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Rotting Christ - Pro Xristoy (May 24th, 2024)
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Author:  Poisonfume [ Mon Jan 29, 2024 8:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rotting Christ - Pro Xristoy (May 24th, 2024)

CreepingDeath16 wrote:
LefterisK wrote:
"Elthe Kyrie" and "Apage Satana" are some of the worst I have heard in my life; if you are a Greek speaker this is laughable.

This is interesting, could you elaborate, like below? I thought they are native Greek, so is this something to do with ancient vs. modern Greek?

The lyrics of Apage Satana are literally just some common words of prayer (including the Lord's Prayer) so they're certainly dull but I wouldn't call them 'bad' in the usual sense.

LefterisK wrote:
The title of the new album should have been "Pro Christou/Hristou", which is the correct transliteration. Because now it just reads as Pro Krsistou (which does not make sense in English or Greek - "X" in Greek is pronounce as "Ks"). Yet another uninformed/lazy attempt by Sakis Tolis.

To be perfectly fair, "Pro Xristoy" is exactly how I would spell this if I was sending a text message with Latin characters. But the point is well made; I wouldn't dream of writing my album title in Grenglish.

Author:  PETERG [ Sun Feb 04, 2024 1:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rotting Christ - Pro Xristoy (May 24th, 2024)

LilTito wrote:
PETERG wrote:
LefterisK wrote:
I hold the opinion that Rotting Christ has had the most regressive course than any band I know (and I love to hate on modern Metallica, but at least 72 Seasons was decent). The last two albums were embarrassing and songs like "Elthe Kyrie" and "Apage Satana" are some of the worst I have heard in my life; if you are a Greek speaker this is laughable. Their best-off/old-school setlists are always the same songs and never touch anything unplayed from Non serviam, which has so many overlooked songs yet they seemingly take so much pride in this album. And I will never understand why the keep playing "Societas Satanas" live instead of an original song of theirs... This band has fallen off the rails hard; if Sakis let at least the new guy play some solos, it would make his albums more refreshing and interesting.

The title of the new album should have been "Pro Christou/Hristou", which is the correct transliteration. Because now it just reads as Pro Krsistou (which does not make sense in English or Greek - "X" in Greek is pronounce as "Ks"). Yet another uninformed/lazy attempt by Sakis Tolis.

Also, while the songs on his solo album were better that the majority of the songs in Heretics, it was on of the worst forms of self-plagiarism (and I say that being a big fan of Iced Earth). Specifically, the intro and basic riff of "ad astra" is just a variation of "saturn unlock" from Non serviam and "Snowing Still" and "the opposite bank" (at 2:57, which is IDENTICAL)... Τhe dawn of the new age = fire and flame. we…the fallen angels = sons of hell. the silence = hallowed be thy name. This is ridiculous.

I think at this point they are just trying to evolve this grandiose theme of big riffs and passages that make for an "epic" sound. But they seem to forget that this is not what they are. Greek black metal is about simple mid tempo riffs with evil atmosphere.

But hey at least Varathron and Deviser have released new material!

Deathstalker1985 wrote:
And also Arghoslent will always be the band that is best known for using that as one of their album covers. Really no point in any other bands using it after them.

Hmmm I think that Crime & the City Solution did it first though. :-D

Greece has a great black metal scene, don't limit yourself to only 90s bands

Of course man! I really dig all Greek black metal bands. Artists like Nocternity and Ravencult are amazing!

Author:  mirons [ Tue Feb 20, 2024 4:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rotting Christ - Pro Xristoy (May 24th, 2024)

So the first single is out, and no surprises here - it's exactly as could be expected. Whether that's a good or bad thing, depends on your liking o or lack thereof for the last few albums. I am not too impressed, but I didn't expect to be.

Author:  MikeyC [ Tue Feb 20, 2024 7:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rotting Christ - Pro Xristoy (May 24th, 2024)

I liked it. Pretty similar to their last couple of albums, but I liked those, too. It's not going to win over any new fans, but I thought it was good. Really leaning into their melody, which I'm enjoying.

Author:  jose_G [ Tue Feb 20, 2024 8:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rotting Christ - Pro Xristoy (May 24th, 2024)

very good new song!

Author:  Lane [ Tue Feb 20, 2024 10:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rotting Christ - Pro Xristoy (May 24th, 2024)

Sounds like Rotting Christ, alright. Great melody-work, the production seems to be punchy and I like them double kicks! Plus, there's no mantra-stuff on it... which is always nice. It does smell of 'A Dead Poem' to me more than just a bit! I haven't been excited about RC's singles for a looong time... So, YEAH!

