow, they jump in for real!
Nolan_B wrote:
I've been punched in the face maybe 3 times in the past 6 months

GLOAMING - death/doom | COMA VOID - black/doom/post-rock

Digital Dictator

Joined: Wed Sep 01, 2004 8:45 am
Posts: 11852
Location: In the Arena
PostPosted: Wed Jul 19, 2017 3:53 pm 

Oh my god your DM needs to fucking chill out.

Unfortunately due to scheduling conflicts, my group hasn't been able to schedule a session in almost a month, but my DM is the fuckin chillest dude ever compared to that guy. He made this fucking badass boss last session - basically we were traveling along when this crazy storm started coming out of nowhere, followed quickly by shitloads of zombies clawing their way up out of the mud. We were going up a narrow mountain pass above the zombies when our fuckin goliath grappler rolled a 1 on her athletics check to maintain her footing and tumbled down into the zombie-infested ravine, taking half the party with her. We smashed a bunch of weak zombies before realizing that, hey, more just kept coming, so we battled our way out and back up to the mountain pass. Only to find a huge undead ogre blocking our way. After an intense session (he flattened our grappler to 1/2 HP in one hit) we managed to take him out, and then heard some guy calling to us from a cave up ahead.

Turned out it was this badass undead hunter guy with a huge greatbow, who created a magical barrier at the cave entrance to prevent the zombies from following us in. This allowed us to rest and gave him a chance to explain what was going on. Apparently an evil necromancer was using her black magic on the holy stone at a nearby Temple of Storms, which was causing generations of dead to reform and rise from their graves as zombies. He was on his way to stop her, but the zombies were too numerous, so he suggested we join forces to take her down. He had a wood elf shadow monk apprentice, who also came along to help (this was a new player joining the campaign).

So, after a rest, we left the cave and fought through the zombies, following the undead hunter's directions, which soon led us to the temple. As we approached, the zombies stopped bothering us, instead marching toward the temple from all directions. We found the necromancer working her spells on the holy stone (basically a big stone cube with all sorts of inscriptions all over it) with a huge crowd of undead around her. She then slit her throat, the blood flowed out of her and made a big circle around her, burst into flame, and then the zombies all walked into it, liquefying into a big fleshy mush together with the necromancer's corpse and the holy stone. Then this giant fuckin hag demon multi-legged twisted monstrosity (the DM drew a really awesome picture) formed out of it all, with the holy stone inside, and commence AWESOME BOSS BATTLE. It was a few weeks ago so I can't remember all her attacks, but she did this huge banshee scream thing (save vs. fear) and had a bunch of multi-attacks. Finally we beat her HP down low enough and cut a hole in her big enough to expose the holy stone, which our grappler grabbed and suplexed out of her. As soon as it was separated from her body, she withered away and died.

The thing is, combat-wise, it wasn't a super hard encounter. Our DM had balanced it for four, but we had another player join, and with five players plus a few lucky rolls plus everyone constantly using all their best abilities and powers, we kind of kicked the crap out of the boss. But he didn't get salty or try to ass-pull some rule changes or anything and we all had a great time so who the fuck cares?? Out of our five players, two have never played an RPG before, and for one of those two it was the very first session, and generally being a controlling asshole and fucking with the rules would be a great way to turn them off of the hobby forever. Instead my DM was super cool and had the new chick come an hour early so he could help her create her character step-by-step (nothing creepy, his GF is also in the game) and basically helped her work out within the rules what she wanted to roleplay. No "deadlines" or "homework" or any of that crap.
MorbidBlood wrote:
So the winner is Destruction and Infernal Overkill is the motherfucking skullcrushing poserkilling satan-worshiping 666 FUCK YOU greatest german thrash record.

Slave to Santa

Joined: Sat Jun 21, 2008 5:00 pm
Posts: 12030
Location: Montréal
PostPosted: Wed Jul 19, 2017 4:40 pm 

Super interesting and fun session, failsafeman! Hags are super cool, I'd like to include one in my DM campaign. I did 1 session so far and it was fun but I'll talk about it later since it was more like a session 0 than a real session 1. I'll also DM the same quest I'm writing for 2 different groups since well, a lot of my friends wanted to play and I'm free this summer. 6 players in each. I plan to do some homebrew stuff for level 1 to 3 and perhaps run a module from Tales from the Yawning Portal after.

I played a session with my paladin dwarf Saturday, the first in about 3-4 weeks and it was great. We had 2 players missing so the daughter (12 yo) of our host (the bard) played her monk for the 2nd time. So we had 4 players. During the last session, we were on our way to Mirabar (the home city of my character) so the whole session was a lot about Solstron. My backstory included the tragic loss of his husband. His sickness and demise basically made Solstron a paladin of Moradin. BUT! The DM took that and made his last husband an undercover spy for the secret dwarf god Dumathoin. It was a rough revelation for my character and a lot of ropleplay took place. My high priest knew but couldn't tell me, stuff like that. I also got plate armor!

