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Joined: Tue Jun 13, 2006 1:09 am
Posts: 2562
PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 7:30 pm 

doktersatan wrote:
I agree...

Qualm sounds pretty cool. Reminds me somewhat of a band someone I know on lastfm introduced me to who I really liked:
AVGRUND: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EdBPaAxTJ_0
fuuuuhhhhhhck. According to that same user on lastfm, the vocalist of that band is now a nazi speedfreak, haha... How things can change!

nestee8 wrote:
Anyone know of any bands that are considered "crasher crust"?

Crasher Crust is, to be super basic about it, very, very noisy Japanese D-beat and crust music. D-Clone, Gloom, Zoe, Effigy and Zyanose are all good examples (and I'm positive you can find them all on youtube--I am currently too drunk to wanna fuck with searching myself, though).

At any rate, I think it is sort of a nebulous term that can be applied to other groups that are much noisier and more in the 80's Japanese punk vein of bands like The Swankys/Gai, Zouo, Chaos Channel, etc. and the legions of modern bands emulating old school noisy japanese punk, such as The Wankys, Chaos Destroy and Shit Box.

I think the easiest way to sum it up is that it is a very harsh, loud, nooooiiissssyyy style of d-beat/crust music that a lot of Japanese bands seem to specialize in, perhaps in part due to (I assume) the ready availability of vintage japanese octave fuzz pedals, which are very harsh and nasty, and the fact that japanese singers seem to be especially capable of really nasty, crackling and harsh, high-register vocals.

I PUT BEER IN MY COFFEE, Y'ALL. it's delicious.
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 3:03 am 

So... I really like the Peace Punk band Psycho Squatt, and I am looking for something not too far from their kind of jazzy,melodic sound.


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PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 3:22 am 

balbulus wrote:
I'm looking for stompy tribal punk that is heavy on the toms. This is something I've always associated with mid 80s anarcho / squat / crust punk, but most crust these days is too grindy for me.

I heard the Bad Breeding track below on the radio last night, and it's exactly the kind of thing I'm after.

Bad Breeding "Burn This Flag"
https://www.soundcloud.com/hate-hate-ha ... his-flag-1

Pissed Jeans "Bathroom Laughter"

Therapy? "Animal Bones"

Killing Joke "The Wait"

Jesus Fix "Forever"

Cay "Princes and Princesses"

Amebix "Slave"

Amebix "Winter"

I'm not really looking for Amebix clones as I've explored that area. And the whole Neurosis thing is too ponderous for what I'm after here.

What you got, people?

I think The swedish band Zynthslakt would be right up your alley.


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Posts: 85
PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 9:12 pm 

Anyone have any good power-violence or fast core to recommend?

I've only just started to get into those genres but I like Column of Heaven, Man is the Bastard, and Siege amongst a few others.

~Guest 350715
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 6:51 pm 

Idolsofchagrin wrote:
Anyone have any good power-violence or fast core to recommend?

I've only just started to get into those genres but I like Column of Heaven, Man is the Bastard, and Siege amongst a few others.

Definitely Crossed Out, start with their split with Man is the Bastard or the selftitled debut.
Also get the comp Possessed to Skate, Charles Bronson, Spazz, Despise You etc, are all great.


Joined: Tue Jun 13, 2006 1:09 am
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 1:46 am 

So, several days ago, I attempted to write a long, detailed response with various recommendations and pertinent info. I spent a long time trying to analyze and justify all these recommendations (because MA hates lists), and then MA fucking ate my post and I lost it all (You'd think, hating lists as they do, MA would have long ago instated a save draft/auto-save function for the sake of preserving posts that take more than 30 seconds to conceive and type up). I haven't had the heart to try again until now, and I'm still going to spend more time complaining about MA's lack of an auto-save function than I did talking about the recommendations in my previous post, but...

ClicheUsername wrote:
So... I really like the Peace Punk band Psycho Squatt, and I am looking for something not too far from their kind of jazzy,melodic sound.

