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Joined: Sun Dec 03, 2006 8:35 pm
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 18, 2017 4:54 pm 

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Compare & contrast:

Abrams's Poe: Cocky pilot, described as one of Leia's most trusted operatives and one of those most daring pilots in the Resistance. Cool guy.

Johnson's Poe: Nah, fuck that. He's a dick that gets a lot of people killed. Leia demotes him. Hotshot fighter pilot that spends most of the movie not in a fighter.

Abram's Finn: Ex-stormtrooper. Spends a lot of time just trying to run away, but learns that when it comes to your friends at least, there comes a time to stand and fight. That's called character development.

Johnson's Finn: Nah, fuck that. Let's have him just try to run away again, as soon as he wakes up. But shit, Boyega's one of the stars of the film, so I have to have him do something... Cue irrelevant half-assed plan, which doesn't even work, and which hooks up Benicio del Toro's character with the First Order guys, just in time to have him sell out the whole plan. Congratulations Finn, you're almost directly responsible to getting hundreds of people killed.

Abram's Leia: Tired, battle weary, but still a tough ass chick who can inspire others.

Johnson's Leia: Mary Poppins in space.

Abram's Kylo Ren: Damaged, conflicted, powerful but not in control, and consequently actually not very good at being a badass. As evidenced by his clunky lightsaber and the fact that he was defeated by someone with no training, just pure strength.

Johnson's Kylo Ren: Actually, Kylo Ren developed pretty well. I would have hated another movie of whiny conflicted guy,
and I liked the fact that he couldn't be turned.

Abrams's Rey: Nobody really. Very strong in the Force but doesn't know what to do about it.

Johnson's Rey: Pretty much that, still. She didn't develop at all.
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 18, 2017 5:03 pm 

It would be really boring if every character only made good, rational decisions that us viewing the movie from a safe theater would deem appropriate...

All that stuff you said is just character development and expansion of who these people are to me. Wouldn't agree with the negative things there really. I like seeing them develop and flesh out more, especially in dire situations.

Spoiler: show
Thinking on it, what I liked so much about this movie was its resonant underlying theme as much as the action and characters - this is a movie about the destruction of the old order of things. Rey and Kylo Ren skirt on the edge of casting aside everything before them. The Resistance is moving forward with young new leadership. Snoke is cast aside and Rey's heritage isn't really anything all that special and yet she's moving upwards anyway. It's a lot of cool stuff. I hope they do more with it next time too.
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 18, 2017 5:28 pm 

No, I see your point. Remember when Star Trek: Generations came out, and all the trekkies got up in arms over the destruction of the Enterprise, and Kirk's death? They found it symbolic of Rick Berman's takeover of the franchise, intentionally destroying the old for no real reason except to make way for his vision.

I suspect that some reaction to The Last Jedi, including mine, is like that. It felt like Rian Johnson just wrecking things to wreck them. I full expect, and even encourage, him to do that with this new trilogy of his though. Star Wars can't be about the Skywalker clan forever.
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 18, 2017 5:56 pm 

I wasn't much of a fan of Star Wars: The Last Jedi. There were some story/plot decisions I hated. There were some story/plot devices that I thought were just pretty bad.

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There were a couple of things I liked though, too. I liked, for the most part, Luke's ideas that the Jedi failed and needed to die, as they were conceived in the past. Not sure how Rey will change that though, she didn't really get trained very much and she still has the old books. If all this talk about destroying the old is valid, then why did those old books survive?

Honestly, I think they choose the directors out of order. Johnson should have directed Episode 7, then all of this crazy, wacky stuff would have been introduced from the beginning, instead of shoehorning it in mid-trilogy and basically tossing out most of what Episode 7 set up with the bathwater. Meh.


Joined: Wed Dec 06, 2006 8:36 pm
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 18, 2017 6:20 pm 

GTog wrote:
Spoiler: show
Compare & contrast:

Abrams's Poe: Cocky pilot, described as one of Leia's most trusted operatives and one of those most daring pilots in the Resistance. Cool guy.