Author:  SanPeron [ Tue Feb 20, 2024 1:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rotting Christ - Pro Xristoy (May 24th, 2024)

This doesn't sound like black metal to me, is a lot more lightweight than their first albums. Is not bad, but it isn't very memorable too. A little bit of harshness and heaviness could add something to the mix.

Author:  nakzox [ Tue Feb 20, 2024 2:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rotting Christ - Pro Xristoy (May 24th, 2024)

Kinda boring track to me. Doesn't exactly get me hyped for the rest of the album.

Author:  Lane [ Tue Feb 20, 2024 4:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rotting Christ - Pro Xristoy (May 24th, 2024)

The video is pretty cool for sure. Amazing setting.
Spoiler: show

SanPeron: Yeah, it's not rough-sounding for sure. That's probably it reminded me about 'A Dead Poem'. But when I listen to this song more, it gets distance to that album, too. It's not plastic production, thankfully.

Author:  cultofkraken [ Tue Feb 20, 2024 7:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rotting Christ - Pro Xristoy (May 24th, 2024)

Actually enjoyed it quite a bit and I didn’t expect to. The riffing definitely is stronger imo on this than on the last few. Reminds of the solo album and A Dead Poem which for me is not a bad thing.

Author:  akb88 [ Tue Feb 20, 2024 7:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rotting Christ - Pro Xristoy (May 24th, 2024)

Lane wrote:
The video is pretty cool for sure. Amazing setting.
Spoiler: show

SanPeron: Yeah, it's not rough-sounding for sure. That's probably it reminded me about 'A Dead Poem'. But when I listen to this song more, it gets distance to that album, too. It's not plastic production, thankfully.

Looks like they came for a visit!

Author:  greywanderer7 [ Tue Feb 20, 2024 9:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rotting Christ - Pro Xristoy (May 24th, 2024)

As others have pointed out, the single doesn't really sound like black metal and hearkens to the more melodic sound of A Dead Poem, which is not a bad thing in my book. Actually if the rest of the album sounds like that I'd be happy with it. At least there's no chanting bullshit under one-note chugs.

Author:  Metal_On_The_Ascendant [ Wed Feb 21, 2024 2:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rotting Christ - Pro Xristoy (May 24th, 2024)

mirons wrote:
So the first single is out, and no surprises here - it's exactly as could be expected. Whether that's a good or bad thing, depends on your liking o or lack thereof for the last few albums. I am not too impressed, but I didn't expect to be.

It's a bad thing. This is a very boring song. The usual aesthetic-heavy but ineffectual crap they've been on for a while. That main melody got tired very fast and sounds referential of better stuff they've done in the past. Nothing sounds fresh and invigorating, all the motions this song moves through are very familiar but it just highlights the band's creative void. I'm not disappointed because I wasn't expecting much but that was still really bland.

And no, it doesn't sound like any of the spirited material on A Dead Poem. This is like a leftover from a modern Behemoth album.

Also didn't find that sappy music video moving or interesting at all.

Author:  CannibalCorpse [ Wed Feb 21, 2024 5:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rotting Christ - Pro Xristoy (May 24th, 2024)

I found the music video to be cool. Why not have a positive swing to a clip once in a while?

With that said -> I always loved Sakis' writing and his style of guitar melodies is one of a kind...but as a huge Rotting Christ fan who's most familiar with about everything RC has made since their inception, I can't help but kind of laugh at how obvious the recycling has become. I mean, the first riff of the bridge section is almost 100% extracted from the intro/verse riff of his 2022 solo track "My Salvation":

Starting at 2:35.

and here is "My Salvation":

I mean, really?

Author:  colin040 [ Wed Feb 21, 2024 9:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rotting Christ - Pro Xristoy (May 24th, 2024)

That was boring as hell. As a fan of the first 3 albums who hasn't paid much attention to RC's newer stuff I wonder; is this a continuation of what the band has been doing lately, or what?

Author:  Slater922 [ Wed Feb 21, 2024 12:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rotting Christ - Pro Xristoy (May 24th, 2024)

Gave the single a listen. Definitely what one should expect from modern RC, but I didn't find it all that bad. I do agree that the band probably should've done more with it, though.

Author:  Metal_On_The_Ascendant [ Wed Feb 21, 2024 1:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rotting Christ - Pro Xristoy (May 24th, 2024)

colin040 wrote:
That was boring as hell. As a fan of the first 3 albums who hasn't paid much attention to RC's newer stuff I wonder; is this a continuation of what the band has been doing lately, or what?

