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Aggressive Mutilator / Cadaveric Possession > Influx of Hatred
Aggressive Mutilator / Cadaveric Possession - Influx of Hatred
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Vortex of Undying Hatred

Influx of Hatred

Aggressive Mutilator / Cadaveric Possession

Release date:
March 21st, 2020
Catalog ID:
BIR 039/MP37
Version desc.:
Limited edition
Mythrone Promotion
500 copies
None yet
1. Cadaveric Possession - The Call of the Forked Tongue 05:12  
  (loading lyrics...)
2. Cadaveric Possession - Crucify the Angels 04:22  
  (loading lyrics...)
3. Cadaveric Possession - Elevate the Aphotic Prophecy 03:54  
  (loading lyrics...)
4. Cadaveric Possession - The Everlasting Corruption 04:13  
  (loading lyrics...)
5. Cadaveric Possession - The Sinister Beholder 04:08  
  (loading lyrics...)
6. Aggressive Mutilator - Efterbliven som herrefolket vill 01:04   instrumental
  (loading lyrics...)
7. Aggressive Mutilator - Den svenska rebellen 02:17  
  (loading lyrics...)
8. Aggressive Mutilator - Anskrämlig profet från den gamla onda tiden 01:45  
  (loading lyrics...)
9. Aggressive Mutilator - Bekämpa eld med eld och allt ska brinna 02:14  
  (loading lyrics...)
10. Aggressive Mutilator - Maskätet sinne 03:16  
  (loading lyrics...)
11. Aggressive Mutilator - Knivhuggarrock 01:04  
  (loading lyrics...)
12. Aggressive Mutilator - Besökaren 02:15  
  (loading lyrics...)
13. Aggressive Mutilator - Världens bottensats 03:26  
  (loading lyrics...)
Band members
Aggressive Mutilator
Micael Zetterberg Bass, Drums
Mikael Holm Guitars, Vocals
Cadaveric Possession
Ketzer Drums
Slav Guitars, Bass, Vocals
Aggressive Mutilator
N. Holm Guitars
Miscellaneous staff
Aggressive Mutilator
Mythrone Layout
Cadaveric Possession
Diabolizer Cover art
Aggressive Mutilator
Micael Zetterberg Bass, Drums
Mikael Holm Guitars, Vocals
Cadaveric Possession
Ketzer Drums
Slav Guitars, Bass, Vocals
N. Holm Guitars
Mythrone Layout
Diabolizer Cover art
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Released in collaboration with Bestial Invasion Records.

Added by: mythrone Modified by: mythrone
Added on: 2020-03-04 16:19:05 Last modified on: 2021-03-04 05:05:49