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Crone of War

Joined: Sat Aug 10, 2002 7:27 am
Posts: 10533
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PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2017 4:48 pm 

So we were supposed to have a US politics thread at some point but I've been slacking off. Well here it is. Let's start with the obvious elephant (GOP pun not intended) in the room: the stupid motherfucker the US calls a president these days. Just for kicks, I've compiled a timeline of all the fuckery he's caused since his first day in office. There's something pretty much every day. And I probably left tons of things out too because that's how crazy this world has become.

Oh, by the way, if you voted for this clown, you're really, truly, a stupid motherfucker too. And if you still support him after all this, you're double that.

Not compiling all the sources (maybe I'll edit them later) because it'd take too long, but all of this is obviously easily verifiable information (mixed with some of my own biased commentary, but the facts remain). Items grouped together happened on the same day. Items in bold are particularly egregious.


> On Day 1, POTUS proclaims "National Day of Patriotic Devotion", because of course he's a narcissistic cunt

> Women's March. Sean Spicer's first appearance as press sec, goes apeshit and whines like a giant manchild about the coverage of crowd size. This crowd size thing would continue to be a major issue for Trump and Spicer in the following weeks, because he's an insecure baby.
> Drone strikes in Yemen. What, you thought he wouldn't? LOL

> Trump claims millions of people voted illegally and he'd have won the popular vote otherwise. Claim is totally spurious without a shred of evidence, of course.
> Trump appoints an anti-net neutrality advocate, Ajit Varadaraj Pai, as chairman of the FCC.
> Kellyanne Conway coins the phrase "alternative facts"

> Trump reverses Obama's halt on Keystone XL pipeline and Dakota access

> Trump signs EO to "begin the construction of the wall", an essentially meaningless gesture
> Trump signs EO to cut federal funding to sanctuary cities
> He says he wants to investigate the "voter fraud", because he really can't let it go that he lost the popular vote

> Sean Spicer says the wall might be funded by a tariff on Mexico goods. Anyone with any shred of knowledge of trade and economics laughs out loud.
> The Mexican president takes no shit from the orange cretin and cancels their meeting. Trump's a master negotiator you guys
> A whole bunch of people resign from the Department of State

> Evil racist Breitbart fuckface Steve Bannon gets National Security Council seat

> Trump still talks about stealing Iraq's oil, apparently not realizing that'd be a war crime

> First attempt at Muslim ban goes into effect. Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan strangely absent from list of affected countries

> Federal judges in various states halt the Muslim ban
> Several casualties reported from Trump's first commando raid in Yemen, including several Yemeni civilians

> Sally Yates is fired

> Trump nominates Scalia Jr, aka Neil Gorsuch, as SCOTUS judge

> Senate confirms CEO of ExxonMobil Rex Tillerson as... Secretary of State

> Sean Spicer uses the Quebec City shooting to defend the travel ban. Only problem with that is, well, the victims of the shooting were Muslims and the perpetrator was a white guy. Oops?


> The Senate confirms Betsy Devos as Secretary of Education by a 51-50 vote, all according to party line except 2 dissenting Republicans (VP Pence broke the tie). Who better to serve as Secretary of Education than a millionaire airhead who doesn't believe in public education and who knows nothing about the field, and who thinks guns should be allowed in schools to fend off grizzly bears (not even making this up)? GOP wants to keep the population stupid and uneducated, since they turn into GOP voters.

> Senate confirms evil hobbit too-racist-for-Reagan-administration-in-the-80's Jeff Sessions as Attorney General (partisan line voting of course)

> Trump meets with Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe with the cringiest handshake ever
> Tom Price, a pro-life nutter who also opposed tobacco regulation, is confirmed as... Secretary of Health and Human Services

> Trump blabs about sensitive information regarding North Korean missile test in earshot of random civilians during a dinner at Mar Lago (his private estate in Florida) with the Japanese PM

> Trump meets Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and attempts his macho handshake, only to be fail miserably
> Michael Flynn resigns as National Security Advisor for his undisclosed Russian ties
> Senate confirms Goldman Sachs exec Steve Mnuchin as... Secretary of the Treasury, because drain the swamp!!

> Senate confirms Linda McMahon as Administrator of the Small Business Administration, because this administration wasn't a total circus already and she surely knows a lot about small businesses like the WWE
> Trump repeals a law requiring disclosure of payments for commercial development of oil, natural gas or coal

> In a press conference, Trump whines about the media, denies Russian collusion, talks about Hillary for some reason
> Trump repeals an Obama environmental protection law regarding coal regulation

> Scott Pruitt, a climate change denier who has in the past launched lawsuits against the Environmental Protection Agency, is appointed as head of the... Environmental Protection Agency

> Trump holds a rally in Florida, because he's an attention whore who only cares about winning elections and not actually governing

> Memo is sent to deport any illegal immigrant accused of any crime

> Trump reverses an Obama policy that protects transgender people and lets them use the bathroom of their gender

> Jess Sessions rescinds Obama's work to start phasing out private prisons, because he has a hard-on for locking up poor people and people of colour

> The New York Times, CNN, Politico, Huff Post, LA Times and Buzzfeed are banned from White House press briefings. Fox News and Breitbar are not banned, of course.

> Trump proposes a budget with a 10% military increase, diverted from other sources such as the EPA. Tons of experienced military veterans criticize this insanity.

> Trump nullifies a bill that sought to close loopholes about background checks for gun purchasing


> Inquiry open by the House Intelligence Committee into Russian interference in the US elections

> Sessions "recuses" himself from that investigation because he's a perjurious motherfucker
> Senate confirms Ben Carson as... Secretary of Housing and Urban Development

> Trump tweets accusations that Obama wiretapped him. The accusations are, of course, entirely spurious

> Trump pledges to undo regulations that were put in place to protect consumers after the 2008 crisis

> Spicer accuses the GCHQ (UK) of spying on Trump, a claim he repeated from a Fox News pundit

> Trump tweets that any allegations about Russian collusion are "fake news" (sure, dude)

> Congress vote on Obamacare repeal is postponed due to overwhelming lack of support

> Trump signs EO to repeal the Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces rule, because what else can you expect from the man who routinely cheated his employees and contractors?

> Trump signs EO that removes climate change from deliberations during the National Environmental Policy Act, removes restrictions on fracking, and directs the EPA to get rid of the Clean Power Plan act (an Obama policy aiming to combat climate change)

> Ivanka Trump becomes an unpaid White House employee and gets security clearance


> Trump signs a congressional resolution allowing ISPs to more easily collect and sell customer usage data

> Department of State cuts funding to UN population fund, a fund focused on reproductive health and family planning

> Trump accuses Susan Rice (former National Security Advisor) of breaking the law, without evidence of course

> Trump orders a strike in Syria, seemingly forgetting his previous tweets where he said the USA shouldn't ever intervene in Syria

> Neil Gorsuch is confirmed to the Supreme Court by the Senate

> Sean Spicer blunders on TV, saying "even Hitler didn't resort to gassing his own people"

> Trump signs a bill into that nullifies a regulation that would prevent states from withholding funds from abortion providers. The bill is labelled "the first major national pro-life bill in more than a decade"
> Scott Pruitt announces plans to reconsider a rule that would aim at reducing pollution from steam electric power plants

> Steve Mnuchin presents Trump's tax reform plans, which drastically cuts taxes to businesses and wealthy people, and in no way helps the poor and the middle class (shocking from a NYC billionaire living in towers made of gold, I know!)

