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"One Man" BM Documentary
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Author:  Poisonfume [ Fri Oct 12, 2012 8:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "One Man" BM Documentary

I'm not a big fan of Xasthur, and I think Subliminal Genocide is an overall average album, but the song Prison of Mirrors is a masterpiece of DSBM.

Author:  Southern Freeze [ Fri Oct 12, 2012 9:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "One Man" BM Documentary

primitivevoid wrote:
To answer your question for which Leviathan album to check out first, tho i am a bit late in responding, would be
a) tentacals of whorror, this was my first introduction to leviathan and it is a weird creepy, raw atmospheric album that deserves to be heard.
b) massive conspiracy (which bloodycumshit i noticed you chose) which presents a more mature, varied and layered version of all aspects of leviathans sound.

that said, leviathans demos and splits are all worth tracking down in my opinion if you like the official albums. the split with Xasthur is very strong material from both artists. Which Xasthur are you thinking of checking out next? I am a big fan of "A gate through bloodstained mirrors", subliminal genocide, and Suicide in dark serenity. incase you were wondering.

well i havnt purchased any leviathan yet beacause i cant find massive conspiracy on i tunes and am moving house soon so dont want to risk ordering it,so that leaves me with the others to choose from which im not sure yet.
im not too sure what xasthur i would get next,hes obviously done alot since nocturnal poisoning

Author:  Poisonfume [ Fri Oct 12, 2012 9:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "One Man" BM Documentary

Then I too recommend Tentacles. A Necessary Mutilation is one of the creepiest songs I've ever heard. Come to think of it, it's probably better to start off with Tentacles.

Author:  godsonsafari [ Fri Oct 12, 2012 9:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "One Man" BM Documentary

Genuinely confused by why you guys feel that way.

You mean why the guy making depressive black metal and talking about killing himself and who lives alone and attempts to excise himself from society through complete nonparticipation with peers (or anyone) and lives in a house where he covered up the windows with towels to block out sunlight (look at the video again if you don't believe me) would be considered to have the hallmarks of mental illness? Man, I dunno either. Escapes me. ;)

I don't think there's any great surprises here in the movie for people within the scene but it is interesting to see committed to film and I think it is compelling to watch. I have a morbid fascination to see how Wrest may manage to humanize and promptly dehumanize himself on camera.

Author:  primitivevoid [ Sat Oct 13, 2012 10:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "One Man" BM Documentary

tentacals of whorror is a good introduction point, its just not as refined as massive conspiracy, and refined and black metal usually does not work for me. Tentacals still has all the trademark moves Leviathan employs. Haunting atmospherics+ raw visceral hatred= a good album. Another thing i will say is even if some fans like massive conspiracy better i am willing to bet they still find something to enjoy on tentacals. sorry to get off topic.

Author:  Poisonfume [ Sat Oct 13, 2012 12:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "One Man" BM Documentary

primitivevoid wrote:
tentacals of whorror is a good introduction point, its just not as refined as massive conspiracy, and refined and black metal usually does not work for me. Tentacals still has all the trademark moves Leviathan employs. Haunting atmospherics+ raw visceral hatred= a good album. Another thing i will say is even if some fans like massive conspiracy better i am willing to bet they still find something to enjoy on tentacals. sorry to get off topic.

Of course we do. We fucking love Tentacles.

Author:  Southern Freeze [ Sat Oct 13, 2012 3:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "One Man" BM Documentary

[quote="primitivevoid"]refined and black metal usually does not work for me.[quote/]

same with me,sold!.....

Author:  primitivevoid [ Sat Oct 13, 2012 6:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "One Man" BM Documentary

tell us what you think of tentacals then, glad to be of help.

Author:  Southern Freeze [ Sat Oct 13, 2012 9:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "One Man" BM Documentary

[quote="primitivevoid"]tell us what you think of tentacals then,quote]

will do

Author:  ~Guest 226319 [ Sun Oct 14, 2012 7:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "One Man" BM Documentary

You have to close the last part of the bbcode to make it work. "[/quote]" at the end of the quote.

Author:  Tiam Kara [ Sun Oct 14, 2012 9:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "One Man" BM Documentary

I.. really don't like this Scott Conner at all.

I don't like this philosophy behind Erebuss's post either. Not in regard to him - I don't think he ascribes to it personally, seems to me he was just expounding for the benefit of the reader - but the idea itself.

I'm all for not shitting all over our planet. I don't have any personal connection to it, it's just a few quadrillion tons of rock, metal, puke, and seminal fluid, but I have to live on it. So I'm all for not fucking it up. But at the same time I'm going to live comfortably or at least as close to comfortably as my personal situation will allow. It's my right as a living creature; a right that not only humans use. Animals of all sorts seek the best shelter they can find. I really doubt that if, say, ferrets had evolved into the dominant intelligence on the planet instead of primates they wouldn't have eventually invented air conditioning as well.

