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Nick Mertaugh

Nick Mertaugh

Real/full name:
Nicholas Mertaugh
Place of birth:
United States


Used to be a reviewer for a zine called "Disposable Underground".


As Holocausto:
Guitars (1993-1997, 2000-present)

1993 The Imperial Clans (Demo) Guitars
1996 Arsenal of Glory (Demo) Guitars (as "Mertaugh")
1998 Galloping Through the Battle Ruins Guitars
2000 Arsenal of Glory (Compilation) Guitars (as "Mertaugh")
2000 Troops of Unfeigned Might (EP) Guitars
2001 Arghoslent / Stargazer (Split) Guitars
2002 Incorrigible Bigotry Guitars
2005 Arghoslent / Mudoven / Der Stürmer (Split) Guitars
2008 Hornets of the Pogrom Guitars
2008 1990-1994: The First Three Demos (Compilation) Guitars (tracks 14-16 or disc 1 side b)
2009 Send Forth the Best Ye Breed (Split) Guitars
2023 Resuscitation of the Revanchists Guitars
(show all)

Grand Belial's Key

As The Marauder:
Bass (1995-1996), Guitars (2002)

1996 A Witness to the Regicide (EP) Bass
2001 Castrate the Redeemer (Compilation) Bass (tracks 14 - 16)


Guitars (1996)


As Thegn Damieus the Marauder:
Guitars, Keyboards (1994-1995)

1995 A Trance for the Ever-Toiling Witch (Demo) Guitars, Keyboards, Lyrics
1997 Of Rape and Vampirism Guitars, Keyboards, Lyrics

Twisted Tower Dire

Guitars (1995)

1996 Hail Northern Virginia! (Demo) Guitars
1996 Looking Through a Smoking Glass / Mourner in the Nethermists (Split) Guitars
2009 The Curse of Twisted Tower Guitars (tracks 2:1-2:2)


As The Merauder:

1996 Powerless Against (EP) Guitars (rhythm)
2013 Coffins Through Time... a Mourning in Nazareth (Compilation) Guitars (Disc 2: A5, B1)


1995 Alienchrist Vocals (backing)


1995 Alienchrist Photography
Added by: NordicFire74 Modified by: Zoul148
Added on: 2011-05-01 17:24:38 Last modified on: 2024-05-27 13:27:07
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