> State Department website advertises Trump's Florida resort Mar-Lago (before being taken down after complaints)

> Day 100 of Trump's presidency. He initially made campaign promises based on that, but now that he hasn't done a shred of good, claims it's an arbitrary, meaningless threshold
> Trump gets all friendly with rabid murdering madman Rodrigo Duterte (Philippines president) and invites him to the WH
> Trump does NOT attend the traditional WH Correspondents' Dinner, because he's a coward who hates being roasted, as we all remember from those years ago when Obama roasted him

> Trump blames China for the DNC email leaks

May so far!

> Trump suggests abandoning the Senate rules about supermajorities, is pissy that he can't do whatever the hell he wants all the time

> The House votes in favour of repealing and replacing Obamacare with their horrible plan that would make millions of Americans lose health insurance, repeal the rule about banning pre-existing conditions, and would even consider domestic abuse, sexual abuse and pregnancy as "pre-existing conditions" (e.g. being a woman). Note, most congressmen voted for it without having even read it

> Sally Yates testifies before Senate about Michael Flynn

> James Comey, director of the FBI who was investigating Trump for his Russian ties, is fired by Trump
> WH claims the reason is because Comey was unfair to... Hillary Clinton during the email investigation (LOL), something Trump repeatedly praised Comey for earlier
> It is claimed Trump fired him at recommendations from Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and Jeff Sessions

> Trump meets with Russian ambassadors in the Oval Office. American press is not allowed into the room but Russian press is.
> Russian press releases photos of the meeting, infuriating White House officials, who are quoted as saying "They tricked us" and "They lied" (LOL)

> Trump initiates an investigation into "voter fraud"
> In an interview, Trump says he would have fired Comey regardless of recommendations, contradicting his PR people

> Trump wants to stop press briefings and the WH to only release "written statements" instead
> Trump threatens Comey on twitter about "tapes" (Comey, unruffled, shoots back, "I hope there are tapes"

> Trump blabs classified information about an ISIS plot, obtained by an Israeli source, to Russian diplomats
> WH denies that this happened
> Intelligence experts are worried that Israel's source on the ground among ISIS might now be compromised

> Trump, seemingly ignoring the WH denials, says he "had the right" to share the information

> James Comey claims Trump asked him personally to drop the investigation into Michael Flynn (WH denies). That's called obstruction of justice
> In the same report about this, Comey says Trump asked him if he could jail journalists who "leaked classified information"

> A conversation between House Majority Leader McCarty and Paul Ryan talk about Russian collusion. A spokesman denied the conversation took place, until he was told there was a tape, then he claimed it was "just jokes" (sure, sure). The tape has Paul Ryan urging his fellows to silence, talking about "we're a family here".
> The FCC officially proposes to kill net neutrality

> Foreign leaders have to praise Trump and coddle him like a baby when meeting him

> Turkish president dictator Erdoğan visits White House. Erdoğan supporters (including part of his security staff) assault peaceful protesters while Erdoğan (and Trump) do nothing but watch. The entire thing was very likely planned by Erdoğan himself.

> Jared Kushner, Trump's son-in-law, named person of interest in FBI investigation into Russian collusion.

> Saudi Arabia is the first country Trump visits on his first-ever foreign trip as president
> Trump signs $110 billion arms deal with Saudi Arabia + $350b over 10 years to "fight ISIS", possibly largest single arms deal in US history. What could possibly go wrong? [Edit: turns out there might not be, WH lied about it, it was just a letter of intent]

> Two Ohio coal plants shut down. So much for coal revival!
> Remember those Carrier jobs Trump "saved" from being shipped to Mexico? Yeah, about that...

> Trump's budget of double failure at basic math
> Btw, that budget would do TONS of cuts (in the billions) to programs like Medicaid, food stamps, Meals on Wheels, drug treatment programs, and student loan subsidies. Because of course he hates the sick, the poor, the starving, and those who try to educate themselves.
> Trump visits Israel, says in a press conference "I never said it was from Israel", referring to his leak of classified information to the Russians, effectively confirming the source was Israeli. Basically a sitcom character come to life.

> G7 summit. Trump makes an ass of himself by using a golf cart instead of walking a few hundreds of yards to pose for a group picture (every other world leader walked), by rudely shoving aside another Prime Minister, by calling Germany "very bad" for daring to sell automobiles in the US, and myriads of other ways.
> Trump refuses to commit to the Paris agreement. The only other countries that refuse to join the accord are Syria and Nicaragua.

> Jared Kushner, Trump's son-in-law, wanted to create a secret comm channel with the Kremlin. Totally not sketchy, nope.
> Twitter storm about "fake news", claims that any story using anonymous sources is "fake news" and should be disregarded. Later tweets a Fox News story using an anonymous source, because of course he's immune to irony or self-contradiction.

> #covfefe happens: Trump tweets a sentence fragment ending with a garbled, misspelled world "covfefe", and the tweet stays up for hours and the Internet explodes in mocking memes. While the word was obviously a typo for "coverage", instead of admitting to the typo, a few hours later the tweet is deleted and the WH pretends it was "intentional" and Sean Spicer says "the president and a small number of people know what it means". Because even saying "oh, I made a typo, then fell asleep and forgot to check" is too much to admit.
> Trump reiterates that he refuses to join the Paris Agreement.
> Elizabeth Warren tries to create a bipartisan bill that would help lower prices of hearing aids. Prominent Republicans and the NRA oppose the bill because... it's Warren. Even though the bill would be of great benefit to hunters and gun users whose hearing often gets damaged. Yeah. The GOP and the NRA are cartoon villains.


> Trump officially pulls out of the Paris Accord, pissing off literally the entire world
> After the terror attacks in the UK (Manchester and London), Trump reiterates his need for the travel ban
> Trump dishonestly quotes London mayor out of context, who told his people not to be alarmed at additional police presence (Trump framed it as him saying "do not be alarmed by the terror attacks" which is a lie)

> Clusterfuck in the Middle-East, where a bunch of countries (incl. Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt and more) cut diplomatic ties with Qatar; Trump essentially takes their side in this (even takes credit, lol), despite a) Saudi Arabia being a primary source of salafist/terrorist ideology and b) the USA having their biggest military base in the ME in Qatar. Oops?
> Turns out there wasn't a billion-dollar arms sales deal with Saudi Arabia, just a letter of intent? White House lied, shocking

> Trump funnelled charity money meant for kids with cancer into his business. Hey, gotta live up to the cartoon villain image, right?

> Eric Trump says Democrats aren't people
> Trump wants to cut billions from food stamps AND punish stores for accepting them, which would hurt poor people, kids and small businesses/independent grocers all at once. Cartoon villain? Yeah, I know, this is getting redundant, but... they just won't stop

>> Following updates courtesy of Resident_Hazard:

>> Trump is now totally under investigation for obstruction of justice.

>> Republican Steve Scalise, Majority Whip of the House of Representatives was among four people shot. Which prompted the cancellation of a House hearing on gun control today. Republican, no doubt, stuck trying to figure out how to spin that guns are super awesome after one of their own gets shot.

