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Immaculate Molestation - Photo

Immaculate Molestation

Country of origin:
United States
Franklin, Ohio
Formed in:
Brutal Death Metal
Gore, Perversion
Last label:
Macabre Mementos Records
Years active:
2001-2003, 2007-2010
Was on hold from 2003 to 2007.
Last known
Chris Kirk Vocals (2001-2010)
See also: Hate Icon, ex-U.S. Hellcamp
Jared Moran Bass, Drums, Guitars (2009-2010)
See also: 54R, Acausal Intrusion, Acrid Tomb, Ange de la Mort, Ar'lyxkq'wr, Black Spells, Bloodsick, Burial Curse, Cave, Cloud of Flies, Conjuration Trance, Corpse Arise, Cynocephalus, Dragón Blanco, Draug, Dussage, Dwelling Below, Eats Aids, Er Murazor, Erusopxecinomeddetaeperhguorhtserisednamuhllafonoitacidarecitametsys, Evaporated Sores, Exsanguinment, Feral Lord, Filtheater, Flesh Configuration, Flittering, Forestfather, Hierarchies, Hollowed Idols, Illithilich, Inle, Inner Sphere, Irradiated Marrow, Ishimura, Kamikaze Pilots, Kudzu, Louching, Maggot Crown, Morgue Sermon, Morgue Walker, Mountain of Beard, Mouth of Cedar, Myrkridia, Nightcall, Obsidian Hooves, Occulsed, Out of the Mouth of Graves, Paranoid Schizophrenia, Psionic Madness, Psych Ward 6, Qqgcguvhjn, Raum, Scourge Whip, Sermon of Rot, Shokushu Goukan, Slog, Spawning Vats, Subterranean Birthright, Tacit Annihilation, Tendrils Loom Overhead as Moss Below, Ultima Weapon, Uzumaki, Vertebrae Fetish Totem, Void Blight, Waste Management '81, Xvart, Yzordderrex, Zombie Raiders, Zvylpwkua, Scowl, ex-Ithaqua, ex-The Breaking Wheel, ex-The Plague Doctor, ex-Your End, ex-Vomitwolves, ex-Gastric Phantasm, A Wall, ASMODEXIA, Bigstrut, Boiled Tongue, Coast Trash, Confined Space, Couugh Syruup, Dragunov, Gestation Curiosity, Great Depression, Hans Assman, Harmacist, Homie Kisses, Hymn, Inalienable, Irregular Vibrations, Looming, Old Woman with No Teeth, Oral Techniques, Popiel, Regress, Ropeman, Terror Trance Intrusion Madness, The Incredible Melting Man, Thousand Cuts, Ukakuja, Ull Equip, weathervacation, ex-Cosmic Atrophy, ex-Gurthang, ex-Herculean Death, ex-Oshiego, ex-Putrefying Cadaverment, ex-Vixenta, ex-Bunker Buster, ex-Driven by Suffering, ex-I am Spartacus, ex-Markmikemoran, ex-Recovery Period, ex-S & M Party, ex-Seppuku, ex-The Men Behind the Sun, ex-The Nautilus
Dave Herzog Bass
Brandon Arnett Bass
See also: Necrosadist, Taedium Vitae, ex-Insatanity, ex-Evermourning
Clint Glasscock Drums
Shane Murray Drums
Walt Hyden (R.I.P. 2012) Guitars
Brian Henn Guitars
See also: Machinations of Fate, ex-Sicarii, ex-Internecine
Kelly Mccoy Guitars
Ted Fox Guitars
Dave Frazier Vocals
(R.I.P. 2020) See also: ex-Solidification
Past (Live)
Phil Good Bass (2007)
See also: Horrific Demise, Necrotic Disgorgement, Solidification, Created to Kill (live), Shuriken Cadaveric Entwinement (live), ex-Doom, ex-Heinous Killings, ex-Moribund Fiend, ex-Between the Killings, ex-Coathanger Abortion, ex-Hate Icon, ex-Lust of Decay, ex-Almost Dead
Chris Kirk Vocals (2001-2010)
See also: Hate Icon, ex-U.S. Hellcamp
Jared Moran Bass, Drums, Guitars (2009-2010)
See also: 54R, Acausal Intrusion, Acrid Tomb, Ange de la Mort, Ar'lyxkq'wr, Black Spells, Bloodsick, Burial Curse, Cave, Cloud of Flies, Conjuration Trance, Corpse Arise, Cynocephalus, Dragón Blanco, Draug, Dussage, Dwelling Below, Eats Aids, Er Murazor, Erusopxecinomeddetaeperhguorhtserisednamuhllafonoitacidarecitametsys, Evaporated Sores, Exsanguinment, Feral Lord, Filtheater, Flesh Configuration, Flittering, Forestfather, Hierarchies, Hollowed Idols, Illithilich, Inle, Inner Sphere, Irradiated Marrow, Ishimura, Kamikaze Pilots, Kudzu, Louching, Maggot Crown, Morgue Sermon, Morgue Walker, Mountain of Beard, Mouth of Cedar, Myrkridia, Nightcall, Obsidian Hooves, Occulsed, Out of the Mouth of Graves, Paranoid Schizophrenia, Psionic Madness, Psych Ward 6, Qqgcguvhjn, Raum, Scourge Whip, Sermon of Rot, Shokushu Goukan, Slog, Spawning Vats, Subterranean Birthright, Tacit Annihilation, Tendrils Loom Overhead as Moss Below, Ultima Weapon, Uzumaki, Vertebrae Fetish Totem, Void Blight, Waste Management '81, Xvart, Yzordderrex, Zombie Raiders, Zvylpwkua, Scowl, ex-Ithaqua, ex-The Breaking Wheel, ex-The Plague Doctor, ex-Your End, ex-Vomitwolves, ex-Gastric Phantasm, A Wall, ASMODEXIA, Bigstrut, Boiled Tongue, Coast Trash, Confined Space, Couugh Syruup, Dragunov, Gestation Curiosity, Great Depression, Hans Assman, Harmacist, Homie Kisses, Hymn, Inalienable, Irregular Vibrations, Looming, Old Woman with No Teeth, Oral Techniques, Popiel, Regress, Ropeman, Terror Trance Intrusion Madness, The Incredible Melting Man, Thousand Cuts, Ukakuja, Ull Equip, weathervacation, ex-Cosmic Atrophy, ex-Gurthang, ex-Herculean Death, ex-Oshiego, ex-Putrefying Cadaverment, ex-Vixenta, ex-Bunker Buster, ex-Driven by Suffering, ex-I am Spartacus, ex-Markmikemoran, ex-Recovery Period, ex-S & M Party, ex-Seppuku, ex-The Men Behind the Sun, ex-The Nautilus
Dave Herzog Bass
Brandon Arnett Bass
See also: Necrosadist, Taedium Vitae, ex-Insatanity, ex-Evermourning
Clint Glasscock Drums
Shane Murray Drums
Walt Hyden (R.I.P. 2012) Guitars
Brian Henn Guitars
See also: Machinations of Fate, ex-Sicarii, ex-Internecine
Kelly Mccoy Guitars
Ted Fox Guitars
Dave Frazier Vocals
(R.I.P. 2020) See also: ex-Solidification
Added by: Cinerary Modified by: flesheatingdisease
Added on: 2002-10-11 22:12:18 Last modified on: 2023-04-14 18:18:45