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New Gorguts album "Colored Sands" due out August/September
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Author:  SweetSilence [ Fri Aug 30, 2013 11:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Gorguts album "Colored Sands" due out August/Septemb

wEEman33 wrote:
This blows away the turd that was Negativa

I'm just gonna have to ask you to leave the fucking hall.

Author:  Deathstalker1985 [ Sat Aug 31, 2013 12:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Gorguts album "Colored Sands" due out August/Septemb

yeah that Negativa EP was pretty damn good even if it was only 3 tracks

Author:  dreadmeat [ Sat Aug 31, 2013 1:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Gorguts album "Colored Sands" due out August/Septemb

Negativa was ok, Colored Sands is very welcome in my home, I wasn't expecting Gorguts from Negativa though...

Author:  schizoid [ Sat Aug 31, 2013 2:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Gorguts album "Colored Sands" due out August/Septemb

I just view Negativa as a stop gap Gorguts EP. Maybe not quite up the standard of Gorguts albums, but had it developed into a full length who knows...

Author:  dreadmeat [ Sat Aug 31, 2013 2:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Gorguts album "Colored Sands" due out August/Septemb

schizoid wrote:
I just view Negativa as a stop gap Gorguts EP. Maybe not quite up the standard of Gorguts albums, but had it developed into a full length who knows...
Yeah I feel like that too, it was Luc saying "hey dudes, we're still here!"

Author:  wEEman33 [ Sat Aug 31, 2013 10:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Gorguts album "Colored Sands" due out August/Septemb

More like, "hey dudes, here's some aborted songs from 2001 that Steeve wrote that weren't good enough to belong on a Gorguts album."

Author:  sourlows [ Sat Aug 31, 2013 4:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Gorguts album "Colored Sands" due out August/Septemb

The Negativa EP was much more Steeve Hurdle-y than Colored Sands is (for obvious reasons) but I didn't think it was bad at all. It didn't have the personality that a lot of the songs on Obscura did but I enjoyed it for what it was.

Author:  SweetSilence [ Sat Aug 31, 2013 4:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Gorguts album "Colored Sands" due out August/Septemb

There were three more Negativa tracks that were in the works of being released, they were recorded at the same time as the other three. Don't know anything more about since Steeve has passed. There's some live videos of them on youtube. Funny you say that, he wasn't even in the band in 2001. Negativa was Steeve's thing, as Luc has stated. If you enjoy Obscura how can you not like it? Meh.

Author:  wEEman33 [ Sat Aug 31, 2013 5:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Gorguts album "Colored Sands" due out August/Septemb

Easy, Obscura's great, Negativa's not.

The reason is that Luc Lemay is a much better songwriter than Steeve Hurdle. They did great music working together, where their styles balanced each other out, but only Lemay has managed to do good things working solo.

Negativa was Steeve's project entirely. He wrote everything. Lemay is just a performer on that mCD.

Of the three songs Negativa managed to release, "Rebellion" was written in 2001, while "Chaos in Motion" and "Taedium Vitae" were both written in the late 1990s (I don't remember the exact dates off-hand; I'd have to go dig them up again).

Keep in mind that almost all the songs on Obscura have 1993 to 1994 composition dates. Label and lineup issues delayed that album's release for years, much like what happened with Negativa and Colored Sands.

Author:  kalervon [ Sat Aug 31, 2013 11:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Gorguts album "Colored Sands" due out August/Septemb

So really, if a musician wants to perform on a side project, they better use an alias and tell no one.

Author:  TheMysticWombat [ Sat Aug 31, 2013 11:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Gorguts album "Colored Sands" due out August/Septemb

So did anyone else get blunt wraps and stickers with the T-shirt bundle? :-D

Author:  dreadmeat [ Sun Sep 01, 2013 3:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Gorguts album "Colored Sands" due out August/Septemb

TheMysticWombat wrote:
So did anyone else get blunt wraps and stickers with the T-shirt bundle? :-D
Yeah dude, big long ones aye? ha ha :roll:

Author:  MutantClannfear [ Wed Sep 04, 2013 5:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Gorguts album "Colored Sands" due out August/Septemb

So, uh, I've listened to about four songs of this so far and I'm still not really sold on it the way everybody else seems to be. They don't really sound like they've added anything to their sound that'd make it more interesting. The dissonance is still largely overdone and it sounds like the band arrived at it at the expense of creating, well, interesting songs. I feel like most Gorguts songs do one of two things - they either bounce in place over 3/4 time in a way that's much too rhythmical for the style of music being played, or they churn out a bunch of rhythmic spasms that turn circles around themselves and never actually get much of anything said in a musical sense. This album certainly hasn't done anything to dispel that impression for me so far; Gorguts may have carved out their own sound within death metal, and that's respectable enough, but I feel like they're so horribly repetitive when putting it into execution that it's not really worth listening to.