Yes, this is pretty much within the realm of their last albums. Except without the chanting and narration spoken word bits but those may show up on other tracks yet. Sakis Tolis does a lot of narration on his solo albums, which also don't sound much different from current RC. Everything is somehow collectively bland and somewhat muted and toothless. I just don't get it.

Author:  Dr_Funf [ Thu Feb 22, 2024 7:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rotting Christ - Pro Xristoy (May 24th, 2024)

I enjoyed it. Looking forward to hearing the whole album.

Author:  Frank Booth [ Thu Feb 22, 2024 7:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rotting Christ - Pro Xristoy (May 24th, 2024)

Mid. I've heard the label of "Norsecore" used to refer to derivative, uninteresting Western European BM and stuff that sounds like it - can we call this Olympuscore? It's the same sort of vibe, but for Hellenic bm instead. Just sounds like a really lazy and uninspired attempt to jock mid-era RC, which I guess is still a step up from the past couple of albums.

Author:  nakzox [ Thu Mar 28, 2024 10:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rotting Christ - Pro Xristoy (May 24th, 2024)

Next track, Saoirse, is out today:

Seems pretty underwhelming to me again, as the first track was, but that is just me.

Author:  Lane [ Thu Mar 28, 2024 2:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rotting Christ - Pro Xristoy (May 24th, 2024)

The new songs are not just as soulful as early RC albums. I miss that mystical & mythical Greek vibe they once possessed. Too much modern gloss.

Author:  CoffeeCat [ Thu Mar 28, 2024 2:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rotting Christ - Pro Xristoy (May 24th, 2024)

I like it, but it's not necessarily a great single.

Author:  jose_G [ Thu Mar 28, 2024 3:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rotting Christ - Pro Xristoy (May 24th, 2024)


Author:  Metal_On_The_Ascendant [ Fri Mar 29, 2024 12:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rotting Christ - Pro Xristoy (May 24th, 2024)

Well that was boring. It starts out promising to be epic with the chanting flourishes and choirs as per usual but just gets really repetitive with no discernable riffs or melodies. Lackluster vocals too.

Author:  Metal_On_The_Ascendant [ Thu Apr 25, 2024 4:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rotting Christ - Pro Xristoy (May 24th, 2024)

New song for those who care. Did not like it but I don't wanna flog the dead horse that is Rotting Christ anymore cause that just makes me sad.

Author:  nakzox [ Fri Apr 26, 2024 9:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rotting Christ - Pro Xristoy (May 24th, 2024)

Probably my favorite of the three singles, but not great at all.

Author:  Forever Underground [ Thu May 23, 2024 2:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rotting Christ - Pro Xristoy (May 24th, 2024)

Full album published by the band themselves on their Youtube channel today

Author:  Metal_On_The_Ascendant [ Thu May 23, 2024 9:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rotting Christ - Pro Xristoy (May 24th, 2024)

Rather boring and really ineffectual. Struggled to finish it. :(

Author:  greywanderer7 [ Thu May 23, 2024 10:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rotting Christ - Pro Xristoy (May 24th, 2024)

Surprisingly there were some decent songs. Enjoyable but they just keep repeating themselves. It might be the best thing they've done in 10 years, but that's not saying much. Out of the unholy triad of Greek BM, Varathron is the one who has aged better. The new project by the Magus has some good ideas coupled together with head-scratching random stuff that doesn't work.

Author:  cultofkraken [ Fri May 24, 2024 8:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rotting Christ - Pro Xristoy (May 24th, 2024)

I’m with most of you. Nothing egregious here but for the most part by the numbers and kinda blah. Some good tunes and some pretty epic moments to be had but it’s diminishing returns. Pix Lax Dax stood out for me.

Author:  ceero [ Mon May 27, 2024 2:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rotting Christ - Pro Xristoy (May 24th, 2024)

Well, I guess this is the curse of any band that has been around for 3 decades. People will forever associate you with your golden era records and hold your classic albums on a pedestal. You have two options, to reuse the same old winning formula for 10 albums and be accused of recycling or come up with something completely new and different and end up being called sellout. And no matter what you actually come up with, some people will already have made up their mind about your new record before it even comes out. I respect the hell out of Rotting Christ because their sound keeps on evolving. Their current sound is probably the most mellow and accessible they have ever been, but that doesn't make it bad music, because this is still far from radio friendly metal.