Yeah, balance, shit like that. Live comfortably but not at the expense of some other life form is a good idea. And, yeah, some people don't even give a shit about the functionally extinct Chinese Dolphin. But fuck lighten up, Scott. You're such a bummer.

Author:  Southern Freeze [ Sun Oct 14, 2012 1:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "One Man" BM Documentary

John_Sunlight wrote:
You have to close the last part of the bbcode to make it work. "

oh, ok then

Author:  godsonsafari [ Sun Oct 14, 2012 9:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "One Man" BM Documentary

I don't like this philosophy behind Erebuss's post either. Not in regard to him - I don't think he ascribes to it personally, seems to me he was just expounding for the benefit of the reader - but the idea itself.

I'm all for not shitting all over our planet. I don't have any personal connection to it, it's just a few quadrillion tons of rock, metal, puke, and seminal fluid, but I have to live on it. So I'm all for not fucking it up. But at the same time I'm going to live comfortably or at least as close to comfortably as my personal situation will allow. It's my right as a living creature; a right that not only humans use. Animals of all sorts seek the best shelter they can find. I really doubt that if, say, ferrets had evolved into the dominant intelligence on the planet instead of primates they wouldn't have eventually invented air conditioning as well.

I don't know that he does. He may. This is a metal forum on the internet after all and he may live some close variant to that personal philosophy.

Let's take that set of beliefs at face value for a moment - let's say that indeed humanity is tearing through resources in such a manner that it is not sustainable, and that modern first world culture places a disproportionate amount of energy towards material wealth in such a manner that it is unhealthy to the global populace in general. To me, to argue that this realization is somehow the genesis of great sorrow, depression, and self imposed exile is without value. There are other potential reactions to this realization. Rather, to say that is why you've tuned out? That is an excuse. Worthless words.

Author:  Southern Freeze [ Mon Oct 15, 2012 1:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "One Man" BM Documentary

godsonsafari wrote:
I don't like this philosophy behind Erebuss's post either. Not in regard to him - I don't think he ascribes to it personally, seems to me he was just expounding for the benefit of the reader - but the idea itself.

I'm all for not shitting all over our planet. I don't have any personal connection to it, it's just a few quadrillion tons of rock, metal, puke, and seminal fluid, but I have to live on it. So I'm all for not fucking it up. But at the same time I'm going to live comfortably or at least as close to comfortably as my personal situation will allow. It's my right as a living creature; a right that not only humans use. Animals of all sorts seek the best shelter they can find. I really doubt that if, say, ferrets had evolved into the dominant intelligence on the planet instead of primates they wouldn't have eventually invented air conditioning as well.

I don't know that he does. He may. This is a metal forum on the internet after all and he may live some close variant to that personal philosophy.

Let's take that set of beliefs at face value for a moment - let's say that indeed humanity is tearing through resources in such a manner that it is not sustainable, and that modern first world culture places a disproportionate amount of energy towards material wealth in such a manner that it is unhealthy to the global populace in general. To me, to argue that this realization is somehow the genesis of great sorrow, depression, and self imposed exile is without value. There are other potential reactions to this realization. Rather, to say that is why you've tuned out? That is an excuse. Worthless words.

spose its just depressing coz ya cant really do fuck all about it

Author:  Southern Freeze [ Mon Oct 15, 2012 1:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "One Man" BM Documentary

primitivevoid wrote:
tell us what you think of tentacals then, glad to be of help.

thanks for the recommendations
I blasted this album in my ears all day at work today and was impressed!im generally really enjoying this genre of music.i feel like a bit of a hipster or that im betraying my punk rock roots.But i really feel this music relates better to my state of mind and the way i live lately.

Author:  Errebuss [ Mon Oct 15, 2012 2:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "One Man" BM Documentary

godsonsafari wrote:

I don't know that he does. He may. This is a metal forum on the internet after all and he may live some close variant to that personal philosophy.

Just to be clear, I definitely do not live like Malefic nor do I advocate that lifestyle. I attend university. I have a job. I am not a shut in. And I completely agree that he is chronically depressed.

I merely wanted to point out what else he has said in other interviews and say "look, his viewpoint isn't un-understandable." Especially when the same sentiments are echoed throughout black metal. Many of the things he has said aren't unlike things that have been said by Varg, Fenriz, or the guys from Wolves in the Throne Room.

EDIT: There is a trailer for pt. 2 of this documentary up. It seems like they are going to go more into these guys early life, so maybe that will better explain why they feel the way they do.


