Encyclopaedia Metallum: The Metal Archives

Varg Vikernes Arrested In France
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Author:  Delta_Wing [ Thu Jul 18, 2013 2:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Varg Vikernes Arrested In France

lemonde.fr wrote:
mCustody of extremist Norwegian Kristian Vikernes was lifted Thursday, July 18, the hearing did reveal any preparation of terrorist project. However, he will be prosecuted in the criminal court for his writings under the incitement to racial hatred.
This 40 year old man was arrested Tuesday morning with his French wife, Marie Stamp, at their home in Salon-la-Tour, in Corrèze, in the course of an investigation on suspicion of terrorist aims. Marie stamp was released Wednesday.
The Interior Minister, Manuel Valls, had estimated that Vikernes was "likely to make a major terrorist act", while acknowledging that there was "no identified target or project." However, he justified his arrest by the need to terrorism, "to act before and not after."
The Norwegian lawyer, Julien Fressynet had assured Wednesday that his client had no terrorist project, justifying the purchase of four guns with "philosophy of life" chosen by the couple, survivalism, that the imminent arrival a large-scale disaster requires to have an arsenal of survival.
Kristian Vikernes, a Norwegian metal musician also known as Varg Vikernes, moved to France after he was sentenced to twenty-one years in prison in Norway for a murder committed in the 1990s.

He will be tried for Hate Speech and Racial Incitement looks like Vargy may be in deeper shit than is being reported. Pretty serious stuff in Europe especially France and Germany and can carry jail time.

Author:  Zodijackyl [ Thu Jul 18, 2013 2:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Varg Vikernes Arrested In France

It's like going to Red Lobster to shoot fish in a barrel and calling in the bomb squad to blow up a basket of cheddar garlic biscuits.

Author:  Kveldulfr [ Thu Jul 18, 2013 2:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Varg Vikernes Arrested In France

KFD was right, France is a dictatorship.

Author:  Morrigan [ Thu Jul 18, 2013 2:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Varg Vikernes Arrested In France

Well then, a fascist like Varg should feel right at home! :D

Author:  Paganbasque [ Thu Jul 18, 2013 3:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Varg Vikernes Arrested In France

Delta_Wing wrote:
lemonde.fr wrote:
mCustody of extremist Norwegian Kristian Vikernes was lifted Thursday, July 18, the hearing did reveal any preparation of terrorist project. However, he will be prosecuted in the criminal court for his writings under the incitement to racial hatred.
This 40 year old man was arrested Tuesday morning with his French wife, Marie Stamp, at their home in Salon-la-Tour, in Corrèze, in the course of an investigation on suspicion of terrorist aims. Marie stamp was released Wednesday.
The Interior Minister, Manuel Valls, had estimated that Vikernes was "likely to make a major terrorist act", while acknowledging that there was "no identified target or project." However, he justified his arrest by the need to terrorism, "to act before and not after."
The Norwegian lawyer, Julien Fressynet had assured Wednesday that his client had no terrorist project, justifying the purchase of four guns with "philosophy of life" chosen by the couple, survivalism, that the imminent arrival a large-scale disaster requires to have an arsenal of survival.
Kristian Vikernes, a Norwegian metal musician also known as Varg Vikernes, moved to France after he was sentenced to twenty-one years in prison in Norway for a murder committed in the 1990s.

He will be tried for Hate Speech and Racial Incitement looks like Vargy may be in deeper shit than is being reported. Pretty serious stuff in Europe especially France and Germany and can carry jail time.

This is true but this prosecution will be an excuse to hide the ridicule done by the french police.

Author:  Delta_Wing [ Thu Jul 18, 2013 3:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Varg Vikernes Arrested In France

Of course the charge of racial incitement will be to cover basically a false arrest but let's be real here. Varg could be a free man happy with his hot French wife rolling in pig shit and living the life of a hermit if he just kept his mouth shut. But he has always pushed the envelop and has brought all of this upon himself. I can't feel sorry for him in the least. He received a relative light sentence. He's wants to play revolutionary then that's the bed he made for himself. Not saying one should lay down their beliefs, but if they mean so much to him, he can't go around crying foul when they come up and bite him in the ass. Which I'm sure he will once he gets his hands on a computer again.