I'm joining another campaign since I'm a mad man (and my 2 main ones are twice a month, usually) and I'll be playing a halfling battlemaster spy. I'm joining a party at level 5 so I'm already pretty decent. I used point buy so. I've been playing magical characters so it will be fun to play one with maneuvers without any magic. I'll take the Medium Armor Master feat at level 6 since I've already made DEX high enough for a while so I'll be able to sneak without disadvantage with 20 of AC if I get half plate (+ shield.) Excited to play Erdal Weedamber (his looks are based on OpsiusCato, so he's a sneaky short mexican halfling)
STR 10
DEX 18
CON 14
INT 14
WIS 10
CHA 10
caspian about CHAIRTHROWER wrote:

Metantoine's Magickal Realm

Chaos Breed

Joined: Sat Feb 21, 2009 5:55 am
Posts: 11421
Location: Tyrn Gorthad
PostPosted: Wed Jul 19, 2017 10:38 pm 

Yeah failsy, that sounds awesome as hell. Really cool session design. I wanna play shit like that!

Oh, I told my DM about me doing the little game with my students, so he told me he wants me to DM the session following our next long one in which we'll either finish that dungeon or die trying. I have an idea I've been mulling over since yesterday that should be really fun to play with higher level characters that already know each other, thus removing the roadblock we've been having of not really gelling as a unit because everyone is trying to RP their characters as not really trusting the others. I'll get into more details once I've fleshed it out.
Nolan_B wrote:
I've been punched in the face maybe 3 times in the past 6 months

GLOAMING - death/doom | COMA VOID - black/doom/post-rock

Digital Dictator

Joined: Wed Sep 01, 2004 8:45 am
Posts: 11852
Location: In the Arena
PostPosted: Thu Jul 20, 2017 2:36 pm 

Yeah the whole "I don't trust that guy" thing gets old after a while. Our party works pretty well together, but my fighter and the ranger are kind of shady and sometimes go off on our own a bit and get up to questionably legal shenanigans we don't tell the others about. Also the ranger is SUPER racist against elves (as a half-elf bastard, the highborn elf side of his family disowned him and his adulterous mother), so basically every time we meet any group of NPCs, he asks the DM if any of them are elves, and the rest of us have to make sure he doesn't start rampaging :lol:
MorbidBlood wrote:
So the winner is Destruction and Infernal Overkill is the motherfucking skullcrushing poserkilling satan-worshiping 666 FUCK YOU greatest german thrash record.

Slave to Santa

Joined: Sat Jun 21, 2008 5:00 pm
Posts: 12030
Location: Montréal
PostPosted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 3:27 pm 

DMed my 2nd session last night (first session with encounters) and it was a lot fun. Combat heavy to show the players the ropes and even if my encounters were challenging, they managed to get through them. The 2nd encounter had harpies in 'em and they were fun to play. I managed to lure both the rogue and the wizard and knocked them unconscious. Good thing the rest of the party saved them. They saved this bronze dragon wyrmling from being captured and the cleric of Tyr who gave them this mission turned out to be the mother. She gave them a bunch of magic items as a reward. She'll also introduce the players to the Waterdeep temple of Tyr and this will connect the story.

My party is:
Aasimar (secret) paladin
Gnome rogue
Human wizard
Tiefling cleric
Human bard
Human fighter/will multiclass into warlock
caspian about CHAIRTHROWER wrote:

Metantoine's Magickal Realm

Metal newbie

Joined: Fri Feb 27, 2009 12:52 am
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 01, 2017 7:36 pm 

Hi All,

I am an avid board game geek as well as RPGer I have played a lot over the years. I recollect my first ever DnD 3rd Edition Character that was a female Barbarian with a Charisma of like 16 or 18 and an INT of like 9 or 10. She ended up being pretty effective in battle but not very bright. One point in the story one of the players was a druid and made a monster into a bunny rabbit, I then took the rabbit and pulled it apart killing it and seriously offending the druid character haha. I have always been a fan of dwarves since then and usually always end up making one who is either a Barbarian or Fighter. As of lately I haven't been able to find many steady DnD groups in New Hampshire/Massachusetts area. Are any of you in that area looking for players at all? I am looking forward to rolling dice again and using my imagination/brain compared to Diablo III!


Slave to Santa

Joined: Sat Jun 21, 2008 5:00 pm
Posts: 12030
Location: Montréal
PostPosted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 11:01 pm 

I'm DMing my first module ever (The Sunless Citadel from Tales from the Yawning Portal) and it's been pretty fun. We did 2 sessions so far and the final one will be epic. DMing is fun! I have 3 players (cleric, druid and barbarian) and I might add my tattoo artist for the next quest
caspian about CHAIRTHROWER wrote:

Metantoine's Magickal Realm

Chaos Breed

Joined: Sat Feb 21, 2009 5:55 am
Posts: 11421
Location: Tyrn Gorthad
PostPosted: Mon Aug 21, 2017 12:33 am 

Finally played another session after many cancellations and delays, this time going back to the party in the underground ruins where I play my half-orc barbarian. It was a marathon 8-hour session, as we really wanted to finish this dungeon and the quest line.