Author:  syx [ Mon Oct 15, 2012 4:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "One Man" BM Documentary

bloodycumshit wrote:
thanks for the recommendations
I blasted this album in my ears all day at work today and was impressed!im generally really enjoying this genre of music.i feel like a bit of a hipster or that im betraying my punk rock roots.But i really feel this music relates better to my state of mind and the way i live lately.

Just wondering what makes you say you feel like a hipster for listening to Leviathan?

I may sound really thick but I don't get this whole 'hipster' thing. A mate said to me a few weeks back that I'd probably be called a hipster for having the Leviathan moon logo as a tattoo? Can someone enlighten me about this theory that Leviathan, Xasthur etc are 'hipster' black metal.

Author:  swayze [ Mon Oct 15, 2012 8:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "One Man" BM Documentary

syx wrote:
Can someone enlighten me about this theory that Leviathan, Xasthur etc are 'hipster' black metal.

I think it's because Leviathan and Xasthur and Wolves in the Throne Room and the like are talked about, reviewed, interviewed and whatnot by sites like Pitchfork. They're also talked about outside of metal media (aside from Pitchfork). Darkthrone gets a bit of the hipster tag now too, because VICE loves Fenriz. I think it's all silly, and on top of that I've never met any hipsters who like black metal.

Author:  godsonsafari [ Mon Oct 15, 2012 8:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "One Man" BM Documentary

I merely wanted to point out what else he has said in other interviews and say "look, his viewpoint isn't un-understandable." Especially when the same sentiments are echoed throughout black metal. Many of the things he has said aren't unlike things that have been said by Varg, Fenriz, or the guys from Wolves in the Throne Room.

Just because I understand where his viewpoint may be coming from doesn't make it healthy, intelligent, enviable, etc. either. If you don't care for Xasthur's music for whatever reason, then what has that guy produced with his life? What has he accomplished?

Can someone enlighten me about this theory that Leviathan, Xasthur etc are 'hipster' black metal.

Williamsburg hipsters like "authenticity" in their music to co-opt and black metal music has a lot of it. Also add in that today's indie hipster kid isn't generally ashamed of listening to metal, which is a pretty big difference as to the college rock fan of 15-20 years ago, and that the ethos of a lot of black metal is much more "punk" than other genres of extreme metal, and you have something that is much better built to be enjoyed by that sort of person these days.

Author:  syx [ Mon Oct 15, 2012 8:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "One Man" BM Documentary

Thanks for enlightening me swayze and godsonsafari!! Had no idea to be honest what it really meant.

Author:  primitivevoid [ Mon Oct 15, 2012 9:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "One Man" BM Documentary

just because hipsters have co-opted leviathan and xasthur doesnt make them hipster music. there music has genuine integrity on its own merrits. glad bloodycumshit enjoyed tentacals. it is a wonderful album with so many layers of detail...

Author:  syx [ Mon Oct 15, 2012 9:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "One Man" BM Documentary

primitivevoid, that's what I thought, I cannot understand how a band can be labelled dependant on a tag a portion of their fanbase may have? May aswell say then that Bal-Sagoth are 'jazz music student' black metal as I know lots of jazz music students who like Bal-Sagoth, doesnt mean they should have that tag...

And as for the conversation about Tentacles, possibly my favourite Leviathan album! Was the first one I heard and was instantly hooked!

Back on topic, anyone heard anything about when parts 2 or 3 of the documentary are being released??

Author:  samekh [ Mon Oct 15, 2012 12:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "One Man" BM Documentary

primitivevoid wrote:
just because hipsters have co-opted leviathan and xasthur doesnt make them hipster music.

Yeah, I agree, for the most part. I think Wrest and Blake used to mock hipsters that would come to their shows, calling them "Nigels." But, on the other hand, they're allowing themselves to be interviewed by Pitchfork, which is basically hipster-central, so it's sort of a mixed message for me. I never really understood why most of metal and even black metal is ignored by the hipster community, and yet a few bands are co-opted. I can sort of understand Leviathan being accepted because of the occasional indie/psychedelic/post-rock/ambient influences in his music, but Xasthur?

Author:  Southern Freeze [ Mon Oct 15, 2012 1:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "One Man" BM Documentary

i really wish i didnt use the word hipster now ,it was definatly the wrong word to use as i miss understood the meaning of it a bit i realised when i looked up the definition of what the word means :ugh: i dont think leviathen and xasthur are hipster...i just think there really good, and glad i stumbled across them.think they make a sound that relates to me more than the music i was listening to

Author:  primitivevoid [ Mon Oct 15, 2012 8:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "One Man" BM Documentary

that is cool. it is always cool to discover stuff you never knew you aare really into.

Author:  godsonsafari [ Mon Oct 15, 2012 8:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "One Man" BM Documentary

I can sort of understand Leviathan being accepted because of the occasional indie/psychedelic/post-rock/ambient influences in his music, but Xasthur?

