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Olli Roder

Olli Roder

Real/full name:
Oliver Roder
Place of birth:


• Libido Airbag is an electronic grindcore duo.
• R.O.D. is Roder's rap alias, which he performs horrorcore under.

Chaos Cascade

As DLS666:
All instruments, Vocals (2014-present)

2015 Demonic Filth Ceremony (Demo) Vocals, All instruments
2015 Necrovulva / Chaos Cascade (Split) All instruments, Vocals
2015 Nuclear Cremation / Post-Mortal Desecrator (Split) All instruments, Vocals
2016 Filth Supremacy (EP) All instruments, Vocals
2016 Frequencies of Genocidal Sacrifice (Split) All instruments, Vocals
2016 Distortion Crypt Blood Ritual Sessions I & II (EP) All instruments, Vocals
2017 Grotesque Inflictions of Infernal Agony All instruments, Vocals
2018 Of Bedlam and Barbarism All instruments, Vocals
2018 Son of the Void (EP) All instruments, Vocals
2019 Decaying Shadows / Slaughter Chamber (Split) All instruments, Vocals
2019 Punishment & Lust (EP) All instruments, Vocals
2019 Sacrificial Rites of Devotion (Split) All instruments, Vocals
2020 Sharpen Your Knives (Split) All instruments, Vocals
2020 Four Ways to Forcefuck the Weak (Split) All instruments, Vocals
2020 Melodies of Misogyny (EP) All instruments, Vocals
2020 Contamination Alliance (Split) All instruments, Vocals
2020 Creep Aesthetics All instruments, Vocals
(show all)


As Spermsoaked Consumer of Pussy Barbecue:
Vocals (lead) (1991-1995, 1999, 2004-present)

1991 Drowning in Female Excrements (Demo) Vocals (as "Nyarlathotep")
1992 Spermanys Most Wanted (EP) Vocals
1993 Splittape 1993 (Split) Vocals (lead) (as "Tom Byron")
1994 Hyper-Intestinal Vulva Desecration (EP) Vocals
1994 Twat Enema / Untitled (Split) Vocals
1994 Cripple Bitch / The Misanthrope (Split) Vocals
1994 Fistful of Sperm / Brain Damage (Split) Vocals (lead)
1994 Gut / Morphea (Split) Vocals (lead)
1995 Pussyfied - Assyfied (EP) Vocals
1995 Want Some Nuke or Gut? (Split) Vocals
1995 Odour of Torture Bass, Guitars (track 37), Vocals (lead)
2000 The Singles Collection (Compilation) Vocals (as "G.G. Ollin")
2006 Pimps of Gore (Collaboration) Vocals (as "Bukkake Boy Aka Double B Excitor")
2006 Masters of Gore (Split) Vocals (lead)
2006 The Cumback 2006 Vocals (lead) (as "Bukkake Boy aka G.G. Ollin - The Spermsoaked Consumer of Pussy Barbecue")
2006 Yellow Tea for Free / The Hooker Ballett (Split) Vocals (as "Bukkake Boy")
2007 Gigolo Warfare / Untitled (Split) Vocals, Effects (as "Bukkake Boy")
2020 Disciples of Smut Vocals (lead) (as "Spermsoaked Consumer Of Pussy Barbecue")
(show all)

Libido Airbag

As Rodriguez Cohonez:
Vocals (1995-present)

Nunwhore Commando 666

As Demon Lord Sarcofuck 666:
Vocals, Beat programming (1995-present)

2002 World Whore III (EP) Vocals, Drum programming
2004 Home Sweet Home Vocals, Drum programming
2005 World Wide War (EP) Vocals
2005 Filthiest Babies Alive!!! / Killapornia Dreamz (Split) Vocals, Beat programming
2012 The Legacy Vocals, Beat programming
2014 Nuclear Nunploitation / Orgasm Ωmega (Split) Vocals
2014 Nunwhore Commando 666 Vocals
2019 Psycho / Nunwhore Commando 666 (Split) Vocals


As Bukkake Boy:

Satans Karaoke Sleaze Rollercoaster

Unknown (2011-2014)

2012 Promo 2012 (Demo) Unknown

Seppuku Shofu

As Poruno Heika:


As Olli:

1991 Ode to the Churning Seas of Nar-Mataru (Demo) Vocals (backing)
1992 Rise of the Unholy (EP) Vocals (backing)

Ride for Revenge

As GG Ollin:

2019 September Fires (Live album) Vocals (backing) (tracks 6, 7)

Chaos Cascade

2016 Frequencies of Genocidal Sacrifice (Split) Recording (as "DLS666")

Nunwhore Commando 666

2002 World Whore III (EP) Mixing, Mastering (as "Sarcofuck 666")
Added by: zer5 Modified by: GuardAwakening
Added on: 2012-03-01 12:50:43 Last modified on: 2023-11-19 09:54:19
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