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Exhumation / Piranha / Selefice / Danger Cross / Medieval Death / Acetic Voice > Long Live the Past: The Demo Collection
Exhumation / Piranha / Selefice / Danger Cross / Medieval Death / Acetic Voice - Long Live the Past: The Demo Collection
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Long Live the Past: The Demo Collection

Exhumation / Piranha / Selefice / Danger Cross / Medieval Death / Acetic Voice

Release date:
Catalog ID:
Floga Records
None yet
Disc 1
1. Danger Cross - Intro 00:59   instrumental
  (loading lyrics...)
2. Danger Cross - Inner Fear 04:14  
  (loading lyrics...)
3. Danger Cross - My Last Request 03:51  
  (loading lyrics...)
4. Danger Cross - Art in Pain 04:02  
  (loading lyrics...)
5. Exhumation - Fauls Reality 03:33  
  (loading lyrics...)
6. Exhumation - The Vanity 04:01  
  (loading lyrics...)
7. Exhumation - The Rebirth 05:19  
  (loading lyrics...)
8. Exhumation - Azagtoth 03:35  
  (loading lyrics...)
9. Acetic Voice - Acetic Voice 03:59  
  (loading lyrics...)
10. Acetic Voice - Behind Bars 03:27  
  (loading lyrics...)
11. Acetic Voice - Slavery of Freedom 03:34  
  (loading lyrics...)
12. Acetic Voice - Gang War 03:55  
  (loading lyrics...)
Disc 2
1. Piranha - The Gate (Intro) 02:02  
  (loading lyrics...)
2. Piranha - Nuclear Disease 03:58  
  (loading lyrics...)
3. Piranha - Middle East 04:09  
  (loading lyrics...)
4. Piranha - Genetic Execution 05:27  
  (loading lyrics...)
5. Piranha - Dangerous Toy 05:17  
  (loading lyrics...)
6. Piranha - Beyond the Gate (Outro) 00:42  
  (loading lyrics...)
7. Medieval Death - Desperate Calls 05:56  
  (loading lyrics...)
8. Medieval Death - Eternal Death 04:46  
  (loading lyrics...)
9. Medieval Death - The Dead Are Not ... Dead 05:57  
  (loading lyrics...)
10. Medieval Death - Moments of Silence 04:44  
  (loading lyrics...)
11. Selefice - Selefice 03:51   Show lyrics
  (loading lyrics...)
12. Selefice - Drop Dead 04:20   Show lyrics
  (loading lyrics...)
13. Selefice - Where Is the Heaven? 06:03   Show lyrics
  (loading lyrics...)
Band members
John Bass, Vocals
Fillys Drums
Alex Guitars
Tweedy Guitars (lead)
Gas Bass
John Guitars, Vocals
Lee Drums
Petros Milhopoulos Guitars, Keyboards
Miltos Jalagiannis Vocals, Guitars
Vaggelis Kalergis Drums
Christos Papadatos Bass
Danger Cross
Nick Vekyris Bass
Mike Drums
John Vocals, Guitars
Medieval Death
Konstantine Bass
Apostolos Zaios Drums
Nick Guitars
George Guitars
Tilemahos Moussas Vocals
Acetic Voice
Riggo Guitars (lead)
Flip Vocals
Dai Bass
Clarke Drums
Johnny Guitars
Danger Cross
Nigel Foxxe Guitars (lead) (track 4)
Miscellaneous staff
Astrous Layout
John Bass, Vocals
Fillys Drums
Alex Guitars
Tweedy Guitars (lead)
Gas Bass
John Guitars, Vocals
Lee Drums
Petros Milhopoulos Guitars, Keyboards
Miltos Jalagiannis Vocals, Guitars
Vaggelis Kalergis Drums
Christos Papadatos Bass
Danger Cross
Nick Vekyris Bass
Mike Drums
John Vocals, Guitars
Medieval Death
Konstantine Bass
Apostolos Zaios Drums
Nick Guitars
George Guitars
Tilemahos Moussas Vocals
Acetic Voice
Riggo Guitars (lead)
Flip Vocals
Dai Bass
Clarke Drums
Johnny Guitars
Nigel Foxxe Guitars (lead) (track 4)
Astrous Layout
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Compilation of demos of various Greek bands:
Tracks 1-1 to 1-4 are taken from the demo "The Art in Pain" (1989) of Danger Cross
Tracks 1-5 to 1-8 are taken from the demo "The Rebirth" (1990) of Exhumation
Tracks 1-9 to 1-12 are taken from the demo "Behind Bars" (1990) of Acetic Voice
Tracks 2-1 to 2-6 are taken from the demo "The Gate" (1991) of Piranha
Tracks 2-7 to 2-10 are taken from the demo "Moments of Silence" (1990) of Medieval Death
Tracks 2-11 to 2-13 are taken from the demo (1991) of Selefice


Barcode: 590527925229

Added by: mediocridad Modified by: KingSpooky
Added on: 2015-12-25 19:09:15 Last modified on: 2021-04-09 21:37:08