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Squash Bowels > Tnyribal
Squash Bowels - Tnyribal
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Squash Bowels

Release date:
August 10th, 1999
Catalog ID:
OBP 032
Obscene Productions
1 review (avg. 46%)
1. Stranger Mind: Possessed - Amssend - Passage 02:37  
  (loading lyrics...)
2. Dark Corridors: Xabon - Refractive - Naxaru - Ytarb 03:11  
  (loading lyrics...)
3. Zema Inpa: Fear - Doldrums - Liberate Me! - Dizziness - Effluvium 08:49  
  (loading lyrics...)
4. Zonhori Nteve: Blood - Soulless - Radiate - Transmit 06:31  
  (loading lyrics...)
5. Bad Sector: Melzu Nepa - Sybba - Rezom - Dergi 03:22  
  (loading lyrics...)
6. Black Thing: The Shape - TMA - 3 - Error 01:48  
  (loading lyrics...)
Band members
Artur Bass, Vocals
Mark Drums, Percussion
Zbycho Guitars, Vocals
Miscellaneous staff
Sławek Wiesławski Engineering
Wojtek Wiesławski Engineering
Adrian Grassmann Engineering
Kriss "Randal" Oleksicki Cover art
Artur Bass, Vocals
Mark Drums, Percussion
Zbycho Guitars, Vocals
Read Big Bag of Dicks 46% GuntherTheUndying August 25th, 2011

There are 24 songs on the release, though the CD only has 6 tracks - each containing multiple songs.

Recording information:

Recorded & mixed at Hertz Studio, Białystok, June 1999.

Added by: (Unknown user) Modified by: KingSpooky
Added on: N/A Last modified on: 2021-06-29 20:07:48