Encyclopaedia Metallum: The Metal Archives

How do you discover new metal?
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Author:  UnholyGoatBlasphemerAgainstGod [ Fri Aug 17, 2012 6:41 pm ]
Post subject:  How do you discover new metal?

I used to surf through the related videos bar for new music back when I first started listening to metal. I remember finding an entire channel called slayyer000 that I would use a lot. Some of you may be familiar with his channel that uploaded tons of music but was closed off by the user himself.

I had no prior experience with listening to metal. I didn't even know who megadeth was or a single metal song, not even judas priest. One of the other channels I discovered was hellheadbanger who has hundreds of uploads of black metal. One of the very first metal albums I ever bought was frostmoon - tordenkrig. I also use this website a ton throughout the day.

So I ask, how do you discover new music?

Author:  piliano [ Fri Aug 17, 2012 6:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you discover new metal?

I see one videoclip on youtube, then I start opening random related videos xD

Author:  Sanctium [ Fri Aug 17, 2012 7:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you discover new metal?

Advanced search

Author:  Dooders [ Fri Aug 17, 2012 7:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you discover new metal?

I don't know if you noticed, but you're asking this on the metal archives. :lol: :-P
It seems that your thread is half "how did you start discovering..." and "how do you currently discover..."
and I am sure a lot of people started the way you did with youtube or had their parents or friends show them music. Since it seems you're new here I think it's fair to say check out recommendation central and see how most of us here do it.

Author:  PostMetalActivist [ Fri Aug 17, 2012 7:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you discover new metal?

I use the site you are currently posting on.

Check out bands with musicians you like from other bands. Start from there and then figure it out as you go.

Author:  Yahko [ Fri Aug 17, 2012 7:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you discover new metal?

I find that festivals is a good ground to discover current music in any kind of genre (Wacken for Metal, Coachella for indie/rap/pop, Electric Zoo - for electronic music) Just go band by band and check if they got anything of Youtube. You might go to Metal Archives to search for a metal band you dont know, see their discography and get an album that has most reviews, or just make a shoot in the dark.

Through friends - if you have a circle of even 5 friends, they would be able to give you some kind of new music once in a while. Its call coming down to taste as well, my friends LOVE American classic rock/metal - I gave it a try and never really was able to connect, yet. Clicking on top 20 albums of year 20XX, in a certain genre gives you some direction.

BUT - its a very tedious process finding something really awesome. Its not easy just to find the next new cool band. It takes time and dedication just because there is alot music out there. Its work to find new music. I'm a lucky person because I listen to various genres so there is always something new without a real need to dig deeper.

Author:  Oxenkiller [ Fri Aug 17, 2012 7:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you discover new metal?

these days I mostly do what "piliano" and to a lesser extent PostMetal Activist do- listen to Youtube clips of bands I like then check out a related band if they sound interesting. Or check out a reccomended band from Metal Archives. I used to get a lot from underground metal radio shows, (especially from college radio) but there arent currently any of those airing in my area anymore.

Author:  arp12 [ Fri Aug 17, 2012 8:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you discover new metal?

I just read the metal discussion forum and look up / listen to any bands that look interesting. The reviews on this site also often guide me to new bands. Also, the "Mini-review Game" thread was a goldmine for new and interesting bands, but it got to be too much to keep up with. There's stilll plenty there if I'm feeling thirsty for new metal.

Author:  halfformedfetus [ Fri Aug 17, 2012 8:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you discover new metal?

Dooders wrote:
I don't know if you noticed, but you're asking this on the metal archives. :lol: :-P
It seems that your thread is half "how did you start discovering..." and "how do you currently discover..."
and I am sure a lot of people started the way you did with youtube or had their parents or friends show them music. Since it seems you're new here I think it's fair to say check out recommendation central and see how most of us here do it.

what he said

Author:  pbsisbad [ Fri Aug 17, 2012 9:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you discover new metal?

