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Vlad Tepes > Brouillons I
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< Into Frosty Madness
Brouillons II
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< Into Frosty Madness
Brouillons II

Brouillons I

Vlad Tepes

Release date:
May 1995
Catalog ID:
1 review (avg. 75%)
1. Raven's Hike 03:51   instrumental
  (loading lyrics...)
2. Abyssic Funeral Symphony 03:50  
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3. In Holocaust to the Natural Darkness 03:04  
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4. Tepes the Unweeping 08:05  
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Vorlok Drakksteim Bass, Vocals
Wlad Drakksteim Vocals, Guitars, Drums
Read Good Songs marred by... 75% caspian December 19th, 2006

Brouillons is French for "drafts" - this was an untitled demo containing drafts/demos of songs for the "Dans Notre Chute..." demo. The band recorded the bass and drum tracks for that demo in May 1995 but was unable to complete the demo during that session. Later in the month, Wlad recorded guitars and sent a few copies to friends labeled as "Brouillons" - these instrumental versions were extensively bootlegged/traded under the name "Brouillons II" despite being earlier versions. Vocals were added later in the month, and those recordings were later bootlegged under the "Brouillons I" name. "Dans Notre Chute..." was completed in July, with two additional tracks and re-recorded guitars and vocals. The "Brouillons" tracks with vocals were later contributed to the Black Legions Metal split with Torgeist, plus the track "Warmoon Lord" which was recorded in July 1995 for a compilation that never materialized.

All versions of this other than a small number of hand-labeled tapes are bootlegs.

The same tapes which the bootlegs are sourced from included two stand-alone tracks originally intended for appearance on a compilations: Vlad Tepes' "Warmoon Lord" and Black Murder's "Those Black Desires That Torment My Soul"

Added by: hateandvaseline Modified by: airzez
Added on: 2004-07-10 02:55:50 Last modified on: 2023-06-10 09:54:09