Because he sounds like Burzum but is harmless. On the other hand, being a fan of Burzum and wearing a Burzum shirt is...well...not as accepted. Though I'm not sure the average indie type has the same reservations about Death In June. There was actually a thread on ILXOR about whether or not hipsters wearing Burzum shirts was appropriate and if they are terrible people, IIRC.

Author:  ~Guest 227866 [ Mon Oct 15, 2012 11:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "One Man" BM Documentary

What Striborg album should I get first? the guy has so many.

Author:  ginometalhead [ Mon Oct 15, 2012 11:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "One Man" BM Documentary

Zeating wrote:
What Striborg album should I get first? the guy has so many.

Just pick one. They all more or less utilize a similar formula

Author:  Southern Freeze [ Mon Oct 15, 2012 11:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "One Man" BM Documentary

Zeating wrote:
What Striborg album should I get first? the guy has so many.

well i just brought southwest passage its only a few songs but its cheap and gives you an idea of what its like,others on here will no better than me though.

Author:  Necroticism174 [ Mon Oct 15, 2012 11:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "One Man" BM Documentary

Southwest Passage is definitely his most accessible one.

Author:  forestcorpse [ Tue Oct 16, 2012 3:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "One Man" BM Documentary

Zeating wrote:
What Striborg album should I get first? the guy has so many.

I would have started with the first and second one, Spiritual Catharsis and Mysterious Semblance. My favorite albums by Striborg, filled with this amazing erie atmosphere.

Author:  Chaosmonger [ Tue Oct 16, 2012 10:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "One Man" BM Documentary

it's worth noting that all three musicians were featured on SunnO)))'s "Black One" album. I wonder if the person/people behind the doc got into bm this way.

Author:  primitivevoid [ Tue Oct 16, 2012 10:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "One Man" BM Documentary

Chaosmonger wrote:
it's worth noting that all three musicians were featured on SunnO)))'s "Black One" album. I wonder if the person/people behind the doc got into bm this way.

a lot of people def got in to b lack metal because of that album and association.

Author:  Southern Freeze [ Tue Oct 16, 2012 1:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "One Man" BM Documentary

primitivevoid wrote:
Chaosmonger wrote:
it's worth noting that all three musicians were featured on SunnO)))'s "Black One" album. I wonder if the person/people behind the doc got into bm this way.

a lot of people def got in to b lack metal because of that album and association.

never heard of it,im guessing its some kind of compilation

Author:  syx [ Tue Oct 16, 2012 1:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "One Man" BM Documentary

It is an album by drone band SunnO))) and features Malefic and Wrest. http://www.metal-archives.com/albums/Su ... _One/87680 it is an awesome album! Features one of the darkest songs recorded; Bathory Erzsebet.

The first track is called Sin Nanna, I believe as a sign of respect towards him.

I would definately recommend checking it out! I think it's a masterpiece of dark and extreme art.

Author:  Southern Freeze [ Tue Oct 16, 2012 2:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "One Man" BM Documentary

syx wrote:
It is an album by drone band SunnO))) and features Malefic and Wrest. http://www.metal-archives.com/albums/Su ... _One/87680 it is an awesome album! Features one of the darkest songs recorded; Bathory Erzsebet.

The first track is called Sin Nanna, I believe as a sign of respect towards him.

I would definitely recommend checking it out! I think it's a masterpiece of dark and extreme art.

looks awsome,but i must thrash these other bands i just brought before i buy more music,resist my music junkie ways

Author:  Chaosmonger [ Tue Oct 16, 2012 2:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "One Man" BM Documentary

syx wrote:
It is an album by drone band SunnO))) and features Malefic and Wrest. http://www.metal-archives.com/albums/Su ... _One/87680 it is an awesome album! Features one of the darkest songs recorded; Bathory Erzsebet.

The first track is called Sin Nanna, I believe as a sign of respect towards him.

oh yeah, Sin Nanna isn't ON 'Black One' just used as a title.

Author:  ~Guest 271807 [ Tue Oct 16, 2012 3:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "One Man" BM Documentary

Excellent stuff.

Author:  vengefulgoat [ Tue Oct 16, 2012 4:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "One Man" BM Documentary

Zeating wrote:
What Striborg album should I get first? the guy has so many.

Spiritual Catharsis is definitely one of those worth listening to.

Also, I guess most people have seen this, but if not is the case, Xasthur live with Nachmystium:

Author:  MediocreGuitarist123 [ Tue Oct 16, 2012 6:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "One Man" BM Documentary

I watched the second part of it and I was pleasantly surprised to see that Whitehead was on the Skate or Die 2 video game cover.

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