Johnson's Poe: Nah, fuck that. He's a dick that gets a lot of people killed. Leia demotes him. Hotshot fighter pilot that spends most of the movie not in a fighter.

Abram's Finn: Ex-stormtrooper. Spends a lot of time just trying to run away, but learns that when it comes to your friends at least, there comes a time to stand and fight. That's called character development.

Johnson's Finn: Nah, fuck that. Let's have him just try to run away again, as soon as he wakes up. But shit, Boyega's one of the stars of the film, so I have to have him do something... Cue irrelevant half-assed plan, which doesn't even work, and which hooks up Benicio del Toro's character with the First Order guys, just in time to have him sell out the whole plan. Congratulations Finn, you're almost directly responsible to getting hundreds of people killed.

Abram's Leia: Tired, battle weary, but still a tough ass chick who can inspire others.

Johnson's Leia: Mary Poppins in space.

Abram's Kylo Ren: Damaged, conflicted, powerful but not in control, and consequently actually not very good at being a badass. As evidenced by his clunky lightsaber and the fact that he was defeated by someone with no training, just pure strength.

Johnson's Kylo Ren: Actually, Kylo Ren developed pretty well. I would have hated another movie of whiny conflicted guy,
and I liked the fact that he couldn't be turned.

Abrams's Rey: Nobody really. Very strong in the Force but doesn't know what to do about it.

Johnson's Rey: Pretty much that, still. She didn't develop at all.

Spoiler: show
Yeah, pretty much all of this. Kylo Ren is probably the only character from TFA whose story continued in a compelling way in Last Jedi. Rey's was alright, but nothing happened with her that was really unexpected. She was easily my favorite part of TFA and she felt weirdly underused in the new movie. Finn is less likable rather than more so, same with Poe, who's now reduced to a one-dimensional trigger-happy dumbass. It didn't help that none of the new characters were interesting. I still think that, for the most part, the original trilogy characters were good. Luke was fantastic and other than THAT Leia moment, Leia was good too. But THAT Leia moment has already gone down as one of the worst scenes in the franchise, right up there with Yoda's lightsaber battles, Anakin/Padme love scenes, R2D2 with jetpacks, Episode II droid factory. Just heinously stupid.


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PostPosted: Mon Dec 18, 2017 6:39 pm 

I liked it a lot. But I didnt love it. I want to see it again, and give it some time to settle.

Spoiler: show
Not sure how much cross-over there is between the two groups but it is interesting how VII was criticized for being too safe and just a rehash, while VIII is getting some flak for going bringing in too much new stuff.

Anyway, overall I totally dug it. The main story and all the stuff with Rey and Kylo was excellent. Some of the side stuff, meh. The conflict between Poe and Laura Dern kind of bugged me... I mean I get she didn't want to listen to Poe, that's fine, but to keep her entire crew in the dark and play it like they were just aimlessly plodding along towards their doom served no purpose other than to keep the audience in the dark so they could do a reveal. The hyperspace ramming was frigging awesome, but the setup for it just didn't work for me.

OH man, I loved crazy old puppet Yoda showing up. At first I was worried they just trotted him out for nostalgia, but the scene really worked, served a purpose to push Luke to get off his ass, and well, YES it was nice to have an appearance of a Yoda more like the originals.

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 19, 2017 10:36 am 

Razakel wrote:
GTog wrote:

Spoiler: show
Yeah, pretty much all of this. Kylo Ren is probably the only character from TFA whose story continued in a compelling way in Last Jedi. Rey's was alright, but nothing happened with her that was really unexpected. She was easily my favorite part of TFA and she felt weirdly underused in the new movie. Finn is less likable rather than more so, same with Poe, who's now reduced to a one-dimensional trigger-happy dumbass. It didn't help that none of the new characters were interesting. I still think that, for the most part, the original trilogy characters were good. Luke was fantastic and other than THAT Leia moment, Leia was good too. But THAT Leia moment has already gone down as one of the worst scenes in the franchise, right up there with Yoda's lightsaber battles, Anakin/Padme love scenes, R2D2 with jetpacks, Episode II droid factory. Just heinously stupid.

