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Clerical Sturmgeschütz

Joined: Sun Jan 08, 2006 2:06 pm
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 2:46 am 

Watched Hellraiser with some friends. Very entertaining. I'm downloading the sequel now.
and we are born
from the same womb
and hewn from
the same stone - Primordial, "Heathen Tribes"

Man of the Cloth

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 5:19 am 

The Yakuza: Sydney Pollack's take on Japan and the yakuza. Pays special attention their honor system as well as the post-world war II shift into a more westernized society. Quality Pollack as usual and Mitchum is great as well. Everything is a bit subdued, emotionally, but that goes with the society the film describes.

The Killing of a Chinese Bookie: Cassavetes's later director's cut which in this case means the more cut version. Focuses on an indebted nightclub owner who gets forced into doing a bit of wetwork for the gangsters he is indebted to. Most of the film actually focuses on the lewd, musical acts of his nightclub and his running of it - And perhaps the meaninglessness of his life and how he tries to hide it from everyone. He is the kind of guy, though, who always does what has to be done. Very slow with not a lot of anything going on.

The Eclipse: An Irish film marketed as horror, but it was really a rather small part of it; more of a catalyst and plot device for the change in this slice of life piece. Ciaran Hinds is a wanna-be-author-turned teacher who has recently lost his wife. He starts to see visions of dead people when a book festival comes to town and he meets a female author and they take a mutual liking to each other. There are complications, naturally, but they're fairly nicely done i.e. there are no contrived misunderstandings or people being coy about how they feel. It feels... realistic. It's a slow movie with not much happening. Perhaps even a romantic one, but charming nonetheless with touching moments and an endearing story. Very nice to see Ciaran Hinds in a more sympathetic role as opposed to the usual bad guy/stoic help parts he gets.

Waitress: From the side of my eye while doing more important stuff. Awful, contrived crap. She's a poor, innocent victim and everyone's just mean to her. Except in the end they're all nice really, except for the douchebag of a husband. Let me re-iterate: Contrived, hollywoodian crap. Even the pies.

10 Rillington Place: Based on real events and while that statement usually just makes one chuckle, in this 70s film, it makes it all the more chilling. Especially when combined with Attenborough's marvelous acting. His Mr. Christie is a proper, unnerving creep. Normal enough superficially, sure, but there's that something that you can't put your finger to. But hey, he's got a wife and he's normal enough. Something in this movie just doesn't let you go.


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PostPosted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 6:54 am 

Saw Sinister ...didnt really care for it. A lot of it felt generic, with some PA type scares. The demon's story was good, but still been done before. And the R rating...eh, I think it couldve been PG-13
Spoiler: show
the most graphic thing was two people that were tied up getting their throats slit, but it looked like makeup, and the other time it was faded away. Other than that, you see they people being hanged. More disturbing than graphic.

It wasnt bad, just not something I think ill watch again.

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 12:38 pm 

cutters way

Last edited by rbrnflms on Mon Nov 12, 2012 5:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Joined: Wed Dec 06, 2006 8:36 pm
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 6:45 pm 

Damn, lots of reviews are calling Skyfall the best James Bond movie ever. How can this be possible! Frankly, I can't fucking wait. Been a huge 007 fan since I was a wee kid.


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PostPosted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 7:44 pm 

Razakel wrote:
How can this be possible!

A reasonable question considering that hack John Logan is helming the project. Rango was pretty good, though. Maybe lighting will strike twice.
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President Satan

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 9:06 pm 

Hack? More like schizophrenic. How could someone write Star Trek Nemesis and Rango? That's opposite ends of the universe.

~Guest 132892

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 9:25 pm 

Razakel wrote:
Damn, lots of reviews are calling Skyfall the best James Bond movie ever. How can this be possible! Frankly, I can't fucking wait. Been a huge 007 fan since I was a wee kid.

I haven't seen it yet... but... Really? The last James Bond seemed like a CGI-fest to me.


