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Styxian Industries > Salvation Through Deterioration
Styxian Industries - Salvation Through Deterioration
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Der Befehl lautet: TOETE / Manifestation Exaltation Revelation

Salvation Through Deterioration

Styxian Industries

Release date:
October 2010
Catalog ID:
STYX 005
None yet
1. Remnants of the Former Self 04:44  
  (loading lyrics...)
2. Salvation Through Deterioration 01:15  
  (loading lyrics...)
3. Finites Perturbing the True Vacuum 03:51  
  (loading lyrics...)
4. Revise Your Existence 04:22  
  (loading lyrics...)
5. Escaping Reality 04:12  
  (loading lyrics...)
Band members
Dr. Z Bass
Ms. M Guitars
Mr. A Guitars
Mr F. Percussion, Drums
Ir T. Vocals
Miscellaneous staff
Mr. W Executive producer
H. Xul Mastering
Mr F. Logo, Artwork
ACW Layout
Dr. Z Bass
Ms. M Guitars
Mr. A Guitars
Mr F. Percussion, Drums
Ir T. Vocals
Mr. W Executive producer
H. Xul Mastering
Mr F. Logo, Artwork
ACW Layout
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Recording information:

Recorded at Smallroom Studio.

Added by: morbid_reality666 Modified by: GodOfMalice
Added on: 2010-11-01 14:16:45 Last modified on: 2019-04-23 00:15:17