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Joined: Tue Jul 05, 2011 2:00 am
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 8:51 am 

Poisonfume wrote:
I could draw you line graph of my progress thanks to it. The chief reason for it is to compensate for my crappy memory.

Interestingly, I do employ this technique when it comes to meditation. I keep close track of how much I meditate every day, how much in a given session, along with other notes. That might strike people as strange -- and sometimes it strikes me as strange -- but you're right -- I can produce graphs that track my progress, and I think that other things being equal, being able to spend longer periods of time in meditative states shows progress, and meditating more frequently shows that I'm meeting another personal goal.

But when it comes to lifting, yeah I don't know. I achieve progressive overload by just ensuring that when I lift, I lift near my 5RM, and just generally tire myself out. Maybe not ideal, but working so far. And I also stick primarily with compound lifts, and might also have a good memory of how much I lift. That might stop soon though, I don't know. For the first year, I was making gains so rapidly that I was too proud of my advancements to forget them. Which is a little dorky, but oh well!

Big Cube

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 12:02 pm 

Metal81 wrote:
Hey Dystopia, glad you broke through that plateau! I think everything that has been said was quite valid regarding approaches to breaking through. I have had a lot of success with creatine as well. I wanted to ask what your nutrition looks like? I have found that if I am not giving my body adequate fuel to recover from my workouts and build muscle, I don't make any progress. Do you have a target macro nutrient level you aim for? I feel like poor nutrition prevents progress more often than lack of effort/poor routines.

Thanks, man. Today I also was able to do bicep curls with 40 pounds in each hand (2 sets of 8) for the first time in my life. Feels good, I remember when I was 15 and just starting lifting and I could only do eight pounds. I've only started taking this seriously very recently, and nutrition is the next major thing I need to work on. I've always ate shitty and last semester it got really bad - I'd always drink soft drinks and go to McDonald's and Subway a few times a week. Just like in the vast majority of cases, getting fat was 100% my own my fault and I can't say how glad I am that I found the willpower to change. I'm still not there, but I've been eating a lot healthier lately. Been switching the pop for juice and water. For breakfast I usually have something like an omelette with vegies, some blueberries and perhaps a sausage or two. For lunch usually a sandwich and for dinner more often than not either a stir fry with some sort of meat or a steak with a salad.

Metal81 wrote:
When you say you lift 3 times a week, do you do a 3 day split or do you do a full body work 3x a week? How much recovery time are you giving yourself between bench sessions? Perhaps you're not giving yourself enough time to recover between sessions? I

My buddy and I have made a solid routine now that we're planning on sticking to - upper body monday and wednesday, legs and core on tuesday and thursday and a general workout on Saturday. Also starting to run three times a week. Not having enough time to recover is actually something I'm a bit worried about, but my buddy is pretty adamant about going as often as possible.

As for the writing down what I do at the gym, I don't do it. Tried it once and found it annoying and unnecessary. I can almost always remembered what I lifted last time, anyway.

Eats and Spits Corpses

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 2:26 pm 

Yikes, I always hated doing curls with super heavy weight. Always felt like it was taxing my elbow joint more than the muscle itself. I would always do the concentration curls, I never used more than 35s for that though, and even that was seriously pushing it. Also, the EZ-bar curls killed my elbows too. Not sure why, might be because I have long lanky arms and it puts a lot of leverage on the joint.
nuclearskull wrote:
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 10:45 pm 

I take gelatin and glucosamine chondroitin for my joints, and I find that they -- together with increasing weights relatively slowly -- helped alleviate joint and bone issues significantly. But I'm no scientist, and I can't say anything more than that anecdote. I have fairly short arms, and am not at all tall.

Also, again, just an anecdote, but I've always found going to the gym 5 days a week way too much, unless some of those days are just cardio. However, I tend to do compound lifts. It might be different for more focused exercises. I can go 2-3 times a week and still make gains (e.g. from 225 1RM on bench to 275). If I go even 4 days a week, I find myself really prone to sickness and the like. For whatever it's worth.

