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Bestia > Dragon War / Suremise teine tee
Bestia - Dragon War / Suremise teine tee
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Dragon War / Suremise teine tee

Bestia / Uruk-Hai (Aut)

Release date:
February 2010
Catalog ID:
Version desc.:
Limited edition
Wulfrune Worxxx
66 copies
None yet
Side A
1. Uruk-Hai (Aut) - Smaug's Destiny 10:16  
  (loading lyrics...)
2. Uruk-Hai (Aut) - Rivendell (unreleased track 2000) 06:33  
  (loading lyrics...)
3. Uruk-Hai (Aut) - The Fate of Man (First Take Non Vocal version) 08:56  
  (loading lyrics...)
Side B
4. Bestia - Suremise teine tee 02:33  
  (loading lyrics...)
5. Bestia - Libahunt 02:31  
  (loading lyrics...)
6. Bestia - Viirastus tõusvas tules 03:19  
  (loading lyrics...)
7. Bestia - Õiglaste tulek 05:00  
  (loading lyrics...)
8. Bestia - Ronkade parved 04:43  
  (loading lyrics...)
9. Bestia - Silmis härmatis 04:33  
  (loading lyrics...)
Band members
Rain Drums (tracks 7-9)
Kaval Ants Guitars, Vocals (backing) (tracks 7-9)
V. Arckharum Vocals (lead) (tracks 7-9)
Reivo Kruus Bass, Vocals (backing) (tracks 4-9)
Andres Volly Guitars, Vocals (backing) (tracks 4-9)
Tarmo Premet Vocals (lead) (tracks 4-6)
Rainer Drums (tracks 4-6)
Art Keyboards (track 4)
Uruk-Hai (Aut)
Lord Messir Guitars (on track 3)
Rain Drums (tracks 7-9)
Kaval Ants Guitars, Vocals (backing) (tracks 7-9)
V. Arckharum Vocals (lead) (tracks 7-9)
Reivo Kruus Bass, Vocals (backing) (tracks 4-9)
Andres Volly Guitars, Vocals (backing) (tracks 4-9)
Tarmo Premet Vocals (lead) (tracks 4-6)
Rainer Drums (tracks 4-6)
Art Keyboards (track 4)
Lord Messir Guitars (on track 3)
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Hand-numbered copies.

Part of the "Split series" of releases.

Tracks 1 & 3: Recorded in 2009 at W.A.R. studio.
Track 2: Recorded in 2000 and remastered in 2009.
Tracks 4-6: Remastered tracks from the Suremise Teine Tee promo 2003.
Tracks 7-9: Recorded live in October 2009.

Added by: uglur Modified by: Sullen Demigod
Added on: 2010-01-28 08:34:35 Last modified on: 2020-05-05 20:26:37