Author:  metroplex [ Thu Jul 18, 2013 3:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Varg Vikernes Arrested In France

He was released today along with his wife.


Author:  ~Guest 285196 [ Thu Jul 18, 2013 4:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Varg Vikernes Arrested In France

Oh well. I don't think one ought to be punshed for one's opinions, but if it's the law in France, then he will have to abide by it.

The suspicions of a massacre or a terrorist act, however, was always a bit silly. 4 legally bought cal. 22 rifles... They also justify it by saying that Vikernes received Breivik's manifesto before the terrorist attack, but ALL right-wingers got that pdf in the mail. So it not really Vikernes' fault for receiving it.

BTW: Check out "Varg Vikernes" at Google Trends. A small spike in 2009, when "Until the Light Takes Us" documentary was released.

Author:  Myrtroen [ Thu Jul 18, 2013 6:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Varg Vikernes Arrested In France

Just another example of the erosion of free speech and the ability to think for ones self in this era of decaying personal freedoms. The fact that most people are ok with this action by the French gestapo on someone who, regardless of their past, did not commit a crime besides offending certain segments of the population is a travesty of "justice." I think most people would be surprised at the amount of individuals worldwide who share some or most of Vikernes views on the degradation of Europe etc., and to brazenly charge him with terrorism with no real evidence is a slander to Varg and another despicable action of the NWO. Just like the majority of Americans falsely think of Edward Snowden (NSA whistleblower) is a traitor, this is an example of how Big Brother and his pal cousin Propaganda trick the masses into thinking all of this is for their own "security." Free speech forever.

Author:  marktheviktor [ Thu Jul 18, 2013 6:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Varg Vikernes Arrested In France

Well the French fuzz really botched this one up, didn't they? .22s? Really? That's all they had to go on? This couldn't have worked out more in his favor. He's relishing every moment of this to make it now his own personal cause célèbre. This will just draw more whackos to his blog and the free publicity of course.

Author:  Oxenkiller [ Thu Jul 18, 2013 7:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Varg Vikernes Arrested In France

I certainly find it hard to sympathize with the guy. Regardless of how I may feel about his music, I cannot support any of the crap that comes out of his mouth. But no matter how big an idiot he is, no matter what his personal views are, I don't think the French were necessarily in the right to go after him. "Freedom of Speech" is obviously not the same everywhere in the world, I guess. He's like Mustaine or Ted Nugent (only worse!) in that he spouts controversial shit and doesn't know when to shut up, and while that's a major character flaw, I don't necessarily think it should be a criminal offense.

HOWEVER: If it IS a criminal offense there, then I guess, it is what it is- so perhaps, while I may not agree with the laws governing free speech in other countries, it would still be prudent to follow them. It would be like someone in Saudi Arabia or Iran complaining about getting arrested for speaking against Islam- the local laws apply to wherever you are.

Author:  Civil [ Thu Jul 18, 2013 7:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Varg Vikernes Arrested In France

Delta_Wing wrote:
Of course the charge of racial incitement will be to cover basically a false arrest but let's be real here. Varg could be a free man happy with his hot French wife rolling in pig shit and living the life of a hermit if he just kept his mouth shut. But he has always pushed the envelop and has brought all of this upon himself. I can't feel sorry for him in the least. He received a relative light sentence. He's wants to play revolutionary then that's the bed he made for himself. Not saying one should lay down their beliefs, but if they mean so much to him, he can't go around crying foul when they come up and bite him in the ass. Which I'm sure he will once he gets his hands on a computer again.

You are absolutely, 100%, two fingers on the air punk rock right. Best analysis of him that I have read so far.

Vikernes is ridiculous. His understanding of politics is ridiculous and laughable, and the whole mythical status he has achieved while quoting his amateurish studies of anthropology, politics, etc show how easy it is to influence a bunch of kids. This is a guy who started as a black metal subculture kid, became a murderer because he took that stupidity too seriously, jumped around from subculture to subculture calling himself a Nazi (and then denying that), skinhead, etc changing and adapting his speech to whatever felt "right" as he got older and indeed had to change his views, as they were incompatible with the nonsense he used as a justification for himself when he was a kid (at least he realized that), attempting to erase contradictory evidence of his mistakes, and finally is now on this "survivalist" trip with his wife.

