Not to be confused with:
- Backslash (Heavy/Power Metal from Bamberg, Bavaria)
- Backslash from Freiburg (Hard Rock w/ Boris Zimmermann and 2 ex-Sex Attack members; released "Kicking Off" demo and a promo tape in the early '90s)
- Back Slash (Heavy Rock w/ Christian Stöcker; released a 3-song demo in 1991)
Not to be confused with:
- Backslash (Heavy/Power Metal from Bamberg, Bavaria)
- Backslash from Freiburg (Hard Rock w/ Boris Zimmermann and 2 ex-Sex Attack members; released "Kicking Off" demo and a promo tape in the early '90s)
- Back Slash (Heavy Rock w/ Christian Stöcker; released a 3-song demo in 1991)