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Bone Gnawer - Photo

Bone Gnawer

Country of origin:
Sweden / Florida, United States
Formed in:
Death Metal
Gore, Death, Cannibalism
Current label:
Pulverised Records
Years active:
2001-2015, 2023-present
Compilation appearances:
- "Cannibal Cookout" on Fear Candy 69 (Terrorizer Magazine, 2009)
- "Make You Die Slow" on Close-Up Magazine #113 (Close-Up Magazine, 2009)
- "Hacked-N-Slashed" on Lauschangriff Volume 001 (Rock Hard, 2010)
Kam Lee Vocals (2009-2015, 2023-present)
See also: Broken Gravestones, Grave Wax, Kam Lee, Massacre, The Skeletal, ex-Akatharta, ex-Metal Against Coronavirus, ex-Nattravnen, ex-The Grotesquery, ex-Mantas, ex-Phlegethon, Necropalypse, Oozing Scabs, Troikadon, ex-Denial Fiend, ex-Death, ex-Skincrawler, ex-Abhorrent Existence, ex-Alienanalprobe, ex-Beware, ex-Cadaverizer, ex-Corpse Rot, ex-Cryptidz, ex-Demiurge, ex-Gods of Death, ex-Kauldron, ex-Massacre X, ex-My Black Omen, ex-Shadows with Knives, ex-Tromos, ex-Urizen
Rogga Johansson Bass (2009-2014)
See also: Astrophyte, Battle Axis, Bloodgut, Carve, Catacomb, Dead Sun, Down Among the Dead Men, Echelon, Eye of Purgatory, Fondlecorpse, Formaldehydist, Fractured, Furnace, Gauntlet Rule, Ghoulhouse, God Cries, Grisly, Heir Corpse One, House by the Cemetary, Humanity Delete, Johansson & Speckmann, Leper Colony, Lobotomy Dept, Megascavenger, Monstrous, Necrogod, Paganizer, PermaDeath, Pile of Skulls, Putrevore, Reek, Revolting, Ribspreader, Rogga Johansson, Severed Limbs, Stass, Stygian Dark, Svitjod, The Cleaner and Mr. Filth's Van Murders, The Dead Cold, The Skeletal, Those Who Bring the Torture, To Descend, War Magic, ex-Demiurg, ex-Eaten, ex-Foreboding, ex-Metal Against Coronavirus, ex-Minotaur Head, ex-Ravaged by the Yeti, ex-Skeletal Spectre, ex-Swarming, ex-Terminal Grip, ex-The Grotesquery, ex-Obesity, ex-To the Gallows, Disruptor, Troikadon, ex-Banished from Inferno, ex-Graveyard After Graveyard, ex-Massacre, ex-Never the Dead, ex-Sinners Burn, ex-Deranged (live), ex-The 11th Hour
Morgan Lie Drums (2009-2015)
See also: Auberon, ex-Naglfar, ex-Slutstation Tjernobyl
Ronnie Björnström Guitars (2009-2015)
See also: Mezzrow, Pre-Human Vaults, Taedeat, ex-Minotaur Head, ex-Surrounded by All, Ill-Wisher, ex-Aeon, ex-Defiatory, ex-Ribspreader, ex-Those Who Bring the Torture, ex-Knife in Christ, ex-Solution .45, ex-Embracing
Kam Lee Vocals (2009-2015, 2023-present)
See also: Broken Gravestones, Grave Wax, Kam Lee, Massacre, The Skeletal, ex-Akatharta, ex-Metal Against Coronavirus, ex-Nattravnen, ex-The Grotesquery, ex-Mantas, ex-Phlegethon, Necropalypse, Oozing Scabs, Troikadon, ex-Denial Fiend, ex-Death, ex-Skincrawler, ex-Abhorrent Existence, ex-Alienanalprobe, ex-Beware, ex-Cadaverizer, ex-Corpse Rot, ex-Cryptidz, ex-Demiurge, ex-Gods of Death, ex-Kauldron, ex-Massacre X, ex-My Black Omen, ex-Shadows with Knives, ex-Tromos, ex-Urizen
Added by: the16th6toothson Modified by: VladimirCokorilo
Added on: 2009-06-06 05:30:26 Last modified on: 2024-09-27 08:54:45