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Pounding the world with a fish of steel

Joined: Sat Apr 18, 2009 5:30 pm
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 16, 2018 12:29 am 

The early 2000s Amityville Horror remake is a fun and spooky popcorn horror flick, while the 1979 original is as dull as dishwater with laughable scares. So yes, you remembered correctly.
I've written a fantasy novel. It's 145,000 157,586 184,899 186,581 words long!
It's also going to be the first part of a trilogy, and Part II is on the way!
Currently slacking off in my research on how the fuck self-publishing works.


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PostPosted: Mon Apr 16, 2018 1:03 am 

ROTLD 2 is only lame compared to the first and third. It's an acceptable horror comedy, but focuses way too hard on generic slapstick instead of the extremely dark humor of the original.

I disagree wholly with your dismissal of TCM 2. Chop Top is king.
Dembo wrote:
It just dawned on me that if there was a Christian equivalent of Cannibal Corpse, they could have the song title I Cum Forgiveness.

darkeningday wrote:
I haven't saw any of the Seen movies.

Possessed by Starscream's Ghost

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 16, 2018 12:42 pm 

acid_bukkake wrote:
TCM is a horror classic fueled by its intensity. TCM 2 is a comedy horror, which is what Tobe Hooper originally envisioned TCM.

If we're talking poor sequels to horror classics, Halloween 2 (1981) and ROTLD 2 are way worse than TCM 2. Even Amityville II is better than those.

I'm curious why you put Halloween 2 so low. I also recall generally enjoying ROTLD2, despite the heavier slapstick elements. I don't even remember the third movie, but the 4th and 5th of those are pretty pointless.

As for TCM2, I think the biggest issue with it is the mood whiplash compared to the first film. But once you see Dennis Hopper dual-wielding chainsaws, it doesn't really matter. That's cinematic gold no matter how you look at it.
Warm Fuzzy Cynical comics.
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 16, 2018 1:59 pm 

It's so low because it was obvious that nobody involved cared about making it besides the producers. When your main protagonist spends most of the story in a coma...
Dembo wrote:
It just dawned on me that if there was a Christian equivalent of Cannibal Corpse, they could have the song title I Cum Forgiveness.

darkeningday wrote:
I haven't saw any of the Seen movies.


Joined: Fri Jan 16, 2015 10:45 am
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 16, 2018 9:38 pm 

Just got back from A Quiet Place. It's a piece of shit that doesn't adhere to its own logic. John Krasinski keeps proving he has no talent beyond being the vaguely charming wise guy, but his suck has dragged Emily Blunt in. Complete waste of her talents. 4/10

Biggest gripes below.
Spoiler: show
-Pacing. Like other "arthouse" horror, it feels like a great 20 minute short stretched painfully to feature length.
-Ignoring its own logic. All over are newspaper clippings espousing the indestructible nature of the creatures, including an overt "guns don't work" line, and how does she kill It? A 12 gauge to the face. I'll buy that the creatures have virtually impenetrable skin, sure. It wouldn't be the first movie monster to have that. However...we literally have weapons capable of going through 50 feet of concrete. We have anti-tank bullets that can pierce through thick steel and titanium plating like they're paper. Are you fucking telling me that a point blank 12 gauge does the trick when armor piercing ammunition and bunker busters don't?
-Outright ignorance. Oh wow, you mean that thing with super sensitive hearing can be weakened and warded off by certain frequencies? You mean to fucking yell me that not one single government scientist knew a thing about sound to devise this kind of plan? None of them talked to a pest control specialist about those devices you can literally plug into your goddamn wall that repels rodents and certain insects using that very principle?
-Diversions. We know they hunt by sound and we know louder noises can distract them or even outright conceal your own voices. They set up a fireworks display with this in mind, but didn't think to have a string with tin cans on it. Didn't think to keep more noise-making things in case they get too close, like firecrackers or even throwing glass at a wall.

One of the outright dumbest movies I've seen in a long time, made all the worse by watching The Descent (a masterpiece in horror filmmaking) last night, which utilizes a similar concept for its monsters.

This is basically Tremors without any of the fun or originality, right down to the creatures looking like flea market Cloverfield knock offs.
Dembo wrote:
It just dawned on me that if there was a Christian equivalent of Cannibal Corpse, they could have the song title I Cum Forgiveness.

darkeningday wrote:
I haven't saw any of the Seen movies.

