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Mike Le Gros

Mike Le Gros

Real/full name:
Michael Le Gros
Place of birth:
United States

Cold Bearded Killers

Guitars, Vocals

2017 Cold Bearded Killers (EP) Guitars, Vocals


As Mike LeGros:
Guitars (1996-present)

1996 Storm of the Witch (Demo) Guitars
1997 Desecrated Guitars (as "Mike")
1998 Torn from the Grave (Compilation) Guitars (tracks 1-6)
1999 Promo '99 (Demo) Guitars
1999 Promo II '99 (Demo) Guitars
1999 The Beauty of Suffering (EP) Guitars
2000 War Machine (Demo) Guitars
2000 Welcome to Oblivion Guitars
2001 Demonic Portraiture Guitars (as "Mike")
2004 As We Burn Guitars
2014 Designed by the Devil, Powered by the Dead Guitars
2016 Made in Iron (EP) Guitars
2016 Enslaving the Dead (Compilation) Guitars (tracks 1-16)
2019 Dead Inside/No Light / Disinter (Single) Guitars
2020 Demolition of the Mind (Single) Guitars
2022 Breaker of Bones Lyrics, Guitars, Songwriting (as "Mike")
2022 Alliance of Death (Split) Guitars
(show all)


Guitars, Bass, Vocals (early)

2009 The Ashes of Transition Guitars, Vocals
2011 System of the Seasons (EP) Guitars, Vocals (harsh)


As Mike LeGros:

1993 Pornus Grind 93 - Rough Mix (Demo) Bass


Guitars, Bass, Vocals

2014 Souls of Hollow Guitars


Guitars (rhythm), Vocals

1988 Adrenalin (Demo) Guitars (rhythm), Vocals

Hells' Corpse

As Le Gros:
Vocals, Guitars

Jungle Rot

Bass (1998-2000)

1997 Slaughter the Weak Bass
1997 Promo '97 (Demo) Bass
1998 Darkness Foretold (EP) Bass


Guitars (2003-2004)

2005 Visual Propaganda: Live from the Pits of Damnation (Video) Guitars

Novembers Doom

Guitars, Bass (2003-2004)

2005 The Pale Haunt Departure Bass

The Narthex


2006 ...and All Was Lost (Demo) Bass

These Are They

Guitars (2008-2009)

2009 Who Manifest (EP) Guitars


2005 Daze West (Split) Guitars (rhythm)


2002 Vedma: The Disinter Witch Project (Compilation) Producer (as "Mike LeGros")
2004 As We Burn Producer
2014 Designed by the Devil, Powered by the Dead Producer (as "Mike LeGros")
2016 Enslaving the Dead (Compilation) Producer (tracks 3, 5, 7 & 10-12)
2022 Breaker of Bones Producer (as "Mike LeGros")


2014 Souls of Hollow Producer
Added by: _Vorst_ Modified by: CaptainIndia
Added on: 2011-04-10 06:32:58 Last modified on: 2024-10-10 02:17:54
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