It seems the band aren't breaking their trend of creating something that I'll absolutely hate for 362 days of the year and then mildly tolerate for the other three. I'll sleep on it, since everyone in the thread so far has stated that that helps it go down easier, but I'm still extremely skeptical. To me, this doesn't really sound like Gorguts pushing much new ground on the scale of their riffs and general modus operandi, so I doubt I'll feel any stronger about it than I do about the past two Gorguts albums which I've been attempting to consistently "get" for years.

"The Battle of Chamdo" is pretty notably good on first impression, though, I'll give it that.

Author:  ShaolinLambKiller [ Wed Sep 04, 2013 6:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Gorguts album "Colored Sands" due out August/Septemb

If you don't like Gorguts to begin with, this isn't going to change your mind. So don't try to force it cause the rest of us do and can hear the changes in the sound.

If I'm to complain about anything in their sound/writing it seems to be missing some of that squanky guitar bits that are all over Obscura and FWTH. Also a bit of the overall clankiness in their sound. it's all more smoothed out.

Author:  lord_ghengis [ Wed Sep 04, 2013 7:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Gorguts album "Colored Sands" due out August/Septemb

I actually don't like Gorguts to begin with, but love this... just sayin'...

Author:  Dragunov [ Wed Sep 04, 2013 10:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Gorguts album "Colored Sands" due out August/Septemb

MutantClannfear wrote:

Judging by this post, you should probably give up on Gorguts, becuase you failed to touch on the one thing that makes the last three albums (moreso Obscura) worth listening to.

Author:  ~Guest 82538 [ Wed Sep 04, 2013 11:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Gorguts album "Colored Sands" due out August/Septemb

ShaolinLambKiller wrote:
If you don't like Gorguts to begin with, this isn't going to change your mind. So don't try to force it cause the rest of us do and can hear the changes in the sound.

Yeah, this isn't going to change your mind if you really feel that way about Obscura and FWTH. It's just Gorguts refined and matured really.

You should probably move along then... :roll:

Author:  dreadmeat [ Wed Sep 04, 2013 2:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Gorguts album "Colored Sands" due out August/Septemb

squanky? that's a new one, is that like squeaky guitar wankery? :roll: :lol:

Author:  Dragunov [ Wed Sep 04, 2013 3:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Gorguts album "Colored Sands" due out August/Septemb

needs more Inverted string-abuse riffz

Author:  ShaolinLambKiller [ Wed Sep 04, 2013 3:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Gorguts album "Colored Sands" due out August/Septemb

No it's the tone and sound of certain chord. perfect example is that first riff that opens Obscura. Dragunov gets what I mean with the inverted string abuse.

Oh and that Negativa ep was great. was an excellent continuation of the sound off Obscura which was exactly what it was going for and the plan was it to be the spiritual sucessor to Gorguts, that is till Steeve started wanting to take it further away than that which is why Luc decided to restart Gorguts with Steeve's blessings. Bitching about how you don't like it doesn't mean much of anything. Cry about it.

Author:  hakarl [ Wed Sep 04, 2013 3:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Gorguts album "Colored Sands" due out August/Septemb

I'm assuming Dragunov was referring to the opening track of From Wisdom to Hate, as it's called Inverted, and Dragunov capitalised it. The opening riff is rather cool, yeah, though I'm not sure what string abuse is supposed to mean.

Author:  ShaolinLambKiller [ Wed Sep 04, 2013 4:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Gorguts album "Colored Sands" due out August/Septemb

I know what the name of the first track off that album is called and if you saw how it's played then you would understand what string abuse is. Don't attempt to correct me.