>> The only truly evil Hobbit, Jeff Sessions scurried into and out of his testimony hearing blathering on in a manner befitting a person with no working brain or memory, contradicted himself, and wasted everyone's time.
>> Trump finally held his first Cabinet Meeting, which has been described across the board as creepy, a sign of American collapse, and downright Soviet and surreal. (Morri notes: this is fucking "Dear Leader" kind of nonsense, how can anyone defend this tripe? then again how can anyone defend ANY of this...)

>> On a fucking hilarious note, the 9th Circuit Court ruled that Trump's tweets are to be taken as an official dialog, furthered by Sean Spicer's similar statement from an earlier point.

Welp. Good job, America. Good thing you didn't elect the sane lady who misused an email server, who knows what kind of state the world would be in today...
Von Cichlid wrote:
I work with plenty of Oriental and Indian persons and we get along pretty good, and some females as well.

Markeri, in 2013 wrote:
a fairly agreed upon date [of the beginning of metal] is 1969. Metal is almost 25 years old

Something Stupid

Joined: Sun Oct 12, 2008 10:16 pm
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PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2017 4:54 pm 

Wow that may have been the biggest rant I've ever seen around here! Glad to see I'm not the only one who's done a little day drinkin' :)
Seriously though, all signals point to this turkey's days being numbered. From what little I know about Mike Pence, I suspect that while the Democrats don't like him or his policies, they will at least see him as someone who is able to play ball and hopefully the rancor of the past few months is soon to end.
rejected review wrote:
Have you ever had Kimchi Waffle?
Kimchi Waffle was made by World Institute of Kimchi in South Korea.
It’s so powerful that your stomachs will damn.
Bulgogi Kimchi Bibimbap waffle burger! Holy shit! litterally shit!

The Final Frontier

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PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2017 4:55 pm 

Morrigan wrote:
So we were supposed to have a US politics thread at some point but I've been slacking off. Well here it is. Let's start with the obvious elephant (GOP pun not intended) in the room: the stupid motherfucker the US calls a president these days. Just for kicks, I've compiled a timeline of all the fuckery he's caused since his first day in office. There's something pretty much every day. And I probably left tons of things out too because that's how crazy this world has become.

Oh, by the way, if you voted for this clown, you're really, truly, a stupid motherfucker too. And if you still support him after all this, you're double that.

Haha, great stuff. Bipartisanship is almost impossible when it comes to this - any talk about Trump has to be unflinchingly honest like this.
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Crone of War

Joined: Sat Aug 10, 2002 7:27 am
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PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2017 5:02 pm 

severzhavnost wrote:
Wow that may have been the biggest rant I've ever seen around here! Glad to see I'm not the only one who's done a little day drinkin' :)

I have never been drunk in my entire life.

This wasn't even a rant at all. I'm baffled as to why you'd think it was. It's a list of events, sprinkled with some occasional personal commentary.

Empyreal wrote:
Haha, great stuff. Bipartisanship is almost impossible when it comes to this - any talk about Trump has to be unflinchingly honest like this.

Indeed. I believe we refer to this as "calling it like it is". If any Trump supporter is offended, they can always retreat to their safe spaces. ;)

Bipartisanship is important when discussing nuanced, complex issues. That some would attempt to "but both sides!!" this caricatural series of events is honestly a travesty and shows a complete lack of critical thinking.
Von Cichlid wrote:
I work with plenty of Oriental and Indian persons and we get along pretty good, and some females as well.

Markeri, in 2013 wrote:
a fairly agreed upon date [of the beginning of metal] is 1969. Metal is almost 25 years old

Crone of War

Joined: Sat Aug 10, 2002 7:27 am
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PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2017 5:06 pm 

Time cover :nods:


Also, somewhat (nah, not somewhat, really) related: today, Roger Ailes, the founder of Fox News, has died.

Today is not a bad day. Subhuman piece of shit sexually abused women for decades, and his influence has been supremely toxic for US (and therefore, the world) politics, news, and intellectual discourse, holding back decades of progress by creating generations of brainwashed morons who helped elect Trump. It's too bad he didn't die decades earlier, but at least he lived long enough to be disgraced as a serial sexual predator before he died. Small victories.
Von Cichlid wrote:
I work with plenty of Oriental and Indian persons and we get along pretty good, and some females as well.

Markeri, in 2013 wrote:
a fairly agreed upon date [of the beginning of metal] is 1969. Metal is almost 25 years old

Digital Dictator

Joined: Wed Sep 01, 2004 8:45 am
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PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2017 5:14 pm 

It's actually becoming possible that he'll be impeached. This Russian stuff is just ridiculous - you'd think any sane person in his situation would be extra, extra, extra careful to keep any dealings with Russia very safe-looking, given the rumor mill, but nope. He doesn't even give enough of a fuck to get the story straight with his own PR people.

What was the issue with Hillary's email servers again? National security? And now Trump himself is INTENTIONALLY BLABBING NATIONAL SECRETS to Russian officials IN PERSON.
MorbidBlood wrote:
So the winner is Destruction and Infernal Overkill is the motherfucking skullcrushing poserkilling satan-worshiping 666 FUCK YOU greatest german thrash record.

Crone of War

Joined: Sat Aug 10, 2002 7:27 am
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PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2017 5:18 pm 

An impeachment requires a senate majority, right? So long as the senate continues to be filled with GOP cowards, I am skeptical that it'll happen. :\
Von Cichlid wrote:
I work with plenty of Oriental and Indian persons and we get along pretty good, and some females as well.

Markeri, in 2013 wrote:
a fairly agreed upon date [of the beginning of metal] is 1969. Metal is almost 25 years old

Erosion of Humanity
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PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2017 5:21 pm 

Well it'll also take substantial time before impeachment would even be possible. By that time the Senate and House will probably be mostly Democrats.

I don't think Trump will be impeached personally. I think he'll wind up having to resign. Or he'll get offed by his own party.
Man is truly a wretched thing, and the forest is committed to expunging him from existence.

Azmodes wrote:
It combines two of my favourite things: penis innuendo and derigin.

Digital Dictator

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PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2017 5:22 pm 

Morrigan wrote:
An impeachment requires a senate majority, right? So long as the senate continues to be filled with GOP cowards, I am skeptical that it'll happen. :\

Well no, an impeachment just means the process, not the result of the vote. Bill Clinton was impeached. But for an impeachment to be successful, then yeah it requires a 2/3 senate majority. However, during the Nixon impeachment, a lot of Republicans voted against him.
MorbidBlood wrote:
So the winner is Destruction and Infernal Overkill is the motherfucking skullcrushing poserkilling satan-worshiping 666 FUCK YOU greatest german thrash record.

The Final Frontier

Joined: Thu Nov 30, 2006 6:58 pm
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PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2017 5:24 pm 

They got a special prosecutor the other day, so it's not going away any time soon. Multiple members of his cabinet talked with Russia illegally during the election last year and he most likely told Comey to quit investigating Michael Flynn months ago. This is only going to get worse and worse.

Saw this earlier: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-t ... SKCN18E106

Michael Flynn and other advisers to Donald Trump’s campaign were in contact with Russian officials and others with Kremlin ties in at least 18 calls and emails during the last seven months of the 2016 presidential race, current and former U.S. officials familiar with the exchanges told Reuters.