The Wettest Blanket

Joined: Wed May 26, 2010 2:21 pm
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2018 6:41 am 

I recently watched:
-The Deep: Surprisingly good for being from 1977 and me liking diving.

Peter Benchley, who wrote Jaws, also wrote The Deep. A pair of young vacationers are involved in a dangerous conflict with treasure hunters when they discover a way into a deadly wreck in Bermuda waters. Featuring extended underwater sequences and a look into the affairs of treasure hunting.

-Amadeus: I could watch the director's cut and it's good.

In a lavish 18th Century parlor in Austria, an elderly man is found, by his servant, with his throat slashed. The wound is self-inflicted, and the man is the little-known composer Salieri (F. Murray Abraham), contemporary and adversary of the now-famed, but once reviled, composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Tom Hulce). Later. from his cell in an insane asylum, Salieri tells a priest (Herman Meckler) the story of his association with Mozart, confessing that he actually killed the brilliantly gifted but troubled young man.

Based on the award-winning play by Peter Shaffer, Milos Formans riveting, brilliant, Oscar-winning AMADEUS is a fictionalized account of the real-life mysterious death of Mozart. Abraham, in the role that won him the Best Actor Oscar, is the celebrated court composer to Joseph II (Jeffrey Jones)--his confidence and religious dedication shaken when he meets the boorish 26-year-old Mozart as he chases his future wife (Elizabeth Berridge) around a party while making obscene remarks. Furious that this clownish boy can produce such beautiful music, Salieri determines to keep Mozarts talent from lasting recognition and sets himself on a course for Mozart’s destruction that leads to his own as well. Mozart continues to mount beautiful, moving operas (incredibly staged in the film), but becomes obsessed with writing a Requiem as his friends, family, health, and resources waste away, Salieri’s manipulating presence always there. It is hard to imagine anyone--whether they are knowledgeable about classical music or not--who would not be held captive by this superb feast for the eyes and ears, a film whose excellence can be felt in every detail.


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PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2018 11:30 pm 

Super Troopers - With the belated sequel coming out this week, I had to rewatch this. I remember thinking it was mediocre when I first saw it years ago, but it improved a bunch when I gave it a second chance a few months later. Very quotable, and even has the same love interest as Freddy Got Fingered, which came out the same year and which I'm also due to watch again.

I'm not very excited for part 2 though given Broken Lizard's inconsistent record since. I didn't like Club Dread, then Beerfest was better, and The Slammin' Salmon was ....... OK, I think? Ahh. I guess I hope it does well in theaters, but I'll watch it on DVD with mild expectations.

Just got back from A Quiet Place. It's a piece of shit that doesn't adhere to its own logic. John Krasinski keeps proving he has no talent beyond being the vaguely charming wise guy, but his suck has dragged Emily Blunt in. Complete waste of her talents. 4/10

I just saw a movie she was in from 2007 called Wind Chill that I'd also give around 4 / 10. Something about college kids stuck in a freezing car after an accident, with unsatisfying supernatural elements and unlikable characters.
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Nile — Annihilation of the Wicked

The Wettest Blanket

Joined: Wed May 26, 2010 2:21 pm
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2018 9:05 am 

Sabrina (1954):

Sabrina is the young daughter of the Larrabee family's chauffeur who has been in love with David Larrabee for all her life. David is very spoiled and crazy for women, and has been totally ignoring Sabrina for years. When Sabrina goes to Paris for a few years, she returns a very attractive and sophisticated woman, and David is quickly drawn to her. David's brother Linus sees this and fears that David's imminent wedding with a very rich woman may be endangered. If the wedding is canceled, so will a great corporate deal with the bride's family. So, Linus tries to keep Sabrina off his brother, and the best way to do so is by charming her himself.

REALLY good and funny! :thumbsup:

Bullet Centrist

Joined: Thu Dec 01, 2016 2:02 pm
Posts: 1836
PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2018 10:52 am 

ChineseDownhill wrote:
Super Troopers - With the belated sequel coming out this week, I had to rewatch this. I remember thinking it was mediocre when I first saw it years ago, but it improved a bunch when I gave it a second chance a few months later. Very quotable, and even has the same love interest as Freddy Got Fingered, which came out the same year and which I'm also due to watch again.

