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Totale Vernichtung > Die Rückkehr des schwarzen Todes > 2020, CD, Darker than Black Records
Totale Vernichtung - Die Rückkehr des schwarzen Todes
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Die pechschwarze Artillerie

Die Rückkehr des schwarzen Todes

Totale Vernichtung

Release date:
May 2020
Catalog ID:
DTB 476
Darker than Black Records
None yet
1. Unheiliger Krieg 06:34  
  (loading lyrics...)
2. Die Rückkehr des Schwarzen Todes 08:24  
  (loading lyrics...)
3. Schwächeanfall der Menschheit 05:30  
  (loading lyrics...)
4. Gotteslästernde Taten 06:34  
  (loading lyrics...)
5. Ströme aus Blut 03:54  
  (loading lyrics...)
6. Vicarivs Filii Dei 10:03  
  (loading lyrics...)
Original line-up
Band members
Antimessiah Everything
Original line-up
Antimessiah Everything
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Album title translation (from German): The return of the black death
Song title translations (from German):
1. Unholy war
2. The return of the black death
3. Feeling of faintness of humanity
4. Blasphemic deeds
5. Streams of blood

Recording information:

Recorded in August 2006.


Matrix / Runout: DTB 476

Added by: Antimessiah Modified by: Spider_X
Added on: 2020-05-29 12:50:19 Last modified on: 2021-01-18 10:56:14