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Metal newbie

Joined: Thu Feb 14, 2008 10:44 pm
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 2:52 am 

not really weird but...

Last night I had a dream where i went to some house, and for some reason, a christian guy was living there. Then I kept saying things like you will burn in hell and stuff like that. Then, I said that his religion was a myth and was based around lies and all... He got upset, and wanted to fight me, and i said no prob bring it on!

and I can't remember more than that.

In short : I went to a christian's house, we got pissed off over believes, and fought.

Metal freak

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 3:35 am 

I had a very realistic dream last night that it was the weekend.

Then I woke up and it's Friday morning, and I was pissed off.
gomorro wrote:
Fortunately the seminar started and when it finished, I runed away like if Usain Bolt were about to rape me.

Metal newbie

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 10:39 am 

I'm not sure if this is the weirdest dream I've ever had, but it's pretty strange. I had it a couple of nights ago.

I was inside of my house, apparently alone. I look out the window and I see a person that looks like Robert Downey Jr. walking up the sidewalk with a knife in his hand, and I immediately think "Oh no, I've got to get the gun.". I then go to a bookshelf and take an abnormally small and thin handgun off the top of it, walk out side, shoot him in the forehead and empty the clip into his torso. As soon as I do this, I kind of zoom out of my body and see Ben Stiller clutching the Robert Downey Jr. guy and start crying.


The Final Frontier

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 10:31 pm 

I recently had a dream that played out like one of those tacky Skeleton Key-esque thriller/suspense movies. It involved an evil aunt who could apparently suck the life out of people and "become" them, so to speak. The idea is very familiar to me.
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Mallcore Kid

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 11:48 pm 

A small part of a very epic dream:

I found myself face down on a rotten fish.. The smell was horrendous!
I got up and wiped my face and noticed that my hands, body and everything around me looked like a painting.
Then I realised that I was the person inside the painting I had seen in my dream earlier.

(The painting was of a forest painted in an impressionists style using mostly just warm red and yellow tones, and some girl wandering around in it. I've tried painting the picture myself in real life but couldn't capture the intense vibrancy of it. No idea why there was a fish..)


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PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 1:38 am 

I've had a few crazy ones. In a recent dream I signed a contract to write album reviews for the Devil.

In another older dream I was being chased by a bunch of "Gangsta" types in a wide field. Out of no where a giant church appeared. I ran in and met in Jesus. I asked him for help and he told me that he didn't perform miracles anymore.

I don't remember all the details of this one but one time I had to save a small town from Avenged Sevenfold who had been hired by Samuel L. Jackson to attack the town. I really can't wrap my head around that one.


Joined: Thu Jul 03, 2008 2:43 pm
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 11:34 am 

At the moment I'm writing down my dreams in a dream diary so I can remember them better. It works VERY well, I can remember details that are so obscure and sometimes stupid that they're interesting again.

For example, last night I dreamt Carlos Santana and the Suffocation guitarist (Well, I somehow knew it was the Suffocation guitarist [the white one]) are giving me guitar lessons in the basement of a nearby bookstore (which I go to pretty often). Carlos Santana looked like I have Carlos Santana in mind right now, you now, a kinda mexican looking old guy with mustache. The Suffocation guitarist's face was shapeshifting constantly. He always looked like some familiar Metalhead though. Anyway, Santana decided to go away for a moment (don't know why) and I asked the Suffocation guitarist to teach me something from "Pierced from within" because it's my favourite Suffocation album (which is true, by the way). He played some weird, clean-sound, very, very slow riff using the strangest finger techniques that don't even exist in real life. The last thing I remembered was me saying "Woah".

Really weird, but I like to be able to remember such things.


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PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 12:34 pm 

I remembered a few more.

One time my dick exploded. That was pretty much the dream. Just a close up of my junk exploding.

In one dream I was hanging out with Trent Reznor of Nine Inch nails and he said he was working on some new material so I asked if I could hear it. He then played a few new tracks that were pretty cool sounding, although not as good as what he actually released in the real world soon after (this was right before Year Zero came out). I wish I could remember what those songs sounded like.

This one's really weird. So it starts off with me and my friend Jonah wandering around in Red Hook, Brooklyn. All the streets are empty and the sky is this dead grey color. We keep going into warehouses and factories and stuff. The whole time he's being really pessimistic and cynical, which is really weird since Jonah tends to be an optimistic guy. Eventually I have to go so I walk back to my home neighborhood, which in reality would have taken forever. I check in a store to get some food or something. The store is backed to the brim with people and a lot of stuff is wrapped up in plastic. It's really hard to make out what's happening on the Tv except I heard that city hall was under attack. So I rush home to find that my parents are gone.

