Name Type Year Reviews
Epicus Doomicus Metallicus Full-length 1986 23 (91%)
Nightfall Full-length 1987 19 (93%)
Ancient Dreams Full-length 1988 13 (88%)
Tales of Creation Full-length 1989 9 (91%)
Chapter VI Full-length 1992 5 (89%)
Dactylis Glomerata Full-length 1998 7 (68%)
From the 13th Sun Full-length 1999 6 (80%)
Candlemass Full-length 2005 11 (90%)
King of the Grey Islands Full-length 2007 15 (87%)
Death Magic Doom Full-length 2009 13 (83%)
Psalms for the Dead Full-length 2012 10 (87%)
The Door to Doom Full-length 2019 8 (78%)
Sweet Evil Sun Full-length 2022 6 (71%)