Author:  hakarl [ Wed Sep 04, 2013 4:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Gorguts album "Colored Sands" due out August/Septemb

Your post implies utter obliviousness as to what was being talked about. Here's advice: invest more than three seconds in thinking about what you're trying to communicate prior to writing your message. They are, in general, rather devoid of thought.
ShaolinLambKiller wrote:
Don't attempt to correct me.

Now I'm intimidated. :lol:

Author:  ShaolinLambKiller [ Wed Sep 04, 2013 4:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Gorguts album "Colored Sands" due out August/Septemb

You post reeks the same, no wonder I ignored you.

Author:  Dragunov [ Wed Sep 04, 2013 4:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Gorguts album "Colored Sands" due out August/Septemb

You're actually both right, I was talking about both the first song on FWTH and the way Luc/Steeve play certain riffs. I'm also glad SLK pointed out the opening riff of "Obscura", as that counts; the way the counterpoint melody moves under the "squeaky" notes could definitely be called an "inverted" way of playing. As for string abuse, look up the pro-footge video of the band playing "Obscura" with Steeve, or a live video of "Inverted" and check out how those riffs are actually physically played, real cool stuff! I wish there were more competent guitar players that did stuff like that and made actual followable rhythms and melodies, instead of derping all over the guitar and shouting "LOOK WHAT I CAN DO!".

Author:  ~Guest 82538 [ Wed Sep 04, 2013 4:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Gorguts album "Colored Sands" due out August/Septemb

"Inverted", the song, played live is like... what the fuck are they doing to the guitars??? :o

I could certainly have lived with that string fuckery in this album, but the cool counterpoint of it not being as present as before is that such a long and complicated album begins to unfold much easier on your brain. Hell, only a few spins are needed to get a whole of what it's trying to do, and after that you just go for the details. It makes it strangely accessible, which may live up to be good thing. I don't think that a full on "Obscura Pt.2" album would be as functional and well received, as for one the novelty factor is off, and two they're clearly moving ahead and not repeating themselves. Going back for a spine and inspiration, yes, but with a new schematic and presentation, that while being immediately recognizable as Gorguts still manages to sound fresh.

Author:  ShaolinLambKiller [ Wed Sep 04, 2013 7:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Gorguts album "Colored Sands" due out August/Septemb

Oh I doubted that it would ever be a Obscura pt. 2 and I'm quite alright with that. I just miss a bit of that style of playing in the mix. Like a riff or two here and there would've made me even happier. Not taking away what they have done, cause it's an amazing album.

Drag, I've been working and practicing to utilize that style more, I actually do it in the new 54R album upcoming in a few parts.

Just thought about it, but there is a band called Spheres, the guitarist from Vengeful and I think the vocalist. they never released anything but a track on youtube and it's spot on Obscura worship. squawk and inversion chords and playing all over the place. I'll try to look it up after I workout.

Author:  Dudemanguy [ Thu Sep 05, 2013 8:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Gorguts album "Colored Sands" due out August/Septemb

Oh boy, I finally got the new album in the mail today and gave it a listen. I've only listened to it once and it's pretty damn complex, so much more listens are needed, but what I heard was absolutely amazing. Definitely a great comeback album.

Author:  Deathstalker1985 [ Thu Sep 05, 2013 8:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Gorguts album "Colored Sands" due out August/Septemb

did anyone see the troll that gave this album a 10% in the reviews section? lol

Author:  Dudemanguy [ Thu Sep 05, 2013 9:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Gorguts album "Colored Sands" due out August/Septemb

Yeah, uh, looking at his profile certainly tells you how credible that guy's opinion is (i.e. not at all).

Author:  Empyreal [ Thu Sep 05, 2013 10:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Gorguts album "Colored Sands" due out August/Septemb

That review had a lot of good points, actually.

Author:  CF_Mono [ Thu Sep 05, 2013 11:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Gorguts album "Colored Sands" due out August/Septemb

Nah, not really aside from his comments on the lyrics. This guy couldn't write/structure a song half as well as Luc could but supposedly knows everything about how to write the perfect ubur-tekniCh@2l deth metil riffs, and complains that there aren't enough of them present on the album. Colored Sands is slightly more accessible compared to Obscura, but hardly simple, orthodox, or a compromise of previous efforts. If you must have spineless wimpy tech-death, keep buying the worthless shit Necrophagist, Origin, and Rings of Saturn put out, and leave Gorguts alone, at least they're a band with musical integrity.