If you don't already know them (I imagine you very well may), you might like Poison Girls:
or Zounds:

PG went through a number of stylistic phases that combined variety of styles including straightforward jangly punk, celtic folk, post-punk, new wave, psychedelia, and even disco. Definitely not a band that can easily be summed up in one or two songs. Zounds were a little more straightforward, but not devoid of experimentation. Generally, they just played very melodic, politicized post-punk, which I think would appeal to most fans of this kind of music.

Other music you might also appreciate, though it's not very similar to Psycho Squatt:
Гражданская оборона:

Гражданская оборона ("Civil Defense") were around forever, and as such, I can't be bothered to give a good summation of their music this time around. Needless to say, they're another band that's difficult to sum up in just a couple of songs, but they should appeal to fans of old school experimental punk with an emphasis on anthemic songs and infectious melodies. TSIGOTI basically fills the total Jazz-void in all of my other recommendations thus far, but I don't know if they'd be up your alley because they don't really fit into the general post-punk mold that Psycho Squatt does.

For something extra dumb, like a half-baked and totally de-feanged, lobotomized and all together less affecting Psycho Squatt, you might get a kick out of Pompeii 99: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fghRRYGZMWU
Honestly, I like them quite a lot, but their sole LP and 7" are, stylistically speaking, horribly inconsistent and also not consistently good.

You might also be into some Batcave stuff if you haven't explored it already. This Specimen track in particular sounds like every song from The Rocky Horror Picture Show condensed into less than 4 minutes of music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zTV8-1RONVo
Saxophones everywhere in this bitch.

balbulus wrote:
I'm looking for stompy tribal punk that is heavy on the toms. This is something I've always associated with mid 80s anarcho / squat / crust punk, but most crust these days is too grindy for me.

This is kind of a stretch, so I'm getting it out of the way early, but if you don't mind the dated 90's Alternative underpinnings and Post-Industrial vibes (or are they Killing Joke vibes?), you might like the band Lung:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SENPY_p--mM (skip to 4:06 for instant gratification)

Zygote, if you don't know them, were the rockin' dad rock band that mutated from the ashes of Amebix in the early 90's. I recommend everyone who likes Amebix at least give them a quick listen if they haven't already heard them:

Based on the drumming alone, I think it'd go without saying that you'd enjoy the likes of Flipper and Kilslug. You probably already know Flipper, and probably Kilslug, too, if you've ever gone searching for other "Flipperesque" music. A less obvious suggestion would be incredibly generically-named Canadian band, Drone, who can also be found in the noisy punk with flabby drums dept. I can't find them on YouTube, but this is their Discogs page if you want to research them further: http://www.discogs.com/artist/960236-Drone-12

For something that's actually a bit more in line with some of your examples, you might like the band Condominium:

Is Raspberry Bulbs a way too obvious suggestion? What about all the other "hip" BM/"blackened punk" that's been coming out in the last few years? I'd recommend it.

Idolsofchagrin wrote:
Anyone have any good power-violence or fast core to recommend?

I've only just started to get into those genres but I like Column of Heaven, Man is the Bastard, and Siege amongst a few others.

I have to tell you, man, I'm officially sick of even hearing the words "powerviolence" and "fastcore" at this point, especially when they're always either brought up with the question of "just what are they? :scratch: " or some drooling, hyperbolic invocation of Soggy Nachos. Fucking meehhhhhh.

You should defo listen to Real Reggae and Scholastic Deth to learn about fastcore, tho:

Also, I think Kevin Mahoney would be turning in his grave to hear anyone relate Siege to a PV or Fastcore band. Siege were, like, god-tier. No comparisons, dammit! NONE! <3
Disgrace to the corpse of Metal Archives!

