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Real/full name:
Joakim Kuotesaho
40 (born 1985)
Place of birth:


Vocals, Guitars, Bass, Keyboards (2014-present)

2016 As Nightwind Embraced and the Shadows Caressed (Demo) Vocals, Guitars, Bass, Keyboards
2018 Moon Calls to Wander... ...the Winter's Majesty (EP) Vocals, Guitars, Bass, Keyboards
2020 Night's Scarlet Symphonies Vocals, Guitars, Bass, Keyboards
2021 Onyx Castles and Silver Keys (EP) Vocals, Guitars, Bass, Keyboards


Vocals, Guitars, Bass, Keyboards

2006 Calling the Spirits of Hate (Demo) Vocals, Guitars, Bass
2006 The Awakening of the Conqueror Vocals, Guitars, Bass, Keyboards
2009 Caelic Weold Finnum Vocals, Guitars, Bass, Keyboards, Choirs
2009 Kvenland Vocals, Guitars, Bass, Keyboards, Shaman drum
2011 Chronicon Finlandiae Vocals, Guitars, Kantele, Bass, Keyboards
2011 Syksy sieluni yössä (EP) Vocals, Guitars, Bass, Keyboards
2014 Pohjanmaa Vocals, Guitars, Bass, Keyboards

Animal Foreskin

As Joakim "Sperm-Splatterer" Soldehed:
Bass, Vocals

Empire of Tharaphita

As Stormheit Mir-Susne-Xum:
All instruments, Vocals (2007-2014)

2008 Dreams from the Forgotten Worlds... (Demo) All instruments, Vocals
2008 Drowned to the Stream of Eternity (Demo) All instruments, Vocals
2009 Path of the Old Lunar Cult Empire (Split) All instruments, Vocals
2018 Distant Echoes Through Blood Infinite (Compilation) All instruments, Vocals

Evil Witch

As The Warlock:
Vocals, Guitars, Bass

2007 The Night of Sorcery (Demo) Vocals, Guitars, Bass

Uncreation's Dawn

Bass (2005-2008)

2006 Death's Tyranny Bass


As Joakim Soldehed:
Vocals (1998-?), Bass (2000-?)

1999 Brutal Mutations (Demo) Vocals
2001 Nuclear Devastation (Demo) Vocals, Bass
2002 Chaos Theory Vocals (lead), Bass
2003 Holocaust Reich (Demo) Vocals, Bass
2005 Thermonuklear Thrash Metal Warfare (Split) Bass, Vocals
2007 Storming Thrash Vengeance (Split) Vocals, Bass
2007 Morbid Holocaust Lyrics, Vocals (lead), Bass

Der Stürmer

Bass (2017-2018)

Drowning the Light

Drums (2009)


Keyboards, Vocals (backing) (2012-2013), Bass (2013-present)

Der Stürmer

2018 Hail to Finland (Live album) Bass


2011 Varjot Vocals (clean, choirs)
2014 Voitto tai Valhalla Bass, Keyboards, Vocals (backing)
2017 Stella Polaris Bass, Vocals (recitations)
2023 What Once Was... ...Shall Be Again Bass, Vocals (backing)

Stench of Decay

2011 Visions Beyond Death (EP) Recording, Mixing (as "Joakim Kuotesaho")


2009 Kvenland Mythic poetry, Pictures


2009 Born with Lucifer's Mark (EP) Mixing, Recording (as "Joakim Kuotesaho")
Added by: SkaldAvSatansSol Modified by: OpsiusCato
Added on: 2011-04-09 07:55:12 Last modified on: 2023-02-01 17:15:45
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