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 12:16 am 

Diamhea wrote:
Yikes, I always hated doing curls with super heavy weight. Always felt like it was taxing my elbow joint more than the muscle itself. I would always do the concentration curls, I never used more than 35s for that though, and even that was seriously pushing it. Also, the EZ-bar curls killed my elbows too. Not sure why, might be because I have long lanky arms and it puts a lot of leverage on the joint.

I'm in the same boat. I just curl 30s and that's not too bad. I find that it starts to hurt really quickly with much over that. With the thirties I can do 4x10 or so before my joints start to hurt and then I switch to 20s.

Er, I guess I'll introduce myself then. I played football (the manly kind) in high school and was in pretty good shape. I'm a thinner guy like everyone in my family so I ended up getting tossed around simply because I weighed too little. Because of that I stopped playing football and by extension working out. At my max bench I could do 245, which was pretty good considering my height and weight (6'3" and 165 lbs). I have a back problem so I always had trouble with a number of platform stuff and squats. I think I could squat 220 or so without killing myself. Anyways, so I quite football and got weak. I lost about eight pounds of muscle over the past year and a half and I'm aiming to fix that. I'be started going to the gym again, only 2x a week so far, but I'm already noticing a bit of improvement in the couple months I've been going. I'm aiming to get that up to 3x per week as soon as I have less work to do. I'm a poor college student though, so I won't have money for protein bars or anything like that so the progress is going to be slower than I'd like.
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Big Cube

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 7:27 pm 

I lifted for the first time in well over a week (didn't during spring break) and it felt good. I noticed something very weird, I thought I'd have trouble, but I actually was able to lift more than usual. Maybe I wasn't taking enough rest days before, I dunno. Got my deadlift up to 300 and my bicep curls up to 45 lbs dumbbells in each hand.


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PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 9:23 pm 

dystopia4 wrote:
I lifted for the first time in well over a week (didn't during spring break) and it felt good. I noticed something very weird, I thought I'd have trouble, but I actually was able to lift more than usual. Maybe I wasn't taking enough rest days before, I dunno. Got my deadlift up to 300 and my bicep curls up to 45 lbs dumbbells in each hand.

That's pretty normal. One to two full weeks are the perfect length for a short break. You come back to the gym really fresh, lifting even more than usual.
Makes me wonder whether there's something to brosplit routines after all. Nah...

I just fucked something in my right shoulder and I can hear it pop when I do chest exercises. Time to go see a doctor.
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 6:09 am 

Injured, too :/ Did a wrong movement and twisted sth in my lower back. Already got to the doctor. Nothing serious but
the dislocated (can't tell it properly in english) will move to "it's place" over time. Got some pills against the pain etc.
Happened two weeks ago and I already feel a lot better but still my body tells me I have to wait with lifting a few days
more… Hmpfff…. Maybe I start with some light exercises like push-up and bodyweight squats to do at least sth because
I really miss doing some kind of sport.
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Big Cube

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 3:27 pm 

...And make that three. Just fucked my upper right arm on the bench press (no thanks to the person who was supposed to be spotting me). Nothing too horrible, but just enough to stop me from doing my regular routine for a week.

Eats and Spits Corpses

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 4:57 pm 

Gotta love the inattentive spotter. Another reason I bench using dumbbells almost exclusively.
nuclearskull wrote:
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 12:15 am 

swayze wrote:
Yeah, you can develop lactose tolerance (or any food allergy) at any point in your life. It's not just a birth thing. That said, this doesn't really sound like lactose intolerance. I'd follow the advice of ditching the cheap whey breakfast. Try waking up, having a glass of water, then 2-3 boiled eggs and some fruit instead...

Oh yeah, one thing worth trying, try putting a pinch of salt in your shake...

wouldn't it be easier to just put the salt on the eggs?
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 12:29 am 

shouvince wrote:
I'm a lazy guy and I could spend money on a gym membership but I'm planning to do all of this DIY at home. Do any of you use an app for pointers/help/advice on exercises or weight/dietary checks etcetera?

youtube "street workout".

