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Ohtar / Gontyna Kry / Saltus / Kataxu / Selbstmord > Hail Pagan Europe Vol.1
Ohtar / Gontyna Kry / Saltus / Kataxu / Selbstmord - Hail Pagan Europe Vol.1
Ohtar discography (misc)
< Autumnal Depression / The Honour of My Blood
Death to Z.O.G.!!! / Deep Woods
Ohtar discography (all)
< Deep Wood's
Death to Z.O.G.!!! / Deep Woods
Gontyna Kry discography (misc)
< Na pohybel chrzescijaństwu
Ścieżka zapomnianych prawd
Gontyna Kry discography (all)
< Krew naszych ojców
Ścieżka zapomnianych prawd
Saltus discography (misc)
Symbols of Forefathers / In Blacksmith of Hate
Saltus discography (all)
< Symbole przodków
Symbols of Forefathers / In Blacksmith of Hate
Kataxu discography (misc)
< Black Clouds over Dark Majesty / Roots Thunder
Kataxu / Necator
Kataxu discography (all)
< Black Clouds over Dark Majesty / Roots Thunder
Hunger of Elements
Selbstmord discography (misc)
We Bring Desolation
Selbstmord discography (all)
< Some Day the Whole World...
Spectre of Hate

Hail Pagan Europe Vol.1

Ohtar / Gontyna Kry / Saltus / Kataxu / Selbstmord

Release date:
Catalog ID:
SSR 003
Strong Survive Records
None yet
1. Gontyna Kry - Pieśń sprzed wieków 04:22   Show lyrics
  (loading lyrics...)
2. Gontyna Kry - Ostrzu pana uderz 05:45   Show lyrics
  (loading lyrics...)
3. Selbstmord - Through the Gates of Victims 05:12   Show lyrics
  (loading lyrics...)
4. Selbstmord - The Sign of Lie 04:18   Show lyrics
  (loading lyrics...)
5. Ohtar - Song of War 08:16   Show lyrics
  (loading lyrics...)
6. Ohtar - ...and Only This Old Forest 06:46  
  (loading lyrics...)
7. Kataxu - My Name from the Forest 07:14   Show lyrics
  (loading lyrics...)
8. Saltus - W krainie cienia 06:47   Show lyrics
  (loading lyrics...)
9. Saltus - Wielki las 06:00   Show lyrics
  (loading lyrics...)
Band members
Necro Vocals, Guitars
Gontyna Kry
Wicher Drums
Komes Lupul Kurhan Vocals
Bard Neur Guitars, Keyboards
Bithorn Guitars
Hellrizer Drums
Wojnar Guitars
Faun Vocals
Piąty Vocals, Guitars, Bass
Diathyrron Drums
Necro Vocals, Lyrics
Belial Wolf SS Guitars (tracks 3, 4)
Diathyrron Bass (tracks 5, 6)
Raborym Drums, Vocals (tracks 5, 6)
Mittloff Drums (track 7)
Jacek Melnicki Keyboards (tracks 7, 8, 9)
Miscellaneous staff
Loki Lyrics (track 6)
Necro Vocals, Guitars
Gontyna Kry
Wicher Drums
Komes Lupul Kurhan Vocals
Bard Neur Guitars, Keyboards
Bithorn Guitars
Hellrizer Drums
Wojnar Guitars
Faun Vocals
Piąty Vocals, Guitars, Bass
Diathyrron Drums
Necro Vocals, Lyrics
Belial Wolf SS Guitars (tracks 3, 4)
Diathyrron Bass (tracks 5, 6)
Raborym Drums, Vocals (tracks 5, 6)
Mittloff Drums (track 7)
Jacek Melnicki Keyboards (tracks 7, 8, 9)
Loki Lyrics (track 6)
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Track origins:
Tracks 1-2 are taken from Welowie demo
Tracks 3-4 are taken from Some Day the Whole World... demo
Tracks 5-6 are taken from Wolfschanze demo
Track 7 is taken from Roots Thunder album
Tracks 8-9 are taken from Słowiańska duma demo

Added by: Nordic_Warhammer Modified by: 68686
Added on: 2009-03-22 20:27:56 Last modified on: 2024-08-22 13:10:28