Then the scene changes to me and thousands of other teenagers around my age or younger. We're all in this giant auditorium and these weird alien things are handing out these big books to all of us. It turns out that NY has been captured by aliens/a cult (it isn't really clear) and that all the adults are gone. The book is sort of like their bible, and they plan on converting all of us. They show how members of this cult thing eventually transform into a new life form that serves a distinct purpose for the cult like an ant does for it's hive. Later me and some of my friends are in this giant bedroom looking out over NY. There's a weird mixed feeling about the whole thing, since we're being taken care of very well and we're safe, but everyone else in the city is gone (I'm not sure if they were dead or missing). This giant black cloud of bird like alien things fly through the sky scrapers and eventually land on the building we're on.

That's pretty much it.


Joined: Fri Jun 15, 2007 11:29 pm
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 6:30 pm 

A few of mine have involved a library that is no longer in town anymore. I had a recent dream about the library still being in town, but I can't really remember the details. Years ago when the library was still in town, I had a dream about being trapped in the library at night. It's a library/community center. It's a small place. It's not big at all. I was trapped in there with maybe my cousin and the librarian. I don't know if there was any other live people there. Anyway, it was night time and the library was almost pitch black. We were trapped in there with ghosts, if I'm not mistaken. I can't remember it in a lot of detail.

I had one a while back that Ash from Pokemon committed suicide. Pikachu was pretty sad, I think. I can't remember a lot of the details from this one, either. The mood was one where everything had a feeling of grief and sadness. It was kinda weird in that I think I got a sense of envy because he didn't have to deal with crap anymore. I haven't watched Pokemon in years; I don't know where that one came from. I think I tried watching some Pokemon after that, but it wasn't the same. The voice actors were different, and it just ruined it.

I had one where Daron Malakian was dead, and a band was playing "Freebird" at his funeral. The band's vocalist was Ric Flair. I think I read some quotes where Daron Malakian said that if he died from an OD, people would say that he deserved to die because he was a drug abuser. So maybe that's why I had that dream. It was back when I was interested in some of SOAD's stuff.

I had one pretty recently (maybe last week) where some girl was lying on nearly the side of the road, ejected from her car, and bloodied up. She'd been in a car wreck. I think her face was quite bloody.

I'm sure I have more dreams. I'll probably post here some more.

Metal newbie

Joined: Thu Feb 14, 2008 10:44 pm
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 6:35 pm 

I had a dream maybe 6 months ago where 50 cent was dead. That's pretty lame hah

Metal freak

Joined: Sat Sep 29, 2007 11:34 am
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 10:32 pm 

DeadGein wrote:
I had a dream maybe 6 months ago where 50 cent was dead. That's pretty lame hah

Sounds like a great dream!
gomorro wrote:
Fortunately the seminar started and when it finished, I runed away like if Usain Bolt were about to rape me.

Vladimir Poopin

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 10:39 pm 

Pfuntner wrote:
One time my dick exploded. That was pretty much the dream. Just a close up of my junk exploding.

:ugh: That sounds horrible. It's also my new sig!

Metal newbie

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 10:49 pm 

The_Beast_in_Black wrote:
DeadGein wrote:
I had a dream maybe 6 months ago where 50 cent was dead. That's pretty lame hah

Sounds like a great dream!

hahah yeah! I even looked up on the internet when i woke up :lol: it semed so real

Metal newbie

Joined: Mon Aug 27, 2007 1:37 pm
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 11:21 pm 

This dream I had two nights ago.

It starts off with me walking into a public bathroom. Strewn across the floor are several intoxicated people who are muttering words I couldn't comprehend. I got disturbed so I left the bathroom and entered into a large mall. I had a feeling of confusion so I wandered around for a while until I saw my friends walking quite a distance away. I ran to catch up to them but everytime I got close they just seemed to float away out of reach. Then a feeling of anxiety had come over me and I begin to panic.

A woman then approaches me and puts her hand around mine. I didn't know who she was so I start yelling at her to leave me alone. Then I recall somebody else who ran up to me and told me to apologize to her. I then became very rude to him and told him to back off. He informed me that I should seek professional help and that he has now called the authorities. Apparently for being rude.

So I'm still concerned about my friends but now I've got cops to worry about. Knowing that running won't help me in this situation I suddenly remember that I can levitate! Quickly I rise into the air and fly away to my friends. It then dawns on me that I cannot land properly and I crash.

My dream then transits to a prison cell which I share between my friends who are also serving time there. They have computer access and tell me that they won't share their computer time.

I then wake up trying to interpret all of this.