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PostPosted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 9:39 pm 

Yeah, Quantum of Solace sucked, but it seems they're taking this in a new direction. It's a stand alone movie unlike how Quantum was a direct sequel to Casino Royale (retarded move for a James Bond movie). I can see Javier Bardem making an awesome villain; he seems like he was born to play a Bond villain.

The Hypercube

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 10:24 pm 

Saw Sinister this weekend as well and was slightly surprised by it.

First things first, it's horribly predictable. It has an awful "twist" that my sister and I figured out within literally thirty minutes of the movie, and horror buffs will undoubtedly compete to see who can figure out exactly how it ends and what will befall the characters first.

But, the story was actually enjoyable, the occult elements and criminology were excellently combined, and the descent into madness was done with a really good sense of pace, and the jump scares are evenly placed out among genuinely tense situations.

Honestly, the "death scenes" in the movie were freakish, the Super 8 film only made them feel more authentic and intense. They had that eerie grainy feel of bizarro-third-world-internet videos you can find of people dying (which, I never watch) and the lack of any sound to the scenes was phenomenal. There were genuinely disturbing images, and one scene was just brilliant:

Spoiler: show
the lawnmower scene?! Holy balls. That was nuts

The dynamic between the family was a little stilted, and sometimes the husband and wife's relationship comes off as completely phony and overly dramatic. And Ethan Hawke's character makes some of the most inane and annoying decisions ever (TURN ON A LIGHT, YOU DOLT), or justifying his own actions through monetary ends (the whole "he's lost his focus and his original principles!) and blah blah blah. But, the actual drama ain't what we're here for, but how he spirals out of control and into the maw of insanity! Which done really awesomely.

But, on the more technical end, it was shot really interestingly, lots of close-ups, and the lighting was fairly interesting. A lot of black levels, and interplay with movement (i.e the sheet the projector pointed to, the blinds in the windows) and the whole feel was claustrophobic. Ethan Hawke was absolutely dynamite, and really does the whole paranoid maddening writer extremely well. Finally, the soundtrack was FUCKING INCREDIBLE. It was honestly one of the best horror movie soundtracks I've ever heard, Chris Young combined noise/ambient/electronic music in another level. Just perfect for the movie, and contextualized the violence and horror excellently.

So, overall, it was about a 7/10 but there are amazing 10/10 horror movie scenes.

Worth seeing for the context of the music alone. And to help out Ethan Hawke :p
hats prices are at an all time low

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║░▒║with this blade
║░▒║i cut those who
║░▒║Carly Rae Jepsen

The Final Frontier

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 10:49 pm 

Huh, well I was on the fence about that one a bit but it sounds like it may really be worth my money. I'll go see it sometime.

The Tall Man - 3.25/5

I went into this expecting a horror movie and came out with something entirely different and way off base from what I expected, as this is more of a slow-burning thriller with some light social themes about living conditions in poor places and especially for little kids. There's a lot of grey-area morality in this movie which, to be fair, is pretty well done, as you're not 100% sure who to condemn and who to root for, as by the end both sides do have their points. But overall there are too many faux-shocking plot twists and turns that just muddle the point the movie is making. If it were done by a more capable director, perhaps this would've been really stirring, but as is, it's just a curiosity.
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Kite String Popper

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 11:00 pm 

When I first heard of that movie Emp, I thought it was somehow related to Phantasm. I was disappointed to find out otherwise.
I'm moderately interested in Sinister now that it has my homeboy's seal of approval. Also, Frog, when you say your sister, do you mean your sister, or ''your sistah''?
theposaga about a Moonblood rehearsal wrote:
So good. Makes me want to break up with my girlfriend, quit my job and never move out of my parents house. Just totally destroy my life for Satan.


Kite String Popper

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 11:07 pm 

I watched a LOT of movies recently. Here goes.
Detroit Rock City: This movie was pretty awesome. 4 teenagers will do anything to see their favourite band (guess which band). Straightforward enough, but they have so much fun with it. Some suspension of disbelief is required for some of the gags (like feeding a priest magic mushrooms) but it's easy to just go along for the ride. I like how it branches out into four stories for the kids (each one of which delivers a good performance) and how over the top one of the mothers is about that devil music. See it if you somehow haven't.