The previously undisclosed interactions form part of the record now being reviewed by FBI and congressional investigators probing Russian interference in the U.S. presidential election and contacts between Trump’s campaign and Russia.

Six of the previously undisclosed contacts described to Reuters were phone calls between Sergei Kislyak, Russia's ambassador to the United States, and Trump advisers, including Flynn, Trump’s first national security adviser, three current and former officials said.

Conversations between Flynn and Kislyak accelerated after the Nov. 8 vote as the two discussed establishing a back channel for communication between Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin that could bypass the U.S. national security bureaucracy, which both sides considered hostile to improved relations, four current U.S. officials said.

Veterans of previous election campaigns said some contact with foreign officials during a campaign was not unusual, but the number of interactions between Trump aides and Russian officials and others with links to Putin was exceptional.

“It’s rare to have that many phone calls to foreign officials, especially to a country we consider an adversary or a hostile power,” Richard Armitage, a Republican and former deputy secretary of state, told Reuters.
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Metal Strongman

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PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2017 5:30 pm 

Here's an article I read about how Trump committed the exact same offense that got Nixon to resign and nearly impeached.

https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics ... -watergate
Earthcubed wrote:
I'm just perpetually annoyed by Sean William Scott and he's never been in a movie where I wasn't rooting for his head to sever by strange means.

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Something Stupid

Joined: Sun Oct 12, 2008 10:16 pm
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PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2017 5:52 pm 

His ego will probably dictate that he go out on his own terms - i.e., cut and run before impeachment proceedings really get going. I don't see Republicans standing up to impede a possible impeachment to keep Trump either. Why would they bother sticking their necks out? If Trump leaves, they still get President Pence.
rejected review wrote:
Have you ever had Kimchi Waffle?
Kimchi Waffle was made by World Institute of Kimchi in South Korea.
It’s so powerful that your stomachs will damn.
Bulgogi Kimchi Bibimbap waffle burger! Holy shit! litterally shit!

Crone of War

Joined: Sat Aug 10, 2002 7:27 am
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PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2017 6:01 pm 

Look, Trump loyalists don't care

https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-loyali ... 55492.html

"I tuned it out," said 44-year-old Michele Velardi, a mother of three sons, during a break from her job at a Staten Island hair salon. "I didn't want to be depressed. I don't want to feel that he's not doing what he said, so I just choose to not listen."

Trump supporters in a nutshell. Too stupid to live
Von Cichlid wrote:
I work with plenty of Oriental and Indian persons and we get along pretty good, and some females as well.

Markeri, in 2013 wrote:
a fairly agreed upon date [of the beginning of metal] is 1969. Metal is almost 25 years old

Something Stupid

Joined: Sun Oct 12, 2008 10:16 pm
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PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2017 6:51 pm 

Well then, be thankful the decision is not up to people like that! I believe that Republicans in Congress will heave the Donald once it becomes apparent that it's in the party's best interest to do so. Voters may be Trump loyalists, but Congressmen and Senators are loyal to their own careers.
rejected review wrote:
Have you ever had Kimchi Waffle?
Kimchi Waffle was made by World Institute of Kimchi in South Korea.
It’s so powerful that your stomachs will damn.
Bulgogi Kimchi Bibimbap waffle burger! Holy shit! litterally shit!

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PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2017 8:12 pm 

On one hand, Trump well could be ousted since Congress is probably fed up with him constantly ruining everything and making them look bad worse as transparently evil as they are, and they know with Pence in charge all of their policies will be smooth sailing. The backlash hasn't exactly been quiet, there's a very good chance they'll lose their majority next year so they need to hammer shit through as fast as possible and Trump is a gigantic distraction who keeps impeding that.

On the other hand, Republicans always insist on carrying babies to full term so who knows?
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niix wrote:
the reason your grandmother has all those plastic sheets on her furniture is because she is probably a squirter


Joined: Sun Mar 05, 2006 8:08 pm
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PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2017 9:08 pm 

I would highly recommend people to watch the documentary that came out on Netflix Get Me Roger Stone. It's an incredible look at the win-at-all-costs mentality the republicans put into their political strategy, and how it logically resulted in getting someone like Trump to run for the ticket. If Democrats and Liberals want to win and not have these fucking shitshows, then they need to grow a bigger sack of nuts and realize who they're going up against.

The problem with modern day liberalism is that it has become too professorial, too much about taking the higher ground, too much "nicey nice" bullshit for any plebeian redneck with an AR-15 to give a fuck about their message. The good about Bernie was that he came off as the sunofabitch who'd fight Wallstreet's pigs tooth and fuckin nail until the mass amount of capital in this country was more wisely distributed. I think this scared a lot of democrats because they had to embrace socialism and not be a bunch of fucking pussies who cry sour when called one (which is why he didn't win). The directness and forcefulness of Bernie's message would've resonated with middle of the road voters more than Hillary's crappy platitudes, because it would've been a real alternative to Trump (not to say she wasn't, but it's hard to campaign against someone and say they're corrupt when you yourself have done some shady shit over the years).

On a side note, I think America has generally had it coming to have one of our elections totally fucked with by a foreign government. We've done it so many times to so many other countries, but now we cry because Russia had the balls to do it? Maybe this will make our CIA wise up a bit. Probably not, but maybe..

Crone of War

Joined: Sat Aug 10, 2002 7:27 am
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PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2017 9:17 pm 

Unorthodox wrote:
The directness and forcefulness of Bernie's message would've resonated with middle of the road voters more than Hillary's crappy platitudes, because it would've been a real alternative to Trump (not to say she wasn't, but it's hard to campaign against someone and say they're corrupt when you yourself have done some shady shit over the years).

If that were true, he wouldn't have lost the primary by literally millions of votes. I liked Bernie too, but the primary has been over for a year, time to let it go already.

More news I forgot to post in the OP (will add shortly):

Trump reportedly asked Comey to consider imprisoning members of the press

Buried in the Times report is a note that Trump asked Comey to consider imprisoning reporters for publishing classified information.

"Alone in the Oval Office, Mr. Trump began the discussion by condemning leaks to the news media, saying that Mr. Comey should consider putting reporters in prison for publishing classified information, according to one of Mr. Comey's associates," The New York Times said.

The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press has since responded to those comments, noting that the "President doesn't get to jail journalists."
Von Cichlid wrote:
I work with plenty of Oriental and Indian persons and we get along pretty good, and some females as well.

Markeri, in 2013 wrote:
a fairly agreed upon date [of the beginning of metal] is 1969. Metal is almost 25 years old


Joined: Thu Sep 30, 2010 3:53 am
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PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2017 9:23 pm 

Is this really necessary? This website was until now one of the few websites I could access and just about avoid the Trump hysteria. It's old news, it's boring, and no amount of whining and kicking up a stink will change it. The click bait and left leaning journalism criticizing everything action the man makes is just mind numbing.

