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Oskar Montelius

Oskar Montelius

Real/full name:
Oskar Abraham Montelius
44 (born May 4th, 1980)
Place of birth:
Sweden (Falun, Dalarna)


Guitars (1999)

Civil War

Guitars (2012-2015)

2012 Rome Is Falling (Single) Guitars
2012 Civil War (EP) Guitars
2013 I Will Rule the Universe (Single) Guitars
2013 Saint Patricks Day (Single) Guitars
2013 First to Fight (Single) Guitars
2013 The Killer Angels Guitars
2015 Blessed & Possessed (Split) Guitars
2015 Gods and Generals Guitars
2015 Hjältar ifrån Dalarna (Single) Guitars


Guitars, Vocals (backing) (1999-2012)

2000 Sabaton (Demo) Guitars
2001 Fist for Fight (Compilation) Guitars
2005 Primo Victoria Guitars
2006 Attero Dominatus Guitars
2007 Masters of the World (Single) Guitars
2007 Metalizer Guitars, Lyrics (Disc 1: tracks 5, 6; Disc 2: track 5) (as "Montelius")
2008 The Art of War Guitars
2008 Cliffs of Gallipoli (Single) Guitars
2010 Coat of Arms (Single) Guitars
2010 Coat of Arms Guitars
2010 Screaming Eagles (Single) Guitars
2011 World War Live: Battle of the Baltic Sea (Live album) Guitars
2012 The Lion from the North (Single) Guitars
2012 A Lifetime of War (Single) Guitars
2012 Carolus Rex (Single) Guitars
2012 Carolus Rex Vocals (backing), Guitars
2016 In the Army Now (Single) Guitars
(show all)

Civil War

2012 Civil War (EP) Producer
2013 The Killer Angels Producer
Added by: Lord_Lexy Modified by: Quorthallis
Added on: 2011-04-09 13:06:06 Last modified on: 2024-02-25 20:03:29
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