I have some equipment, but I'm pretty obsessed with body-weight exercises right now, trying to develop more well-rounded and functional strength, aspiring to the gymnastic strength and flexibility those street workout guys have.

youtube 'pistol squats', if those are too easy for you, try 'shrimp squats'. try 'finger push-ups (wide arms)' (fingers and chest), 'backhand push-ups' (wrists), 'tiger bend push-ups' (triceps), 'handstand push-ups' (tris and delts), L-sits (abs), plank (abs), side plank (obliques), and if you have something to do chin-ups from, or want to spend $25 on a chin-up bar...leg raises (abs and lower back), tucked front lever (lats, core, delts), chin-ups (lats, tris). ...there isn't much worth doing that you can't do with minimal equipment.
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 7:01 am 

Whoa, I don't even remember posting that. Looks like you dug that post from over a year ago. Anyway, thanks for the input. Coincidentally, I just visited a gym yesterday to find out about their offers. I am contemplating starting out there this weekend. My priority is to get into shape and I'm stressing on fitness rather than body building for now.

Eats and Spits Corpses

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 8:55 am 

Shouvince, are you overweight? Don't let the latest workout fads and sudden aversion towards putting muscle on deter you from lifting. There are many advantages to carrying more muscle on your frame, many of which include the ability to keep future fat OFF. So many misconceptions floating about revolving around being "fit" instead of muscularly "big". It is totally subjective and neither are well defined. The whole P90X fad has gotten everybody into this mindset that total body workouts are the only way to go. Flavour of the month...
nuclearskull wrote:
Leave a steaming, stinking Rotting Repulsive Rotting Corpse = LIVE YOUNG - DIE FREE and move on to the NEXT form of yourself....or just be a fat Wal-Mart Mcdonalds pc of shit what do I give a fuck what you do.



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PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 9:01 pm 

My latest back/spine problems (see a few posts above) are nearly gone finally and I am back working out.
However atm not with 100% and not going for max weights but rather for max reps. Also I'm somewhat
scared of coming back to deadlifts. Think I will wait with deadlifts a few days (weeks?). But at least my
injury had a positive side effect: my doctor prescribed me 50 hours of prof. rehabilitation-sport and the
health insurance not only pays those but also the gym where the courses are held and I can train fully
at the gym on any days beside the courses for free for 1,5 years.
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 9:28 pm 

grauer_mausling wrote:
My latest back/spine problems (see a few posts above) are nearly gone finally and I am back working out.
However atm not with 100% and not going for max weights but rather for max reps. Also I'm somewhat
scared of coming back to deadlifts. Think I will wait with deadlifts a few days (weeks?). But at least my
injury had a positive side effect: my doctor prescribed me 50 hours of prof. rehabilitation-sport and the
health insurance not only pays those but also the gym where the courses are held and I can train fully
at the gym on any days beside the courses for free for 1,5 years.

I wouldn't mess around with back injuries. Wait until you're 100%, then wait another week or two before doing deadlifts. I'd pass on squats, too.


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PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 9:54 pm 

shouvince wrote:
I just visited a gym yesterday to find out about their offers. I am contemplating starting out there this weekend. My priority is to get into shape and I'm stressing on fitness rather than body building for now.

good luck. anything's better than nothing as long as you do it right.
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Joined: Sat Jan 22, 2005 9:11 am
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 22, 2014 3:41 am 

^ Thanks.

Diammhea, my BMI is 24.8 which is normal but quite close to overweight. I appreciate what you said but I'm slightly clueless as far as workout regimes like p90x are concerned. I need to read up about them. My point of saying that I wanted to focus on fitness rather than bodybuilding is because over the past year I've had health problems and now I want to lose weight in certain places, gain some stamina/strength and be fit. Building biceps, abs etc isn't the priority. Maybe later.