I'm not very excited for part 2 though given Broken Lizard's inconsistent record since. I didn't like Club Dread, then Beerfest was better, and The Slammin' Salmon was ....... OK, I think? Ahh. I guess I hope it does well in theaters, but I'll watch it on DVD with mild expectations.

I remember seeing previews for Super Troopers and thinking it looked fucking TERRIBLE, but ended up watching it and it's one of my favorite comedies of all time.

However, Club Dread was a PIECE of shit and I remember liking Beerfest when I saw it in theaters, but tried re-watching the other day and could barely make it through an hour. I never bothered with Slammin' Salmon.

I don't know if I'll see it in theaters. I'd like to think I'm smart enough to wait for DVD, but I doubt it.

I really have no hopes for this movie. I remember when they were first talking about the sequel they said it was going to be a prequel with them playing their dads in the 70s, but now it's just a sequel. I think they blew their entire load on the first one and there is just nothing left in the tank. Although, I was wrong about the original, so who knows.

That's funny you like Freddy Got Fingered. I also love that movie.
"So, you want to sign songs about your great and glorious invisible cloud daddy? Go right ahead. You have whole tax-free buildings to do that in. I am not only not listening, I am intentionally going out of my way to ignore you."


Joined: Fri Jan 16, 2015 10:45 am
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2018 11:35 am 

Super Troopers is a perfectly acceptable comedy that does exactly what a comedy should: make you laugh. It's basically a series of sketches held together with a loose plot and, not unlike Napoleon Dynamite, is even funnier when quoted in hindsight. Love it, seeing the sequel tomorrow.

I'm also going to be biased for the second since a good chunk was filmed in Hopkinton, MA, a few towns over from where I grew up (and where the Boston Marathon starting line is).
Dembo wrote:
It just dawned on me that if there was a Christian equivalent of Cannibal Corpse, they could have the song title I Cum Forgiveness.

darkeningday wrote:
I haven't saw any of the Seen movies.

at the gaytes

Joined: Wed Apr 19, 2017 10:07 pm
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2018 12:33 pm 


Ms 45 - watched it for the second time. Some mute girl named Thana gets raped twice on a single day, but manages to kill the second rapist and steal his gun. Then she becomes the ultimate feminist, killing any man that displays the slightest traces of chauvinism. This movie is exactly like Death Wish on terms of plot progression, but is much better simply because it's ultra fast-paced and have so much style. Lots of great memorable scenes, my favorite being the one where Thana uses some hooded trench coat and go stalking men looking badass. I felt horny and threatened at the same time.

Nightmare City - watched it again after 10 years. A mysterious plane containing a crew of marathonist zombies with above average IQs arrive on an airport, authorities fail to contain the zombies and they start taking over the city. Kind of a interesting movie, featuring running intelligent zombies and protagonists trying to escape through the city, instead of the usual zombie siege scenario, so it's more like 28 Days Later if it was made on 1980. Not a very good movie (the comparision with 28 Days Later doesn't include quality), although it had potential.

Bullet Centrist

Joined: Thu Dec 01, 2016 2:02 pm
Posts: 1836
PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2018 1:30 pm 

acid_bukkake wrote:
Super Troopers is a perfectly acceptable comedy that does exactly what a comedy should: make you laugh. It's basically a series of sketches held together with a loose plot and, not unlike Napoleon Dynamite, is even funnier when quoted in hindsight. Love it, seeing the sequel tomorrow.

I'm also going to be biased for the second since a good chunk was filmed in Hopkinton, MA, a few towns over from where I grew up (and where the Boston Marathon starting line is).

Like I said, I love Super Troopers, but considering what they've released since there isn't much reason to think this sequel will be worthwhile.

I'm gonna be pissed when inevitable reappearance of the "meow" joke happens.
"So, you want to sign songs about your great and glorious invisible cloud daddy? Go right ahead. You have whole tax-free buildings to do that in. I am not only not listening, I am intentionally going out of my way to ignore you."

Where's your band?

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2018 2:43 pm 

I love Broken Lizard's other films after Super Troopers and I am looking forward to the meow joke resurgence. I also hope Farva gets dusted with powdered sugar again.
Hexenkraft - diabolical cyberpunk darksynth
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2018 2:52 pm 

The lice hate the sugar.