The fact is that he an uneducated black metal kid who never ever had to put his arguments under the scrutiny of serious sociologists or any type of serious political thinkers, who actually thinks that he has a decent understanding on how humanity developed and how it should organize itself.

He did make great music, though. :-) I do love some Burzum.

Author:  marktheviktor [ Thu Jul 18, 2013 8:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Varg Vikernes Arrested In France

Oxenkiller wrote:
I certainly find it hard to sympathize with the guy. Regardless of how I may feel about his music, I cannot support any of the crap that comes out of his mouth. But no matter how big an idiot he is, no matter what his personal views are, I don't think the French were necessarily in the right to go after him. "Freedom of Speech" is obviously not the same everywhere in the world, I guess. He's like Mustaine or Ted Nugent (only worse!)

That's not even a comparison; The Nuge may be a right wing blowhard but Varg's views makes him look like Rosie O'Donnell by comparison.

Author:  Myrtroen [ Thu Jul 18, 2013 9:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Varg Vikernes Arrested In France

Thought police anyone?......I believe people can say or write about whatever they believe in, no matter how archaic or backwards the subject may be (Christianity, Islam and Judaism being prime examples.) To make a persons beliefs or speech a crime is exactly what my grandfathers fought against in the Big One (WW2). You ask any of the old veterans, they understand the principles of freedom it includes the freedom to be wrong. When Varg spouts his opinions on his own blog (which do not "incite" anything but conversation to anyone with a basic understanding of political debate) he should be allowed to do so under our various so-called "Democratic" Western laws. I guess what I am saying is isn't it funny that anyone else can be derided and criticized through comedy or satire (again, Christians and "white people" for example, Chris Rock anyone?) but when one man starts rallying against the "filthy jews" and all of a sudden the hate police step in. The holocaust was terrible but it has happened again to other races since then but what do you hear of these other genocides? Let the civilized people of the world make up their own minds about people like Varg, that is the true sign of personal responsibility, intelligence and individual thought. Banning and arresting people for certain viewpoints is exactly the type of thing those darn Nazis did, so are we any better? Think long and hard about the last statement before defending the Global Military Prison Industrial Complex run by certain families of a certain heritage who make trillions of dollars off of you and your families strife and oppression, while sending your brothers and sisters off to false wars. My two cents. Awaiting call from thought police.

Author:  Delta_Wing [ Thu Jul 18, 2013 9:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Varg Vikernes Arrested In France

Myrtroen wrote:
Just another example of the erosion of free speech and the ability to think for ones self in this era of decaying personal freedoms. The fact that most people are ok with this action by the French gestapo on someone who, regardless of their past, did not commit a crime besides offending certain segments of the population is a travesty of "justice." I think most people would be surprised at the amount of individuals worldwide who share some or most of Vikernes views on the degradation of Europe etc., and to brazenly charge him with terrorism with no real evidence is a slander to Varg and another despicable action of the NWO. Just like the majority of Americans falsely think of Edward Snowden (NSA whistleblower) is a traitor, this is an example of how Big Brother and his pal cousin Propaganda trick the masses into thinking all of this is for their own "security." Free speech forever.

Sharing opinions openly is a far cry from what Varg put on his Thulien Perspective blog or whatever it's called. He has stated things that can incite violence. Simply backing peddling and saying he doesn't support violence means nothing to the authorities.

We live in a world of laws, laws we cannot escape, but that we can avoid to some extent with plain common sense.

As far as him being presecuted due to his right leanings, radical right wingers are scrutinized just as
the radical left. Both sides always feel like they alone are ostracized by the other. Ever here of the Bade Meinhoff gang aka the red faction army or the new black panther party. Anytime dissident thought or action is publicly displayed the person voicing the views opens themselves to judicial oversight possibly prison or death.

As far as calling a country like France a dictatorship some of you need to go to sub saharian Africa or the middle east to see real dictatorships. btw I'm far from left leaning but some of this xenophobia is just too much. Judge people by their actions not their background. Scum comes in any color.