Jeff Who Lives At Home: I wasn't expecting to like this very much. I used to like Jason Segel well enough but, having been forced to sit through episodes of that horrible show How I Met Your Mother with an ex girlfriend, I've sort of fallen out of love. This movie is quite short, and not a lot actually happens, but it all builds towards a finale which I found simultaneously fitting and disappointing. Segel is great in a more understated role than usual. Every character is going through a different existential crisis. It's interesting but I felt it was too short to fully invest in the characters. It's still a pretty funny movie though, some Segel moments in particular. See it if you want to see a more indie type movies and aren't super excited about something else.

The Sitter: This movie looked horrible. I watched it mostly because I'd run out of modern comedies and I'm one of those people who find Jonah Hill funny (face it, the man can ad lib). The fact that it was directed by the guy who made Pinneaple Express didn't hurt either. While it wasn't terrible per se, it's definitely the weakest movie Hill has been in so far. A lot of the jokes fell flat and I just couldn't possibly bring myself to care about the kids. It had some pacing issues too. Most of the things that made me laugh came from Sam Rockwell, the movies saving grace.

Ghostbusters: Yeah, yeah, I know. I probably saw this as a kid and saw parts here and there when it was on tv, but I never sat down and saw it front to back. I liked it, but I wouldn't list it as THE NUMBER ONE COMEDY OF ALL TIME. The humour is subtle and some of the jokes are understated. It's a charming movie and Bill Murray plays a loveable dirtbag better than anyone else I can think of. I was surprised to see how mature it was, as I thought it was geared towards children. All in all, very quotable film. If someone asks you if you're a god, you say yes!

Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol: This movie was awesome. Tom Cruise is absolutely insane for actually doing the stunt where he climbs the tallest building in the world. That scene was so tense, it had my palms sweating. I was really glad that the action wasn't the quick cut bullshit we see in a lot of modern action movies and was actually well shot and interesting. The story was so-so, and it's kind of disappointing that we didn't get a compelling villain this time around, but the pacing was good, the gadgets were awesome, and asses were kicked. Also Tom Cruise drops a hundred feet in a car onto concrete to stop a dude from nuking the US.

Anvil! The Story of Anvil: Simply put, this was the best music documentary I've seen. The relationships were compelling, real, and raw. You really get a sense of everything they've put into the band, their sheer dedication through the years for nothing but modest success. They made good music and they were handed a raw deal. Through bad timing and less than ideal record deals. Funny, sad, interesting. See it.

Three O'Clock High: This was added to my definitive high school movies list almost instantly. A do good kid accidentally offends the most intense bully ever (seriously, this guy knocks out a teacher with one punch just cause the guy touches him, damn man, how is he not in prison?) and the bully challenges him to a fight at 3 o'clock. What follows is the kid's day. Trying to get out of it, trying to escape, trying to pay another bully to fight for him, and three chicks being into him despite him being average in every way (fuck yeah, underdog). It's all very painful and hilarious to watch.
theposaga about a Moonblood rehearsal wrote:
So good. Makes me want to break up with my girlfriend, quit my job and never move out of my parents house. Just totally destroy my life for Satan.


Last edited by Necroticism174 on Mon Oct 15, 2012 11:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The Final Frontier

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 11:14 pm 

Just watched Candyman one last time (for a blog review), maybe thinking I overstated its worthlessness the last time, but nope. Fuuuuuck that shit. I really can't comprehend people actually getting anything from this crap. The Friday the 13th movies had more atmosphere and substance.
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Joined: Wed Dec 06, 2006 8:36 pm
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 1:22 am 

Necroticism174 wrote:
Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol: This movie was awesome. Tom Cruise is absolutely insane for actually doing the stunt where he climbs the tallest building in the world. That scene was so tense, it had my palms sweating. I was really glad that the action wasn't the quick cut bullshit we see in a lot of modern action movies and was actually well shot and interesting. The story was so-so, and it's kind of disappointing that we didn't get a compelling villain this time around, but the pacing was good, the gadgets were awesome, and asses were kicked. Also Tom Cruise drops a hundred feet in a car onto concrete to stop a dude from nuking the US.