Star Wars is a franchise that survives despite it's many notable flaws. It's amazing a franchise this regularly filled with embarrassments has not only lasted this long, but cultivated such a dedicated fanbase. It's why a big chunk of my fandom for it over the years has so waned. There was a time my brother and I pretty much had the original trilogy memorized, we watched them that much.

As much as I found moments to enjoy in the new trilogy so far (mostly on Kylo Ren's portrayal), and there was some moments even in the dreaded prequel trilogy, the original trilogy will never be matched--but even that has it's flaws. One of my gripes in general is that the first film (New Hope) is rife with terrible dialog and worse delivery. Much of it is cringe-inducing.

I tend to loathe JJ Abrams pretty much equal to Michael Bay, Roland Emmerich, and Zack Snyder as directors who care more about flash and pizzazz than they do in actually making coherent films with great characters. They all grew up inspired by Spielberg and Lucas and Zemekis and Landis and Dante (etc), but have no understanding of why those films were such classics to begin with. Even Spielberg seems to have forgotten how to make films with character development once he had a big enough warehouse of CG artists at his beck and call.

Personally, I think Abrams started the new trilogy lazily. If anyone remembers the "Bigger Jaws" bit from Family Guy, that is literally how JJ Abrams approached Star Wars. He just did all the same shit again, but "bigger." It's like Star Wars, but Bigger Star Wars. Which was a lazy, if nostalgia-baity way to start the new movies. He unfortunately set the stage for a bunch of repetitive retreading.

Spoiler: show
Early into Last Jedi, I was worried there would just be more retreading, more beaten path bullshit. The movie opened with several beats indicating a damn near Empire remake. While it slacked a bit on character development, I'm happy it didn't just redo anything. Yeah, Rey was under-used and her training stunted.
And I'm hoping what we're seeing is just some middle-ground in the overall development of these characters. But I like the idea that the Jedi need to be ended,
and even Yoda fucking agreed. In context, it can work that Finn would again become panicked and try to run. In context, it can work that Poe, who was a big risk-taker in the VII (with great success) would continue in that regard, and needs to be fed some fucking failure to, hopefully, learn from it in IX. Rey went into this clearly believing she could be a Jedi herself, and Luke shat all over her dreams. She's torn clinging to the idea that the Jedi still matter while being confronted by the only other Force-wielders that the old ways need to die.

I'm frankly for some mix-up. Fans will be pissed no matter what. If they just kept remaking shit like Abrams lazily did, fans would be bored and pissed. And fans were pissed when Lucas tried to introduce a plethora of new ideas in the prequel trilogy which, let's be fair, at least those movies weren't just doing the same shit over again. Lucas toyed with his own stupid call-backs and nostalgia bait, but at least he tried to expand the universe instead of following color-by-numbers that Abrams filled in with his Bigger Jaws Brand Crayons.

I'm mixed on some of the character development. Kylo Ren clearly got the best overall treatment in Last Jedi, but Luke got some, too, as we see how far he fell since the original trilogy and how he is the embodiment of the failures of the Jedi as a whole. I'm hoping at least that like the original trilogy, this trilogy has started to find it's groove with it's middle part. Empire introduced a lot of new characters, and regardless, the good guys had to lose in this one simply for the third act to work out. A lot here seemed pointless because it was failure after failure, but that is unfortunately predictably what was supposed to happen.

It is highly unlikely that there will ever be Star Wars stories or characters as memorable, iconic, or impactful as the original trilogy. Which is seemingly why Disney is interested in doing a bunch of unnecessary filler movies. I can't wait until they get to an IG-88-centric film sometime around 2029. Or when Bossk and 4-LOM get their own buddy-cop-bounty-hunter movie in 2037.