Author:  Rild [ Thu Jul 18, 2013 11:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Varg Vikernes Arrested In France

The law that Varg broke was not incitement of violence, but he has obviously broken laws for 'incitement of racial hatred', which people have served prison terms for in France. The terrorism charges were never going to stick but breaking "racism" laws is something he has obviously done with gusto on his website and blog. His plebeian racism (JEWS = BAD, EUROPEANS = GOOD, ALWAYS AND FOREVER) is obviously cartoonish and silly (basically turning human society into a fantasy novel with good and evil races, looks like LOTR still has a firm hold on the Burzum maestro's imagination) but we must also look at this event within the larger context of a complete marginalization of all anti-immigration/racialist thought and opinion within the West. One should at least find it problematic that instead of debating racialists and logically refuting arguments that, for example, Jews in-sum are a biological adversary of Europeans and have had a disproportionate role in hastening the ethnic replacement of Europeans by non-European immigrants in the post-war liberal era, the liberal establishment of Europe chooses to criminalize this opinion and use state coercion against people who advocate it. This goes much further than merely jailing violent revolutionaries: the Baader Meinhof comparison doesn't hold up, because the Meinhof gang were jailed for committing other crimes like robbery and terrorism as part of a revolutionary struggle. Holocaust deniers on the other hand are fined and jailed for advocating opinions that the State considers illegal. As Noam Chomsky argued in the Faurisson affair, this is essentially a Stalinist doctrine of the state determining 'truth' in history and correctness of political orthodoxy that everyone should regard as insidious, as a trampling of civil rights that ought to be inherent in a 'liberal' way of life.

Even if you loath Varg Vikernes and other of his ilk who are prosecuted for inflammatory speech, you should feel uneasy that such people are being persecuted by the state for thinking aloud things that are not "doubleplusgood". And, just maybe, it should set off alarm bells in your ears, that something is a little bit strange about criminalizing these ideas? Why don't you take a look at European birth rates, and immigration rates, and ask yourself what the obvious consequence will be if you project these trends forwards another 40 or 50 years? Look at what is already happening. Large swathes of major iconic European cities like London, Paris, Amsterdam do not even resemble European society at all anymore, and this process of replacement is only increasing by the day. Why shouldn't people feel outraged? Why shouldn't Europeans feel any sense of possessiveness for their homelands?

Author:  soul_schizm [ Thu Jul 18, 2013 11:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Varg Vikernes Arrested In France

Rild wrote:
Even if you loath Varg Vikernes and other of his ilk who are prosecuted for inflammatory speech, you should feel uneasy that such people are being persecuted by the state...

Oh, I've felt uneasy about the French for decades, but fortunately I have the luxury of them being thousands of miles away ;)

Author:  marktheviktor [ Fri Jul 19, 2013 3:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Varg Vikernes Arrested In France

As despicable as his views are, it is unfortunate that he's being charged with posting his opinions. Still, the irony of all those those sycophantic knob gobblers on his blog protesting so hard about the authorities infringing on his free speech is just too rich to ignore because the ideal Europe that Varg envisions would be one racial-centric agrarian fascist union. You don't need me to tell you how free speech would be handled there.

Author:  Paganbasque [ Fri Jul 19, 2013 4:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Varg Vikernes Arrested In France

marktheviktor wrote:
As despicable as his views are, it is unfortunate that he's being charged with posting his opinions. Still, the irony of all those those sycophantic knob gobblers on his blog protesting so hard about the authorities infringing on his free speech is just too rich to ignore because the ideal Europe that Varg envisions would be one racial-centric agrarian fascist union. You don't need me to tell you how free speech would be handled there.

True, they claim for free speech, but in their ideal world free speech would be inexistent.

Author:  marktheviktor [ Fri Jul 19, 2013 5:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Varg Vikernes Arrested In France

So basically it's not the perceived fascist, thought police freedom of speech suppression which he finds himself a victim of at the moment in of itself that he objects to but only the "Zionist" fascism. Which he thinks is taking over.

Author:  TDD [ Fri Jul 19, 2013 5:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Varg Vikernes Arrested In France

Varg always reminded me of a piglet, he has a face resembling one. I don't know, with his kind of music, intellect and pig-face, he should have buried himself in some deep, bottomless pit somewhere in the forests of oh-so-mighty Europe, so everybody could say good riddance...
I know neither him, his "wisdom", nor his music would ever be something I would shed one single tear over...

