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Anette leaves Nightwish
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Author:  Empyreal [ Tue Oct 02, 2012 12:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Anette leaves Nightwish

Good riddance I say, last album was shit and her performance wasn't any good on it either. She sounded pretty good on Dark Passion Play though...but a return to a more dramatic singer can't hurt at all. Wishmaster and Century Child are amazing works and although I doubt they'll return to that kind of songwriting mastery, maybe they can at least produce something halfway decent again. Maybe.

Author:  Aurone [ Tue Oct 02, 2012 2:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Anette leaves Nightwish

I just relized that, ironicly, Anette is different then Tarja even in how she left the band. From what we've heard, this seems to be very sudden and recent, I get the impression that nothing was wrong until Anette was in the hospital and the band decided to go on with out her and she called them out on it. With the Tarja on the other hand, they made it clear that this had been building for a few years atleast and they simply had had enough.

I also wonder if Floor is perminant, Tuomas is a perfectionist with his music and I doubt he'd simply say "You sound good, you take this spot." I have a feeling she's temp for now.

Author:  percepticide [ Tue Oct 02, 2012 4:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Anette leaves Nightwish

I am glad floor jansen is the new singer. Anette ruined nightwish in my opinion. Anette can sing well and all but she can't really do the opera style.

Author:  Twin_guitar_attack [ Tue Oct 02, 2012 6:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Anette leaves Nightwish

Empyreal wrote:
Good riddance I say, last album was shit and her performance wasn't any good on it either. She sounded pretty good on Dark Passion Play though...but a return to a more dramatic singer can't hurt at all. Wishmaster and Century Child are amazing works and although I doubt they'll return to that kind of songwriting mastery, maybe they can at least produce something halfway decent again. Maybe.

I thought Imaginereum was pretty bad. I listened to it again a few days ago when a conversation with some friends turned to the subject, and it was as I remembered it the first time. Annette is pretty good on it, but it was the music and the songs that ruined it. I thought she sounded better on it than DPP, but DPP had great songs. There were 2 good songs, and half of the 11 minute one across the whole thing (i want my tears back and slow, love, slow)

It was too self indulgent as a whole. One of the first tracks was just alternating between keyboards, orchestras and choirs, and chucking them in whenever in an attempt to sound epic and I just found it overbearing and cheesy (I never thought that before about NW so that's saying something.) This was the same for a few of the other songs. And the 11 minute song with spoken words for the final four/five minutes got on my nerves too. Whereas Ghost Love Score is 10 minutes and is just epic, it is one of my all time favourite songs.

It says something when the best track on the album by far was slow, love, slow, which was a jazz song and had nothing to do with their normal style. The problem with the album was not Anette (her voice is average, but it isn't bad) and even adding a phenomenal vocalist like floor won't solve the problems with Tuomas's ego and song writing, even if she were to stay full time.

I'm not sure whether to see them live or not, will have to see videos of how other gigs with Floor have gone. I just dislike the new album, and the set seems mostly that, and nothing pre-once. I would love to hear Floor sing something like setting sun or phantom of the opera

Author:  ~Guest 285196 [ Tue Oct 02, 2012 7:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Anette leaves Nightwish

Floor is my all-time favourite female singer in metal, so I guess I'm happy to see her in action again, and definitely reaching a wide audience with Nightwish. BUT Nightwish is way beneath her. I'm sorry, if you like Nightwish, great, but compared to After Forever (or even Re-Vamp), it's pretty much shit.

I really liked Century Child though... because the soft nature of the album really worked.

Author:  MacMoney [ Tue Oct 02, 2012 7:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Anette leaves Nightwish

Aurone wrote:
I also wonder if Floor is perminant, *snip* I have a feeling she's temp for now.

That's what the press release says, you know. That she is there just to finish the tour.

Author:  jon_nitti [ Tue Oct 02, 2012 7:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Anette leaves Nightwish

i dont think she left the band herself. to me it seems that her reaction to the band's decision of using replacement singers was more of she seemed that she was the main focus of the band, especially when she gave the comparison of going to see rihanna and getting brittney spears. cancelling the show that short notice screws over the rest of the band of a gig/guarantee/merch sales (and its damn expensive to be on tour), many fans out of a show and the venue/promoter a lot of money from those who wont be attending anymore because the band they came to see had to drop. using replacement singers was the right move to do for everyone. the fact that anette responded like this i find to be very self centered. it just seems like everyone else in nightwish doesnt put up with any bullshit. but whatever, i dont even like this band lol.