And for as much as George Lucas reinvented filmmaking with the original trilogy, he also introduced a whole shitload of obnoxious ideas that will always be a part of the franchise. Annoying cute characters intended for comic relief that everyone hates, but are used to sell a fuckton of toys. Iffy dialog and delivery. Stilted character development clearly invented and changed on the fly instead of with some overall plan. I liked Episode VIII for the most part. Not great, but they never will be again. A slow burn intro leading to a fun climax. Worth a watch, and I'll probably see it again, because my girlfriend wants to see it (I went with my son).

The problem with stuff like this is that it will never again be as good as it once was. Fans will support The Franchise (TM) regardless of quality just to have more of The Franchise (TM), and this goes for literally every major long-running IP. The hard work of building the fanbase is done. Keeping dedicated fans around is easy. Just give them more of anything and they'll come back. Justify the new stuff, find value in it, or walk away--but you won't walk away. All fandoms are ultimately religion. Once people have invested so much time and money into it, they aren't going to walk away years down the road when everything is terrible.

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 19, 2017 12:00 pm 

Watched "Crank 2" last night - almost as good as the original. Jaystathe really has gone downhill - "The Mechanic 2" has to be one of the worst action films I've seen in a long time.
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 19, 2017 3:30 pm 

On a non-Star Wars note, I just recently wanted Jim & Andy, the Netflix documentary about Jim Carrey mostly, but also partially about the filming of Man on the Moon, itself a biopic about Andy Kaufman. I found it to be pretty interesting for the most part, but not great. It actually has a lot to do with just Carrey. About half of it is about the filming of Man on the Moon.

I remember some things about Kaufman pretty well, mainly his role on Taxi and his wrestling antics. I was a little kid during his earlier career. I was looking for some insight into why he is remembered as either a legendary comedian or a legendary asshole, and nothing in between. Didn't get it. I still think he was a genuinely unhinged dude who just happened come up with brilliantly funny things occasionally. Since that was my opinion to begin with, and one biopic + one documentary about the biopic hasn't changed my opinion, I have to say that Jim & Andy wasn't really a necessary thing to release.
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 20, 2017 9:12 pm 

Some movies I've seen this year (not necessarily released this year) which were good or outstanding:

Hounds of Love - excellent psych-horror
Blade Runner 2049 - Amazing sci-fi sequel
IT 2017 - surprisingly great
Nightcrawler - dark, thrilling
Baby Driver - good fun
Blood Father - Mel Gibson is excellent, Kyle!
Arrival - another great modern sci-fi classic
Logan - dark, more violent and a great finale
Get Out - astonishing, dark twist
Lost City of Z - good, even with Charlie Humdrum
Everybody Wants Some - fun
Green Room - dark violent
Spotlight - about paedo-priests
Nocturnal Animals - interesting

I Don't Feel at Home in This World Anymore - Elijah Wood sporting Priest & Saxon T-shirt

The Man with the Iron Fists - utter rubbish, but I laughed all of the way through it; it's hilarious!

War For the Planet of the Apes - Biggest disappointment of the year

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 20, 2017 10:31 pm 

I Don't Feel At Home In This World Anymore is so good. Between Colossal, Three Billboards and that, I feel like we've gotten quite a lot of amazing films that are extremely insightful this year.
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 20, 2017 11:46 pm 

demonomania wrote:
Watched "Crank 2" last night - almost as good as the original.

Agreed. The first was complete dogshit and the sequel was somehow even worse!
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 21, 2017 11:24 am 

Any movie that features a scene where a stripper is shot in the boobs and the silicone drains out, thus deflating the boobs, cannot be ALL bad.
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 21, 2017 1:02 pm 

Leatherface - An origin story for the Texas Chainsaw Massacre series, which doesn't feel at all like a TCM movie for most of its running time. That's not necessarily a bad thing, and if I found the middle 60 - 70 minutes engaging I'd praise the filmmakers for trying something different. But I don't think it worked too well overall. This was nowhere near as terrible as Texas Chainsaw Next Generation, which actively annoyed me; here I was just slightly bored most of the time. I'd probably have preferred a direct sequel to Texas Chainsaw 3D over this. Only recommended for TCM completists.