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Joined: Wed Sep 03, 2014 12:28 pm
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 12:15 pm 

the_raytownian wrote:
Also, I think Kevin Mahoney would be turning in his grave to hear anyone relate Siege to a PV or Fastcore band. Siege were, like, god-tier. No comparisons, dammit! NONE! <3

I'm sure Kevin would be turning in his grave if he knew someone called them a "god-tier band" (idol worship and punk?)
And come on Siege is not everything. They were not unique nor the first, they only played Hardcore the way so many other bands did before them. (I doubt people would even have heard about Siege if it wasn't for all those Re-releases (7) of the same EP)

The old days of fastcore: The Neos, Gang Green, Septic Death, Deep Wound, Psycho, Cyanamid, Youth Korps, etc. (from Canada and the US)
Asocial, G-anx, Stanx, Lärm, S.A.S., Total Armsvett, Snobbslakt, Rapt, etc. (from Europe. Since Crust/D-beat was pretty big in Europe at the time, European hardcore is more crust influenced than N.American hardcore)

Fastcore was fast Hardcorepunk in the early 80's, in the late 80's/early 90's it got more Thrash influenced (thrashcore) and still is to this day. (Today it's called either Fastcore or Hardcore Thrash, or Ultraturboviolence)
And i thought that powerviolence was some kind of joke? Music wise it's not that different from fastcore, i guess it's darker and heavier though.

Idolsofchagrin wrote:
Anyone have any good power-violence or fast core to recommend?

The only thing i enjoy more than psychotic noisy grindcore is 90's fastcore.
Of those old bands, check these out

Youth Korps - The Quick & The Dead Tape from 1982 (the 7" re-release (released in 1991) titled '82 might be easier to find)
Deep Wound - American Style 7" from 1982 (Or their Almost Complete Discography CD)
Rapt - Mind Your Head!! CD (1984-1986, from France)
Lärm - Extreme Noise (Discography CD/LP 1984-1987, From the Neatherlands)
Stanx - Demo tape 1983 (Dutch fastcore pioneers, they also had a split with Lärm in 1984)
Cyanamid - Stop the World 7" 1984 (bit noisier and thrashier than most, one of the proto-grind bands of the early 80's)
The Neos - Hassibah Gets The Martian Brain Squeeze 7" 1982 (One of the first fast hardcore bands in the early 80's)
The Neos - End All Discrimination 7" 1982
The Neos - Fight With Donald 7" 1997 (Rehearsal/live Compilation of songs recorded between 1980-1983)
Negative Gain - Back From The Dead LP 1986 (From Canada)
Snobbslakt - Anti-Disco Tape and Self Titled 7" 1983/1984 (Swedish Hardcore Mangel!!!)
Asocial - Total Asocial (Discography 1980-1986, The 1980 Demo is nothing special, but the 1982 Demo is, more Swedish Mangel)
S.A.S. - Discography (Collection of demos/EP from 1983-1985, From the UK. When this band split up, members formed Active Minds and Satanic Malfunctions)
Gang Green - Preschool Compilation (Collects songs from between 1981-1983)

Heh i could go on and on about all those 80's bands xD
And let's continue with late 80's, early 90's bands

Arnes Plasthjärna - Zombiekuken & Big Mama 7" 1991 (38 songs in 15minutes, Very weird and very fast, Sweden)
SM-70 - 2xCD Discography (Collection of Demos and EPS 1986-1989, German Fastcore maniacs, members are still active in several german fastcore bands)
Pink Flamingos - Crippled Silence (Discography 1992-1997, Ex SM-70)
Aspro 5000 - Demo tape 1989 (From France)
Pissed Happy Children - Pissed Playground LP 1989 (Powerviolence? Eric Wood on Bass (MITB, Crossed Out, Neanderthal etc.))
Controlled by Fear - Demo tape 1988 (Australian fast angry hardcore, Pre-Rupture)
Impulse Manslaughter - Logical End/He Who Laughs Last CD (Compilation of 1986-1988 releases, Not really fastcore or PV, but they had the same atmosphere as those early PV bands)
Logical Nonsense - Dead Time CD 1993 (Same as Impulse Manslaughter but more punk)
Satanic Malfunctions - Any release will do (1986-today, From the UK)
Yacøpsæ - Any release will do (1990-today, German fastcore legends)
C.F.D.L. - Thrash Punk 1991 LP (crazy crazy & fast japanese hardcore)