I usually peruse Youtube for music, and if I find something, I usually listen to the album and get the whole thing if I like it. Then I check MA for reviews of the rest of their albums and similar bands.

However, sometimes I want a very particular style of metal, so I use the advanced search on MA to find bands that way as well.

I also ask for recommendations occasionally, and I often find some of my favorite bands in the similar videos section of a band which I am recommending for someone else.

Author:  Big_Grand [ Fri Aug 17, 2012 9:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you discover new metal?

I use youtube to find artist based on related videos, or il look up a genre or think of a band iv heard of but havent heard yet, then if i like them, i start looking for their cd's when I go to record stores.

Author:  TheUglySoldier [ Fri Aug 17, 2012 10:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you discover new metal?

I kinda miss the days before every band just had a reverb nation/Facebook account. Bands had a real prescence online, and it was the way used to discover bands. They had their own styled websites, displaying their band the way they wanted to. Some bands still do it, of course, but not as many.

Now days? Mainly friends and local shows.

Author:  Smalley [ Fri Aug 17, 2012 10:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you discover new metal?

Spotify, getmetal, hasitleaked?, Wiki's list of upcoming albums, Blabbermouth news, recs from Global Domination, recs from the Youtube metal reviewing community, etc.

Author:  Zelkiiro [ Fri Aug 17, 2012 11:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you discover new metal?

The Recommendations forum.

Author:  IanThrash [ Sat Aug 18, 2012 12:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you discover new metal?

Basically You Tube and Lastfm, and of course, friends recomendations. I´m a curious guy when it comes to music
so when i see a band that i may enjoy (judging by the genre, related bands,members,cover art, song titles, whatever i apeal to)
I run to metalarchives (or progarchives) and check which is their top rated album or which is the best to start with.
I prefer listening full albums than random songs.

For local bands i mostly discover them by friends, or at local gigs. Being related to your local scene (as a musician or as a fan)
keeps you "in touch" , lets say, about the new stuff and shit.

My discovering of metal was pretty old school at the begining, i got my computer not so long ago so my firts taste of heavy music
was pure coincidence and without the helpful hand of internet (being that for the better of for the worse, i dont know) and it led to a path of lend old records, older friends´ recomendations, exploration of magazines and shit like that.
Then the internet screwed me, now i mostly discover new stuff i like by the sites above (lets add bandcamp and facebook to that list)

Author:  WWLD [ Sat Aug 18, 2012 2:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you discover new metal?

Back in the day I used to read the liner notes in my cds. I found awesome bands without really looking for them. Trying to recollect the collection I used to have. I rarely search for any "new groups" now unless I hear/read muchos grande awesome respect about them.

Author:  rawsewage [ Sat Aug 18, 2012 3:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you discover new metal?

The Power/Heavy/Speed rec thread. So many awesome bands found from that thread.

Author:  Veracs [ Sat Aug 18, 2012 3:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you discover new metal?

UnholyGoatBlasphemerAgainstGod wrote:
I used to surf through the related videos bar for new music back when I first started listening to metal. I remember finding an entire channel called slayyer000 that I would use a lot. Some of you may be familiar with his channel that uploaded tons of music but was closed off by the user himself.

I had no prior experience with listening to metal. I didn't even know who megadeth was or a single metal song, not even judas priest. One of the other channels I discovered was hellheadbanger who has hundreds of uploads of black metal. One of the very first metal albums I ever bought was frostmoon - tordenkrig. I also use this website a ton throughout the day.

So I ask, how do you discover new music?

He had a great channel too I used to argue with him a lot about underground bands, and he told me he shut his channel down because of hipsters or something like that, hehe. You would probably like videos from Cultopaidogr, Timedilationsteel, and others who post obscure heavy metal and of course all the folks who posted lesser known black metal as well. Youtube is more or less the place I discover newer acts, and of course forums from Nwnprod, the Terrorizer forum, and of course the rec threads over here.