Any movie that features a scene where a stripper is shot in the boobs and the silicone drains out, thus deflating the boobs, cannot be ALL bad.

Reminds me to watch Scary Movie 1 again.
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 22, 2017 2:29 am 

GTog wrote:
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But instead shit happens, and Vice Admiral Purple Hair ends up in charge. She embarks on actually a pretty good plan to sneak everyone off the ship by fueling up all the transports, engaging their cloaking devices, and... hang on again. They had cloaked transports on board the whole time? Why is anyone even on this fucking cruiser? What is it except a giant target? Vice Admiral Purple Hair was going to use it to ram the Snokeship anyway (which was awesome). Fight could have been over. Resistance win by TKO in round 1.

This is one of the few plot points I would truly criticize. Withholding the plan from the crew to instead act like they were doomed to drift until they used up their fuel serves no purpose other than to give the mutiny a reason to instigate, and have the big reveal they still had hope. Things that still needed to happen, but they way they were accomplished needed some smoothing.

That, and the fact that the ending of the movie doesn't really leave much room for Episode 9 other than... to do it all over again? First Order chasing down the Rebellion until a last stand, where Rey beats Kylo Ren in another lightsaber fight. TLJ ended with a very "final" tone that doesn't leave room for immense speculation like the ending of TFA did.

But other than that, I loved the movie, despite how undeniably bloated it was. Will need to see it a few more times, but tons of moments/visuals are standing out as definitive THIS IS WHAT STAR WARS IS scenes (even if the movie as a whole might not be the best in the series).

Spoiler: show
Felt like it should have ended after the Snokedown but somehow maintained that height of the movie tension for 30-40 minutes after? I loved the slowburn, claustrophobic "trapped on ship, waiting for help" vibe with Poe's story, and he got a nice arc after not getting one in TFA.

Rey and Kylo stuff was GREAT, loved their late night chats on the Force Phone. Throne room battle was excellent and super tense, and I loved the fact that we had such a great battle without needing two lightsabers to clash in a Star Wars movie. Sadly I had the Snoke betrayal spoiled for me by that fucker on this website that registered his username as KyloKillsSnoke whatever :( han's death was spoiled for me last time too. i have the worst luck.

Finn and Rose were great too, though I'd complain that the escape on the llama horsefoxes reminded me of something out of the prequels, like the lizard chase with General Devious in Episode 3. Also their kiss at the end wasn't needed, but I get it from a "fuck i'm about to die" perspective.

Overall I felt like this movie handled references to the OT trilogy much better than TFA did. Generally more subtle and based on structure (and reversing of structure) instead of just shoehorning in hologram chess or BIG Deathstar. I.e. Luke being the isolated kooky Jedi master (but the training proceeding differently, yet being interrupted in the same manner), Captain Phasma coming back after being hyped up in the previous movie, only to quickly get beaten and fall into a pit of some kind, ending the movie on an invasion on a salt planet.

Lots of people were complaining about the humor in the movie too, which I didn't feel. Maybe the darker tone of the movie overshadowed it, and the stuff that remained were typical wacky Star Wars character/monster design stuff. I can see the Marvel comparisons, but it felt felt in character for Poe and Luke for sure. Much better than relegating all the humor to one character like Rogue One.