RIP Daniel von Bargen.
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Nile — Annihilation of the Wicked

Where's your band?

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2018 3:23 pm 

"It's powdered sugar sir. It's delicious."

I die every time. Als yes, RIP :(
Hexenkraft - diabolical cyberpunk darksynth
Cosmic Atrophy - extradimensional death metal


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PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2018 10:23 pm 

Car Ramrod.
Dembo wrote:
It just dawned on me that if there was a Christian equivalent of Cannibal Corpse, they could have the song title I Cum Forgiveness.

darkeningday wrote:
I haven't saw any of the Seen movies.

Possessed by Starscream's Ghost

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2018 8:23 am 

acid_bukkake wrote:
Car Ramrod.

License and registration, CHICKENFUCKER.
Warm Fuzzy Cynical comics.
Warm Fuzzy Cynical Facebook page.


Joined: Mon Jul 19, 2004 8:35 am
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2018 11:00 am 

I heard so much hype for Supertroopers for years and when I saw it finally...it was weak as shit. I have no idea why any of this is quotable :???:
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Bullet Centrist

Joined: Thu Dec 01, 2016 2:02 pm
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2018 11:58 am 

schizoid wrote:
I heard so much hype for Supertroopers for years and when I saw it finally...it was weak as shit. I have no idea why any of this is quotable :???:

I heard zero hype for it and went in thinking it was gonna be awful.

After all those years of hype you heard no movie could ever live up to it.
"So, you want to sign songs about your great and glorious invisible cloud daddy? Go right ahead. You have whole tax-free buildings to do that in. I am not only not listening, I am intentionally going out of my way to ignore you."


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PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2018 4:48 pm 

Just got back from Super Troopers 2. It's not as funny, or even as well made, as the first, but it has plenty of hilarious moments. You can tell Broken Lizard had full control over it because so many scenes went on for too long or were just hammering weaker jokes into the ground. 5.5/10
Dembo wrote:
It just dawned on me that if there was a Christian equivalent of Cannibal Corpse, they could have the song title I Cum Forgiveness.

darkeningday wrote:
I haven't saw any of the Seen movies.


Joined: Tue Apr 30, 2013 11:19 am
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 21, 2018 10:26 am 

Mom and Dad - Nicolas Cage and Selma Blair decide, like all the other parents in town, it would be a good idea to kill their own kids. Even at only 86 minutes, this felt padded out with some pointless flashback scenes and had nowhere interesting to go once it established the premise. Unsatisfying ending, too. This was another movie that might have been better as a short film or ABCs of Death segment or whatever.

Super Troopers 2 ... 5.5/10

That's about what I expected. File it next to Zoolander 2 and Dumb and Dumber To, I guess.
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Nile — Annihilation of the Wicked


Joined: Mon Aug 23, 2004 1:20 pm
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 21, 2018 10:11 pm 

So was I, Tonya the best film of 2017?
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~Guest 226319
President Satan

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 21, 2018 11:26 pm 

Saw Isle of Dogs and the stop-motion animation is 100% gorgeous. A bit janky, but it fits the bleak tone and deadpan humor. Very rich and detailed designs throughout. If the crying effects were achieved with practical effects and not CG then someone deserves an award. Enjoyed the hyper-kitsch, media saturated outsider's view of Japan as well, reminded me of my own experiences in that country. The narrative was structured like a fairy tale, filled with various asides to add either humor or information suggesting a storyteller interrupting their own narrative, and the cinematography and framing suggested a stage show, a kind of framing which the characters interacted with in a way I haven't seen since the 2011 Winnie the Pooh movie (and to a lesser degree the current Peanuts animated series).

Metal newbie

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 22, 2018 10:40 am 


Around roughly '97, I saw a movie on USA that's stuck with me since. It was probably from the 70s, but could go from late 60s to early 90s, but the film stock points more towards pre-85. Kinda washed out, not the best coloring, grainy but not indefinite, sorta like Death Wish but cheap. The plot concerned a criminal/terrorist/madman terrorizing a city with poison gas/chemical weapons. The scene that sticks in my head (I had to change the channel because of parents) was these cops investigating a home and they pull back a bedsheet and there's two mummified corpses under it.