I'm not a "Trump supporter", whatever the fuck that means (only this generation can apply an identity to an individual based on the Presidential candidate one would vote for, which alone is fucking retarded), nor am I defending him, but are we really going to be subjected to 4, or likely 8 years, if recent history is anything to go by, of incessant hatred and bile journalism? The constant whining by the left makes many like myself just not care.
metaldiscussor666 wrote:
American isn't a nationality

Riffs wrote:
It's been scientifically proven that appreciating Black Sabbath helps increase life expectancy, improves happiness, bumps your salary by 11 thousand dollars annually, helps fight cavities and increases penis size.

Crone of War

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PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2017 9:37 pm 

Terri23 wrote:
Is this really necessary? This website was until now one of the few websites I could access and just about avoid the Trump hysteria. It's old news, it's boring, and no amount of whining and kicking up a stink will change it. The click bait and left leaning journalism criticizing everything action the man makes is just mind numbing.

I'm not a "Trump supporter", whatever the fuck that means (only this generation can apply an identity to an individual based on the Presidential candidate one would vote for, which alone is fucking retarded), nor am I defending him, but are we really going to be subjected to 4, or likely 8 years, if recent history is anything to go by, of incessant hatred and bile journalism? The constant whining by the left makes many like myself just not care.

If this thread doesn't interest you, all you need to do is.... not click on it. :idea: Why, what a genius idea! You're welcome.

As for the, ahem, "content" of your shitposting: Trump's election affects all of us, particularly for things like climate change and foreign policy. And a lot of Americans, particularly immigrants, women, poor people and LGBT people, have their quality of lives directly impacted by his decisions. If you don't care about any of that, that's your prerogative, but in that case, kindly fuck off this thread*.

By the way, journalism that is critical of Trump and calls out his administration on their bullshit isn't "left-leaning". It's called journalists doing their fucking jobs.

* By the way, this warning applies to anyone else who is considering thread-whining or shitposting. Don't do it, period.
Von Cichlid wrote:
I work with plenty of Oriental and Indian persons and we get along pretty good, and some females as well.

Markeri, in 2013 wrote:
a fairly agreed upon date [of the beginning of metal] is 1969. Metal is almost 25 years old

~Guest 21181
The Great Fearmonger

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PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2017 9:45 pm 

A few things I've been thinking about lately, and which I think are important to consider about the future (no particular order):

Derigin-length post follows wrote:
Spoiler: show
1. That a special prosecutor is doing an investigation rather than a special/select committee or commission is fairly noteworthy. Nobody was charged with wrongdoing as a result of findings in the September 11, Warren, or Financial Crisis Inquiry commissions, nor with the Church or Benghazi committees; that wasn't their purpose, and it wouldn't be the purpose of any select committee or independent commission in this case either. But a prosecutor will approach this from the perspective of looking for crimes to try. That makes it highly likely there will be indictments in the future, in addition to any already sealed ones (which is possible).

2. At the same time, it's not possible to say for certain that anyone will be charged with the crimes most people (rightfully) presume were committed in the last year, namely colluding with a hostile foreign power and obstructing an investigation. Nobody was charged with outing Valerie Plame, for example. Rather, in the course of investigating the Plame affair, someone was charged with obstructing that investigation---nobody has ever satisfactorily proven who exactly leaked Plame's identity. Likewise, the Clinton impeachment proceedings over lying about his sexual affairs stemmed from an investigation into the Whitewater affair, for which neither of the Clintons were ever charged (though others were). Simply put, this could turn out quite differently from what anyone is imagining right now.

3. We should be very prepared for the possibility that any prosecution of Trump and associates for collusion will rely on witness testimony and circumstantial evidence rather than hard proof, and this might seem disappointing. There is a reason for this: many times in national security cases the best evidence is withheld from trial. Many people remember the 1940's and 50's as a time of "hysteria" and "Red Scares" or "paranoia," all with the insinuation that the threat of Soviet espionage was wildly overstated. In fact, there were lots---literally hundreds---of Soviet agents operating in the US at that time that were intentionally not prosecuted because the only way to do so was to reveal in a public court that we had decrypted Soviet communiques and were reading a large volume of their darkest secrets; revealing this would have meant the Soviets changing all their methods, and we would lose any advantage. Others, like the Rosenbergs, were only charged because we were able to convince lesser figures in a Soviet espionage scheme to testify against the ringleaders, while the best evidence sat unseen until the 90's. The FBI could have highly damning confirmation of Trump-Russia collusion and not use it in a trial.

4. Trump is not and has never really been one of the GOP, and their leaders do not consider him one of them. He ran against the GOP nearly as much as he ran against Clinton, for whom he was formerly (recently) a large campaign donor. At some point or another in the last five years he has spoken favorably of undoing nearly every GOP priority in Congress; he remains (as far as I'm aware) the only GOP presidential contender to seriously argue in favor of single-payer healthcare in a GOP primary debate, to the limited extent he is capable of making a serious argument about anything; many GOP legislators want to change the way Medicare and Social Security are administered, Trump says no way; I could go on. The point is that GOP legislators are only tolerating this president because he will sign some of their legislation and isn't so unpopular yet that they are worried about losing the 2018 midterms---as soon as either of those calculations change for them, they will pressure Trump to leave. They have options, running from impeachment to invoking the 25th Amendment for cases where the president is not physically or mentally capable of discharging his duties. More prosaically, Trump is an old man who might be convinced this isn't how he should be spending his retirement years.

5. That second criteria of fear of losing the 2018 midterms probably has a long way to go. Unusually this time, it's not the gerrymandered House but rather the Senate that is toughest for the Democrats. They control 25 of the 33 seats up for grabs, so they already have almost nowhere to go except down---but it's much worse than that, because 10 of those seats belong to states that Trump won. It's nearly impossible for the Senate to change hands next year for this reason alone.

Above all of that, people need to understand that this might last a while. The Iran-Contra investigations lasted so long Reagan had been out of office for a whole term by the time Weinberger was indicted. Federal investigations into the Inslaw affair lasted over a decade.

Morrigan wrote:
On Day 1, POTUS proclaims "National Day of Patriotic Devotion", because of course he's a narcissistic cunt

This wasn't any less narcissistic than Obama's first inaugural day, which was similarly made a nation holiday for no real reason. Minor point, I know, but if we're going to look for inaugural evidence of his narcissism this isn't it. What else could we---oh, right: Trump originally wanted to turn DC into Red Square for his inauguration, complete with tank columns rolling down Pennsylvania Ave. :lol: http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing- ... ade-report

~Guest 21181
The Great Fearmonger

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PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2017 11:33 pm 

Here's an interesting little short story about the "I think Putin pays Trump" tape and who Republicans suspect the recorder was.

https://www.axios.com/house-leadership- ... 42464.html


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PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2017 12:23 am 

Thank you Morrigan, for the great work on this comprehensive list. There are some outrageous items on there I haven't heard about yet, like inviting Duterte to the white house or advertising mar lago on a government page. I would love to see this list updated, primarily to have a timeline towards his inevitable downfall.
Is it perverted that I treat all of this like a big, twisted reality TV show, with funny reviews from guys like Stephen Colbert or Seth Meyers coming in every morning (German time)? I'm just waiting for the "Mr President, YOU'RE FIRED!". However, behind all the absurd stuff that is perfect to do comedy about it, there is a serious threat to one of the most important democracies in the world. The xenophobically motivated, hypercapitalism and inequality favoring agendas he tries to push right now might actually endanger a lot of people. Maybe the GOP uses the current situation to see how far they can go with such ideas. After Trump is gone, maybe everyone sighs with such great relief, that Pence can then continue the very same agendas but the people are calm about it, just because he isn't such a cringe worthy ball of orange incompetence.