And from the mid 90's until today (IMO the best era for Fastcore)
Youth Enrage - Everything they have released (Japanese insanity)
100% Gore Beat/Seuchenherd - 100% 7" split with Full Noise Nine and the self titled EP (Seuchenherd. Outstanding german fastcore)
Luzifers Mob - Nevermind the Hardcore Punks, Here's Luzifers Mob CD (Discography CD, One of the better german fastcore bands out there, Highly recommended!!)
Fuck on the Beach - Everything they have released (Japanese fastcore/pv legends, Highly recommended!!)
The Neighbors - The More Money One Has - The More Important Is One's Life & Negative Attraction EPs (Fastest vocalist in hardcore? Highly recommended!!)
P.R.E.S.T.O.? - Everything (Brazilian fast thrash, Highly recommended!!)
Flame - Their self titled 7" (Japanese all go, no slow)
Dissension/Hail of Rage - Both discographies (fast, angry and violent fastcore/pv, highly recommended!)
Crow Dragon Tea - Happy Fun Life (more crazy japanese fastcore, these guys (and girls?) have sing-a-longs and guitar solos, all at high-speed of course)
Massgrav - Everything (Swedish hyperspeed hardcore)
Y - Everything, but especially their 7" split with Dumbstruck (Hyperspeed from Germany)
Quattro Stagioni - Self Titled 7" (as above)
Nuclear Cult - Everything (German fastcore with Y members)
Christer Petterson - Both EPs (Swedish fastcore/pv)
Widespread Bloodshed - 49 More Reasons to Hate Emo (Discography. Outstanding swedish fastcore, Highly recommended!!)
Slight Slappers - Everything (Japanese)
Mihoen! - Their Discography CD (Dutch fastcore)
Insult - Emobashing Fastcore Pimps (Discography, more dutch fastcore)
Insult - I Wanna be a Burn Victim (The US one)
Flächenbrand - German Hardcore Discography CD (W.B.I. + Necrophiliacs + Yacopsae = Flächenbrand)
Third World Planet - Everything (Canadian Powerviolence)
And finally Hummingbird of Death - Everything (Superb US fastcore)

I apologize about the wall of text. I am also aware of that some of these bands are not considered to be fastcore or powerviolence by some (They're all fast hardcore bands anyway). Also that many of the old bands are not really that fast compared to today's standard.

Some tunes below to keep you going.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NURGbxGKx4I (Cut Sick - Fraudulent Little Fuckers EP)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnBIhrJo11Y (Youth Korps - '82 EP)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TqxWnQuDx8o (Massgrav - Still the Kings)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bheKgRElQNY (Widespread Bloodshed - Demo)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7X6ele6m5yU (Fuck on the Beach - Endless Summer)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2rItKVaKE2A&list=PL0DB8224B1AFB0422 (The Neighbors - The More Money One Has... EP)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1onyz-ky0co (Hail of Rage - All Hail)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rPO3hJw814 (Deep Wound - Self Titled EP)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1i_C4EjflI0 (Y from the split with Dumbstruck)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTA1vhpc_nU (Arnes Plasthjärna - Zombiekuken EP (Part 1/2))
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRhsKuB3cTw (Stanx - Demo 1983)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?x-yt-cl=85114404&v=28RZtjWu_hg&feature=player_detailpage&x-yt-ts=1422579428#t=132 (Crow Dragon Tea - Happy Fun Life, Song #2)

Hope you enjoy some of these as much as i have over the years.
Also if you are having trouble finding some of these, send me an PM and i'll hook you up.
Thanks for reading! (Hope it makes sense)


Joined: Wed Nov 06, 2013 5:07 pm
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 7:55 pm 

Any good bands with female vocals? Could be hardcore crust or punk, as long as it has female and not screamed/shrieked vocals.
Possibly semi-screamed, but something that makes it possible to distinguish the female vox on them.
Any suggestions?

