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Brian Patton

Brian Patton

Real/full name:
William Brian Patton
Place of birth:
United States (New Orleans, Louisiana)


Fuckmouth was a grindcore project formed at the Roadburn 2010 festival in Tilburg (Holland) by Mike Williams, Brian Patton, and Joey LaCaze. They played a few songs while waiting for Gary Mader to replace a broken string.

Outlaw Order

Guitars, Bass (2003-present)

2003 Legalize Crime (EP) Guitars
2008 Dragging Down the Enforcer Guitars, Bass

Soilent Green

Guitars (1988-present)

1989 Demo (Demo) Guitars
1991 Satanic Drug Frog (Demo) Guitars
1991 Squiggly (Demo) Guitars
1991 New Orleans Scene: Allow No Downfall (Split) Guitars
1992 Demo 1992 (Demo) Guitars
1993 Demo 1993 (Demo) Guitars
1994 Promo '94 (Demo) Guitars
1995 Green Vegetable Matter / Soilent Green (Split) Guitars
1995 Pussysoul Guitars (as "Brian")
1998 A String of Lies (EP) Guitars
1998 Sewn Mouth Secrets Guitars
1999 In These Black Days Vol. 6 (Split) Guitars
2001 Preproduction Demo (Demo) Guitars
2001 A Deleted Symphony for the Beaten Down Guitars
2005 Confrontation Guitars
2006 Soilent Green / Sulaco (Split) Guitars
2008 Inevitable Collapse in the Presence of Conviction Guitars
(show all)



1992 Learning About Manners (Demo) Guitars


Guitars (1993-2018)

1993 Take as Needed for Pain Guitars
1994 Ruptured Heart Theory (EP) Guitars
1994 Whore / Untitled (Split) Guitars
1995 Loud & Ugly Vol. 2 (Split) Guitars
1995 Wrong / Southern Discomfort (Split) Guitars
1996 Dopesick Songwriting, Guitars
1997 In These Black Days: A Tribute to Black Sabbath (Vol. I) (Split) Guitars
2000 Confederacy of Ruined Lives Guitars
2001 10 Years of Abuse (and Still Broke) (Compilation) Guitars (tracks 5-15)
2002 Eyehategod / Soilent Green (Split) Guitars
2002 Century Media 10th Anniversary Party - Live (Split video) Bass
2004 99 Miles of Bad Road (EP) Guitars
2004 Tokyo Japan - March 19th, 2002 (Video) Guitars
2004 I Am the Gestapo / Self-Zeroing (Split) Guitars
2011 Live (Video) Guitars
2012 New Orleans Is the New Vietnam (Single) Guitars
2014 The Liar's Psalm (Single) Guitars
2014 Eyehategod Guitars
2015 Eyehategod / Psycho (Split) Guitars
2016 Eyehategod / Bl'ast (Split) Guitars
(show all)


Guitars (2010)


Guitars (1992-1993)

1993 Never (Demo) Guitars

Nuclear Crucifixion

Guitars (1987-1988)

1987 Killing Ourselves to Live (Demo) Guitars

Nun Molesters

Guitars, Vocals (backing)


Guitars (2019-2020, 2022-present)

Rude Awakening

1990 Rude Awakening (Demo) Vocals (backing)


1991 Embryonic Tombs (Demo) Vocals (backing)

Soilent Green

2001 A Deleted Symphony for the Beaten Down Design elements
2005 Confrontation Design concept
Added by: MTDOOMIVXX Modified by: AgnosticPuppy666
Added on: 2011-04-11 20:29:01 Last modified on: 2025-01-01 21:45:09
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