I thought this movie sucked ass. I wasn't expecting much going in, but god damn, do they have to make action movies so utterly ludicrous these days? Every action sequence (ie every scene) just ended up escalating into something ridiculous beyond belief. I guess that's part of the appeal of the series, but I just couldn't follow it at all. Can't even remember what the hell the movie was even about.

I'm totally with you on The Story of Anvil, though. Probably the best music documentary I've seen, too.

Kite String Popper

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 1:43 am 

You know, I can completely understand where you're coming from, and it's a valid criticism. But the fact is I enjoy well made balls out action movies and it's been a while since one has been released that was this well shot and exciting. You actually got to SEE what happened (seriously, fuck that quick cut shit where you can barely follow anything, it's lazy.) As for Anvil, it's the best but a close second is that Rush documentary.
theposaga about a Moonblood rehearsal wrote:
So good. Makes me want to break up with my girlfriend, quit my job and never move out of my parents house. Just totally destroy my life for Satan.


Southern Freeze

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 2:00 am 


this was soo much better than the first one,full on sickness the hole way through 7/10
human centepeid 3 is supposed to have 500 people ,bit ridiculouse


not laugosi's best,but not bad


pretty good,not amazing but good


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PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 2:48 am 

Necroticism174 wrote:
As for Anvil, it's the best but a close second is that Rush documentary.

Personally, I'd have to say I like the Rush one more actually, but that's only because I'm a ridiculous Rush geek. I think the Anvil movie is more remarkable, though, since it really captures a whole story of the band (the documentary almost ends up having a plot) and it's so entertaining to watch.

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 8:17 pm 

The House of Long Shadows. The movie itself is okay. Just a murder mystery basically but the cast was fucking amazing. Vincent Price, Christopher Lee, John Carradine, and Peter Cushing. I was having a nerdgasm(the first and last time I will ever use this word) throughout the whole movie. If only Paul Naschy could have been there it would have been perfect.

Worse than Stalin

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 1:58 am 

Corey Taylor and his Haunted Super 8 (aka Sinister): Very surprisingly underwhelming. I'm not sure why, but I was expecting a ton out of this one, and it fell totally flat. To its credit, the movie leaves nothing unexplained, but that's because it explains everything in the first twenty minutes. The foreshadowing was really clumsily handled, and after twenty or thirty minutes the film basically just meanders around, acting as its own checklist, just ticking the boxes that it laid out for itself while I just sat there unimpressed. I can't even really rant at length about it. The atmosphere didn't work, tension didn't build, it was really just a few cheap jump scares and loud orchestral hits when something pops out. Very disappointed. Also lightswitches don't exist in this universe and whenever Ethan Hawke was setting up the Super 8 it used the same action shots of him putting the reels in place and such and all I could think of was Hot Fuzz.

One question though, why the hell was this rated R? There's no nudity or sex, very little blood or gore (apart from
Spoiler: show
the bloody hallway at the end or the people getting their throats cut, but that was cut away and clearly just makeup
), and there isn't even any coarse language apart from one argument where they say "shit" a few times, but that's all. Was it really just because of the occult themes? Is this the fucking '50s?
Lair of the Bastard: LATEST REVIEW: In Flames - Foregone
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niix wrote:
the reason your grandmother has all those plastic sheets on her furniture is because she is probably a squirter

Last edited by BastardHead on Wed Oct 17, 2012 2:15 am, edited 1 time in total.