Also, the return of wacky Yoda :D
Varth wrote:
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Joined: Mon Jan 03, 2005 3:37 am
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 22, 2017 6:14 am 

ChineseDownhill wrote:
Leatherface - An origin story for the Texas Chainsaw Massacre series, which doesn't feel at all like a TCM movie for most of its running time. That's not necessarily a bad thing, and if I found the middle 60 - 70 minutes engaging I'd praise the filmmakers for trying something different. But I don't think it worked too well overall. This was nowhere near as terrible as Texas Chainsaw Next Generation, which actively annoyed me; here I was just slightly bored most of the time. I'd probably have preferred a direct sequel to Texas Chainsaw 3D over this. Only recommended for TCM completists.

Any movie that features a scene where a stripper is shot in the boobs and the silicone drains out, thus deflating the boobs, cannot be ALL bad.

Reminds me to watch Scary Movie 1 again.

I almost turned it off within 10 minutes as I found the characters to be really dumb
Spoiler: show
particularly when the woman looks for the kid wearing the pig mask
. I watched probably half of it, as it felt like a Rob Zombie movie to me, which I dont think is a good thing.


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PostPosted: Sat Dec 23, 2017 1:31 am 

Yeah that was an example of idiotic horror movie behavior. You didn't miss much if you skipped the second half.

Is anybody planning to watch the Will Smith Netflix original movie Bright? Their original movies have been hit-and-miss for me (probably more misses, if anything) and this one has plenty of factors working against it. It's from the director of the mess called Suicide Squad, it's getting mostly bad reviews, and it's written by Max Landis, the latest alleged sexual assaulter working in Hollywood.
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 23, 2017 6:51 pm 

I found The Last Jedi to be sadly disappointing. I was looking forward to it so much, and it felt like the moviemakers took my hopes and just
Spoiler: show
tossed them over their shoulder. ;)
I dislike how Luke turned out (and I have Mark Hamill on my side there), Rey didn't develop much, Poe and Finn were just sort of there, and on the whole it seemed like the writers sat around a table, brainstormed a ton of ideas, and instead of discarding some and fleshing out others, they simply accepted them all and crammed them into an overlong movie. Yeah, even at 151 minutes, nothing seemed like it was given room to grow and breathe. The longer I watched it, the more restless and annoyed I became - but of course I couldn't walk out. After all, I spent the money on it, and even in the worst Star Wars movie (not counting anthologies), we can always look forward to
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the climactic lightsaber duel - right?! Nope! Not this time! I honestly couldn't believe it. There was such a cool buildup that seemed to promise an amazing Kylo/Luke duel, but as soon as it seems to begin, you've already been cheated. Yeah, Luke's Force Projection was kinda cool, but that is not the payoff I was looking for for all my patience. Am I criticizing the movie for what I expected it to be rather than what it was? Yes, I'll admit that. But when you've got seven fucking movies that deliver on that point, I think I've a right to consider that part of the goody-bag. And again I must say that I do not like what they did with Luke. Coy, flippant, but still moody and dark and... well, not at all what the original trilogy showed him to be turning into, even with his struggles with the Dark Side.

Sorry, I know that was rambling and probably a touch incoherent, but that's how the movie left me feeling. My feelings after one viewing are that it's just a touch better than Episodes I and II and worse than everything else (yeah, maybe even including Rogue One, which did little for me). I do want to see it at least once more though, to see if some of the chaotic narrative is more cohesive than it seems. With money being tight and tickets expensive, though, that reevaluation might be a long time coming.


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PostPosted: Sun Dec 24, 2017 6:12 am 

Man, if I really loved Star Wars I think I would hate TLJ in ways I'd never hated movies before.

Since I don't, I thought it was okay. Pretty much all of the dialog was fucking painful, the humor (which there was a LOT of) worked exactly .00005% of the time, every once-interesting character was broken down to generic archetype and all of the bones Johnson threw to the fanboys never went beyond token........ and yet........ I walked away kind of happy with it. The final act transformed the movie into something that sits pretty well with me overall, despite me looking forward to lambasting it throughout the rest of the movie.