Author:  Empyreal [ Thu Sep 05, 2013 11:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Gorguts album "Colored Sands" due out August/Septemb

I don't think it sucks like he does, wouldn't say it's a 10% album, but it's absolutely a compromise and a lot simpler than Obscura. Like it or not that was a milestone. I'll admit to not having played the new one much at all, but I just haven't had the incentive to, which probably means it isn't much of a grower for me. It's good enough, I just don't see what makes it so artistic and brilliant. It sounds like a perfectly competent album, but it isn't the genre-pushing art of Obscura. It isn't the completely fearless, boundary-breaking work that album is. Luc has kept his integrity, sure, but this new one just doesn't strike me as anything particularly vivid or artful. Just a moderately good melodic death metal album.

Author:  ~Guest 282118 [ Thu Sep 05, 2013 11:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Gorguts album "Colored Sands" due out August/Septemb

Empyreal wrote:
(...) a moderately good melodic death metal album.

You better put a coma between that word and "death" before some people start losing their shit :-P

Colored Sands is definitely a good album. It doesn't top TEOS for me, but that also has to do with the fact that I tend to prefer relatively more traditional death metal than the stuff Luc and company started doing after that album. CS is a massive, ambitious thing, and while not without its flaws, I definitely see myself buying a copy of it if I happen to come across one.

Now, I ask you, people..... Is From Wisdom to Hate worth getting into? Oh, and remember that this question is coming from a guy who really hates Obscura.

Author:  Nochielo [ Thu Sep 05, 2013 11:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Gorguts album "Colored Sands" due out August/Septemb

Xlxlx wrote:
Now, I ask you, people..... Is From Wisdom to Hate worth getting into? Oh, and remember that this question is coming from a guy who really hates Obscura.

That depends. What exactly didn't you like from Obscura?

Author:  Subrick [ Thu Sep 05, 2013 11:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Gorguts album "Colored Sands" due out August/Septemb

Colored Sands is definitely good, but it's immensely forgettable. I barely remember anything that happened on that album after four listens. I like that the insane weirdness of Obscura and FWTH has been toned down since I'm really not into either album outside of a couple songs, but even then it's just a forgettable, kind of boring album.

Author:  ~Guest 282118 [ Thu Sep 05, 2013 11:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Gorguts album "Colored Sands" due out August/Septemb

Nochielo wrote:
Xlxlx wrote:
Now, I ask you, people..... Is From Wisdom to Hate worth getting into? Oh, and remember that this question is coming from a guy who really hates Obscura.

That depends. What exactly didn't you like from Obscura?

Everything. I even hated the way Luc sounded there, and I usually enjoy his vocal performances.

Author:  DeathfareDevil [ Thu Sep 05, 2013 11:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Gorguts album "Colored Sands" due out August/Septemb

Xlxlx wrote:
Now, I ask you, people..... Is From Wisdom to Hate worth getting into? Oh, and remember that this question is coming from a guy who really hates Obscura.

FWTH has a very similar tone to Obscura; there's still loads of skree skronk sproing guitar weirdness. Those two albums are much more comparable than, say, Obscura and Erosion of Sanity. The songs are way more straightforward and compact, though, and the album is shorter. So whether you'll like FWTH depends on which was more offputting about Obscura: the weird jangly guitar tone or the disorienting Mobius strip songwriting.

Oh, the vocals are pretty much identical, save for the lack of Steeve Hurdle.

Author:  ~Guest 282118 [ Thu Sep 05, 2013 11:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Gorguts album "Colored Sands" due out August/Septemb

Ick. Doesn't sound like my kind of thing. Thanks for the heads up, though.

Author:  Nochielo [ Thu Sep 05, 2013 11:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Gorguts album "Colored Sands" due out August/Septemb

Then I guess you shouldn't bother, FWTH isn't that far from Obscura, main differences being album length (FWTH is 20 mins. shorter, so it's less taxing) and a more focused take on songwriting. Songs don't go too far off the rails and are not as jarring and unpredictable, but are definitely catchier and more memorable. I'd still take Obscura any day, but anyone who didn't find a single redeeming factor in Obscura is going to have a hard time with FWTH.

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