Joined: Mon Jan 03, 2005 3:37 am
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 7:32 am 

BastardHead wrote:
Corey Taylor and his Haunted Super 8 (aka Sinister): Very surprisingly underwhelming. I'm not sure why, but I was expecting a ton out of this one, and it fell totally flat. To its credit, the movie leaves nothing unexplained, but that's because it explains everything in the first twenty minutes. The foreshadowing was really clumsily handled, and after twenty or thirty minutes the film basically just meanders around, acting as its own checklist, just ticking the boxes that it laid out for itself while I just sat there unimpressed. I can't even really rant at length about it. The atmosphere didn't work, tension didn't build, it was really just a few cheap jump scares and loud orchestral hits when something pops out. Very disappointed. Also lightswitches don't exist in this universe and whenever Ethan Hawke was setting up the Super 8 it used the same action shots of him putting the reels in place and such and all I could think of was Hot Fuzz.

One question though, why the hell was this rated R? There's no nudity or sex, very little blood or gore (apart from
Spoiler: show
the bloody hallway at the end or the people getting their throats cut, but that was cut away and clearly just makeup
), and there isn't even any coarse language apart from one argument where they say "shit" a few times, but that's all. Was it really just because of the occult themes? Is this the fucking '50s?

Well, I think the majority has to do with the Super 8 footage "disturbing images". Are You Afraid of the Dark was similar like that.


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PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 7:49 am 

I just read about the Paranormal Activity 4 ending and....I dont see how it can be filmed like it has in the previous ones. A brief summary:
Spoiler: show
Possessed Katie is chasing the girl around the house. The girl jumps out a window, sees the kid staring past her. She turns around and theres a HUGE(as I read it, "looks like hundreds") coven of witches behind her. Then it ends with katie attacking her.

Kite String Popper

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 4:23 pm 

I met somebody who liked MacGruber today. He tried to tell me his opinion on comedies was more valid than mine.
I think that if I had facepalmed harder, I might have caused some serious damage.
theposaga about a Moonblood rehearsal wrote:
So good. Makes me want to break up with my girlfriend, quit my job and never move out of my parents house. Just totally destroy my life for Satan.



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PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 4:54 pm 

Pot, meet kettle.
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 4:56 pm 

MacGruber the movie is pure garbage, that is true. It's painfully obvious that no one had a clue how to really adapt the "source material" into a feature length movie. Nor did anyone try. Nor was the sheer concept ever a good idea. I think there's not a single even remotely funny gag in there. It's embarrassing to watch.

I like the original sketches, though.
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Kite String Popper

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 5:04 pm 

Go watch an ''art film'' darkeningday. Pretty much, Azmodes. It was truly painful to watch and I rank it amongst the worst movies I've ever seen.
theposaga about a Moonblood rehearsal wrote:
So good. Makes me want to break up with my girlfriend, quit my job and never move out of my parents house. Just totally destroy my life for Satan.



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PostPosted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 11:48 pm 

Empyreal wrote:
Just watched Candyman one last time (for a blog review), maybe thinking I overstated its worthlessness the last time, but nope. Fuuuuuck that shit. I really can't comprehend people actually getting anything from this crap. The Friday the 13th movies had more atmosphere and substance.

The film was an original take for its day, granted with some inconsistencies. Different villain, different setting, its own rules to govern, memorable score, some atmosphere and gore to shock overtop a slasher-esque format. Not much more, not much less outside of tapping into horror themes. I'd still say it was one of the more effective of its genre in '92 for stirring up the senses. Honestly, don't see how it warrants that kind of vitriol or how any more would put that into light. It seems somewhere in the exaggerated tone you lost perspective on this one, man. Like in an overcritical, personal tirade kind of way.

The Final Frontier

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 4:26 pm 

Byrgan wrote:
Empyreal wrote:
Just watched Candyman one last time (for a blog review), maybe thinking I overstated its worthlessness the last time, but nope. Fuuuuuck that shit. I really can't comprehend people actually getting anything from this crap. The Friday the 13th movies had more atmosphere and substance.

