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Sexual Goat Licker

Real/full name:
Karl-Jan Kristiansson
Place of birth:

Autopsy Torment

As Karl Vincent:

1991 The Dark Side (Demo) Drums (as "Kalle")
1991 Darkest Rituals (Demo) Drums (as "Kalle")
1992 The Seventh Soul of Hell (Demo) Drums (as "Kalle")
2001 Orgy with the Dead (EP) Drums
2002 Orgy with the Dead Drums
2003 Premature Torment / Pagan from the Heat (Split) Drums
2008 7th Ritual for the Darkest Soul of Hell (Compilation) Drums

Devil Lee Rot

As Vince Black:

2001 Pagan from the Heat (Demo) Drums
2001 Explosion of Hell (Split) Drums
2002 A Little Devil Ain't Enough Drums
2002 Pagan from the Heat (Single) Drums
2002 Hellscraper / A Little Devil Ain't Enough (Compilation) Drums

Pagan Rites

As Karl-Jan Kristiansson:

1992 Promo 1992 (Demo) Drums
1992 Through the Gates of Hell (Demo) Drums
1992 Pagan Rites (Demo) Drums (as "Kalle")
1993 Frost... (Demo) Drums (as "Sexual Goatlicker")
1993 Sodomy in Heaven (Single) Drums
2000 Bloodlust and Devastation (EP) Drums
2003 Rites of the Pagan Warriors (Compilation) Drums
2008 The First Born - In the Name of Darkness / Anti-Life (Split) Drums


As Kalle:

1992 Black Fuckin' Metal (Demo) Drums
Added by: Doomsday Modified by: Death_Vomit
Added on: 2011-04-12 12:44:49 Last modified on: 2024-07-29 17:51:56
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