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Kim Carlsson

Kim Carlsson

Real/full name:
Kim Carl Martin Carlsson
39 (born May 8th, 1985)
Place of birth:
Sweden (Jönköping)


Not to be confused with the Swedish bassist Kim Carlsson from Villainthropy.

Founder of the black metal record label Insikt.

He has done several live guest appearances for Ondskapt and Trancelike Void, among others.

A Symphony to the Void



Vocals (additional)

Consider Suicide

Everything (2015-present)

Horns Emerging

Everything (2010-present)


Vocals, Guitars (2001-present)

2003 Saphien irretable (Demo) Vocals, Guitars
2004 Suicide Fixation (Demo) Guitars, Vocals, Ambience
2004 Svarta nyanser av ljus (Demo) Vocals, Guitars
2004 Självdestruktivitet född av monotona tankegångar (Demo) Guitars
2005 Självdestruktivitet född av monotona tankegångar II - Monoton negativitet (Demo) Guitars
2005 Lead Yourself to Failure (Split) Vocals, Guitars
2006 Sjuklig intention (Split) Vocals, Guitars
2006 Veins Vocals, Guitars
2006 Aska / Hypothermia (Split) Guitars
2006 Undergången (Split) Vocals, Guitars
2006 Arkha Sva / Hypothermia (Split) Vocals, Guitars
2006 Köld Vocals, Guitars
2007 Rakbladsvalsen Vocals, Guitars
2008 Grimnir / Trist / Regnum / Hypothermia (Split) Vocals, Guitars
2008 Gråtoner (EP) Vocals, Guitars
2008 Black Howling / Hypothermia (Split) Vocals, Guitars
2008 Kaffe & blod (Demo) Vocals, Guitars
2010 Skogens hjärta Guitars
2013 Tanke & minne (Split) Guitars
2014 Självdestruktivitet född av monotona tankegångar IV: Warakumbla (Demo) Guitars
2014 Självdestruktivitet född av monotona tankegångar III (Demo) Guitars
2015 Svartkonst Guitars
2015 Gråtoner (EP) Vocals, Guitars
2017 Kaffe & blod II (EP) Guitars
(show all)


As Kim:
Vocals (2012-present)

2013 Då, nu - jag och du (Single) Vocals
2014 Varelsen (Single) Vocals
2014 Kall Vocals
2014 Elemental Nightmares - IV (Split) Vocals
2015 Fall (Single) Vocals
2020 Brand Vocals

Nothing but Nothingness



Ambience (2007-2015, 2020-present)


Everything (2004-2005)

2005 Glory of Negativity Vocals, Guitars, Drum programming
2005 Demo I (Demo) Everything
2005 Kyla (Demo) Everything
2005 With Destructive Intent (Split) Everything

Life Is Pain

Vocals (2006)

2006 Bloody Melancholy (Demo) Vocals


As ( ):
Guitars (2005-2006), Vocals (lead) (2005-2011, 2015)

2005 Promo 2005 (Demo) Vocals, Guitars
2006 Pulver Vocals (lead, speech), Guitars, Lyrics
2007 Erotik Vocals (lead), Lyrics
2008 Konkurs Songwriting (tracks 6, 8, 13), Vocals (lead), Lyrics (tracks 1, 8, 9)
2009 Dekadens (EP) Vocals (lead)
2011 Sjukdom Vocals (lead), Lyrics

Black Hate

Vocals (2015)

Svarti Loghin

Vocals (2013-2017)


Vocals (additional) (2010-2011)

Black Hate

2019 Bleed 17-09 (EP) Vocals


2005 Djävulens tid är kommen Vocals (additional)

Svarti Loghin

2010 Drifting Through the Void Vocals (track 3)
2012 Luft Vocals (harsh) (track 6)
2021 Bury My Heart in These Starlit Waters (Live album) Vocals


2015 Lidelse (EP) Logo


2007 Zrcadlení melancholie Artwork (backround vinyl re-release)
Added by: Mythics Modified by: sk1nner
Added on: 2011-04-09 03:09:50 Last modified on: 2024-03-03 04:59:51
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