TL;DR late 70s/early 80s thriller about almost comic book like terrorist using poison gas on a city

feels like a mix of God Told Me To, Dirty Harry, Runaway, disaster movies, thrillers


Joined: Mon Jul 27, 2015 7:29 pm
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2018 2:51 pm 

Anyone seen Banshee Chapter? I really recommend it. There's nothing particularly special about it other than the fact it uses sound to build tension really well, and that, above all, it's scary as shit. Real high impact jumpscares and a dread-filled, Lovecraftian atmosphere.
wizard_of_bore wrote:
I drank a lot of cheap beer and ate three Nacho BellGrandes. A short time later I took a massive messy shit and I swear it sounded just like the drums on Dirty Window from Metallica's St Anger album.


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PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2018 5:42 pm 

Sepulchrave wrote:
Anyone seen Banshee Chapter? I really recommend it. There's nothing particularly special about it other than the fact it uses sound to build tension really well, and that, above all, it's scary as shit. Real high impact jumpscares and a dread-filled, Lovecraftian atmosphere.

My girlfriend showed it to me, and even though I absolutely despise found footage films I thought it was pretty good overall. Probably about as good as a found footage film could be.
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Joined: Mon Jul 27, 2015 7:29 pm
Posts: 1996
PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2018 3:47 am 

I raise you a Noroi and a [REC] for realising found footage's potential the best. Thinking of checking out Afflicted and Hell House LLC though, heard they're rather original. And if we're including comedy horror, then I recommend What We Do in the Shadows as well, and... I'll shut up.
wizard_of_bore wrote:
I drank a lot of cheap beer and ate three Nacho BellGrandes. A short time later I took a massive messy shit and I swear it sounded just like the drums on Dirty Window from Metallica's St Anger album.


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PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2018 5:02 am 

Absolutely hated [REC], bored me to tears, I actually prefer the American remake made by the brilliant Dowdle brothers.
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at the gaytes

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2018 8:16 am 

Sepulchrave wrote:
I raise you a Noroi and a [REC] for realising found footage's potential the best. Thinking of checking out Afflicted and Hell House LLC though, heard they're rather original. And if we're including comedy horror, then I recommend What We Do in the Shadows as well, and... I'll shut up.

Noroi is fantastic, although it contains one of the shittiest CGI ever made. For fans of found footage I recommend Atrocious

The Wettest Blanket

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 25, 2018 2:57 am 

Venus in Fur:

Vanda is an unusually talented young actress determined to land the lead in Thomas' new play based on the classic erotic novel, Venus in Fur. Vanda's emotionally charged audition for the gifted but demanding playwright/director becomes an electrifying game of cat and mouse that blurs the lines between fantasy and reality, seduction and power, love and sex.

REALLY nice! And funny too! :bow: .


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PostPosted: Wed Apr 25, 2018 11:57 pm 

darkeningday wrote:
So was I, Tonya the best film of 2017?

Watched it again.
I, Tonya was definitely the best film of 2017 I've seen. What did you guys think?
Support Women's Health
Please donate to a local abortion fund of your choice here instead of high-profile national organizations like NARAL or Planned Parenthood. If you're unsure where to distribute funds, select an abortion trigger law state; any organization will do.

~Guest 334273

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2018 1:07 am 

It finally came to the cinemas where i live, so i'm going to see it soon. from what i read it has all the premises to be a great movie!

Also i loved Venus in Fur! It was one of the first movies i watched with my girlfriend when she was trying to get me in the artsy side of cinema, the two actors are just phenomenal :)

Noose Springsteen

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2018 10:24 am 

darkeningday wrote:
darkeningday wrote:
So was I, Tonya the best film of 2017?

Watched it again.
I, Tonya was definitely the best film of 2017 I've seen. What did you guys think?

Loved it. It wasn't my favourite of 2017, but it was in my top 5.

58.2% Metal

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2018 4:40 pm 

I saw Avengers: Infinity War last night and woooboooooy
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Unashamedly colorful

And they'll tell you black is really white - The moon is just the sun at night - And when you walk in golden halls - You get to keep the gold that falls - It's Heaven and Hell


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PostPosted: Sat Apr 28, 2018 9:12 am 

Tragedy Girls - Storm (X Men Apocalypse version) and Supersonic Teenage Warhead figure their social media presence would get a boost if they kidnap a local serial killer, then continue his murder spree. When I finally got around to watching Heathers a few years ago, I thought I was unlikely to ever see another movie about high school kids killing other high school kids, presented in a way where we're supposed to sort of root for / identify with the killers. So points for being daring, but this didn't work for me. Major spoilers:

Spoiler: show
The biggest problem is that based on the trailer, I thought the two main characters would gradually work their way up to being evil. Instead, they're completely depraved from the very first scene, which seems like a really basic writing mistake. They begin the movie as terrible people, experience a rushed falling-out in the second half, reconcile, then finish the movie as terrible people. I guess avoiding a conventional character arc was the point?