I'm a fan of almost every Rotting Christ era (except the early grind stuff). But to me, the run of the most recent 4 albums are superior to the rest of their discography, this album included. Songwriting-wise, atmosphere-wise, production-wise this album is just a great fucking piece of music, just as Heretics was. Both thematically and musically it's definitely a solid Heretics followup. Compared to that album, this one however has a few dull spots/filler tracks I'm not that crazy about (Farewell, The Sixth Day). My fav tracks are Pretty World, Yggdrasil, Like Father Like Son. A solid 8/10 album for me.

Author:  SanPeron [ Mon May 27, 2024 3:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rotting Christ - Pro Xristoy (May 24th, 2024)

Looking at the comments I thought this would be much worse than it actually is. It's a good album, Rotting Christ follows up the style of epic Greek black metal that they were polishing in their last 3 albums and do it quite good actually. Lots of choruses, church medieval chants, opera style of Latin singing. The album sounds like a movie or a drama play, it delves into themes of paganism and European society before the arrive of
Christianity. Paganism has become a classic theme in black metal, first guy to do it was Quorthon in Bathory, this album isn't too far from stuff like Nordland I & II but with southern Mediterranean Greek culture. It's more epic and sunnier than the winter themed black metal bands of Northern Europe. I strongly recommend this album if you like epic black metal and European power metal, as it weird as it sounds.

Author:  Metal_On_The_Ascendant [ Mon May 27, 2024 4:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rotting Christ - Pro Xristoy (May 24th, 2024)

It's an awful album. Like the two or three before it, it plays on the appearance/aesthetic of exploring non-Christian Europe themes and does so with all the expected fake depth if you've heard the last albums. Expect chanting choirs and spoken vocals and toothless melodic riffing that was done better by this very same band over the course of 10 solid albums.

Not much epic about this - in fact, it's boring and tiresome. Unless if anything that leverages bombast and draws itself out needlessly defines "epic" for you.

Pretty world, pretty dies. Rotting Christ, rotting chants (make them stop!)

Author:  SanPeron [ Mon May 27, 2024 5:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rotting Christ - Pro Xristoy (May 24th, 2024)

Well, that is true, if you don't like chanting Latin choirs and spoken vocals this album may be not for you but if you dig that and Rotting Christ latest albums then I don't see why you couldn't enjoy this one too.

Author:  MikeyC [ Mon May 27, 2024 7:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rotting Christ - Pro Xristoy (May 24th, 2024)

I like it. Of the last 4, Rituals is still the best version of this particular style, but the new one is still enjoyable to me. I'll need to give it some more listens for it to sink in.

Author:  Slater922 [ Tue May 28, 2024 8:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rotting Christ - Pro Xristoy (May 24th, 2024)

I've been spinning this album for the past few days now, and while I can see where some are coming from on this being terrible, I actually don't think it's terrible. With that said, though, The Heretics is easily the better album of the two.

Author:  SanPeron [ Tue May 28, 2024 7:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rotting Christ - Pro Xristoy (May 24th, 2024)

One of the best songs of the album.

Author:  LefterisK [ Wed May 29, 2024 3:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rotting Christ - Pro Xristoy (May 24th, 2024)

The new album is simply trash.

'The Apostate' and 'Pix Lax Dax' are practically the same song which is a copy of 'My Salvation' from Tolis' solo album, which is also a poor copy of his old works. Every lead uses the same scales, and please... ENOUGH with the "inspirational quote" narrations. You did it in 1, 2, 3 albums... 4th time is too much. Sorry, but such lazy attempts are laughable for me. At this point he is just a content creator without any substance.

Unfortunately, since Κατά τον δαίμονα εαυτού Sakis started to become stale, repeating himself with non-existent riffs on the following albums to the point of blatant self-plagiarism. All these may get a pass from younger audiences, but for a more seasoned listener it goes from tiring and irritating. Zero riffs, zero inspiration, zero risk. Many old(er) bands have found their comfort zone and don't play much from there, but at least they release valuable compositions (e.g. Paradise Lost, Suffocation, etc.).

Author:  Dr_Funf [ Wed May 29, 2024 3:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rotting Christ - Pro Xristoy (May 24th, 2024)

Finally gave it a listen this morning. Great album, I enjoyed it.

Author:  CoffeeCat [ Wed May 29, 2024 5:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rotting Christ - Pro Xristoy (May 24th, 2024)

Finished it just now and I think it's pretty solid. It's very much an iteration on the sound they've been exploring over the last decade, but doesn't have enough new ideas to really stand out. Like the last few albums, I was really hoping for a couple more fast songs, but it mostly stays in midpaced territory.

I think my fave of this era is still Κατά τον δαίμονα εαυτού back in 2013, though. It was their first take on this more epic, atmospheric sound and I'm not sure they've topped it since.

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