Author:  droneriot [ Tue Oct 02, 2012 8:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Anette leaves Nightwish

That's exactly what happened. She thinks people go to a Nightwish gig to see her. Cute, huh?

Author:  Jessie117 [ Tue Oct 02, 2012 8:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Anette leaves Nightwish

I think I remember reading somewhere (I forget where, exactly, so pardon me if I'm mistaken) that she actually had a separate tour bus for herself. Okay, sometimes we ladies want our space and I understand that, but seriously? A second tour bus? She should be glad she's not stuck in a van like a lot of bands. That's a little bit diva, if you ask me.
I think there WAS some friction between her and the other members, but they put it off because they didn't want a second Tarja incident.

Author:  ~Guest 178973 [ Tue Oct 02, 2012 11:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Anette leaves Nightwish

People, people, people! We're talking about an averagely-at-best voiced pop singer here! You're not actually surprised she's a bitch, are you?

Author:  DrFunkenstein [ Tue Oct 02, 2012 1:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anette leaves Nightwish

In case the rest of the band hasn't noticed, their singer IS the focus of the band.

That's why they get a SEXY HOT BABE to be their singer in the first place. Would anyone have ever given a shit about their bland, uninspired music if it wasn't for their singer?

Author:  ~Guest 282118 [ Tue Oct 02, 2012 1:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anette leaves Nightwish

DrFunkenstein wrote:
In case the rest of the band hasn't noticed, their singer IS the focus of the band.

That's why they get a SEXY HOT BABE to be their singer in the first place. Would anyone have ever given a shit about their bland, uninspired music if it wasn't for their singer?

You know, there are people who actually enjoy the band's music. I, for instance, have grown to like their early output (that is, their first three records) quite a bit, and couldn't give less of a fuck about what the band's singer looks like even if I wanted to.

Author:  Opus [ Tue Oct 02, 2012 3:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anette leaves Nightwish

DrFunkenstein wrote:
That's why they get a SEXY HOT BABE to be their singer in the first place.

Though I do think Anette is good looking, Toumas did anything BUT get a "SEXY HOT BABE" when he hired her.

Now to confirm my manliness: Nightwish is for pussies and weaklings!!!!

Author:  Twin_guitar_attack [ Tue Oct 02, 2012 5:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anette leaves Nightwish

Yeah Anette isn't really that hot. The main reason they went with Anette is they didn't want someone to just copy Tarja.

Author:  Zelkiiro [ Tue Oct 02, 2012 5:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anette leaves Nightwish

Not to mention, Tarja wasn't exactly a looker herself.

Author:  Twin_guitar_attack [ Tue Oct 02, 2012 6:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anette leaves Nightwish


Author:  simonitro [ Tue Oct 02, 2012 6:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anette leaves Nightwish

It kinda sucks that when people had started to get warmed up to her, she got the boot. Honestly, I'm a big Nightwish fan but sometime, Tuomas is one overdramatic whore himself. Anette was a very good singer, in my opinion, and the 2 albums she has done were good. For example, Sahara on DPP was a great song and on Imaginarium, she did improve big time and kinda got a bit disappointed that I needed more of her after I finished listening to Song Of Myself... I mean, the first 7 minutes were FUCKING AWESOME and then the whole narrative crap came along and I was thinking: "Dude! Fuck that! I need Anette to sing more"

Like I agree with others, Anette was the reason that made Imaginarium really good whereas the rest of the band were mediocre at best. I hope Floor does a good job for Tuomas' ego. Wait for the next album having a songtitle called: "Bye, Bye, Beautiful Part II: Thanks for Nothing, Bitch!"

Author:  thrashinbatman [ Tue Oct 02, 2012 7:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anette leaves Nightwish

jon_nitti wrote:
i dont think she left the band herself. to me it seems that her reaction to the band's decision of using replacement singers was more of she seemed that she was the main focus of the band, especially when she gave the comparison of going to see rihanna and getting brittney spears. cancelling the show that short notice screws over the rest of the band of a gig/guarantee/merch sales (and its damn expensive to be on tour), many fans out of a show and the venue/promoter a lot of money from those who wont be attending anymore because the band they came to see had to drop. using replacement singers was the right move to do for everyone. the fact that anette responded like this i find to be very self centered. it just seems like everyone else in nightwish doesnt put up with any bullshit. but whatever, i dont even like this band lol.