Chaos Breed

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PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2017 12:43 am 

Morrigan, I get a feeling you probably should've reserved three or four posts after your OP for future additions to the timeline that will no doubt exceed the one-post character limits.

Also an important detail: Comey's claims about Trump asking him to halt the investigation date from when their one-on-one meeting went down - on Valentine's Day. Apparently Trump asked Pence and Sessions to leave the room before asking Comey to drop it. Comey related this in a memo to other FBI staffers back in February. It's not something he's claiming now that he's been fired. Even more damaging in that case.

Another thing to note is that Robert Mueller is going to be heading up the FBI investigation. Bringing a guy like him in seems to me like Rosenstein is positioning himself to take over the Justice Department after Trump and his cronies get (hopefully) cleaned out. Hopefully he'll get shit done.

What's really amazing to me is just the extreme lack of coordination and utter stupidity at the highest possible levels. Like, Flynn got axed for meeting with these sneaky fuckin' Russians and talking about shit he shouldn't have talked about with them, then Trump openly invites the exact same sneaky fuckin' Russians to the White House, bars the *American* press from entering, leaks classified information to them and somehow isn't aware of/doesn't care about how this might, you know, raise every red flag that exists in the world?
Nolan_B wrote:
I've been punched in the face maybe 3 times in the past 6 months

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PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2017 2:35 am 

BastardHead wrote:
On the other hand, Republicans always insist on carrying babies to full term so who knows?

Heh, this was a brilliant bit of wordplay, really caught me off guard when I first read it.
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PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2017 4:17 am 

Morrigan wrote:
Oh, by the way, if you voted for this clown, you're really, truly, a stupid motherfucker too. And if you still support him after all this, you're double that.

[/Thread] :-D

failsafeman wrote:
It's actually becoming possible that he'll be impeached.

I hope so.

iamntbatman wrote:
What's really amazing to me is just the extreme lack of coordination and utter stupidity.


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PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2017 7:42 am 

Part of me hopes Trump isn't impeached and instead lasts the full 8 years because that part of me knows he's going to fuck everything up so spectacularly that there's a 100% chance of a Marxist revolution in the United States. But I guess Pence will do.
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PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2017 7:52 am 

Just tossing some thoughts in...
Morrigan wrote:
> Senate confirms Linda McMahon as Administrator of the Small Business Administration, because this administration wasn't a total circus already and she surely knows a lot about small businesses like the WWE

Actually, WWE's base employee size is between 500 and 1000. That, technically, allows it to qualify as a small business. The on-air talent are deemed independent contractors, a dubious claim (as they are not permitted to work elsewhere while not scheduled nor control their own career decisions) that has, unfortunately, stood up in court several times over. She and Vince married in 1966 (18 years before the WWF's national expansion) and it's been widely seen as her being the actual corporate mind since her appointment as President in 1993.

Nevermind the hilarity of a McMahon being in charge of the Small Business Administration when their monopolizing of the industry put the majority of their competition out of business, but this is one of those instances where a Trump administration appointee actually has qualifications.
Welp. Good job, America. Good thing you didn't elect the sane lady who misused an email server, who knows what kind of state the world would be in today...

I think this is how it needed to be, in a way. With Clinton we would have had 4 years of the same, maybe with a strong push toward single-payer healthcare, but 8 years of Obama gave the American left a sense of complacency. Now, with the douchenozzle we have, we're seeing the GOP deteriorate faster than ever, and I've seen some solid arguments that pose 2018's mid-term elections being swept by Dems if they prove themselves at least competent.

Sometimes you need a kick in the ass to get the ball rolling, as it were.
Dembo wrote:
It just dawned on me that if there was a Christian equivalent of Cannibal Corpse, they could have the song title I Cum Forgiveness.

darkeningday wrote:
I haven't saw any of the Seen movies.

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PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2017 9:28 am 

Oh, I was hoping this thread would happen.

I want to note something missing from the January fuckery that should not be overlooked--he immediately removed all mention of Climate Change and LGBTQ rights/support from the official White House web page first fucking day. I wanted to at least note this before I forgot about it.

I shall now continue reading.
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PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2017 9:56 am 

acid_bukkake wrote:
Just tossing some thoughts in...

Welp. Good job, America. Good thing you didn't elect the sane lady who misused an email server, who knows what kind of state the world would be in today...

I think this is how it needed to be, in a way. With Clinton we would have had 4 years of the same, maybe with a strong push toward single-payer healthcare, but 8 years of Obama gave the American left a sense of complacency. Now, with the douchenozzle we have, we're seeing the GOP deteriorate faster than ever, and I've seen some solid arguments that pose 2018's mid-term elections being swept by Dems if they prove themselves at least competent.

Sometimes you need a kick in the ass to get the ball rolling, as it were.

While I agree that Hillary would have been "business as usual," that's not really a bad thing. Especially considering the alternative now, which has negatively impacted the US in every conceivable way, from our global standing, to rights and equality, to science and climate change to even tourism dollars. People do not want to visit a country this fucking xenophobic. Places like Florida are purportedly being hit pretty obviously on this.

Hillary was no peach, and I never wanted her to be President--right up until the only other option was Trump. She would have largely maintained Obama's policies and continued moving this country forward. The shake-up Trump is bringing about now isn't forward momentum, it's a car stalled before it finished reaching the top of a hill.

I've had the thought that, "hey, maybe Trump will bring about positive change merely because he is so hated that most people work harder just to go against him, but that's a silly thing to hope for. The reality is that he's doing damage left and right. He's shredded the credibility of the White House, the American Presidency, and literally everyone around him.

Inspired by all of this bullshit, I watched two documentaries on Nixon's downfall to get my bearings. When the first inklings of shenanigans where discovered that Watergate led to the White House, in roughly two years, Nixon was about to be impeached and resigned. I'll say this for Tricky Dick, the man at least did some positive things and at least knew how to be fucking presidential when the cameras were on. You know the EPA was founded by him? How the might Republican party has fallen.

The parallels to Nixon and Trump right now are staggering. The paranoia, the stupid attempts to obstruct justice, the throwing others under the bus so the President could feel safe. And everything happening with Trump is vastly worse. Nixon wasn't colluding with another country with hostile intents to the US. He was trying to cover up evidence that his administration was spying on the Democrats. And while Trump stupidly thinks he's popular and loved, Nixon actually fucking was. And he was still brought down within two years. Nixon won by the biggest landslide in US history.

Look at this shit:
All that pink, there? Those are the fucking states Nixon won in 1972.

Trump is hated by the majority of this country, keeps digging himself into deeper holes, has put forth policies that overtly harm the very people who fucking voted for him, and literally failed to accomplish all the things he claimed would be done in 100 days. I'm getting a little off-track here because holy fuck how can this much shit go wrong in such a short amount of time?!