Author:  Gorgo [ Sat Aug 18, 2012 7:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you discover new metal?

I mainly use distro's and label websites. That way, you are sure that you can actually get the record itself. Youtube is a good source for checking out music, but in some cases, there are only 1-2-3 songs from the band on line (or none), which just isen't a good representation.

Checking out certain blogspots can come in handy as well, as you can download the whole record, but then you get the problem of buying the record again.

I wouldn't count on other people (ex. Recommendation Central) as musical taste is really something personal + it takes away the joy of searching. Nothing beats the feeling you get when you find that one good song after 2,5 hours of searching, makes it all worth while.

Author:  CapricornSupernaut [ Sat Aug 18, 2012 9:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you discover new metal?

I use a plethora of ways to find new bands and artists; mainly this site and Terrorizer magazine (their mix CDs have shown me Before the Dawn and Sabaton, and I can't credit them enough), though I've been using Last.fm a lot more recently, and YouTube is great for listening to bands that I read about.

Author:  The Orange Man [ Sat Aug 18, 2012 9:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you discover new metal?

Before I harnessed the power of the internets, I used to check the "thanks to" sections when I bought a new tape. Between that, word of mouth, and metal magazines, that's how I got started. Later in the 80's/early 90's there used to be a local metal TV show called Whiplash that would play some good videos, plus a local metal show on the college station called "The Metal Storm" (later to be renamed The Pit, and now it's called Return To The Pit).

These days I just use all the internets. All of them. And I still pick up some new names through old fashioned word of mouth.

Author:  Sinistrous [ Sat Aug 18, 2012 9:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you discover new metal?

Zelkiiro wrote:
The Recommendations forum.

This. I tend to buy a lot of cd's nowadays from the british Amazon, awesome place to score some obscure albums. I mean, Vio-gression, Wombbath and Infester? Fucken' A!

Author:  novakm [ Sat Aug 18, 2012 10:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you discover new metal?

I generally look at the album art. If it involves a goat fucking someone/being fucked by someone, I know it's good.

Author:  The Orange Man [ Sat Aug 18, 2012 11:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you discover new metal?

novakm wrote:
I generally look at the album art. If it involves a goat fucking someone/being fucked by someone, I know it's good.

Ironically, that's how I choose my breakfast cereal.

Author:  OneSizeFitzpatrick [ Sat Aug 18, 2012 11:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you discover new metal?

No clean singing is a frequently checked site for me when I'm craving something new.. Don't usually pay no mind to what is spoken of in high regard 'round these parts, lotsa hit-and-miss bands for me, though I do really like that Mgla band I keep reading about on here and the recommendations thread does have some good topics for finding similar bands

Author:  enigmatech [ Sat Aug 18, 2012 1:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you discover new metal?

I go to my local FYE and look at the "new metal albums" section, and sample the albums in the computers there. I also check the used section alot, and have found cheap gems (well, in my eyes...) such as Toxik's "World Circus", original pressings of Overkill's "Feel the Fire" and "Taking Over", Dismember's "The God That Never Was", etc.

On the internet, I sometimes buy CD's from Amazon, and occasionally will discover a band or two on Youtube.

Author:  Wolfgong [ Sat Aug 18, 2012 2:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you discover new metal?

How do you discover new metal?

Seriously??? haha

Obsession!!! ...magazines, fanzines, friends, word of mouth, shows, obsession, Metal Archives, Other Forums related, Youtubes, HMV, Endless Distro lists scouring every page and checking out bands, anything even remotely interesting looking, every way I can to try and appease this fucking endless hunger I have to try and secure the 'perfect' album. That one that ends all albums.

Author:  Desperta_Ferro [ Sat Aug 18, 2012 6:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you discover new metal?

Browsing Metallum, of course, the artist pages are really helpful. That's how I found about Rebellion, through Grave Digger. Ironically, Rebellion are far, far more awesome than Grave Digger, and I'm a great fan of the Boltendahl crew, so that's saying something. Or Draugr, thanks to Sturmkaiser (practically the same band).

