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Khan-era Kamelot
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Author:  yungstirjoey666 [ Sat Jul 01, 2023 11:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Khan-era Kamelot

This is basically an appreciation thread for Kamelot from Fourth Legacy to Ghost Opera. I haven't really listened to Siege Perilious or Poetry for the Poisoned, but I've heard that the latter isn't very good.

Anyways I've been regarding this as one of my favorite pieces of works in power metal, and music in general. I always enjoyed the gothic medieval/Elizabethian aesthetics, the romantic lyrics, Roy Khan's quasi-operatic singing, and the theatrical instrumentation used. The production is fairly balanced, and I like how they utilized both electronic and orchestra sounds w/o making it too overblown.

Now, there are a lot of songs from this era, but one that particularily stands out to me is Lost and Damned, which has this somewhat nightly Parisian romantic accordion instrumentation which is different from the jumpy polka stuff that you'd often find in quirky folk metal bands these days:

Spoiler: show

As far as power metal goes, I thought this era of Kamelot was pretty lacking of cheese, if it means anything nowadays. I mean, I think some cheese is fine, and I still enjoy me some power metal with dragons and magic, but I kind of wish we had more of this sentimental imagery in power metal as well. And while I don't necessarily think Tommy Karevik is a bad choice for the band, there does seem like an obvious drop of songwriting quality compared to this.

So what are your thoughts? What do you think of this era of Kamelot?

Author:  LycanthropeMoon [ Sat Jul 01, 2023 11:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Khan-era Kamelot

"The Black Halo" is probably my favorite power metal album of all time to this day. It's goddamn immaculate. Roy Khan is easily one of my top ten vocalists in all of metal, clean or otherwise... and just in music in general. I get goosebumps whenever I watch any performance from "One Cold Winter's Night". I also think their lyrical themes are quite interesting and thought provoking by the genre's standards, especially on "Epica" and "The Black Halo". Thomas Youngblood and Roy Khan knew how to bring out the best in each other around that time and they worked quite well together.

Tommy Karevik is an undeniably talented singer himself (and I want the band to let him flex his vocal chops more - like in Seventh Wonder... which he just left), and I do quite like "Silverthorn" and "Haven". However, his era of the band just doesn't have the same emotional resonance for me and a lot of his lyrics (in Kamelot) are just kind of nothing... though I do enjoy going to see them live still.

Author:  Demon Fang [ Sun Jul 02, 2023 1:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Khan-era Kamelot

The stretch from The Fourth Legacy to The Black Halo is some of the finest power metal to have ever come out, and Siege Perilous is an underrated gem.

Author:  zingote [ Sun Jul 02, 2023 2:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Khan-era Kamelot

An absolutely phenomenal period in the band’s history and some of the best power metal around. Lately, Karma has taken the top spot as my favourite album.

Author:  yungstirjoey666 [ Sun Jul 02, 2023 5:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Khan-era Kamelot

I forgot to bring this up, but remember when the Japanese synchronized swim team used Kamelot music during the 2016 olympics? It's funny because before knowing about this, I brought up how Ghost Opera would've been perfect ice skating music or something, but this is legendary.

Spoiler: show

Author:  ChildClownOutlet [ Sun Jul 02, 2023 11:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Khan-era Kamelot

I might be the only one who didnt like Black Halo. Sue me. Thought it was plodding and dull. Karma and Epica are fantastic though. Didn't like their later stuff aside from a few songs here and there with Tommy. Bloodmoon from their newest album is amazing though

Author:  Twisted_Psychology [ Mon Jul 03, 2023 11:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Khan-era Kamelot

Demon Fang wrote:
The stretch from The Fourth Legacy to The Black Halo is some of the finest power metal to have ever come out, and Siege Perilous is an underrated gem.

Seconded. The Black Halo is a perfect album in my eyes with The Fourth Legacy and Karma right behind it. Ghost Opera has some fun songs and I liked Poetry for the Poisoned at the time, but you can really feel the latter’s fatigue in hindsight.

Silverthorne was a real breath of fresh air at the time and I still like it quite a bit, but everything released since hasn’t lived up to it. I think Kamelot has become one of those bands I loved when I was younger but can’t tell what I’d even want from anymore so I just kinda leave them be.

Author:  Demon Fang [ Mon Jul 03, 2023 11:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Khan-era Kamelot

Twisted_Psychology wrote:
Demon Fang wrote:
The stretch from The Fourth Legacy to The Black Halo is some of the finest power metal to have ever come out, and Siege Perilous is an underrated gem.

Seconded. The Black Halo is a perfect album in my eyes with The Fourth Legacy and Karma right behind it. Ghost Opera has some fun songs and I liked Poetry for the Poisoned at the time, but you can really feel the latter’s fatigue in hindsight.

Silverthorne was a real breath of fresh air at the time and I still like it quite a bit, but everything released since hasn’t lived up to it. I think Kamelot has become one of those bands I loved when I was younger but can’t tell what I’d even want from anymore so I just kinda leave them be.

This might sound bad but I'd rather listen to the Vanderbilt albums than Poetry. Poetry has cool moments, but Eternity has its fully killer opening number (rest of it is background noise but to be fair, so is much of Poetry). Half of Dominion is pretty sick, too.

