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Patrick Battaglia

Real/full name:
Patrick Battaglia
Place of birth:
United States

Dust Is Everywhere

As Old:

2007 Attics and Catacombs Drums

In the Fire


2019 Volatile Beings Drums


As Pat Battaglia:
Drums (?-1998)

1997 Solace in the Shadows (Demo) Drums

Azure Emote

Drums (2003-?)

2007 Chronicles of an Aging Mammal Drums

Rumpelstiltskin Grinder

Drums (2002-2012, 2015-?)

2004 Equipment Crusher / {Brown Slight Return} (Split) Drums (as "Pat Battaglia")
2005 Buried in the Front Yard... Drums
2008 Speed n' Spikes Vol. II (Split) Drums
2008 Urine Trouble / Nothing Defeats the Skull (Split) Drums
2009 Living for Death, Destroying the Rest Drums
2012 Ghostmaker Drums

Solace in the Shadows

Drums (1998-2005)

1998 Solace in the Shadows (Demo) Drums (as "Pat Battaglia")
1999 ...of Darkness in Angels (Demo) Drums (as "Patrick")
2003 Blackheart Lake Drums
2004 Screaming to Survive (EP) Drums
Added by: MTDOOMIVXX Modified by: ~Guest 373248
Added on: 2011-04-11 15:32:41 Last modified on: 2023-08-06 04:44:14
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