That's the impression I got. She thought she was the center of attention in the band, and everyone went to see her. When the shows proved that wasn't the case, she got mad and left. Bands have to this a lot, and it sucks, but if it has to happen, it has to happen. She could have gotten over it, but no.

Author:  Empyreal [ Tue Oct 02, 2012 7:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anette leaves Nightwish

DrFunkenstein wrote:
In case the rest of the band hasn't noticed, their singer IS the focus of the band.

That's why they get a SEXY HOT BABE to be their singer in the first place. Would anyone have ever given a shit about their bland, uninspired music if it wasn't for their singer?

Yeah because they used to make good music. You don't know what you're talking about.

Author:  CountBlagorath [ Tue Oct 02, 2012 10:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anette leaves Nightwish

droneriot wrote:
They should hire Lemmy as their new frontwoman.

This might be one of the funniest things I have ever read ever.

Author:  Aurone [ Wed Oct 03, 2012 1:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Anette leaves Nightwish

Rading the joke of let Lemmy sing for Nightwish, at thought occured to me. What if they actually got a Male singer instead? Granted he would have to be a little more different then Marco or his singing parts will be redudent, but still, it could revamp the music in a new way.

Author:  0kill [ Wed Oct 03, 2012 2:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Anette leaves Nightwish

Aurone wrote:
Rading the joke of let Lemmy sing for Nightwish, at thought occured to me. What if they actually got a Male singer instead? Granted he would have to be a little more different then Marco or his singing parts will be redudent, but still, it could revamp the music in a new way.

They'd lose a lot of their teenage girl fans that way, which I'm pretty sure is about a third of the fanbase...? I've never seen Nightwish live but I always assumed their shows would have close to triple the average female population for a metal show.

It definitely is an interesting idea, though. I could dig it if they got a male vocalist with a high enough range.

Author:  ~Guest 282118 [ Wed Oct 03, 2012 7:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Anette leaves Nightwish

That would be interesting, definitely. A good replacement (and contrast with Marco) would be Tobias Sammet, me thinks. Guy's got the poppy sensibilities Nightwish requires, but also coupled with a ton of rocking attitude and a pretty wide range. I doubt this will go past the "nice little fantasy" stage though :(

Author:  novakm [ Wed Oct 03, 2012 7:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Anette leaves Nightwish

Xlxlx wrote:
That would be interesting, definitely. A good replacement (and contrast with Marco) would be Tobias Sammet, me thinks. Guy's got the poppy sensibilities Nightwish requires, but also coupled with a ton of rocking attitude and a pretty wide range. I doubt this will go past the "nice little fantasy" stage though :(

His ego mixed with Tuomas'? That collaboration wouldn't last a week!

Author:  Empyreal [ Wed Oct 03, 2012 10:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Anette leaves Nightwish

Yeah Sammet definitely couldn't work with Tuomas...he's too in love with writing his own songs and controlling his own band's music. :p

They should just let Marco be the full time main singer. Somehow he's withstood Tuomas's ego this long, and I don't think they can find another full time singer who could contend with that level of arrogance.

Author:  GTog [ Wed Oct 03, 2012 10:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Anette leaves Nightwish

Empyreal wrote:
Yeah Sammet definitely couldn't work with Tuomas...he's too in love with writing his own songs and controlling his own band's music. :p

They should just let Marco be the full time main singer. Somehow he's withstood Tuomas's ego this long, and I don't think they can find another full time singer who could contend with that level of arrogance.

I... don't think you'd say that if you heard the "demo" versions of the DPP songs, with Marco on vocals. There are a couple on The Sound of Nightwish Reborn. :shudder:

Author:  Folkemon_ [ Wed Oct 03, 2012 11:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Anette leaves Nightwish

Floor is no Tarja but shes a hell of a lot better than Annette, atleast she can do operatic vocals and doesn't sound like a pop songer, i just hope they start playing more old stuff live and well...i doubt they'll make another album as good as Oceanborn or Wishmaster.

