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New Helloween coming in January
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Author:  StillDeath [ Mon Jan 14, 2013 6:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Helloween coming in January

Too much emphasis seems to be placed in media (I read some early reviews ) on happy or dark, light or heavy. The band themselves love to reassure fans that this will be heavy and such. In my opinion it doesn't matter. Unsuccessful albums were such because they were bland. They can, or in Helloween's case probably not, make an atmospheric light album with build up and dramatic conclusion. And that would be great, it's just that would be asking too much realistically speaking. In the past band members left over disagreements over direction but quality trumps style in the end.

Author:  ShadeOfDarkness [ Thu Jan 17, 2013 9:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Helloween coming in January

That is very true. Helloween did great before they released Gambling too. I will say that Rabbit had a good deal of hits and misses, but apart from that one, I won't be complaining. This new album can at certain points remind me more of Keepers II and The Dark Ride. They did keep enough elements from the 2 last albums to make me happy too of course.

My favorites from the new record are "Make Fire Catch The Fly", "Far From The Stars", "Nabataea", and the title track. These songs are just plain awesomeness right down to the core. The other ones are good too, but "Asshole" and "Hold Me In Your Arms" were my least favorites. "Asshole" was kinda weird, with it's poppy chorus, and grooving verses. "Hold Me In Your Arms" is a song I felt they could have done more with. The chorus should have been bigger, and more epic (if that makes any sense). I just feel that that song never really had a high point in it, which Helloween songs should normally have in them.

But yeah, great album, and a hell of an addition to the new year!

Author:  Twisted_Psychology [ Thu Jan 17, 2013 5:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Helloween coming in January

Maybe it's just the first listen but this one isn't quite blowing my mind the way the last two did. I'll probably still end up getting it but it hasn't quite grabbed me yet.

Author:  mjollnir [ Thu Jan 17, 2013 9:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Helloween coming in January

Twisted_Psychology wrote:
Maybe it's just the first listen but this one isn't quite blowing my mind the way the last two did. I'll probably still end up getting it but it hasn't quite grabbed me yet.

The first few songs and the last few songs really grabbed me but the rest was meh. I'll give it a few more listens. The ballad is SUPER cheesy though.

Author:  StillDeath [ Sat Jan 19, 2013 3:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Helloween coming in January

I don't think Hold Me In Your Arms is bad, at least not in the sense the title would imply. It would fit the ending credits of a modern horror movie right after the scene surveying the slaughtered bodies just waiting to be discovered. Good album, quite unpredictable in places but lyrics maybe somewhat awkward.

Author:  Empyreal [ Sat Jan 19, 2013 2:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Helloween coming in January

I like this. It's not their best work ever, not as good as Keepers III or Dark Ride for epic songwriting, but it's a great, fun romp from a band that sounds about 20 years younger than they are. Electric performances, huge energy and songs that sound like they came from 2000 instead of 2013 - seriously this is their most old school power metal in a long time.

Author:  FantomLord17 [ Sun Jan 20, 2013 3:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Helloween coming in January

I'm on my second listen and loving the hell (heh) out of it. The whole thing is just hook after hook. The riffs are a bit better, less modern than 7 Sinners and there are loads of classic Helloween leads. And the choruses - damn. This might just be Deris best performance yet. The title is killer, and I actually enjoyed Asshole and the ballad a lot (much better than the one on 7 Sinners, at least).

I didn't really expect much of this, just a few great songs and some filler, but if it holds up after multiple listens I wouldn't be surprised to see it among 2013's best lists. Hopefully Gamma Ray's new release will be on par at least!

Author:  metroplex [ Mon Jan 21, 2013 12:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Helloween coming in January

This is the best material of the new line-up. The masters giving a lesson on how to write the style they created. Sascha Gerstner finally getting his shit together, same as Andi's songs. Weiki and Markus delivering as always. Probably their best along The Dark Ride.

Author:  VirginSteele_Helstar [ Mon Jan 21, 2013 11:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Helloween coming in January

I'm really not digging it too much, guys sorry. It is not really drastically different from Gambling and yet it just doesn't appeal to me. Not yet anyway.

Author:  MEGANICK89 [ Tue Jan 29, 2013 3:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Helloween coming in January

This new album is very impressive, much more melodic than the last album. Only clunker is "Asshole" though the way Deris says "motherfucker" is amusing. Also, does anyone know why "Wanna Be God" is dedicated to Freddie Mercury?

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