The film was an original take for its day, granted with some inconsistencies. Different villain, different setting, its own rules to govern, memorable score, some atmosphere and gore to shock overtop a slasher-esque format. Not much more, not much less outside of tapping into horror themes. I'd still say it was one of the more effective of its genre in '92 for stirring up the senses. Honestly, don't see how it warrants that kind of vitriol or how any more would put that into light. It seems somewhere in the exaggerated tone you lost perspective on this one, man. Like in an overcritical, personal tirade kind of way.

Most of the review was a normal review for me. The two things that make it worse are the wasted potential of the opening sequence as the film degenerates into something quite one dimensional and poorly done, and two, simply the awful overly serious, self-important tone the film has - it thinks it is so much better than your usual horror movie when all it does is the usual Clive Barker formula (despite not being directed by him) of gratuitous gore and pretentious deep-voiced monologues from really boring killers. That shit sucks.

The early 90s had other great horror movies though, albeit more of a psychological stripe...Jacob's Ladder and In the Mouth of Madness spring to mind.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 12:39 am 

http://www.rottentomatoes.com/guides/be ... 12_update/
This makes me wonder...why is it that all the most critically-acclaimed horror movies are about as scary as a wet sock?

The only genuinely creepy, atmospheric movies in that entire list are The Shining and The Exorcist, and they're obvious as obvious can be. No Paranormal Activity? The Innkeepers? The Changeling? The Legend of Hell House? Insidious? Pet Sematary? The Haunting?

Jesus Christ, people!
I've written a fantasy novel. It's 145,000 157,586 184,899 words long!
It's also going to be the first part of a trilogy!
Currently seeking an agent willing to touch this massive doorstop.

Last edited by Zelkiiro on Sat Oct 20, 2012 12:50 am, edited 2 times in total.
Metal freak

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 12:42 am 

Zelkiiro wrote:
This makes me wonder...why is it that all the most critically-acclaimed horror movies are about as scary as a wet sock?

I remember watching Near Dark with my brother-in-law and sister and it was a super campy, horror-themed b-movie. The "horror / vampire" aspect was implied. More like a semi-serious movie about douchebags that wanted to kill. What an atrocious list.
gomorro wrote:
Yesterday was the birthday of school pal and I met the chick of my sigh (I've talked about here before, the she-wolf I use to be inlove with)... Maaan she was using a mini-skirt too damn insane... Dude you could saw her entire soul every time she sit...

~Guest 171512

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 1:08 am 

The Shawshank Redemption. I finally saw this movie today, and it was excellent. It wasn't quite how I expected it to be (not sure what I really expected, mind you), but it deserves its acclaim. I'm sure everyone's already seen it, so there's no need to analyze it in depth. I'm just glad I saw it.

Full Metal Jacket. ... I don't understand the praise for this movie. The first part was entertaining, sure, but it really dropped off after that. I just... didn't care what happened to any of the characters, and I got the feeling that Stanley Kubrick thought he was way cleverer than he actually was. It's worth watching once, but I doubt I'll ever want to see it again.

Prometheus. Didn't see it in theaters (although I wanted to), so as soon as it came out on Blu Ray I bought it. I know a lot of people didn't like this movie, but I enjoyed it. I didn't go into it with any preconceived notions on what I thought it should be, so as to avoid disappointment, and I think that's the right way to approach this movie. I will say that I didn't expect it to be as horror-oriented as it was. This is neither praise nor criticism; just an observation. Actually, this movie didn't provoke any strong reaction from me one way or the other, which might be its biggest flaw. I liked it, but I wasn't amazed. *shrug*

Worse than Stalin

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 1:41 am 

Thiestru wrote:
Full Metal Jacket. ... I don't understand the praise for this movie. The first part was entertaining, sure, but it really dropped off after that. I just... didn't care what happened to any of the characters, and I got the feeling that Stanley Kubrick thought he was way cleverer than he actually was. It's worth watching once, but I doubt I'll ever want to see it again.

