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Pekka Kokko

Pekka Kokko

Real/full name:
Pekka Tapio Kokko
51 (born 1974)
Place of birth:
Finland (Oulu, Pohjois-Pohjanmaa)


Elder brother of Antti Kokko.


Guitars, Vocals (1998-present)

1999 Svieri obraza (Demo) Guitars, Vocals
2000 Swamplord Songwriting (tracks 2, 4, 5), Vocals, Lyrics, Guitars
2002 They Will Return Songwriting (tracks 4, 5, 7), Vocals, Lyrics, Guitars
2003 Swampsong Songwriting (tracks 3, 4, 8-10), Vocals, Lyrics, Guitars
2006 The Black Waltz Songwriting (tracks 1, 4, 8, 9, 11), Vocals, Lyrics (tracks 1-4, 6-11), Guitars
2008 Swamplord / They Will Return (Compilation) Guitars, Vocals
2008 For the Revolution Vocals, Lyrics, Guitars, Songwriting (tracks 4-6, 8)
2010 12 Gauge Vocals, Lyrics, Guitars (rhythm), Songwriting (tracks 4, 6)
2013 Seventh Swamphony (Single) Guitars, Vocals
2013 Seventh Swamphony Songwriting (tracks 3, 7, 8), Guitars, Vocals, Lyrics
2018 Palo Songwriting (tracks 7, 9, 10), Vocals (choirs), Guitars (rhythm), Lyrics, Vocals (lead)
2023 Haunted by Guilt (Single) Guitars, Vocals
2023 Drifting in a Dream (Single) Guitars, Vocals
2023 Taken Before Given (Single) Guitars, Vocals
2023 Kalmah Songwriting (tracks 8-9), Vocals (lead, backing), Lyrics, Guitars (rhythm)
(show all)


Bass (1992), Vocals (1992-1998), Guitars (1993-1998)

1992 Ethereal Devotion (Demo) Bass, Vocals
1993 With No Strings Attached (Demo) Guitars, Vocals
1997 Material World - God (Demo) Guitars, Vocals
1998 Tomorrow (Demo) Guitars, Vocals
1998 Under the Burbot's Nest (Demo) Guitars, Vocals


2003 Swampsong Lyrics
Added by: ShadowOfGod Modified by: cweed
Added on: 2011-04-10 01:26:50 Last modified on: 2024-02-22 21:04:11
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