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Scott Watts

Scott Watts

Real/full name:
Scott Watts
Place of birth:
Canada (Scarborough, Ontario)


Brother of Mark Watts.

His date of birth is March 26th, year unknown.

Codex: Factoria

Bass (2016-present)

2016 Engines of the Slavestate (EP) Bass


Bass (1983-1993, 2006-present)

1984 Rehearsal (Demo) Bass
1985 Rehearsal #2 (Demo) Bass
1985 The Exorcism (Demo) Bass
1986 Torment in Fire Bass, Vocals (backing)
1987 Demo 1987 (Demo) Bass, Vocals
1987 Forward to Termination Bass
1989 1989 - Demo (Demo) Bass
1990 Soldiers of Misfortune Bass
1993 Apocalypse Inside Bass
2006 198666 (Compilation) Bass
2009 The Ones I Condemn Bass
2009 Anthem (Single) Bass, Vocals
2010 Sacrifice / Propagandhi (Split) Bass, Vocals
2012 Re-Animated (Video) Bass, Vocals
(show all)
Added by: Foeticide Modified by: KingSpooky
Added on: 2011-04-12 14:58:17 Last modified on: 2022-06-21 22:50:03
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