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 1:58 pm 

Karlabos wrote:
Any good bands with female vocals? Could be hardcore crust or punk, as long as it has female and not screamed/shrieked vocals.
Possibly semi-screamed, but something that makes it possible to distinguish the female vox on them.
Any suggestions?


Makiladoras from Holland.

Yellow Machinegun from Jpn

Mallcore Kid

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 8:19 pm 

Hi. I'm searching for some Noise-Hardcore bands like Mclusky, Jesus Lizard, Sonic Youth, etc.-

Any ideas?


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PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 7:33 am 

Albent wrote:
Hi. I'm searching for some Noise-Hardcore bands like Mclusky, Jesus Lizard, Sonic Youth, etc.-

Any ideas?

Give The Hofmann Sound a whirl. Not really hardcore, but post-punky noise-rock with a lot of JL and SY in their sound.
‎"... here with gargoyles as my friends..."

Mallcore Kid

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 3:54 pm 

Karlabos wrote:
Any good bands with female vocals? Could be hardcore crust or punk, as long as it has female and not screamed/shrieked vocals.
Possibly semi-screamed, but something that makes it possible to distinguish the female vox on them.
Any suggestions?

Guess you already listened to Appalachian Terror Unit?

balbulus wrote:
Albent wrote:
Hi. I'm searching for some Noise-Hardcore bands like Mclusky, Jesus Lizard, Sonic Youth, etc.-

Any ideas?

Give The Hofmann Sound a whirl. Not really hardcore, but post-punky noise-rock with a lot of JL and SY in their sound.

Yay, Bandcamp :3 Will hear it when I get home from work.

BUT, I'm not sure if "hardcore" is what I'm going for. I actually enjoy Mclusky very much, mainly because of their chorus and chants, besides their music, of course. But I'm not quite sure about how classify them. I just added SY and JL just to add some sources to the search.

I think it's mainly because almost every Post-Punk / Noise-Rock I've heard are from late 70s or early 80s, while Mclusky is from late 90s, giving them a plus of almost 20 years whort of influences, making their sound more variable.

Mallcore Kid

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 7:36 pm 

Ok, I'm hearing it. It's pretty good, I'll say. I like it. And, also, looks like I'm the first one to scrobble it at Last.fm. So I wanna thank you for showing me such an under-the-under piece. So, thanks!

... although, I feel like it isn't exactly what I was looking for. It nailed, really hard, the Jesus Lizard part, I'll give that.


Joined: Sun Dec 02, 2007 6:34 pm
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 10:36 am 

I'm looking for really buzzed out d-beat with mosh parts. The closest thing I can think of is recent Weekend Nachos.


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PostPosted: Wed Mar 04, 2015 9:19 am 

tentacleterror wrote:
the_raytownian wrote:
Also, I think Kevin Mahoney would be turning in his grave to hear anyone relate Siege to a PV or Fastcore band. Siege were, like, god-tier. No comparisons, dammit! NONE! <3

I'm sure Kevin would be turning in his grave if he knew someone called them a "god-tier band" (idol worship and punk?)

Oh, come on. I was obviously kidding with that remark. I imagine he'd probably laugh at these goofy descriptors like "Powerthrashviolencecore" being applied to the band, though, which was the point I was trying to hint at. Siege were just a really good hardcore band, and it's really silly to retroactively put these made-up labels on them.

DeathcoreDecimator, "buzzed out d-beat" makes me think of bands like D-Clone, not Soggy Nachos... IDK if I could even think of any suggestions based on that.
Anyway, does anyone know of any bands similar to Ethnic Cleansing? Basically, what I'm looking for is some HC/Punk that has the same incredibly critical, confrontational and at times crazed, off-the-cusp sermonizing vocal style that EC employ, along with similar low-tuned, buzzing guitar riffs.
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2015 5:37 pm 

So, I'm sure there's probably loads of bands like this in the realm of late 80's Husker Du/Dinosaur Jr./RoS/Moss Icon and early 00's Cap'n Jazz wannabes, but the thing is, I don't really know of them personally.

Anyway, here's a clip from a cover of "Purple Haze" by Dicks:

That sound, RIGHT THERE, is exactly the sort of thing I'd like to hear more of.