All in all it was super fun. We wrecked a whole shitload of cultists super easily, and I got to barbarian beastmode a bunch. In the final boss battle he severely wrecked their shit, standing there shrugging off monk blows left and right because of their halved damage while unloading triple frenzied rage reckless attacks into the boss. We killed her good and dead, shattered one of the cursed weapons of the Elemental Prophets upon the altar in the Fane of the Eye, and headed back to town. I got gifted with a magical greataxe that lets me cast Zephyr Strike once a day, which is pretty rad. There was also some great RP - after we killed the Water Cult Prophet and got his cursed trident, the dwarf cleric picked it up and became cursed by it, not wanting to give it up, and becoming insanely greedy for wealth and power. This played out later in the dungeon when we found two giants gambling over a tic-tac-toe game, which the dwarf joined. He managed to somehow lose to a giant, get outraged over his lost wager and attacked. After the battle was won, we managed to persuade him to drop the weapon, then he removed the curse from the weapon to drop the attunement, and we continued on with the weapon stowed safely away.

All in all a really fun session. Can't wait for the next one.
Nolan_B wrote:
I've been punched in the face maybe 3 times in the past 6 months

GLOAMING - death/doom | COMA VOID - black/doom/post-rock

Pounding the world with a fish of steel

Joined: Sat Apr 18, 2009 5:30 pm
Posts: 7750
Location: Pennsylvania
PostPosted: Mon Aug 21, 2017 10:44 am 

Started playing in an online 4e campaign called a "West Marches-style" campaign, where many players and several DMs all exist within the same story and place, but have sessions on different days and undertake different tasks, mostly decided by the players. Each time, your DM and your party might be very different from the previous session. This particular campaign takes place in the Forgotten Realms (which some people are sick of, but since I've never done D&D in an official campaign setting, it's all new to me~), where a bunch of crazy shit is going down in a town called Loudwater--monsters eating all the supplies, goblins and orcs raiding the fort, pure pandemonium.

For my character, I went with an old staple: my Human Warlock/Executioner hybrid, Malrissa. I've played her in the past because she was fun mechanically, but now, as she basically evolved in the main character of my (very slowly-progressing) novel, I decided it would be worthwhile to see how other peoples' characters would interact with her (to better inform my own story). I've had to tweak a few things to fit the setting, but her backstory is thus: At the age of 5, when she still retained her birth name, her hometown of Alderton was destroyed by a hulking, ferocious beast of some kind. It ripped and slashed through every living soul in the town, including Malrissa, whose throat was torn open and her left arm ripped/smashed off above the elbow. As she lay on the cobblestone street under the searing summer sun, she desperately prayed for someone--anyone--to save her, and her prayer was answered by Tenrahm, a greater devil in service to Dispater, Lord of the Second Hell. Closing her wounds, bestowing a new left arm made of solid shadow, and granting her the name "Malrissa," Tenrahm (or at least, a shard of his essence, because he's a busy man...devil) raises and trains Malrissa in the arts of dark magic and assassination, hoping to train her to become a useful tool for Dispater in this realm. Because her dark magic includes being able to inflict a curse of dread and despair upon those she speaks to, Malrissa is willfully mute and usually communicates through gesturing or with a scroll of parchment on her belt, enchanted to never run out of paper (useful out in the woods!). She can also conjure a longsword made of what appears to be obsidian glass at-will, to get around the possibility of her ever being defenseless.

Now 16 years old, Malrissa is sent by Tenrahm to the town of Loudwater to seek someone called Krellsbane (the other players were all looking for this dude, too), and to assist the people there in any way she can, because, "Lord Dispater believes the town with all of its, shall we say...troubles, could be a convenient flashpoint to entice that filth, Baalzebul, to enter and take over Toril. Lord Dispater wishes that world--that is to say, this world, I suppose--to be his own, but he is much too busy to entertain the notion at present, but Baalzebul is a great, worthless loafer who will, no doubt, seize the opportunity, and we can't let him have such nice things, now, can we?" This line of reasoning doesn't mean much to Malrissa (she just wants to see new places and travel the world, and in this case, help save the people of a town that might soon go the way of Alderton. While en route, Malrissa meets the other members of the party--the Tiefling Paladin, Lucien, the Human Bard, Turm, and the Dragonborn Fighter, Orto.

