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Grief / Sourvein / Bongzilla / Negative Reaction / Subsanity > He's No Good to Me Dead - 74 Minutes of Extreme Pain
Grief / Sourvein / Bongzilla / Negative Reaction / Subsanity - He's No Good to Me Dead - 74 Minutes of Extreme Pain
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He's No Good to Me Dead - 74 Minutes of Extreme Pain

Grief / Sourvein / Bongzilla / Negative Reaction / Subsanity

Release date:
Catalog ID:
Game Two Records
None yet
1. Negative Reaction - MMU Man 07:06   Show lyrics
  (loading lyrics...)
2. Negative Reaction - Cosmic Vertical Overlap 07:24   Show lyrics
  (loading lyrics...)
3. Negative Reaction - Hurtling Through the Cosmos 06:35   Show lyrics
  (loading lyrics...)
4. Grief - Time to Face Your Chake 04:33   instrumental
  (loading lyrics...)
5. Grief - Tarpar 04:39   Show lyrics
  (loading lyrics...)
6. Grief - Suffer in Silence 02:21   Show lyrics
  (loading lyrics...)
7. Subsanity - World of Scum 01:58  
  (loading lyrics...)
8. Subsanity - Spaced Wizard 02:22  
  (loading lyrics...)
9. Subsanity - Cursed Chains 03:26  
  (loading lyrics...)
10. Subsanity - Fodder for the Dumb 01:19  
  (loading lyrics...)
11. Subsanity - Frozen Sunset 03:55  
  (loading lyrics...)
12. Bongzilla - Trinity (live) 06:42  
  (loading lyrics...)
13. Bongzilla - Witch Weed (live) 06:34  
  (loading lyrics...)
14. Sourvein - Waste of Mine  
  (loading lyrics...)
15. Sourvein - Uneasy 03:55  
  (loading lyrics...)
16. Sourvein - Intake 04:01  
  (loading lyrics...)
17. Sourvein - Bearing Me Not 03:53  
  (loading lyrics...)
18. Sourvein - Plead the 5th 03:11  
  (loading lyrics...)
Band members
Eric Bass, Vocals (backing)
Jeff Vocals, Guitars
Chuck Drums
Terry Guitars
Troy Vocals
Slim Spencer Drums
Crapo Bass
Liz13 Guitars
Magma Drums
Spanky Guitars
Muleboy Vocals, Guitars
Weed Dragon (R.I.P. 2018) Bass
Negative Reaction
Ken-E Bones Vocals, Guitars
Mark Skunk Bass
Glenn Smog Drums
The Ralph Samples
Tim Wolfenbarger (R.I.P. 2016) Bass
David Arnett (R.I.P. 2020) Guitars
Chris Greenway Guitars
Mike Standridge Vocals
Brad Day Drums
Negative Reaction
Themis Guitars (additional)
Miscellaneous staff
Eric C. Harrison Artwork
Bill T. Miller Engineering (tracks 4-6), Producer (tracks 4-6)
Kif Riotous Executive co-producer
Park Peters Mastering (all tracks)
Jimmy Bower Producer (tracks 14-18)
Tom Olin Engineering (tracks 14-18)
E. Conan Hultgren Executive producer (Mastermind)
Brad Rhetoric Executive co-producer
Negative Reaction
Mike "Mole" Sapone Engineering (tracks 1-3)
Ken E. Bones Executive co-producer
Michael F. Knecht Executive co-producer
Pig in a Poke Cover art, Layout
Wes Sharon Recording (tracks 7-10)
Kirk Campbell Recording (track 11)
Eric Bass, Vocals (backing)
Jeff Vocals, Guitars
Chuck Drums
Terry Guitars
Troy Vocals
Slim Spencer Drums
Crapo Bass
Liz13 Guitars
Magma Drums
Spanky Guitars
Muleboy Vocals, Guitars
Weed Dragon (R.I.P. 2018) Bass
Negative Reaction
Ken-E Bones Vocals, Guitars
Mark Skunk Bass
Glenn Smog Drums
The Ralph Samples
Tim Wolfenbarger (R.I.P. 2016) Bass
David Arnett (R.I.P. 2020) Guitars
Chris Greenway Guitars
Mike Standridge Vocals
Brad Day Drums
Themis Guitars (additional)
Eric C. Harrison Artwork
Bill T. Miller Engineering (tracks 4-6), Producer (tracks 4-6)
Kif Riotous Executive co-producer
Park Peters Mastering (all tracks)
Jimmy Bower Producer (tracks 14-18)
Tom Olin Engineering (tracks 14-18)
E. Conan Hultgren Executive producer (Mastermind)
Brad Rhetoric Executive co-producer
Mike "Mole" Sapone Engineering (tracks 1-3)
Ken E. Bones Executive co-producer
Michael F. Knecht Executive co-producer
Pig in a Poke Cover art, Layout
Wes Sharon Recording (tracks 7-10)
Kirk Campbell Recording (track 11)
There are no reviews for He's No Good to Me Dead - 74 Minutes of Extreme Pain yet. You can write one.

Released as CD in collaboration with Riotous Assembly and Slow Ride Records.

$our Vein tracklist on back cover / in booklet is incorrect:
"Waste of Mine", "Uneasy", "Intake", "Bearing Me Not", "Plead the 5th" - on back cover;
"Waste of Mine", "Uneasy", "Intake", "Buried", "Plead the 5th" - in booklet.
Actually track "Waste of mine" is missing, "Bearing Me Not" and "Buried" actually is "Burial".

Recording information:

Negative Reaction: Recorded at Sapone Productions, Bethpage, New York.

Grief: Recorded at Headroom Recording Studios, Boston, Massachusetts, March 1999. Produced by Bill T. Miller and Grief.

Subsanity: Tracks 7-10 recorded at A.K.S., Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, January 4-5, 1999. Track 11 recorded at Première, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 1996.

Bongzilla: Recorded live at O'Cayz Corral, Madison, Wisconsin, April 4, 1999.

$our Vein: Recorded at Bank Studio, New Orleans, Louisiana, May 27, 1999. Mixed at Low Budget??. Engineered by Tom Olin and $V ($our Vein).

All tracks mastered by Park Peters at Audio Park, Denver, Colorado.


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Added by: false_icon Modified by: djurassic
Added on: 2007-07-21 10:21:13 Last modified on: 2018-01-12 09:18:35