Metal newbie

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 2:07 am 

Sounds like your friends are dicks.
Dinosaur themed hip-hop. I know, but seriously, check it out.

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 8:58 am 

One part of my dream the other night involved this random cat that seemed excited to see me then decided to hang onto my arm with it's teeth, which really hurt in the dream, and I was trying to pry its jaw open so it would release me from it's grip...
The solitary one waits for grace...

Metal newbie

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 1:51 pm 

I go to sleep and promptly fall face-down into a concrete block and wake up. It's very disturbing, and my face actually hurts.


Joined: Fri Jun 15, 2007 11:29 pm
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 7:03 pm 

A post above me about bathrooms made me think of my bathroom dreams. I sometimes have dreams where I have to use the bathroom, whether it be peeing or taking a crap. I'm guessing these might be the result of going to bed sometimes without letting it out or something. I think the pee ones result in me actually peeing on myself in real life. Luckily, I haven't taken a crap on myself yet.

~Guest 98976
Metal Pounder

Joined: Fri Feb 23, 2007 2:08 pm
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 7:07 pm 

Does anybody actually vividly remember their dreams past a week, much less remember them at all after that? Maybe it's just me and my terrible memory, but after a dream, I generally can't remember a damn thing after a couple of hours have passed.


Joined: Fri Jun 15, 2007 11:29 pm
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 7:13 pm 

FasterDisaster wrote:
Does anybody actually vividly remember their dreams past a week, much less remember them at all after that? Maybe it's just me and my terrible memory, but after a dream, I generally can't remember a damn thing after a couple of hours have passed.

I remember a dream years back where I was playing Mortal Kombat and I did a Fatality on some guy, kicking him in half, I think. I might've been Liu Kang.

Also a weird dream I had one night (years back) was when I was outside late at night in a car. I think my parents (or at least my mother) may have been in the car, as well. I'm not sure if anyone was in the car with me or not. I'm not sure if the dream started with me already awake or if I woke up in the dream. Anyways, it was late at night and we (or I) were either in the driveway besides the field next to our house or in the field. All I remember was that there was extraterrestial spaceships or something hovering over the field (maybe in the field). There may have been red eyes in the field...I can't remember a whole lot of it.


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PostPosted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 3:57 pm 

Bezerko wrote:
Pfuntner wrote:
One time my dick exploded. That was pretty much the dream. Just a close up of my junk exploding.

:ugh: That sounds horrible. It's also my new sig!

Now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure it grew back and exploded again.
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Joined: Wed Dec 05, 2007 12:01 pm
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 4:01 pm 

Pfuntner wrote:
Bezerko wrote:
Pfuntner wrote:
One time my dick exploded. That was pretty much the dream. Just a close up of my junk exploding.

:ugh: That sounds horrible. It's also my new sig!

Now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure it grew back and exploded again.

That reminds me of a dream i had where my house was in the middle of a desert and my dick turned green and moldy, it then fell off and i had a vagina...im still wondering where that is surposed to mean anything...:uh oh:

Metal newbie

Joined: Thu Apr 17, 2008 7:24 am
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 4:11 pm 

FasterDisaster wrote:
Does anybody actually vividly remember their dreams past a week, much less remember them at all after that? Maybe it's just me and my terrible memory, but after a dream, I generally can't remember a damn thing after a couple of hours have passed.

That's quite normal, because you generally remember dreams dreamt in the morning, a couple of minutes before you wake up. Also, if you wake up i.e. at 7 and then fall asleep again twenty minutes later, there's a medium possibility of having a lucid dream... and lucid dreams simply rule :D

Clerical Sturmgeschütz

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 4:13 pm 

and we are born
from the same womb
and hewn from
the same stone - Primordial, "Heathen Tribes"

Possessed by Starscream's Ghost

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 5:52 pm 

Pfuntner wrote:
One time my dick exploded. That was pretty much the dream. Just a close up of my junk exploding.

Liar. You stole that from an episode of House where a guy's genitals exploded. House was dreaming the whole thing.

You're a thief!
Warm Fuzzy Cynical comics.
Warm Fuzzy Cynical Facebook page.

Last edited by Resident_Hazard on Tue Sep 02, 2008 5:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Where's your band?

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 5:54 pm 

House is a shitty show anyway, so that doesn't really mean much.
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Possessed by Starscream's Ghost

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 5:55 pm 

rexxz wrote:
House is a shitty show anyway, so that doesn't really mean much.

Pssh. You're a shitty show.
Warm Fuzzy Cynical comics.
Warm Fuzzy Cynical Facebook page.