But anyway, I generally let myself be influenced by the name of the band and/or the album titles. If it is something cheesy as fuck, I'm.

Author:  BaloroftheEvilEye [ Sat Aug 18, 2012 7:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you discover new metal?

Well, there's this guy called STORMM...

Author:  csehszlovakze [ Sat Aug 18, 2012 7:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you discover new metal?

- YouTube related videos
- last.fm band recs
- MA artist pages
- this forum
- other forums
- Google+ stream
- misc. (once a fucked up link on Wikipedia led me to another great band)

Author:  GhostlyGloom [ Sat Aug 18, 2012 8:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you discover new metal?

I use a variety of methods that have been mentioned. Youtube and clicking randomly on a related video. There are some amazing users on youtube that upload quality stuff like MetalMania84 so I sometimes click the user and see what else they uploaded. I've even used the random band function.. I'll get back to you on that one. Of course the recommendation forum and "____ gems threads" that you see.

Author:  iriki [ Sat Aug 18, 2012 8:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you discover new metal?

I'd add Wikipedia on the list. It's pretty good to get into new genres of metal and to know the most noticiable bands within. Then you check out those bands deeply here on MA, hear some songs at youtube, grab an album, look for similar bands...

Author:  Ancient_Sorrow [ Sat Aug 18, 2012 11:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you discover new metal?

I tend to use word of mouth, and the ever-present Youtube related-videos section. I quite often use the search function on here too, which really helps to find chance discoveries. Occasionally, but less often, I'll make blind purchases in shops, or hear music I really like while at metal-nights. When I'm starting off on Genres, I sometimes use Wikipedia to get the gist of it, and work out a few band names - I did this most recently when I decided to listen to crust punk properly.

A way I've found which helps me get around to checking out bands which I've heard of by name only is by reviewing them on my blog. I've gotten properly into tons of bands by making myself listen to their albums in this way.

Author:  TheForeshadowing [ Sat Aug 18, 2012 11:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you discover new metal?

youtube, google

Author:  soul_schizm [ Sun Aug 19, 2012 12:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you discover new metal?

I used to browse record stores for hours on end.

Now I browse the internet.

It's obviously much more efficient using the computer, but I kind of miss the old days of flipping through endless CD / LP bins, looking for a gem.

Author:  jgarci12 [ Sun Aug 19, 2012 1:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you discover new metal?

Mostly this website (forum and similar artists tab), just browsing FYE and my local store, looking for names I recognize.

Author:  ~Guest 104167 [ Sun Sep 02, 2012 4:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you discover new metal?

Of course Metal Archives when it came to metal. Advanced search and that's all I need. If you want to discover metal all you need is Metal Archives! Other sites about metal are too incomplete or not well-designed.

Author:  AmberSilkAmbiguity [ Sun Sep 02, 2012 4:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you discover new metal?

soul_schizm wrote:
I used to browse record stores for hours on end.

Now I browse the internet.

It's obviously much more efficient using the computer, but I kind of miss the old days of flipping through endless CD / LP bins, looking for a gem.

I find the old-school way to be the most pleasing way by far. Holding a record in your hand, seeing the art work right in front of you and sampling it first hand in the record shop, and most importantly listening to a record the day you get home are all the privileges of searching for music the old-fashioned way.

Author:  Body_Hammer [ Sun Sep 02, 2012 4:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you discover new metal?

Internet Radio stations that use the recommender system have been very useful to me. Both Pandora and Last FM have introduced me to a lot of new artists that I enjoy.

Author:  MetalHearted [ Sun Sep 02, 2012 4:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you discover new metal?

As people have already said, the recommendations forum is a pretty great place to look. Most of the time I don't even post, i just look through the huge help threads and try random things.. Youtube is such a wonderful tool for sampling music pre purchase.

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