The film does undeniably reek of Rian Johnson's auteurism (remember guys, subverting cliches and expectations is good writing because good writing also avoids cliches and expectations!!! induction fallacies don't exist!!!), but reluctantly I have to say this is probably his best film because at least it kinda makes sense

on paper

if you don't think about it

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 24, 2017 11:29 pm 

Maybe when it comes out on blu ray we'll get a fan edit. Get rid of some of the dumb humor and Del Toro.


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PostPosted: Mon Dec 25, 2017 4:25 am 

I feel bad for Mark Hamill. He's been eager to reprise his role as Luke Skywalker, only to have Rian Johnson take a complete shit on his character. Despite that, Hamill was still the best part of the movie. Outside of that, it was a disappointing clusterfuck. It pains me to say that, because as a Star Wars fanboy, I really wanted to like it. But I can't get over how flat the whole thing felt. It's as if the movie added absolutely nothing to the overall narrative of the Star Wars universe.
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Exkretor wrote:
The new Sadus sounds like fucking wrestling music.

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 25, 2017 8:23 am 

Johnson didn't take a shit on the character though. Everything that happened to him made sense and was done for dramatic purposes. I get why Hamill wouldn't be happy - it's his character since he was so young. But it would've been a worse movie if it was like he wanted it to be.
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 25, 2017 12:09 pm 

Are people still refusing to accept that Last Jedi is the best Star Wars movie aside from Empire?
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 25, 2017 1:40 pm 

I'd say New Hope is better, but otherwise, yeah, I would actually agree on that, Zelkiiro. Star Wars has always been a bit goofy, always had some odd parts to it and always divided its hardcore fans - I think TLJ is right in line with what the series has always been and is outstanding, much better than other big blockbusters recently.
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 25, 2017 1:42 pm 

A New Hope is still pretty dope. It's putting up a good fight for that coveted #2 spot.
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 25, 2017 1:51 pm 

Well I'd place Last Jedi above the prequels because it does have some redeeming qualities, but obviously nowhere in the same universe as the original trilogy.

I'm wondering if Disney is regretting announcing Rian Johnson's new trilogy before Last Jedi was released to such fan backlash and epic second weekend box office drops. Would be super hilarious but unsurprising if they quietly fired him.

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 25, 2017 3:59 pm 

Last Jedi wasn't the steaming pile of dog shit that was Force Awakens sure, that by no means makes it great. I'd give it a solid C. If i had to rank it I'd put it behind the OT and Rogue One, before the prequels.

I saw Shape of Water last night, i really enjoyed the movie. It was cute and funny with some pretty good commentary, also that actress, what an amazing job the lead did.
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 25, 2017 5:25 pm 

Zelkiiro wrote:
Are people still refusing to accept that Last Jedi is the best Star Wars movie aside from Empire?

You can't be serious.

You can't.


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PostPosted: Mon Dec 25, 2017 5:34 pm 

Zelkiiro wrote:
Are people still refusing to accept that Last Jedi is the best Star Wars movie aside from Empire?

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 25, 2017 5:41 pm 

Bishop_Drugsalot wrote:
Zelkiiro wrote:
Are people still refusing to accept that Last Jedi is the best Star Wars movie aside from Empire?

You can't be serious.

You can't.

He is. And I agree with him!
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 25, 2017 5:43 pm 

Even if you thought the film was imperfect, how much competition is there really? Most all of the other ones are imperfect in a lot of ways.
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 25, 2017 6:37 pm 

Empyreal wrote:
Even if you thought the film was imperfect, how much competition is there really? Most all of the other ones are imperfect in a lot of ways.

You're talking as if you're unaware Star Wars is one of the most beloved film franchises of all time. Besides, what kind of argument is that? We're not allowed to compare two films in the same franchise because both are imperfect? We're not allowed to say Alien: Covenant is shit but Alien is a masterpiece because each film has flaws? I'm not saying each film in the original trilogy is flawless, it's just that TLJ's flaws are a lot worse.