Author:  BasqueStorm [ Fri Jul 19, 2013 6:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Varg Vikernes Arrested In France

Civil wrote:
Vikernes is ridiculous. His understanding of politics is ridiculous and laughable, and the whole mythical status he has achieved while quoting his amateurish studies of anthropology, politics, etc show how easy it is to influence a bunch of kids. This is a guy who started as a black metal subculture kid, became a murderer because he took that stupidity too seriously, jumped around from subculture to subculture calling himself a Nazi (and then denying that), skinhead, etc changing and adapting his speech to whatever felt "right" as he got older and indeed had to change his views, as they were incompatible with the nonsense he used as a justification for himself when he was a kid (at least he realized that), attempting to erase contradictory evidence of his mistakes, and finally is now on this "survivalist" trip with his wife.
The fact is that he an uneducated black metal kid who never ever had to put his arguments under the scrutiny of serious sociologists or any type of serious political thinkers, who actually thinks that he has a decent understanding on how humanity developed and how it should organize itself.
He did make great music, though. :-) I do love some Burzum.

I agree. He's a stupid bigmouth but has great success between extreme wannabe teens.

Author:  godsonsafari [ Fri Jul 19, 2013 8:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Varg Vikernes Arrested In France

This thread is illustrative. No doubt about it.

Author:  Zetsubou Billy [ Fri Jul 19, 2013 9:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Varg Vikernes Arrested In France

I think every time see his recent picture,
is he really 40? looks like aged

Author:  hakarl [ Fri Jul 19, 2013 9:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Varg Vikernes Arrested In France

Zetsubou Billy wrote:
I think every time see his recent picture,
is he really 40? looks like aged

Prison can do that to a man, I suppose.

Author:  Bleak731 [ Fri Jul 19, 2013 2:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Varg Vikernes Arrested In France

It looks like he removed a bunch of posts from his blog. It may be a while before we get the inevitable tirade.

Author:  Marag [ Fri Jul 19, 2013 5:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Varg Vikernes Arrested In France

Wonder how long it will take for Famine to get arrested for "fears of massacre" too.

Author:  PurpleDoom [ Fri Jul 19, 2013 5:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Varg Vikernes Arrested In France

The tirade is here.

http://thuleanperspective.com/2013/07/1 ... ce-part-i/

Author:  Turner [ Fri Jul 19, 2013 6:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Varg Vikernes Arrested In France

gah, installments?! what a lame ploy.

Author:  henkkjelle [ Fri Jul 19, 2013 6:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Varg Vikernes Arrested In France

A pair of strikingly orange underpants. Having been repeatedly dragged out into the street or prison hallways or similar in my underwear before, by the Norwegian police or prison guards, I thought to myself that this was going to repeat itself and I would be photographed with my little belly, my thin hair, my tanned arms in great contrast to my pale body and — wearing horribly orange underpants. (Everybody would believe that I was actually Dutch…)

Has it finally happened? Has Varg finally stereotyped every ethnicity in existence? That reminds me of something I'm actually a little bit curious about: Does Varg like the dutch? Does he see us as a sort of bastard version of the germans or does he like us because of the golden age and how we controlled most of the (then) known world at some point?

Author:  tomcat_ha [ Fri Jul 19, 2013 7:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Varg Vikernes Arrested In France

Rild wrote:
Look at what is already happening. Large swathes of major iconic European cities like London, Paris, Amsterdam do not even resemble European society at all anymore, and this process of replacement is only increasing by the day.

yes kick out all the tourists from amsterdam!

Author:  Marag [ Fri Jul 19, 2013 11:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Varg Vikernes Arrested In France

henkkjelle wrote:
A pair of strikingly orange underpants. Having been repeatedly dragged out into the street or prison hallways or similar in my underwear before, by the Norwegian police or prison guards, I thought to myself that this was going to repeat itself and I would be photographed with my little belly, my thin hair, my tanned arms in great contrast to my pale body and — wearing horribly orange underpants. (Everybody would believe that I was actually Dutch…)

Has it finally happened? Has Varg finally stereotyped every ethnicity in existence? That reminds me of something I'm actually a little bit curious about: Does Varg like the dutch? Does he see us as a sort of bastard version of the germans or does he like us because of the golden age and how we controlled most of the (then) known world at some point?

