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Joe O'Reilly

Joe O'Reilly

Real/full name:
Joe O'Reilly
Place of birth:
United States


As Jamie Locke:
Bass (1986)

1986 Nightmare Theatre Bass
1999 Nightmare Theatre Bass

Original Sin

As Pandora Fox:
Bass (1986)

1986 Sin Will Find You Out Bass

Virgin Steele

Bass (1981-1992)

1982 Demo (Demo) Bass
1982 Virgin Steele Bass
1983 A Cry in the Night (Single) Bass
1983 Guardians of the Flame Bass (as "Joe "O"")
1983 Wait for the Night (EP) Bass
1984 Burn the Sun (Compilation) Bass
1985 Noble Savage Bass
1988 Age of Consent Bass (as "Joe "O"")
2001 Hymns to Victory (Compilation) Bass (track 11)


1992 Return of the Dudes Tour (EP) Engineering (Assistant) (as "Jamie Locke")
Added by: NobbyNobbs Modified by: Krister Jensen
Added on: 2011-04-13 12:39:33 Last modified on: 2022-11-30 05:58:00
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