Vinterriket is Swedish and Norwegian for "The Winter Realm".
Most of Vinterriket's releases are strictly limited edition, and many have had numerous re-issues on various formats. The full details can be found on Vinterriket's homepage.
Taken from the official website: "In 1997 and 1998 two rehearsal-tapes have been recorded but they've never been released at all. From 1998 to late 1999 the ...
Most of Vinterriket's releases are strictly limited edition, and many have had numerous re-issues on various formats. The full details can be found on Vinterriket's homepage.
Taken from the official website: "In 1997 and 1998 two rehearsal-tapes have been recorded but they've never been released at all. From 1998 to late 1999 the ...