The group made it to Loudwater, but as they approached the gate, they saw several large bugs carrying an egg-like stone into the forest. When they went to investigate, they were swarmed by a dozen of the large bugs, and proceeded to fight their way through. But as more and more insects threatened to overtake them and escape seemed unlikely, a Dwarven soldier named Coleson appeared, driving the bugs away and allowing us all to flee to the fortress. Once inside, they learn that their contact, Krellsbane, as gone missing ever since the meteor shower that seemed to spark all of the unrest. The egg-like stone was apparently one of the stones that fell from the sky, and the insects are inexorably drawn to it. As the group rests for the night, their thoughts revolve around what mission they might undertake in the morning--goblin invaders who wear a strange symbol on their chests, the suspicious cathedral that the insects won't even approach, reports of potentially-dangerous hill giants to the north...if Malrissa wants to save the people of Loudwater (as well as be a good little tool and diminish the chances her boss's enemy, Baalzebul, will want to invade), she's got a lot on her plate.
I've written a fantasy novel. It's 145,000 157,586 184,899 186,581 words long!
It's also going to be the first part of a trilogy, and Part II is on the way!
Currently slacking off in my research on how the fuck self-publishing works.

Digital Dictator

Joined: Wed Sep 01, 2004 8:45 am
Posts: 11852
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 21, 2017 2:31 pm 

iamntbatman wrote:
All in all a really fun session. Can't wait for the next one.

Cool to hear that your DM has chilled out again. In your last post, it really seemed like the whole group was on the verge of breaking up.
MorbidBlood wrote:
So the winner is Destruction and Infernal Overkill is the motherfucking skullcrushing poserkilling satan-worshiping 666 FUCK YOU greatest german thrash record.

Chaos Breed

Joined: Sat Feb 21, 2009 5:55 am
Posts: 11421
Location: Tyrn Gorthad
PostPosted: Mon Aug 21, 2017 10:56 pm 

Yeah, I was really worried it was. I think the time off, getting back to more powerful characters in a more established campaign with a clear goal for the session and everyone on the same page starting out, all helped out. Plus we drank a lot, a guy ordered pizza for everyone, etc.
Nolan_B wrote:
I've been punched in the face maybe 3 times in the past 6 months

GLOAMING - death/doom | COMA VOID - black/doom/post-rock

Chaos Breed

Joined: Sat Feb 21, 2009 5:55 am
Posts: 11421
Location: Tyrn Gorthad
PostPosted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 12:22 pm 

Haha, well, despite the success of that last session, my group finally fell apart.

Spoiler: show
After the last session, the DM opened up a bunch of RP threads on our forum. There was one for the quest-giver NPC meeting all of us, giving us some rewards, talking together as a group, etc. Then he opened individual PC threads where NPC's approached us with threads about things we could do as leads. We were posting in there with some regularity, then Friday night (eight days out from the next scheduled session) out of nowhere the DM posts in our Facebook group that we have to postpone because we're all being uncommitted, lazy players taking him for granted and not getting our shit together to decide on a course of action early enough for him to plan something. There was absolutely no warning about there being any sort of time limit on choosing something - this just came completely out of the blue. Well, sort of. He'd brought up a bunch of times before to the group about being pumped about us finishing the dungeon because he had so much content for us to jump into after we'd finished. It just seemed totally ridiculous to me that he didn't actually have any of that shit fleshed out at all, expecting the RP and decision making to all happen online between sessions with no heads up that that's how he was running it. I mean, why sell us on all this supposed content but not allow us to actually talk together as an adventuring party at the table to decide where we wanna go?

I know it's a lot of hard work to do all this DM planning, but man. Then, to top it off, he wrote out some sarcastic bullshit about how we can play without postponing but someone else can DM, because they've got a full week to plan so it should be no problem (winky face!). Just completely passive aggressive bullshit. Then after that, people posted about how they were confused and didn't realize there was any urgency to choose where to go next and were surprised at his outburst. Then the DM sends messages to me and one other guy in the group that he's ending the campaign because he doesn't like the three other players and this is his excuse to passive aggressively kick them out without really kicking them out, and he's gonna bring in new blood. Note that all of us players like each other and get along fine, so me and the other player he messaged about this were both pretty grossed out by how underhanded and petty it was.

Anyway, basically all of us players made a new group without inviting the DM guy, and are working out logistics right now. We've gotta settle on trying to continue with our current PC's or make new ones (leaning toward the latter). We also need to find a venue, since a lot of us have rather tiny apartments. We're also trying to work out some ground rules about letting people (or the DM) control absent players' characters so we can keep playing scheduled sessions even when people are missing. Then there's the question of who's gonna DM - I think we might try to rotate DM's every session.

At some point, the old DM guy is gonna find out about this, and probably be a giant ass about it. Oh well...
Nolan_B wrote:
I've been punched in the face maybe 3 times in the past 6 months

GLOAMING - death/doom | COMA VOID - black/doom/post-rock

Metal Sloth

Joined: Sun Mar 04, 2012 5:55 pm
Posts: 3928
PostPosted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 4:28 pm 

iamntbatman wrote:
Anyway, basically all of us players made a new group without inviting the DM guy

ha! I was literally going to suggest this. If there isn't already a standing pact to not reply when he finds out, there should be.
Bigotry is a mental health issue.