It's not refined and it's not "arty". It still sounds like punk, but it has a yearning, melodic quality that's very affecting. A couple of Dicks songs have this going for them, but it's not a consistent part of their overall sound, and I'd like to hear some bands that employ this kind of playing very heavily in their "breakdowns" while still managing to sound like an old school, loose, catchy punk band ("punk" meaning, like, maybe a less grouchy Germs, for example) in between.
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 1:14 pm 

Any bands that cross over horror punk and heavy metal? Bands like Murder Dolls and Doyle.


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PostPosted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 11:44 am 

nestee8 wrote:
Any bands that cross over horror punk and heavy metal? Bands like Murder Dolls and Doyle.

Hmmmm... maybe The Lurking Corpses?
SPEWTILATOR - Play Fast // Smoke Grass
'Goathrower' and 'Inhale Awaits' EP's out on Boris Records!
'Ancient Rites of Getting Conjured' split CS w/ Coffin Dust out on Headsplit Rekords!
Ryanimator! - Logos and Artwork

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 11:01 pm 

Any scream bands out there like Orchid?


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PostPosted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 7:00 am 

nestee8 wrote:
Any scream bands out there like Orchid?

omg, there's, like, millions.

Gay Kiss are a fairly recent band I like a lot. They aren't a "screamo" band in the stereotypical sense, but they're in a similar musical vein to Orchid:

Pg. 99 are perhaps obvious, but they're another classic screamo band comparable to Orchid:

Personally, I think Amalgamation created something pretty special in their complete and utter ridiculousness:

(those backing vocals do take some getting used to)
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Leopold Herman Stotch

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 9:18 am 

I didn't know where to post this, either here, in the thrash thread or the death metal one, since it combines all three. Since the overlying theme is crust, I decided to post it here.

So, I think I've found a love of metallic crust. Bolt Thrower's first album and the first two Sacrilege (UK) albums are all bloody completely riff-and-attitude-tastic awesome to me and I want more of it. Thing is, I've also given Amebix and Man Is the Bastard a listen and I didn't really like them much. This has led me to conclude that I don't really like pure crust punk, but metallic crust. So I'm wondering if there are more predominantly-metal-but-with-massive-crust-elements albums as the ones I mentioned?

Kind of an oddball request maybe. For that I apologise, but I go crazy to Bolt Thrower and Sacrilege's debut records, and I crave more of it. Maybe pure crust punk bands that are more intense/aggressive than the pioneer bands could work? Cheers.
"Satan, laughing, spreads his wings... OH LORD YEAH!!!"

Morton Salt
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 9:59 am 

BloodSacrificeShaman wrote:
I didn't know where to post this, either here, in the thrash thread or the death metal one, since it combines all three. Since the overlying theme is crust, I decided to post it here.

So, I think I've found a love of metallic crust. Bolt Thrower's first album and the first two Sacrilege (UK) albums are all bloody completely riff-and-attitude-tastic awesome to me and I want more of it. Thing is, I've also given Amebix and Man Is the Bastard a listen and I didn't really like them much. This has led me to conclude that I don't really like pure crust punk, but metallic crust. So I'm wondering if there are more predominantly-metal-but-with-massive-crust-elements albums as the ones I mentioned?

Kind of an oddball request maybe. For that I apologise, but I go crazy to Bolt Thrower and Sacrilege's debut records, and I crave more of it. Maybe pure crust punk bands that are more intense/aggressive than the pioneer bands could work? Cheers.

Sounds like you would dig Hellbastard - Heading for Internal Darkness

As well as Hellkrusher - Doomsday Hour


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PostPosted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 6:42 pm 

Sanctum sounds a lot like Bolt Thrower, I'm sure you'll like them. Also check out Rise of the Serpent Man from Axegrinder and Gutteral Breath from Deviated Instinct. And did you listen to Monolith from Amebix? It's a lot more metallic than Arise.
"Also Nasum isn't grindcore." - Violent_Possessor

untappd: patrick_g

Leopold Herman Stotch

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 7:31 am 

That Hellkrusher song is exactly what I'm looking for. Sanctum and Axegrinder were good as well. Cheers.
"Satan, laughing, spreads his wings... OH LORD YEAH!!!"