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 25, 2017 7:00 pm 

Razakel wrote:
Empyreal wrote:
Even if you thought the film was imperfect, how much competition is there really? Most all of the other ones are imperfect in a lot of ways.

You're talking as if you're unaware Star Wars is one of the most beloved film franchises of all time. Besides, what kind of argument is that? We're not allowed to compare two films in the same franchise because both are imperfect? We're not allowed to say Alien: Covenant is shit but Alien is a masterpiece because each film has flaws? I'm not saying each film in the original trilogy is flawless, it's just that TLJ's flaws are a lot worse.

No, I'm saying it just seemed weird to me that people were acting like there were so many other Star Wars movies that were better than this one, when all I heard was a lot of grousing about pretty much all of them when they came out. I'm not saying you're "not allowed" to do anything. I actually think it's cool that people are dissecting and debating this new film even if I disagree with their criticisms.
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 25, 2017 7:09 pm 

Empyreal wrote:
I actually think it's cool that people are dissecting and debating this new film even if I disagree with their criticisms.

Definitely, I've had a blast debating the movie with friends and family. If nothing else, it's probably become the most divisive Star Wars movie, even more so than Force Awakens and Rogue One.

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 25, 2017 7:17 pm 

A lot of mainstream movies don't really get talked about in detail by the general population - it's just "I liked it" or "I didn't like it." The level of analysis isn't that deep. But Star Wars' combination of nerdy superfans and the nature of TLJ's subversiveness in comparison with the previous movies have actually had some real conversation about this one. So it's pretty cool.
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 26, 2017 12:54 am 

TLJ is remarkably similar to Batman V. Superman; an anti-franchise film that seems clinically designed to piss off hardcore fans. I respect both, even if they aren't actually any good once you peek behind their contrarian veil. But at least Batman V. Superman had competent action scenes, something that The Last Jedi simply refused to have.
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 26, 2017 3:30 am 

darkeningday wrote:
But at least Batman V. Superman had competent action scenes, something that The Last Jedi simply refused to have.

I don't understand that complaint at all. There are some actions scene that I can't wait to see again.
Spoiler: show
Rey and Kylo in the throne room teaming up? The hyperspace ship ramming? Luke's projection standing down the First Order army and getting blasted?... maybe they weren't long scenes, but I thought they were exciting and just amazing to look at.

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 26, 2017 3:51 am 

Psyche_Dome wrote:
Blade Runner 2049 - Amazing sci-fi sequel

Must. Watch. This.


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PostPosted: Tue Dec 26, 2017 3:53 am 

I did get the parody vibe within the first ten minutes of the film. At best it seemed like a fun kids movie, at worst a piss take.

Edit: The last Jedi that is.
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 26, 2017 4:48 am 

CorpseFister wrote:
darkeningday wrote:
But at least Batman V. Superman had competent action scenes, something that The Last Jedi simply refused to have.

I don't understand that complaint at all. There are some actions scene that I can't wait to see again.
Spoiler: show
Rey and Kylo in the throne room teaming up? The hyperspace ship ramming? Luke's projection standing down the First Order army and getting blasted?... maybe they weren't long scenes, but I thought they were exciting and just amazing to look at.

These aren't the dazzling sci-fi action scenes I was looking for... from a $200 million Star Wars film. I mean, I already saw that second one in fucking Star Trek: Nemesis, a C-tier sci-fi movie on a $65 million budget from 2003.

And hell, when you think about it, in The Last Jedi:

Spoiler: show
not a single lightsaber crossed another lightsaber.

I know this was intentional... and in some ways, that makes me even more angry. It's really not that far from a Fast and the Furious movie with no car chases. Yeah, it's not what you expect, but not doing something can be way worse unless it's done very skillfully. And Rian Johnson is as skillful as Jar Jar juggling Gungan tech. Just imagine if they handed this to an actual visionary director like Villeneuve or the Coen bros or David Cronenberg or Michael Haneke. Sigh.....
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