Author:  Aurone [ Wed Oct 03, 2012 7:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anette leaves Nightwish

To all those who said "I hope Tarja rejoins!", sorry to break it to you.

Author:  Metallic Shock [ Wed Oct 03, 2012 8:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anette leaves Nightwish

Aurone wrote:
Rading the joke of let Lemmy sing for Nightwish, at thought occured to me. What if they actually got a Male singer instead? Granted he would have to be a little more different then Marco or his singing parts will be redudent, but still, it could revamp the music in a new way.

Honestly I could see this being interesting, even though it probably won't happen. But I have to say, Michele Luppi would be a good choice if he wasn't already occupied with other things. He can sing melody lines in the same area Anette and Tarja do, plus would obviously be different enough from Marco. But frankly I'd be content with them sticking with Floor too.

Author:  Aurone [ Wed Oct 03, 2012 8:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anette leaves Nightwish

Honestly, I was thinking ICS Vortex singing Nightwish songs, although he's litterally got like 3 or 4 bands going right now. In fact, he just announced a new Arcturus album next year.

Author:  Young_Metalhead [ Wed Oct 03, 2012 8:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anette leaves Nightwish

Anette sucked. And well, they didnĀ“t want another diva and that's just what they got. So what's the lesson? Hire Amy fucking Lee :lol:

Author:  ~Guest 82538 [ Wed Oct 03, 2012 10:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anette leaves Nightwish

Aurone wrote:
In fact, he just announced a new Arcturus album next year.

Officially? Link?

Author:  Aurone [ Wed Oct 03, 2012 10:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anette leaves Nightwish


His latest Post.

Author:  ~Guest 82538 [ Wed Oct 03, 2012 10:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anette leaves Nightwish

Aurone wrote:

His latest Post.

So no official statement but rather his jocose humour and usual taunts towards the audience. We'll see about that.

Sorry for the off-topic, carry on. :)

Author:  Empyreal [ Wed Oct 03, 2012 11:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anette leaves Nightwish

GTog wrote:
I... don't think you'd say that if you heard the "demo" versions of the DPP songs, with Marco on vocals. There are a couple on The Sound of Nightwish Reborn. :shudder:

He sounds good on most everything else. Haven't heard those songs but considering his performances in Tarot and in earlier Nightwish, I don't see a problem.

Author:  u_sir_r_a_faggot [ Thu Oct 04, 2012 2:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Anette leaves Nightwish

Tarja is one ugly bitch and Anette is at least good looking. They should bring some big tits cleavage revealing chick to gain some attention because their music just sucks. Floor is much better than both Tarja and Anette and After Forever and ReVamp are way better than Nightwish. She should never record anything with this worthless band

Author:  Kveldulfr [ Thu Oct 04, 2012 5:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Anette leaves Nightwish

androdion wrote:
Aurone wrote:

His latest Post.

So no official statement but rather his jocose humour and usual taunts towards the audience. We'll see about that.

But there's something true about it anyway. Sverd has written music for a future Arcturus album, earlier this year he had 2 songs done, so it's possible he's finishing the songwriting by now.

Sorry for the off-topic.

Author:  pastafarian [ Thu Oct 04, 2012 6:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anette leaves Nightwish

They should just fuck off with female singers and good a good male singer with an epic power metal voice. Elisa Martin is the only female vocalist i like but that's because she sings like a man! Shes a great vocalist imo.

Author:  Zelkiiro [ Thu Oct 04, 2012 7:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anette leaves Nightwish

pastafarian wrote:
They should just fuck off with female singers and good a good male singer with an epic power metal voice. Elisa Martin is the only female vocalist i like but that's because she sings like a man! Shes a great vocalist imo.

I smell misogyny.

Author:  Frank Booth [ Thu Oct 04, 2012 7:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anette leaves Nightwish

Aurone wrote:
Rading the joke of let Lemmy sing for Nightwish, at thought occured to me. What if they actually got a Male singer instead? Granted he would have to be a little more different then Marco or his singing parts will be redudent, but still, it could revamp the music in a new way.

Edu Falaschi? He's buddies with Emppu, which might help his case with Tuomas. Andre Matos would also be interesting, for that matter, but then you run into ego issues. I hate Nightwish and their fellow fruity Europower acts, but one of those guys would actually be a decent reason for me to listen to them.

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