Digital Dictator

Joined: Wed Sep 01, 2004 8:45 am
Posts: 11852
Location: In the Arena
PostPosted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 9:43 pm 

iamntbatman wrote:
Haha, well, despite the success of that last session, my group finally fell apart.

Spoiler: show
After the last session, the DM opened up a bunch of RP threads on our forum. There was one for the quest-giver NPC meeting all of us, giving us some rewards, talking together as a group, etc. Then he opened individual PC threads where NPC's approached us with threads about things we could do as leads. We were posting in there with some regularity, then Friday night (eight days out from the next scheduled session) out of nowhere the DM posts in our Facebook group that we have to postpone because we're all being uncommitted, lazy players taking him for granted and not getting our shit together to decide on a course of action early enough for him to plan something. There was absolutely no warning about there being any sort of time limit on choosing something - this just came completely out of the blue. Well, sort of. He'd brought up a bunch of times before to the group about being pumped about us finishing the dungeon because he had so much content for us to jump into after we'd finished. It just seemed totally ridiculous to me that he didn't actually have any of that shit fleshed out at all, expecting the RP and decision making to all happen online between sessions with no heads up that that's how he was running it. I mean, why sell us on all this supposed content but not allow us to actually talk together as an adventuring party at the table to decide where we wanna go?

I know it's a lot of hard work to do all this DM planning, but man. Then, to top it off, he wrote out some sarcastic bullshit about how we can play without postponing but someone else can DM, because they've got a full week to plan so it should be no problem (winky face!). Just completely passive aggressive bullshit. Then after that, people posted about how they were confused and didn't realize there was any urgency to choose where to go next and were surprised at his outburst. Then the DM sends messages to me and one other guy in the group that he's ending the campaign because he doesn't like the three other players and this is his excuse to passive aggressively kick them out without really kicking them out, and he's gonna bring in new blood. Note that all of us players like each other and get along fine, so me and the other player he messaged about this were both pretty grossed out by how underhanded and petty it was.

Anyway, basically all of us players made a new group without inviting the DM guy, and are working out logistics right now. We've gotta settle on trying to continue with our current PC's or make new ones (leaning toward the latter). We also need to find a venue, since a lot of us have rather tiny apartments. We're also trying to work out some ground rules about letting people (or the DM) control absent players' characters so we can keep playing scheduled sessions even when people are missing. Then there's the question of who's gonna DM - I think we might try to rotate DM's every session.

At some point, the old DM guy is gonna find out about this, and probably be a giant ass about it. Oh well...

Oh my god, classic example of a dude who takes a game way too seriously. Like holy crap, multiple RP threads on a forum going at the same time between sessions? Getting pissy when people aren't 110% all the time? Basically it sounds like he was trying way too hard and then got butthurt when everyone else wasn't going just as hard. Combined with his overly controlling nature and general unflexibility, that's a great recipe for a bad DM. Good riddance, I think.
MorbidBlood wrote:
So the winner is Destruction and Infernal Overkill is the motherfucking skullcrushing poserkilling satan-worshiping 666 FUCK YOU greatest german thrash record.

Chaos Breed

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 11:20 pm 

Yeah. We're hashing out stuff as I type. Sounds like the most experienced guy is going to start tossing together a homebrew level 1 adventure. Everyone will make a PC and we'll all be cool with letting other people control them as sort of background characters (pulling them out for particular skill checks, plus combat) whenever that person is in the DM chair or absent.
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 10, 2017 2:32 am 

Too bad they made beastmasters seriously underpowered in 5e.
CAAdhAcC wrote:
I like this music, which is good. but the dolphin did not want that. dolphin say no, they say: no for you.

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Chaos Breed

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 10, 2017 3:13 am 

Rosenthorn wrote:
Too bad they made beastmasters seriously underpowered in 5e.

Wrong thread? Actually the UA revisions to the ranger do a lot to make them stronger.
Nolan_B wrote:
I've been punched in the face maybe 3 times in the past 6 months

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 10, 2017 12:49 pm 

Rosenthorn wrote:
Too bad they made beastmasters seriously underpowered in 5e.

Post moved to the right thread. Please watch out :)

Yeah, the Beastmaster is awful. I've heard that the revised version isn't in the new Xanathar book either as they feel it's not ready...
caspian about CHAIRTHROWER wrote:

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 10, 2017 1:06 pm 

Haha I was joking, he was actually commenting on the photo thread post about someone being a beastmaster because of photos with animals.