Yeah, this just made me want to watch Heathers again. Besides having the most quotable dialogue ever, it had a far more interesting relationship between the two leads.
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Nile — Annihilation of the Wicked


Joined: Tue Jul 31, 2007 10:05 am
Posts: 7735
PostPosted: Sun Apr 29, 2018 7:51 am 

I've continued my Ben Wheatley exploration with High Rise and Sightseers. I've become a big fan. I love the way his films stick with me. They settle over you for hours like a funeral countenance. A bad taste in your mouth.

High Rise was phenomenal. Unique, SO stylish, unbelievably tense. I honestly felt like a bad person for even taking part as a viewer. That's a powerful bit of filmmaking.

Sightseers was more "fun" in a pitch-black way. I don't want to spoil too much.
Spoiler: show
This movie is an ultra-British take on Natural Born Killers.
I'm livin' for givin' the Devil his due...


Joined: Tue Jul 31, 2007 10:05 am
Posts: 7735
PostPosted: Tue May 01, 2018 12:01 pm 

You mother fuckers couldn't wait to talk about Ben Wheatley last time! :lol:

I re-watched Kiki's Delivery Service and stayed awake this time! Absolutely adored it. I haven't regretted a single Ghibli purchase so far. Totoro is up next on my "I slept through the entire god damn thing" Ghibli tour. I can't help it. Those films are like a 2-hour hug.
I'm livin' for givin' the Devil his due...


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PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2018 6:43 pm 

Beyond Skyline - Somebody made an R rated sequel to Skyline, the PG-13 brain stealing alien movie from 2010 that people seemed to hate. The first half of this one is a special effects extravaganza, then it shifts gears as the main characters, who started in LA, end up in Laos [?]. There they meet two actors from The Raid: Redemption, because alien movies need more hand-to-hand combat and you might as well cast the best.

I can't get over how weird this was. It's weird it even got made. It's weird how abruptly it almost becomes a different movie around the halfway point. Weird how they added the martial arts scenes. Weird that the funny outtake end credits start within seconds of the actual movie's ending. It was never boring though, and I've seen worse lately...

Amityville: The Awakening - This one treats the previous entries in the series as movies. Meaning, characters in this watch the original on DVD, and dismiss the Ryan Reynolds version because "remakes suck." One character spends almost the whole time in a coma, which kept reminding me of Insidious 1. This was kind of slow, not enough happened, and the ending was predictable. I liked Bella Thorne better in The Babysitter, where she only had a supporting role. Not recommended. 4.5 / 10
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Nile — Annihilation of the Wicked

The Wettest Blanket

Joined: Wed May 26, 2010 2:21 pm
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PostPosted: Thu May 03, 2018 9:45 am 

Morn Of Solace wrote:
Also i loved Venus in Fur! It was one of the first movies i watched with my girlfriend when she was trying to get me in the artsy side of cinema, the two actors are just phenomenal :)

They're! :beer:

I recenty could watch both Sabrinas, original (1954) and remake (1995):

Once again, the original is WAY better and the remake seems like a parody.

P.S: No, aloof. We're NOT promoting those movies. Don't worry. :P



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Location: United States
PostPosted: Fri May 04, 2018 8:16 am 

Finally got around to Black Panther. Generic and disposable, which is the opposite of what it needed to be. How the fuck do you waste such a great cast? Construct every scene to be a 5 minute "confrontation -> exposition -> resolution" cycle and repeat for 2 hours. Throw in some Disney Channel approved one liners for good measure. Oh, and don't forget to abuse CG in the action scenes because it kinda worked for Spider-Man and Blade II.
Dembo wrote:
It just dawned on me that if there was a Christian equivalent of Cannibal Corpse, they could have the song title I Cum Forgiveness.

darkeningday wrote:
I haven't saw any of the Seen movies.

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