Metal newbie

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 6:13 pm 

FasterDisaster wrote:
Does anybody actually vividly remember their dreams past a week, much less remember them at all after that? Maybe it's just me and my terrible memory, but after a dream, I generally can't remember a damn thing after a couple of hours have passed.

I've experienced this a few times recently. More often I find I can only remember the dream just after waking up. Within minutes I can't remember any details, just that it was a really fucked up dream.

I really wish I could remember more of my dreams.

When I was young I had many dreams that Toys R Us were an evil corporation trying to take control of the world.

I also had a dream where I found a massive secret room in my parents house. I walked in and was immediately approached by a giant boot accompanied by several regular sized boots

Metal newbie

Joined: Wed Sep 12, 2007 7:27 pm
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 9:35 pm 

I had a dream I was at some underground Swedish extreme metal store in the airport at some made up city. I met all these extreme metal fans who were talking about Nifelheim(I have never listened to this band for some reason) and dating women in metal. I wish such a place existed....

Mallcore Kid

Joined: Tue Sep 02, 2008 4:57 am
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 5:10 am 

okay ya guys i've got a few for you.

not too long ago i started getting in to werewolves. as geeky as it sound i like em alot because i like that idea, one side human one side beast. being a gemini and all it appeals to me. so one night i had a dream that i was chillin in a forest all cool an shit, you know, like i normally do, and this fucking were wofl starts chasing me down. so im runnign through these tree's as fast as my legs can carry me and i can hear it getting closer, but everytime i turn around to look and see the damn thing it isnt there, but i can feel it in my heart that if i stop ill die. so i keep runnin as fast as i can hearing sticks and leaves crunch under my feet, and the distinct sound of padded feet following after me. I dont know what to do and I know that if i keep trying to run its going to catch me and murder me. i keep running until i get to this black sanded beach, and im running out of breath. in a desperate attempt to put distance between me and the werewolf i jump as far as i can with my hands spread in front of me. I hit the ground and quickly turn and scoot myself backwards until my hands are near the water. I look up and there it is peeking over me. This huge bipedal wolf with pissed off blue eyes, and over his shoulder a big yellow harvest moon. it stares at me panting for a few second and strikes at me. then its over. it was re occurring for a bit but it went away after awhile. it was fucking awesome.
Johan? In MY computer?

It's more likely then you think

Mallcore Kid

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 5:12 am 

AcidBiker wrote:
FasterDisaster wrote:
Does anybody actually vividly remember their dreams past a week, much less remember them at all after that? Maybe it's just me and my terrible memory, but after a dream, I generally can't remember a damn thing after a couple of hours have passed.

I've experienced this a few times recently. More often I find I can only remember the dream just after waking up. Within minutes I can't remember any details, just that it was a really fucked up dream.

I really wish I could remember more of my dreams.

When I was young I had many dreams that Toys R Us were an evil corporation trying to take control of the world.

I also had a dream where I found a massive secret room in my parents house. I walked in and was immediately approached by a giant boot accompanied by several regular sized boots

you wanna know a good way to remember them? what i do is i have a little digital tape recorder. you can get a cheap one for like 10 bucks. then when i wake up i say as much detail into it as i can, then go back to sleep. its alot faster and easier than writing it, and when you go back thru it its easier to understand.
Johan? In MY computer?

It's more likely then you think


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PostPosted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 2:01 pm 

Resident_Hazard wrote:
Pfuntner wrote:
One time my dick exploded. That was pretty much the dream. Just a close up of my junk exploding.

Liar. You stole that from an episode of House where a guy's genitals exploded. House was dreaming the whole thing.

You're a thief!

I've never watched House. Any similarity between my dreams and television are coincidental.

And it wasn't my balls that exploded, it was the phallus.
Random Child : http://randomchild.bandcamp.com/

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 10:13 am 

Not a dream, but last night, I was about to fall asleep. Then, my leg started to freak out and I woke up hah, that's so annoying.

Metal newbie

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 3:53 pm 

Resident_Hazard wrote:
Pfuntner wrote:
One time my dick exploded. That was pretty much the dream. Just a close up of my junk exploding.

Liar. You stole that from an episode of House where a guy's genitals exploded. House was dreaming the whole thing.

You're a thief!

That makes complete sense. His subconscious plagiarized a TV show.

By the way, House kicks ass.
LindisfarneAnno793 wrote:
Current ringtone: Default Nokia tune.

Cephalopod wrote:
He thinks the gorillas 4 arms and dexterity will save it. I'm skeptical

Metal newbie

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 4:38 pm 

Last night I dreamed I was together with my family, some friends and som guys I knew like 3-4 years ago were trapped inside the white house, fighting of velociraptors. Then we found a little shed outside were we locked ourselves in. After a while mad zombies started to break down the shed. A velociraptor jumped through one of the windows that was open for some reason and then I woke up.