My point was, I can't say for sure if the US will come out of this on-top after this. Trump's impending impeachement does not automatically mean a removal from office, and even if we get rid of him, we still have Mike "electrocute the gay away FER JEZUZ" Pence to fucking deal with. And if you note, Pence has been largely quiet and in the background of all this shit. Almost like, and I dare say I'm starting to think this is the case, he's just biding his time until Trump is gone, so he can get in and do far worse damage. We really have to hope that when this all comes to a head, the fallout is a wide enough berth to take out Pence, Sessions, and Paul Fucking Dickwad Ryan.

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Last edited by Resident_Hazard on Fri May 19, 2017 10:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2017 10:14 am 

why wrote:
Maybe the GOP uses the current situation to see how far they can go with such ideas. After Trump is gone, maybe everyone sighs with such great relief, that Pence can then continue the very same agendas but the people are calm about it, just because he isn't such a cringe worthy ball of orange incompetence.

I sincerely hope Pence does not come out completely clean on this. It's going to be really fucking hard for him to do so. If Trump is impeached and either resigns or is driven from office (he is a notorious quitter, and folds painfully easily), there will be fallout still lingering on anyone who associated with him during this. A group with this many problems is not going to have a pair of clean hands in the bunch. Nixon's VP, Spiro Agnew, resigned a year ahead of Nixon under his own mountain of corruption.

Even if Trump is outed and Pence is not sent packing, his freedom as President will, hopefully, be harshly curtailed and the public will cast an ever harsher and less forgiving eye on him. Agnew was replaced as VP by Gerald Ford, who then also replaced Nixon as President. But there was so much damage cast overall, that he lost the election in 1976 to Carter. At this point, it's practically a guarantee that, regardless of what happens going forward, there is a substantial amount of damage cast about for all of these assholes.
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Chaos Breed

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PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2017 10:24 am 

Haha sorry, I lol'd hard at that gif. Perfect. I needed that today.

"She would have largely maintained Obama's policies and continued moving this country forward."

I think this line is really important. I mean, as much as she sold herself as being a continuation of the Obama era, it's not like she's a clone of the guy. But that said, decent people do grow. Was Obama perfect? Certainly not, but I'd argue that he definitely improved as a president and as a human being over the course of his presidency. When he first won, he was a defender of traditional marriage, if only as his personal viewpoint on the matter and not necessarily something he'd base national policy on. But then he acted like an adult and actually thought about it and listened to arguments and likely read a lot and changed his mind on it later. While I *do* have a hard time trusting Hillary even now, I would absolutely give her the benefit of the doubt about the capacity to change in a similar manner. So yeah, maybe she could've been Obama 2.0 who gradually shifted even more towards decency, especially with the recent Bernie-inspired grassroots progressive movement finally getting a voice.

As for Trump, while so far *most* of what he's done is essentially nothing, failing to act on almost all of his campaign promises, apart from tarnishing the image of the presidency and the United States itself, he has done tangible damage already that will be a challenge to reverse. Nothing, however, even compares to the damage he's fully capable of causing; call me paranoid but living in South Korea in the Trump area has really started to rattle me, to be completely honest. Until Trump, every North Korean missile and nuke test was just another day of the same old shit, but with manchild Trump with his finger on the trigger, who the fuck knows what could happen on this peninsula in the near future. Not to belittle the lives or experiences of people living in places like Iraq, but by comparison I think actual armed conflict here would be much, MUCH more catastrophic - just massive loss of life and very likely conflict that would expand outward to engulf the region or possibly even world.

Mike Pence is a giant piece of shit who would be an absolute garbage president, but I think he's somewhat less likely than Trump to start WWIII. Sad to say, but that's something.
Nolan_B wrote:
I've been punched in the face maybe 3 times in the past 6 months

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PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2017 10:24 am 

Terri23 wrote:
Is this really necessary? This website was until now one of the few websites I could access and just about avoid the Trump hysteria. It's old news, it's boring, and no amount of whining and kicking up a stink will change it. The click bait and left leaning journalism criticizing everything action the man makes is just mind numbing.

I'm not a "Trump supporter", whatever the fuck that means (only this generation can apply an identity to an individual based on the Presidential candidate one would vote for, which alone is fucking retarded), nor am I defending him, but are we really going to be subjected to 4, or likely 8 years, if recent history is anything to go by, of incessant hatred and bile journalism? The constant whining by the left makes many like myself just not care.

This reminds me of the complaining people muster up when they "don't want politics in video games." If gamers took that lazy, shitty attitude in the 90's, the US government would've rolled over the industry like they had threatened to do.

In the 80's, it was fans of the very music you are on here for that stood up to government interference to defend their rights to free speech.

By the way, when you deride journalism as "left leaning", you are indeed speaking like a Trump supporter. That's like saying, "I'm not racist, but..." right before you tell us your racist viewpoints. As they need that conspiratorial mindset to still feel good about supporting the worst thing the US has delivered since the genocide of native people. Mild hyperbole. The press isn't left-leaning so much as the right-leaning part of this country is increasingly wrong on an increasing number of things. And more and more people realize it every day.
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PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2017 10:32 am 

acid_bukkake wrote:
I think this is how it needed to be, in a way. With Clinton we would have had 4 years of the same, maybe with a strong push toward single-payer healthcare, but 8 years of Obama gave the American left a sense of complacency. Now, with the douchenozzle we have, we're seeing the GOP deteriorate faster than ever, and I've seen some solid arguments that pose 2018's mid-term elections being swept by Dems if they prove themselves at least competent.

See, the issue with that last part is that the Democrats are already showing themselves to be remaining complacent and for the status quo as far as their internal politics go. When it came time to elect a new DNC chairperson after the previous Clinton shill Debbie Wasserman-Schultz resigned, they voted in another noted Clinton shill in the form of Tom Perez, rather than Keith Ellison, who was backed by the more progressive wing of the party, including Bernie Sanders. If the Democrats want to win anything in 2018, they need to severely alter their message from just paying lip service to progressive ideals like what Hillary was doing during the campaign and actually pushing and fighting for progressive ideals. The fact that there are already rumors of another fucking Hillary run for 2020, and that the DNC appears to be okay with this, just shows that they are hopelessly complacent and will never win anything again until they pull their heads out of their asses and actually work towards real change that benefits people.
Earthcubed wrote:
I'm just perpetually annoyed by Sean William Scott and he's never been in a movie where I wasn't rooting for his head to sever by strange means.

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PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2017 10:46 am 

Hillary would have been a fine president - I would have loved to have her in office. She is whip smart and had real detailed, intricate ideas and plans for almost everything.

But people didn't want a continuation of the Obama years, and after eight years of one party they often switch to the other one - that's just how it goes. And Trump was a more exciting candidate, louder and more interesting - also a horrible piece of shit but there you go anyway.

I think sexism also played a role - there was a lot of undue hate and conspiracy theories around her that aren't present around dudes with similar political paths as she has. Hell, right after Trump won it was revealed that Mike Pence had also been using a private email server as governor. And many of Trump's people used private email servers during the campaign. It's not hard to see behind the facade of what people were really mad about with Hillary.

Trump will be remembered as a failure, a colossal one - he can't get anything done. Courts have shot down his Muslim travel ban and attempts to punish Sanctuary cities. If he doesn't just resign out of humiliation in a few months, the same thing will happen with his stupid fucking wall, too.
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PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2017 10:47 am 

Subrick wrote:
acid_bukkake wrote:
I think this is how it needed to be, in a way. With Clinton we would have had 4 years of the same, maybe with a strong push toward single-payer healthcare, but 8 years of Obama gave the American left a sense of complacency. Now, with the douchenozzle we have, we're seeing the GOP deteriorate faster than ever, and I've seen some solid arguments that pose 2018's mid-term elections being swept by Dems if they prove themselves at least competent.

