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Jon Miller

Real/full name:
Jon Miller
Place of birth:
United States

Manilla Road

1979 Underground (Demo) Mixing, Engineering
1980 Invasion Recording, Mixing
1982 Metal Recording, Mixing, Producer
1983 Crystal Logic Mixing, Recording
1984 Open the Gates Mixing, Recording
1986 The Deluge Recording, Mixing
1987 Mystification Recording
1988 Out of the Abyss Recording
1988 Roadkill (Live album) Mixing
1990 The Courts of Chaos Recording
1992 The Circus Maximus Recording, Mixing
2002 Mark of the Beast Recording
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Added by: MARSDUDE Modified by: Rochvill
Added on: 2013-01-01 00:34:00 Last modified on: 2022-11-28 08:56:45
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