That's lame about the revised ranger not being in there. It's definitely a huge step up from the PHB version and I don't see why they wouldn't include it. The only thing that really needs addressing, IMO, is how the spell-less ranger variant from one of the UA articles would work with the other UA ranger subclasses, since so far they only did hunter and beastmaster versions. I'd love to play a spell-less version of the Deep Stalker.
Nolan_B wrote:
I've been punched in the face maybe 3 times in the past 6 months

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 10, 2017 7:11 pm 

It's been a long time since WotC has handled the Beastmaster with any sort of care, as one of the worst things about 4e was that it, too, completely shat the bed when it came to the Beastmaster Ranger (and the Seeker, the Assassin, the Vampire, the Binder, the Cavalier, and the Blackguard). Your pet didn't scale with you at all, their recommended abilities were all garbage, and you couldn't attack with your beast simultaneously--you had to choose which one of you attacked in a turn--and what's the fuckin' point of being a pet class if you and your pet can't attack simultaneously?
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Chaos Breed

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 10, 2017 11:25 pm 

Yeah the 5e Revised Ranger is much better, especially for Beastmaster. Your pet loses the Multiattack feature, if it has it, but as you level and your proficiency goes up, you add that to your pet's AC and damage rolls. When you get ability score increases at level 4, 8, 12, 16 and 19, you can also distribute 2 points to your pet. It also gets HP and extra hit die just like a character would. It also gets your Favored Enemy bonuses (i.e. extra damage and better tracking vs. your favored enemies). Starting at level 5, if it can see you, it can use its reaction to attack an enemy if you attacked an enemy that turn (in addition to attacking on its own turn). At level 7 it gets advantage on all saving throws. Level 11, its attack action hits everything adjacent to it. At 15, it gets the rogue's uncanny dodge ability to halve attack damage against it.

So yeah, wayyy stronger. I actually think it's super fuckin' lame that they put that much effort into making Beastmaster viable with an update like that, but then they introduced the Artificer class, which has a robot beast pet, which literally does not scale in any way and becomes useless within a few levels of getting it, except as a scout or mount.
Nolan_B wrote:
I've been punched in the face maybe 3 times in the past 6 months

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 11, 2017 1:08 am 

Metantoine wrote:
Rosenthorn wrote:
Too bad they made beastmasters seriously underpowered in 5e.

Post moved to the right thread. Please watch out :)

Yeah, the Beastmaster is awful. I've heard that the revised version isn't in the new Xanathar book either as they feel it's not ready...

Yeah I was commenting on Jopno's comment about being a beastmaster in the picture. :lol: No worries though.

Truth be told, I'm thinking of making a beastmaster character when I get the chance. I actually enjoy playing traditionally "underpowered" characters in D&D, because it usually means you have to be more creative to get anything done with them. I made a character a while back that was a wood elf monk/fighter/cleric who dual wielded whips. I would run through enemies with my whips using various battlemaster maneuvers and spells to try and incapacitate as many of them as possible for my party to take on. My DM also let me use my whips to swing and hang on stuff, which I made tons of use of. My damage output was never anything significant though.
CAAdhAcC wrote:
I like this music, which is good. but the dolphin did not want that. dolphin say no, they say: no for you.

Obey the dolphin!

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 11, 2017 11:01 am 

iamntbatman wrote:
but then they introduced the Artificer class, which has a robot beast pet, which literally does not scale in any way and becomes useless within a few levels of getting it, except as a scout or mount.

WotC has a bad habit of stuff like this. Again, using 4e as an example, they introduced the Shaman as a healer, but it wasn't super impressive, so they gave Shamans a bunch of new ways to play, and they became pretty cool. And then they introduced Runepriests, who, while they're not bad at all, got absolutely nothing in terms of variety or feat support or any kind of errata, so Shamans get a lot of play with all these neat paths to go, and Runepriests have no variety except for which weapons they use.
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Chaos Breed

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 11, 2017 11:44 am 

Yeah, it's really random to be honest. The core classes and subclasses were mostly pretty well balanced, with the glaring exceptions being rangers generally and berserker barbarians (though that's more a problem with the game's exhaustion mechanic being extremely brutal, gimping this subclass pretty hard). Some of the UA stuff has been pretty solid, like the aforementioned ranger revamps being really solid (not to mention some cool and seemingly well-balanced other ranger subclasses). But then there's the really dull, weak Artificer, which is a quarter-caster like an Arcane Trickster or Eldritch Knight with a pretty random spell selection that doesn't really fit the theme. Go gunsmith and you get a gun that just slowly adds an equivalent of sneak attack die. Every round, shoot a guy, reload, forever. *Maybe* do one of those AoE shots they get as a later feature, but there's no choosing damage types or shot types or anything really. Then the Alchemist has a couple of potions it can chuck that slowly increase lamely in power, which take an action to throw and do literally nothing if the enemy saves. I played an Artificer for a session on roll20 and it was incredibly boring. "Uhhhh I guess I'll shoot and reload." Fun for RP, but dull as shit in combat.