See, the issue with that last part is that the Democrats are already showing themselves to be remaining complacent and for the status quo as far as their internal politics go. When it came time to elect a new DNC chairperson after the previous Clinton shill Debbie Wasserman-Schultz resigned, they voted in another noted Clinton shill in the form of Tom Perez, rather than Keith Ellison, who was backed by the more progressive wing of the party, including Bernie Sanders. If the Democrats want to win anything in 2018, they need to severely alter their message from just paying lip service to progressive ideals like what Hillary was doing during the campaign and actually pushing and fighting for progressive ideals. The fact that there are already rumors of another fucking Hillary run for 2020, and that the DNC appears to be okay with this, just shows that they are hopelessly complacent and will never win anything again until they pull their heads out of their asses and actually work towards real change that benefits people.

As bad as things are now, we can't forget how the Democrats fucking botched the election last year. They looked at Trump and didn't take him seriously. Hillary sauntered through the year assuming she would win instead of fighting for it. Even her messaging was bungled, mentioning Trump in all her ads, as attack ads, rather than promoting what she stood for. Not only did that just spread Trump's fucking name around more, it failed to educate people on what she stood for. As much as the Russian influence may have fucked things, Hillary didn't put much effort into coming out on top.

The Democrats need to recognize that, regardless of the reality of Hillary Clinton, there is a harsh public perception of her that is not even remotely positive, and that can be hard to shake. If Trump survives this shit somehow, and they put Hillary up as front-runner again, they'll just be shitting all over a public that is already tired of being at the bottom of a toilet. It won't fucking work.
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PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2017 11:03 am 

Drumpf is less than nothing while Aron Ra is one of my favorite people... Ever. His newest upload nails this topic and US politics overall.

- Irrational Politics! Brilliant! Mic Drops Galore!!!

Crone of War

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PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2017 12:06 pm 

Mutterficker wrote:
Part of me hopes Trump isn't impeached and instead lasts the full 8 years because that part of me knows he's going to fuck everything up so spectacularly that there's a 100% chance of a Marxist revolution in the United States. But I guess Pence will do.

acid_bukkake wrote:
I think this is how it needed to be, in a way. [...]

Sometimes you need a kick in the ass to get the ball rolling, as it were.

No, no, no. This is called accelerationism, and it is entirely fallacious. It just doesn't work, for one thing. And for another thing, in the meantime before this "revolution", actual people suffer and real progress is held back for decades (just look at SCOTUS and how young that Scaliar Jr. is).

Anyway, as unjustly demonized as Clinton was, I'm sure the DNC won't bring her back. But calling Perez a "Hillary shill" is reductive and frankly a bit insulting. The guy is by all measures clean as a whistle and a genuine progressive, just because he wasn't Bernie Sanders' favourite pick doesn't mean he was a bad choice as chairman, and besides, it's not like chairman of the DNC is even such a significant position with regards to being electable.

One thing that bugs me about the left sometimes is their idiotic purity tests. They'll ruin their own chances at electing or supporting a decent candidate just because oh shit, they took money from Wall Street one time, or they voted on a drone strike, or 10 years ago they supported a regressive policy that they don't even support anymore, so fuck them capitalists warhawk neocons!!!1 :rolleyes: It's perfectly fine to be critical of your candidates, but notice how the GOP keeps winning elections by having everyone fall in line and be super partisan? Maybe wait until the Dems are elected before you start (rightfully) criticizing them and don't have the moderates and the leftists fight each others while the GOP triumphantly win every seat and continue to fuck over everyone? Just a thought... :P

Foreign leaders told to praise Trump on election win

Embassies and leaders who have met with Trump have been speaking among themselves and with other dignitaries about how to handle the new president, and a number of themes have emerged, the report said.

Among them are suggestions to compliment Trump on his election win, and compare him favorably to former President Obama; not to expect him to know your country's history or hot-button issues; and make a short presentation tailored to his attention span, and don't try to bring up a long list of issues.

:lol: :ugh:
Von Cichlid wrote:
I work with plenty of Oriental and Indian persons and we get along pretty good, and some females as well.

Markeri, in 2013 wrote:
a fairly agreed upon date [of the beginning of metal] is 1969. Metal is almost 25 years old

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PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2017 12:15 pm 

Yeah Tom Perez doesn't seem that bad.

The problem with the left a lot of the time is exactly what Morrigan said... they have to have every single thing perfect or else they sit out the vote and just let the conservatives win. I appreciate wanting to have real progressive values in office, but the whole "I'll just hold my breath until my face turns blue rather than vote" attitude is dumb and didn't help this past election. It's a cyclical logic - "Hillary's loss showed how much nobody supported her, but we voluntarily let her lose because we were bitter about Bernie."
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PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2017 12:41 pm 

Empyreal wrote:
Yeah Tom Perez doesn't seem that bad.

The problem with the left a lot of the time is exactly what Morrigan said... they have to have every single thing perfect or else they sit out the vote and just let the conservatives win. I appreciate wanting to have real progressive values in office, but the whole "I'll just hold my breath until my face turns blue rather than vote" attitude is dumb and didn't help this past election. It's a cyclical logic - "Hillary's loss showed how much nobody supported her, but we voluntarily let her lose because we were bitter about Bernie."

I was talking about this last year as an issue that harmed Hillary's chances ever further. No, Bernie was not going to win the nomination, but he'd garnered huge support. Almost perfectly mirroring when Ron Paul garnered huge grassroots support when the Republicans went with McCain. Those supporters felt so burned by the party that they refused to turn around and tow the party line. Which is all well and good, I don't think anyone should blindly tow a line. But the Republicans failed to curry the favor of the Ron Paul supporters and the Democrats made the same mistake for Hillary concerning Bernie supporters. There were reports at that time that McCain's camp was trying to get Ron Paul delegates to switch their votes, and they flatly refused. Don't quote me on if this final point is true, it's just something that went around at the time.

I don't know if there's some law where they can't pick a former opponent to be VP or some shit, but if the Democrats could've put Hillary and Bernie together, that would have been a winning ticket. It was like everything that could sink Hillary's chances, did.

Should Bernie voters have come around and supported Hillary in an "anyone but Trump" capacity? Maybe. Debatable.
Should the Democrats have worked for a way to curry the support of Bernie fans? Absolutely.

Trump "won" with fewer votes than McCain and Romney lost with. This country clearly did not want either candidate, and both parties failed to understand that. It cost the Democrats, and it cost the US.
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Last edited by Resident_Hazard on Fri May 19, 2017 12:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Possessed by Starscream's Ghost

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PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2017 12:45 pm 

Morrigan wrote:
No, no, no. This is called accelerationism, and it is entirely fallacious. It just doesn't work, for one thing. And for another thing, in the meantime before this "revolution", actual people suffer and real progress is held back for decades (just look at SCOTUS and how young that Scaliar Jr. is).

Thank you. I didn't realize there was a term for this.

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