Big Cube

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 22, 2014 10:25 am 

Losing weight is a huge pain in the ass, been at the process for a while. Started just lifting weights 4 times a week as a way to get badly needed exercise. Soon realized that alone wouldn't be nearly enough so I started running - and what's the point of building muscles if they're hidden under fat? Then I finally came to accept that diet was the most important factor and stopped eating like a total lard-ass all the time. Before I started I was 240 (6 foot even) with very little muscle and now I'm about 230. Ten pounds doesn't seem like a lot but I've gained a significant amount of weight in muscle (which weighs more than fat) and my gut is smaller. Will probably be two more months until I'm at a weight I can be happy with. However, changing my lifestyle has made me feel a lot better in general - more energy, better mood, don't get bouts of depression anymore and feel more productive in general.


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PostPosted: Sat Mar 22, 2014 8:13 pm 

Ten pounds is actually a LOT, dystopia. It's estimated each pound of fat contains around 4,000 calories; you just murdered over 40,000 calories of needless weight. Awesome work.

I still don't think you should be using creatine if you're mostly trying to lose weight, though. Not only because I don't really think it works well enough to justify its cost and bother, but because it makes your muscles retain more water (which essentially just looks like fat if you're not razor-thin, yanno?)

Two things, Shouvvy: 1) The BMI is fucked and written so broadly it's barely applicable to anyone. As an example, I register at a 26.5 (overweight) and I wear size 28-30 jeans and have visible ab muscles. Overweight indeed. I realize I'm probably a bit more muscly than you, but honestly, most of that weight is related to my broad bone structure (yes, people really CAN be 'big boned'), and the same might apply to you. 2) You mention that you want to reduce fat "in certain areas." Unfortunately, spot fat reduction is a complete myth; while it's true that if you complete 8 million crunches a day you're probably going to lose "stomach fat," that's ONLY because you're burning a lot of calories, not because you're losing more fat in certain areas.

The best way to lose fat/gain "fitness" is through cardio and diet. Resistance weight training (doing tons of reps of extremely light weight) works pretty well too, but if you're on a budget and don't want to bother with a gym, simply taking a few quick steps outside for 30 minutes a day can do wonders.

Good luck!
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Eats and Spits Corpses

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 22, 2014 8:21 pm 

All great points, darkeningday. As expected. I will also echo that spot reduction is impossible, and that the BMI scale is useless as anything more than the vaguest of estimations. It doesn't take your fat/muscle ratio into account. I've weighed over 220 at two points in my life, and both of those times my appearance was radically different. The BMI can't tell the difference.
nuclearskull wrote:
Leave a steaming, stinking Rotting Repulsive Rotting Corpse = LIVE YOUNG - DIE FREE and move on to the NEXT form of yourself....or just be a fat Wal-Mart Mcdonalds pc of shit what do I give a fuck what you do.


Metal Sloth

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 22, 2014 11:34 pm 

Hey, guys. What are some good home workout exercises for the core/lower abdomen? It's by far my weakest section. I don't have room (or $$) for new equipment at my place. I had a Perfect Pullup, which allowed for leg lifts (those worked great), but I can't put it up in my current place. I already have a pair of 15 lb. dumb bells, though. Thanks.
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Eats and Spits Corpses

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 23, 2014 1:46 am 

Leg lifts are where it's at for the lower abs. You don't really need anything to do them, though. You can just hang your legs off of your bed or something and try to hold them up as long as you possibly can. You'd be surprised how difficult it is, and the stress is all the same to your body.
nuclearskull wrote:
Leave a steaming, stinking Rotting Repulsive Rotting Corpse = LIVE YOUNG - DIE FREE and move on to the NEXT form of yourself....or just be a fat Wal-Mart Mcdonalds pc of shit what do I give a fuck what you do.



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PostPosted: Sun Mar 23, 2014 3:26 am 

Bicycle crunches? :oh shit:
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 23, 2014 5:40 am 

Thanks for the words of advice darkeningday, diamhea (y) I will hopefully post an update here when things are in full swing.