Then the Mystic...man, I read into that class a bit and it's just ludicrous. A huge mess of options which don't make a whole lot of sense. It's pretty easy to build a character that is essentially invincible, or to build a thing that does these crazy psionic attacks with no attack roll and no save, just auto damage. Lame! No wonder lots of DM's apparently don't allow mystics in their games.

Right now I'm shopping for battle mats and dice...I think I might spring for some metal d20's.
Nolan_B wrote:
I've been punched in the face maybe 3 times in the past 6 months

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 11, 2017 11:53 am 

iamntbatman wrote:
But then there's the really dull, weak Artificer, which is a quarter-caster like an Arcane Trickster or Eldritch Knight with a pretty random spell selection that doesn't really fit the theme. Go gunsmith and you get a gun that just slowly adds an equivalent of sneak attack die. Every round, shoot a guy, reload, forever. *Maybe* do one of those AoE shots they get as a later feature, but there's no choosing damage types or shot types or anything really. Then the Alchemist has a couple of potions it can chuck that slowly increase lamely in power, which take an action to throw and do literally nothing if the enemy saves. I played an Artificer for a session on roll20 and it was incredibly boring. "Uhhhh I guess I'll shoot and reload." Fun for RP, but dull as shit in combat.

That really sucks. Artificers and Alchemists have some of the best creative attack possibilities (though the latter is just a theme in other editions), and having them be viable would've been excellent incentive for players to branch out and play the super-cool, weirdo classes. I don't wanna make another goddamn Wizard or Rogue, I want a fuckin' Warlock or an Alchemist, or a Ninja or a Pirate. I wanna be able to spend my entire career throwing acid flasks or pipe bombs or smoke grenades and not feel like a burden!

5e is so stripped-down that giving each class a few unique mechanics that make them viable--even if you have to make them relative copies of other mechanics--would do so much for player immersion. In 4e, it didn't matter than Rangers and Warlocks had almost identical extra damage features, because it meant both classes would be desirable in combat situations. Why should Sorcerers and Wizards enjoy premium status when much more interesting and flavorful classes like the Artificer get screwed?

(Also, come the fuck on. At least give Artificers cool bullets to shoot, like the main character from Outlaw Star who's got all kinds of fucked-up shit he can fire from his magic gun. Boom! Instant black hole! Boom! A portable firestorm! Boom! Instant swamp!)
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 11, 2017 12:39 pm 

Yeah, they get nothing like that. It's a gun that shoots bullets, and you can add scaling thunder damage as d6's. All the way at level 9 they can do a thunder damage cone that's only 15 feet, and only does 2d6 with a 10 foot pushback on a failed save. If they make the save they don't even take damage. So it's basically just an even shittier version of a level 1 Thunder Wave. At level 14 they can shoot a gimpy 30 foot lightning bolt that does 4d6 on a failed save and nothing on a passed one. At level 17 they get a 30-foot radius sphere mortar shell that's a shittier fireball that does 4d8 only if they fail. So, tons of rounds of shooting one bullet from a gun and hoping it hits, otherwise nothing, or using an AoE and hoping they don't all save for literally no damage. And a robot pet that doesn't scale.

The alchemist suuuucks. Basically they can choose 3 to start and eventually get all 7:
1) Alchemist's fire - 5 foot radius that's scaling 1d6 (up to 7d6 @ 19!!!) vs dex. No damage on save. 30 foot range. Can't be hoarded - gotta pull it out and immediately throw.
2) Acid - Literally the same with no AoE and scales slightly faster, up to 10d6
3) Heal - Definitely the only good one. Heals 1d8, scaling up to 10d8 @ 19. Each creature can only use it once/day. It exists for an hour, but only one can exist at a time. An action to pull out and an action to use.
4) Smoke stick - What it sounds like. Makes smoke in a small radius.
5) Swift Step - Bonus action to pull out, action to drink, increases speed by 20 feet. Vial exists for a minute and has a 1 minute cooldown.
6) Tanglefoot Bag - make a five foot square of difficult terrain. Chuck it 30 feet, has a 1 minute cooldown.
7) Thunderstone - Chuck a rock 30 feet. 10 foot radius prone and pushback vs. con save. No damage.

That's literally all it can do. The heal is kinda strong especially as it scales, but is only 1/day per creature and you can only kit out one party member with it before a tough fight. The damage ones are basically slightly beefier cantrips with worse range. The control ones are super weak, maybe except the Thunderstone but even that one is meh. Tons of rounds spend hurling shit to no effect.
Nolan_B wrote:
I've been punched in the face maybe 3 times in the past 6 months

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 11, 2017 12:59 pm 

No damage on save with area spells is pretty stupid. So like, just because I puffed out my chest enough, the chemically-optimized fireball of death doesn't phase me at all? Bitch plz.
I've written a fantasy novel. It's 145,000 157,586 184,899 186,581 words long!
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 11, 2017 8:44 pm 

Well keep in mind those are all still "beta testing" and WotC is explicitly taking feedback into account. I'm sure the Mystic will be nerfed and the Artificer and Alchemist will be buffed.