Love Silverthorn to this day. Haven was like this massive downgrade but still an enjoyable enough power metal album like Ghost Opera (although I like Ghost more). Really, in listening to the latest two, I'm left with the same question, aside from a smartass remark of "just be Seventh Wonder lol", because they do have about the same things that work, just minus the hooks and shit that made The Black Halo such a great album or even Haven an above average one.

Author:  Zerberus [ Tue Jul 04, 2023 3:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Khan-era Kamelot

Would definitely agree that Karma, Epica and The Black Halo are some of the best and most cohesive power metal albums ever concieved. Despite their sound, it never really turns cheesy or silly. Ghost Opera always felt a little off to me, like they really started leaning into the Hot Topic clientele.

Author:  Empyreal [ Thu Jul 06, 2023 8:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Khan-era Kamelot

What really sets albums like Fourth Legacy through Black Halo apart is just how seriously they're taken. Like Lost Horizon, they were a band who just really felt and meant every note and you can tell the difference when listening to them versus other bands. The songs just really stay with you.

Author:  Horned_Owl_Holocaust [ Thu Jul 06, 2023 10:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Khan-era Kamelot

Empyreal wrote:
What really sets albums like Fourth Legacy through Black Halo apart is just how seriously they're taken. Like Lost Horizon, they were a band who just really felt and meant every note and you can tell the difference when listening to them versus other bands. The songs just really stay with you.

Khan led Kamelot + Lost Horizon are probably the two reunion shows I'd shell out the most money for. Really hoping Khan comes back someday - amazing run of material.

Author:  Demon Fang [ Thu Jul 06, 2023 11:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Khan-era Kamelot

Horned_Owl_Holocaust wrote:
Empyreal wrote:
What really sets albums like Fourth Legacy through Black Halo apart is just how seriously they're taken. Like Lost Horizon, they were a band who just really felt and meant every note and you can tell the difference when listening to them versus other bands. The songs just really stay with you.

Khan led Kamelot + Lost Horizon are probably the two reunion shows I'd shell out the most money for. Really hoping Khan comes back someday - amazing run of material.

Best I can do is Conception and Sacred Outcry.

Author:  Ace_Rimmer [ Thu Jul 06, 2023 12:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Khan-era Kamelot

Massive fan of Khan era Kamelot, though I may prefer Conception to that outfit but its close.

Just amazing songwriting from Fourth Legacy to Black Halo, but all the Khan albums are good listens. Just hard to match the level of those earlier ones.

Lost interest after but Silverthorn isn't bad.

Author:  Empyreal [ Thu Jul 06, 2023 2:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Khan-era Kamelot

Demon Fang wrote:
Horned_Owl_Holocaust wrote:
Empyreal wrote:
What really sets albums like Fourth Legacy through Black Halo apart is just how seriously they're taken. Like Lost Horizon, they were a band who just really felt and meant every note and you can tell the difference when listening to them versus other bands. The songs just really stay with you.

Khan led Kamelot + Lost Horizon are probably the two reunion shows I'd shell out the most money for. Really hoping Khan comes back someday - amazing run of material.

Best I can do is Conception and Sacred Outcry.

Haha that does actually line up. I don't want Khan to go back to Kamelot now, lol. Conception is doing great.

Author:  Ace_Rimmer [ Thu Jul 06, 2023 2:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Khan-era Kamelot

Empyreal wrote:
Demon Fang wrote:
Horned_Owl_Holocaust wrote:
Khan led Kamelot + Lost Horizon are probably the two reunion shows I'd shell out the most money for. Really hoping Khan comes back someday - amazing run of material.

Best I can do is Conception and Sacred Outcry.

Haha that does actually line up. I don't want Khan to go back to Kamelot now, lol. Conception is doing great.

Yep. I just want a Conception tour of the States.

And a new record.

Did you ever listen to Flow yet?

Author:  Bronze Age [ Fri Jul 07, 2023 1:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Khan-era Kamelot

I like Siege Perilous and The Fourth Judgement the best but I have only recently listened to the following 3 albums for the first time.

That said I like the Crimson Glory style of the first two albums and can't believe how low those are rated here.

Author:  Dungeon_Vic [ Fri Jul 07, 2023 10:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Khan-era Kamelot

Conception > Kamelot (but it's close)
Khan Kamelot is great. Like most, my cutoff point is The Black Halo, which I like less than the previous two and to be honest I am not in the position to rank their albums now as I haven't listened to a full Kamelot album in many years.

In Greece, around 1996, there was a rumor that Midnight was singing in Kamelot under a false name. I can somewhat hear it but eh, no. Still, that's how I discovered We Are Not Separate, which is a wonderful song from their first era.

Nights of Arabia and indeed Lost & Damned and The Edge of Paradise (with interlude preceding it) were my jams.

Author:  RedMisanthrope [ Fri Jul 07, 2023 10:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Khan-era Kamelot

Yearly post just to say that, while I’m the opposite of an authority on power metal, The Black Halo is a top 100 metal album, period. Everything else of theirs that I’ve heard is fine to great.

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