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PostPosted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 4:33 pm 

Check out Stormcrow as well, their split with Sanctum is solid.
SPEWTILATOR - Play Fast // Smoke Grass
'Goathrower' and 'Inhale Awaits' EP's out on Boris Records!
'Ancient Rites of Getting Conjured' split CS w/ Coffin Dust out on Headsplit Rekords!
Ryanimator! - Logos and Artwork

Mallcore Kid

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 7:55 am 

Black Kronstadt and/or Iskra?


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PostPosted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 3:23 pm 

tentacleterror wrote:

Fun to see Snobbslakt getting mentioned on the Metal-Archives forums haha!!!

One of my absolute favorite punk bands!!! Never get tired of their demo songs (I had their 7" EP for while, but it's FAR from as good as the demo material)

Minister of Boiling Water

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 5:25 pm 

as for death metallish crust.
Check out Femacoffin their demo is really good. Haven't come across the ep yet though.

Minister of Boiling Water

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 8:24 am 

so there is this little DIY fest in my town.
the saturday lineup is downright incredible. That are pretty much all the current best of the best german neocrust bands.


Joined: Tue Jun 13, 2006 1:09 am
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 8:30 am 

Too bad I don't like neocrust.
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 10:19 am 

anyone know any bands like this?


i am not too familiar with this genre and i am curious

Minister of Boiling Water

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 11:09 am 

At first i thought it might be something like Code Orange but then it takes a turn for the more generic. Quite badly mixed and produced...


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PostPosted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 11:31 am 

tomcat_ha wrote:
At first i thought it might be something like Code Orange but then it takes a turn for the more generic. Quite badly mixed and produced...

how is it badly mixed and produced?

in the album version the vocals are turned down a bit and there are a few song changes, i really dont know anything about mixing and producing so am just curious why you think its poorly mixed, i will check out Code Orange though

Minister of Boiling Water

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 3:17 pm 

it just sounds all of regarding the balance of the instruments and the instruments sound a bit grating...


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PostPosted: Fri May 01, 2015 2:50 pm 

all good thank you for the suggestion i am really enjoying code orange sorry just one more if possible


i am really enjoying that band right now and i never really listened to too much like it but i am sure there is plenty stuff out there, thank you for any help


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PostPosted: Sat May 02, 2015 12:53 pm 

Hey everybody, I have a recommendation to ask for.

Recently I got into the so called neo-crust thing (I generally like crust as such, but I'm definitely not well versed in it). So far, two bands have really gripped me, Tragedy (also the first incarnation of the band, His Hero Is Gonbe) and Alpinist. The latter is pure awesomeness.

I was wondering whether anyone knows of similar bands, but ones that also incorporate some genre/style of metal as well. Also open for some general recommendations (and maybe clarification on neo-crust, whether it's a veritable genre or not and so on).
And Darkness and Decay and the Red Death held illimitable dominion over all.


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PostPosted: Sat May 02, 2015 1:55 pm 

Red_Death wrote:
Hey everybody, I have a recommendation to ask for.

Recently I got into the so called neo-crust thing (I generally like crust as such, but I'm definitely not well versed in it). So far, two bands have really gripped me, Tragedy (also the first incarnation of the band, His Hero Is Gonbe) and Alpinist. The latter is pure awesomeness.

I was wondering whether anyone knows of similar bands, but ones that also incorporate some genre/style of metal as well. Also open for some general recommendations (and maybe clarification on neo-crust, whether it's a veritable genre or not and so on).