In other news, I'm a little bummed I picked a fighter for my campaign - it's a fine class, but (as you might imagine) basically everything about it revolves around fighting. My DM on the other hand isn't super combat-centric, and when he does have combat, it's usually not super challenging. We do a lot of out-of-combat stuff and a more versatile class would be more useful; I have proficiency in Intimidation so I'm not totally useless, but access to a few spells or Thief type stuff would be way more helpful. I might take some Feats or something to vary things up a bit.
MorbidBlood wrote:
So the winner is Destruction and Infernal Overkill is the motherfucking skullcrushing poserkilling satan-worshiping 666 FUCK YOU greatest german thrash record.

Chaos Breed

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 11, 2017 11:30 pm 

Yeah, if your DM is heavy into storytelling and actually RPing out the NPC's, there are a lot of overlooked feats that can really be cool. For example, the ranger on Critical Role knows something like five languages and has the Observant feat, which she's used to read lips across rooms at council meetings or parties or whatever a fair few times.

Something cool my new DM is doing: he's adding some homebrew languages, and allowing us to hold off on selecting languages for our language proficiencies until we encounter them. He's also letting us have a basic grasp in additional languages equal to our intelligence mod. Basically he just wants to allow for different tribes or nations or whatever to have their own languages rather than just all the big human-oriented cities speaking Common. Seems like a neat addition, plus it'll let me get more out of being able to cast Comprehend Languages as a ritual.
Nolan_B wrote:
I've been punched in the face maybe 3 times in the past 6 months

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 11, 2017 11:38 pm 

4e had a neat combo for characters who wanted to learn lots of languages--the Scholar theme allowed you to learn additional languages as you leveled up, and at level 10, you knew all of them (except Supernal, the language of the immortals). You could then take the feat Traveler's Insight, which gave you a bonus to Insight checks equal to the number of languages you knew. Suddenly, you're a goddamn Babelfish and nobody in the multiverse could lie to you or withhold info without you knowing, your Insight checks were just that obscene.

It also came with a nifty ability where, once per fight, successful knowledge checks against an enemy gave you bonuses to hit and defenses against them, with failed checks doing the opposite. It was cool to be the bestiary every once in a while.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 11, 2017 11:51 pm 

I swear to Gygax, next time you talk about 4e, I'll go punch a baby!

The fighter is really neat for well, uh, fights... but yeah, I agree it's not a very good class outside of encounters. You need to pick some specific skills to help him be good in the roleplay situations. My halfling battlemaster I've made for Adventurer's League has 14 in both CHA and WIS since I do plan on multiclassing with him (cleric, most likely). Compared to bards, sorcerers, paladins or clerics, fighters just aren't super interesting in social gatherings if you built them in a generic way.
caspian about CHAIRTHROWER wrote:

Metantoine's Magickal Realm

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 11, 2017 11:59 pm 

Wisdom or Dexterity are always good secondary stats for Fighters. Then you can either help the Rogue out with sneakery or be good at spotting things, whether they be nature things like food or abstract things like lies.
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 12, 2017 1:05 am 

Zelkiiro wrote:
Wisdom or Dexterity are always good secondary stats for Fighters. Then you can either help the Rogue out with sneakery or be good at spotting things, whether they be nature things like food or abstract things like lies.

Oh yeah, my halfling has 8 of STR but really high DEX. Rapier + Shield and proficient in stealth. He's basically a spy. I love the maneuvers as a battlemaster. Riposte is great, if an enemy misses you, you get a free attack and add 1d8 of extra damage.
caspian about CHAIRTHROWER wrote:

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 12, 2017 1:24 am 

Yeah, sadly DEX is mostly more useful than STR. STR saves are rare, and you can get high AC with good dex and armor. DEX saves are really common, it adds to initiative, it's needed for ranged weapons and way more skills than STR. You need STR to grapple stuff, but if you don't do that often, you can use Acrobatics to break grapples anyway, and I think many cases where the DM would called for an Athletics check you could make the case for Acrobatics instead. So overall, DEX is a much more valuable stat in 5E than STR. Though, you need STR for grapplers or for martial classes aiming for 2h weapons and feats like Polearm Master or Great Weapon Master, which can make for super powerful builds as well.
Nolan_B wrote:
I've been punched in the face maybe 3 times in the past 6 months

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 12, 2017 3:20 pm 

See, I'm against that kind of video game thinking in general. When I came up with my character, I thought of who I wanted to play, not what stats were best and whatnot. D&D has never been perfectly balanced, some stats have always been better than others, and that's fine. Go for a cool character theme, not a super powerful build.
MorbidBlood wrote:
So the winner is Destruction and Infernal Overkill is the motherfucking skullcrushing poserkilling satan-worshiping 666 FUCK YOU greatest german thrash record.

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