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Goatpenis > Depleted Ammunition
Goatpenis - Depleted Ammunition
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Terroristic Onslaught of Humanicidal Chaos

Depleted Ammunition


Release date:
May 18th, 2011
Catalog ID:
Satanic Skinhead Propaganda
None yet
1. FROG-7 Missiles 03:53  
  (loading lyrics...)
2. MGM-5 Corporal 02:29  
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3. M110 Howitzer 01:04  
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4. M107 175MM SP 02:27  
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5. MGM-29 Sergeant 04:00  
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6. W70 Nuclear Warhead 03:31  
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7. Potentially Weaponizable CLGG 03:12  
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8. Railgun - E.E.G. 01:45  
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9. Mass Driver (Electromagnetic Catapult) 03:30  
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10. MK-71 8 02:16  
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11. Combustion Light Gas Gun (CLGG) 05:21  
  (loading lyrics...)
Band members
Sabbaoth (R.I.P. 2021) Bass, Vocals
Virrugus Apocalli (R.I.P. 2024) Guitars
Anti-Human Terrorist Drums
Vegas Salruas Vocals (backing)
Juliano Scharf Intro
Miscellaneous staff
Vegas Salruas Recording
Juliano Mixing
Antichrist Kramer Artwork, Graphic Design, Layout
Sabbaoth (R.I.P. 2021) Bass, Vocals
Virrugus Apocalli (R.I.P. 2024) Guitars
Anti-Human Terrorist Drums
Vegas Salruas Vocals (backing)
Juliano Scharf Intro
Vegas Salruas Recording
Juliano Mixing
Antichrist Kramer Artwork, Graphic Design, Layout
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Recording information:

Recorded from 09/2010 - 11/2010.
Mixed 02/2011.

Added by: weakling_goat Modified by: Zaephar
Added on: 2011-01-19 14:13:59 Last modified on: 2014-10-14 12:47:10