If you ask me, the first 45 minutes is one of the best short films ever made, but after boot camp it's really dull and the message doesn't resonate as strongly as I feel like it should. I mean, it isn't actively bad or anything, it's just kinda boring. That first half though, woo man I've seen that like a bazillion times.
Lair of the Bastard: LATEST REVIEW: In Flames - Foregone
The Outer RIM - Uatism: The dogs bark in street slang
niix wrote:
the reason your grandmother has all those plastic sheets on her furniture is because she is probably a squirter


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PostPosted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 1:50 am 

Agreed completely. As much as I love Kubrick, his films always start so much better than they finish...
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 11:23 am 

Zelkiiro wrote:
This makes me wonder...why is it that all the most critically-acclaimed horror movies are about as scary as a wet sock?

The only genuinely creepy, atmospheric movies in that entire list are The Shining and The Exorcist, and they're obvious as obvious can be. No Paranormal Activity? The Innkeepers? The Changeling? The Legend of Hell House? Insidious? Pet Sematary? The Haunting?

Jesus Christ, people!

There's plenty of good stuff on that list, did you go through it all? Nosferatu (1922)? Re-Animator? Near Dark (which I disagree with Ozzy on; fantastic vampire flick)? Halloween and Rosemary's Baby and the original TCM? Night of the fuckin' Hunter? Lots of great stuff there already. Paranormal Activity and The Changeling don't even deserve a place on there at all.

Not sure why that piece of shit Drag Me to Hell is on there so high, though...or at all...
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 3:42 pm 

Finally watched Prometheus, and didn't care for it at all. Tried to cram too much crap into two hours, answered like two questions and left a ton unanswered. God I hate those kinda endings that just set up for another movie to follow. The c-section scene was just about the only part in the movie that I found entertaining even if it was pretty tacky and all I could think about was The Fly (1986) while I was watching it. I think Noomi Rapace did a good job in the film but overall I thought the whole movie was one big fat dud.

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 6:21 pm 

Empyreal wrote:
Zelkiiro wrote:
This makes me wonder...why is it that all the most critically-acclaimed horror movies are about as scary as a wet sock?

The only genuinely creepy, atmospheric movies in that entire list are The Shining and The Exorcist, and they're obvious as obvious can be. No Paranormal Activity? The Innkeepers? The Changeling? The Legend of Hell House? Insidious? Pet Sematary? The Haunting?

Jesus Christ, people!

There's plenty of good stuff on that list, did you go through it all? Nosferatu (1922)? Re-Animator? Near Dark (which I disagree with Ozzy on; fantastic vampire flick)? Halloween and Rosemary's Baby and the original TCM? Night of the fuckin' Hunter? Lots of great stuff there already. Paranormal Activity and The Changeling don't even deserve a place on there at all.

Not sure why that piece of shit Drag Me to Hell is on there so high, though...or at all...

I meant that the movies on that list aren't scary at all. Nosferatu is funnier than it is scary.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 11:31 pm 

Hobo with a shotgun.

I have to say pretty damn good. I love Hauer in this movie and there's a ton of great lines.

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 12:37 am 

Deadgirl: Not-Joaquin Phoenix and Henry from Kablam's wacky misadventures featuring a zombie chick tied to a table and Matthew Lillard from Scream (he seriously uses a few of the most memorable lines from that movie). Basically it was terrible and likely written a misogynistic Nice Guy (aka virginal sociopath who doesn't understand why girls don't like him). Also the 17 year olds all look like they're pushing 30. Fuck this movie with a rake.
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The Outer RIM - Uatism: The dogs bark in street slang
niix wrote:
the reason your grandmother has all those plastic sheets on her furniture is because she is probably a squirter

Mallcore Kid

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 12:50 am 

I hope to go see Paranormal Activity 4 soon. Heard some pretty good reviews so far........


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PostPosted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 12:53 am 

CheekSuck9 wrote:
I hope to go see Paranormal Activity 4 soon. Heard some pretty good reviews so far........


Good reviews? Not only is it getting panned by professional critics, The Cinema Snob and Spoony, both fans of the other 3, slammed it hard with the latter shitting on it for over an hour.
I've written a fantasy novel. It's 145,000 157,586 184,899 words long!
It's also going to be the first part of a trilogy!
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