Does the dutch typically wear orange underwear? Anyway I don't remind him ever saying anything about the dutch in specific but knowing his boner for germanic peoples he probably likes you bunch.

Author:  Wilytank [ Sat Jul 20, 2013 12:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Varg Vikernes Arrested In France

henkkjelle wrote:
A pair of strikingly orange underpants. Having been repeatedly dragged out into the street or prison hallways or similar in my underwear before, by the Norwegian police or prison guards, I thought to myself that this was going to repeat itself and I would be photographed with my little belly, my thin hair, my tanned arms in great contrast to my pale body and — wearing horribly orange underpants. (Everybody would believe that I was actually Dutch…)

Has it finally happened? Has Varg finally stereotyped every ethnicity in existence?

Orange Underpants. Truly the epitome of white shame.

Author:  Gypaetus [ Sat Jul 20, 2013 12:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Varg Vikernes Arrested In France

Wilytank wrote:
Orange Underpants. Truly the epitome of white shame.


Spoiler: show

Author:  marktheviktor [ Sat Jul 20, 2013 12:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Varg Vikernes Arrested In France

The Fascist Monty.

Author:  Yayattasa [ Sat Jul 20, 2013 1:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Varg Vikernes Arrested In France

Why do we pay attention to him anyway?

Author:  hippiedrow [ Sat Jul 20, 2013 2:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Varg Vikernes Arrested In France

I am relieved that the French police treated him professionally. There's always the threat of these politically-motivated arrests being used as an excuse for revenge by the authorities.

Author:  InnesI [ Sat Jul 20, 2013 2:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Varg Vikernes Arrested In France

Delta_Wing wrote:
Of course the charge of racial incitement will be to cover basically a false arrest but let's be real here. Varg could be a free man happy with his hot French wife rolling in pig shit and living the life of a hermit if he just kept his mouth shut. But he has always pushed the envelop and has brought all of this upon himself. I can't feel sorry for him in the least. He received a relative light sentence. He's wants to play revolutionary then that's the bed he made for himself. Not saying one should lay down their beliefs, but if they mean so much to him, he can't go around crying foul when they come up and bite him in the ass. Which I'm sure he will once he gets his hands on a computer again.

What gets me upset is the way modern western society, at least in western Europe, likes to portray an image of tolerance and free speech but when it comes down to it the practice they actually put into action does everything to stop people from saying what they think and feel.

The biggest myth building we have in our time is the demonization of dictatorships and racists. Every society has its own myths to strengthen its own idea and I am fine with that (myth in the general meaning of "a usually traditional story of ostensibly historical events that serves to unfold part of the world view of a people or explain a practice, belief, or natural phenomenon"). It is however rather disturbing when they actually, in many cases, do exactly what they critique other of doing or having done.

You may agree with Varg or not but if your society claims to be one of free speech, or that you hold that value to be important, then he should be allowed to say whatever he wants without risking arrest. But the truth is, in Europe, thoughtcrime is a very common sentence at the same time as the country in question claims to promote free speech.

henkkjelle wrote:
A pair of strikingly orange underpants. Having been repeatedly dragged out into the street or prison hallways or similar in my underwear before, by the Norwegian police or prison guards, I thought to myself that this was going to repeat itself and I would be photographed with my little belly, my thin hair, my tanned arms in great contrast to my pale body and — wearing horribly orange underpants. (Everybody would believe that I was actually Dutch…)

Has it finally happened? Has Varg finally stereotyped every ethnicity in existence? That reminds me of something I'm actually a little bit curious about: Does Varg like the dutch? Does he see us as a sort of bastard version of the germans or does he like us because of the golden age and how we controlled most of the (then) known world at some point?

You know, I think it was joke.

Author:  Acidgobblin [ Sat Jul 20, 2013 3:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Varg Vikernes Arrested In France

varg wrote:
The little 2-year-old girl is playing with her bigger brother’s wooden sword

You sick fucker Varg. Save the children!

Author:  matras [ Sat Jul 20, 2013 4:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Varg Vikernes Arrested In France

It seems like a lot of you need to read up on what "Right to Freedom of Speech" actually means.

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