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Chuck Bonnett

Chuck Bonnett

Real/full name:
Charlie Bonnett III
Place of birth:
United States

Charlie Bonnett III

Vocals, Guitars (acoustic)


Vocals, Guitars

1995 Widespread Human Disaster (Demo) Vocals (backing), Guitars, Vocals (lead)
1995 Widespread Human Disaster (Demo) Vocals (backing), Vocals, Guitars
1996 Bleed (Demo) Guitars, Vocals
1997 Spreading the Death Plague (Demo) Guitars, Vocals
1999 A Lesson in Respect Vocals, Guitars
2002 In the Face of the Enemy Vocals, Guitars
2002 In the Face of the Enemy (Demo) Guitars, Vocals
2007 Edge of My Demise Guitars, Vocals
2020 Born to Overcome (EP) Vocals, Guitars

Big Smo

Guitars (2010)

Moccasin Creek

Guitars, Bass, Vocals (2010-2014)

Added by: chevymetal1986 Modified by: snow wolf
Added on: 2011-12-06 23:21:36 Last modified on: 2020-12-03 12:37:41
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