Video games doesn't affect me at all nooooo...

Mallcore Kid

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 6:02 pm 

i once had a dream where i was forced by tom hanks to have sex with every member of oasis.
i need help

Mallcore Kid

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 6:20 pm 

This one I had around a week ago.

I had a dream that myself and my high school english teacher were unicycling through some kind of jurassic park-esque theme park. I remember that it was raining and that we were being chased by some mini velociraptors. I was frantically trying to get away from them while still on the unicycle, but for some reason i kept having to stop. I think at one point i had to use a car jack on it for some reason.

Ze end.

Chicago Favorite

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 12:34 am 

Okay, thought I would actually dig this back up for a few good ones I've had lately.

A few nights ago, I had a dream that was rather long and interesting-but I can't remember most of it, just the fact that it was unusual. The part I can remember ended with me in this giant warehouse with a few normal people, this lady, a guy with glasses, and Indiana Jones (as he appeared in the most recent move.) The guy with glasses was talking about how he had made a contract with the mob to kill this one girl. All of a sudden the lady in the room yells "Hey, that's my daughter!" and the guy responds "Oh shit, I made it for the wrong person!" We all freak out and decide that it's too late to call the guy and have him change his target; we'd have to go meet him at the site and tell him there.

So we go to this big field with some dead trees in it near a somewhat busy road. We're standing around when a car drives nearby and someone yell's "Hey, that's him!" (meaning the mob guy) so everyone looks for a hiding place and hides in it. As usual, I'm the last one to find a good spot, so I end up laying done in the tall grass near the dead tree, and the car drives by. I then think "Hmmm, probably could find a better hiding spot" so I get up and move, but the car drives by again and slows down as I'm laying down.

"Shit!" I think, "he saw me." This sentiment gets verified as the mob guy gets out of the car and pulls out a shotgun and points it at me. I yell "Stop! Don't shoot me! The girl you want is over there!!!" And point to the girl from the contract. "Oh, crap," I think, "I just weeded out an innocent person. I'm such a bad person." But no sooner had I thought this than the guy holsters the shotgun and says "Yeah, I really don't care. See ya, Luke!" And shoots. The bullet misses, and I take of sprinting and screaming "Everyone run!!! He's crazy!!!" So everyone does, and as they get up, the mob guy coes into a series of saying "See ya, [name!]" in this disturbingly happy voice and shooting all the people with his shotgun. Eventually he gets to "See ya, Indy!" and shoots Indiana Jones, who goes down in a spray of blood.

"What?!" I think. "He just killed Indiana Jones! You...that...that's not supposed to happen!" Filled with blind rage, I begin running towards the road again when he shoots me this time and hits. I felt a pain in my stomach and started running a lot slower....and then I woke up.

Huge WTF moment. But it was kind of cool in how detailed and disturbing it was.


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PostPosted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 5:36 pm 

One of my earliest dreams I can remember, I must have just started school or nursery by then, as in the dream I was skiving, and the teachers were trying to get me back into school. I got in to the car with my Mum, we started driving, and the feeling of freedom and escape was incredible. We drove along a long road, kind of like a coast road along the edge of the land, but to our left, instead of the sea was just bottomless mist. As we drove along this road, various huge buildings appeared at intervals in the sea of mist, separate from the land. I remember the Sphinx and possibly the Pyramids being there, and maybe the Statue of Liberty, though I didn't know what they were back then, I just knew them as strange statues or buildings.

Another one I had in my early teens that has stayed with me:

We were driving in the hilly green countryside near where I used to live on the border of London and Kent. All of a sudden I got this feeling of utter dread, and as we turned a corner and came into a valley, ahead I could see an immense tower of twisted black rock that dominated the landscape. The top of the tower was shaped with wings, so that the whole thing resembled a dark sinister totem-pole. I think I woke up around then, but that image of the tower has been with me ever since.

I also have fairly regular dreams about flying, ranging from full-blown soaring above the houses, to being able to float an inch or two above the ground and slide frictionlessly. The feeling of total freedom is fantastic, and crops up a lot in my dreams.

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 8:51 pm 

It's called an out of body experience. You can look it up if you want. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Out-of-body_experience)

I generally don't remember my dreams except for a recent one where I got banned from MA I think. :(
Trivium_fan_19 wrote:
definition of black metal..to put it in its most basic, basic form...operatic meaning orchestras are involved, along with the guitar/bass/drums, you get my drift.

slammysamman wrote:

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