Most neo-crust isn't going to have a whole lot of metal in it. Generally neo-crust is much more melodic and cleaner sounding than original crust bands like Amebix and Deviated Instinct. They go for more of an 'epic' sound. It's sometimes derogatively called stadium crust or arena crust. You might want to check out that latest Tragedy record if you haven't already. It's much more Amebix sounding than their last 3 albums. Wolfbrigade might be what you're looking for. They tend to be melodic and metallic at the same time.
"Also Nasum isn't grindcore." - Violent_Possessor

untappd: patrick_g


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PostPosted: Sat May 02, 2015 2:30 pm 

thrashmaniac87 wrote:

Most neo-crust isn't going to have a whole lot of metal in it. Generally neo-crust is much more melodic and cleaner sounding than original crust bands like Amebix and Deviated Instinct. They go for more of an 'epic' sound. It's sometimes derogatively called stadium crust or arena crust. You might want to check out that latest Tragedy record if you haven't already. It's much more Amebix sounding than their last 3 albums. Wolfbrigade might be what you're looking for. They tend to be melodic and metallic at the same time.

Yeah, I can see where you're coming from when talking about more melody and an epic feel in neo-crust (comparing Alpinist to Hellbastard and Amebix does the trick in an instant). I can't say I favor one flavor of crust above the other (I'm just wondering how I allowed past true metalhead prejudice towards punk stop me from getting into this damn fine music).

I'm familiar with Wolfbrigade and what I've heard so far is really good (though I wonder if they're not better described as a Swedish d-beat/death metal combo, even though there is also a melodic edge present in Damned, which is the only album of theirs I've heard).
And Darkness and Decay and the Red Death held illimitable dominion over all.


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PostPosted: Sat May 02, 2015 2:43 pm 

Red_Death wrote:
thrashmaniac87 wrote:

Most neo-crust isn't going to have a whole lot of metal in it. Generally neo-crust is much more melodic and cleaner sounding than original crust bands like Amebix and Deviated Instinct. They go for more of an 'epic' sound. It's sometimes derogatively called stadium crust or arena crust. You might want to check out that latest Tragedy record if you haven't already. It's much more Amebix sounding than their last 3 albums. Wolfbrigade might be what you're looking for. They tend to be melodic and metallic at the same time.

Yeah, I can see where you're coming from when talking about more melody and an epic feel in neo-crust (comparing Alpinist to Hellbastard and Amebix does the trick in an instant). I can't say I favor one flavor of crust above the other (I'm just wondering how I allowed past true metalhead prejudice towards punk stop me from getting into this damn fine music).

I'm familiar with Wolfbrigade and what I've heard so far is really good (though I wonder if they're not better described as a Swedish d-beat/death metal combo, even though there is also a melodic edge present in Damned, which is the only album of theirs I've heard).

Earlier I forgot to recommend From Ashes Rise for straight up neo crust.

For the most part Wolfbrigade definitely are more of a metallic d-beat band but they seemed to kind of fit what you are looking for. If I remember correctly one of their first 2 albums was much more melodic than everything else they have done. Can't Really remember at the moment. Before they became Wolfbrigade they were Wolfpack and had Tomas "Freke" Jonsson from Anti Cimex on vocals. A New Dawn Fades is a great album!
"Also Nasum isn't grindcore." - Violent_Possessor

untappd: patrick_g


Joined: Tue Jan 21, 2014 12:51 pm
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PostPosted: Sat May 02, 2015 4:01 pm 

thrashmaniac87 wrote:
Earlier I forgot to recommend From Ashes Rise for straight up neo crust.

For the most part Wolfbrigade definitely are more of a metallic d-beat band but they seemed to kind of fit what you are looking for. If I remember correctly one of their first 2 albums was much more melodic than everything else they have done. Can't Really remember at the moment. Before they became Wolfbrigade they were Wolfpack and had Tomas "Freke" Jonsson from Anti Cimex on vocals. A New Dawn Fades is a great album!

Thanks for that one, will check it out.

I didn't know the guy from Anti-Cimex was on vocals in Wolfpack/brigade. I definitely need to check their back catalogue.

Oh yeah, I remembered that Russian band Warborn; really solid stuff and somewhat like what I said I'm looking for.
And Darkness and Decay and the Red Death held illimitable dominion over all.

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