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 23, 2014 2:53 pm 

If you're really overweight - no carbs and only drink water. Pounds wil melt off. Obviously, still eat fruits and vegetables....but avoid anything grain or starch. People call it the paleo diet or whatever. It works. Then as the weight comes off, starting lifting and running. It's a fairly quick and amazing process. Of course discipline is key - but I've trained myself to use fitness time as heavy metal time. So I look forward to the gym or running because I'll get to listen to whatever new album I just got. It's a good system.

Big Cube

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 23, 2014 5:44 pm 

Going low carbs for a while to lose weight is fine, but NO carbs is ridiculous and not healthy. I agree with the only drink water thing, I only drink water and black coffee in the morning these days (although I will admit to still drinking light beer on the weekend). Lifting and running is essential for me. Running for 15-20 minutes isn't going to cut it. I generally run for an hour to an hour and a half, with taking a break to walk for three minutes every 20 minutes or so.

@Gravewyrm, I wholeheartedly second leg lifts (just do them on the ground). I begrudgingly second bicycle crunches - they suck but they're very effective. Planks are a good obvious one; when doing side planks lift the 15 pound dumbbell up and down with your free hand.


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PostPosted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 4:39 am 

Grave_Wyrm wrote:
Hey, guys. What are some good home workout exercises for the core/lower abdomen? It's by far my weakest section. I don't have room (or $$) for new equipment at my place. I had a Perfect Pullup, which allowed for leg lifts (those worked great), but I can't put it up in my current place. I already have a pair of 15 lb. dumb bells, though. Thanks.

I purchased the cheap version of this (the cheap version doesn't have that added bar to allow for wide-grip chin-ups

it just hooks over your door frame and is held into position by leverage. it comes with a little metal stopper you hammer between door frame and wall to help secure it from slipping off (once removed no one would know you'd put anything there), but it's really not necessary, just good for peace of mind.

if you prefer, you could also use your dumbbells or buy push-up bars for more stability or just use chairs (the way people do dips at home) and do L-sits. oh how that exercise mocks me!! I'm a quivering mess by 20 seconds and my thighs give out on me. I'd still do leg or knee raises as well, though, if I was you, since it's also working your back nicely when you do it on a chin-up bar.

dragon flags are another option... if you start to find either of those too easy.
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 4:44 am 

dystopia4 wrote:
Planks are a good obvious one; when doing side planks lift the 15 pound dumbbell up and down with your free hand.

I don't know about you, but I find side plank about twice as hard as normal plank (based on my times). haven't had any need to add weight to the equation yet. as it is, it can be surprisingly cruel on exhausted arms.
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Big Cube

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 10:40 am 

Now they are about the same but when I started I found side planks easier because normal ones hurt my back.

Just weighed myself at the gym this morning and I came in at 225lbs. This running bullshit looks like it's working!

Last edited by Thumbman on Sun Mar 30, 2014 4:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 11:35 am 

dystopia4 wrote:
Going low carbs for a while to lose weight is fine, but NO carbs is ridiculous and not healthy.

LCHF diet is not just for people who are overweight. There are plenty of amateur bodybuilders who have been on ketogenic diet for several years, are healthy and maintain an impressive physique with low body fat percentages. Here's an album of a moderator at Reddit's ketogains sub http://imgur.com/a/vNj3y

I've gone from 120 lbs to about 150 myself (I'm 5'5 feet tall) with a minimal amount of carbs (think 20-30g a day, mostly from dairy) and it's a perfectly legitimate diet.

Metal Sloth

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 6:40 pm 

Thanks, y'all. I've also found that doing a kind of "dancer squat" works, too: squatting with my knees akimbo, heels basically touching, and keeping my torso posture perfect.
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 27, 2014 12:56 pm 

I've been a fat kid my whole life... UNTIL NOW! Now I'm a fat man.

In seriousness, my weight topped out last April at a disgusting 307. In the 11 months since, I've managed to drop down to 267 (last month) which is pretty exciting for me really. I watch what I eat and count calories with the MyFitnessPal app on my phone. Unfortunately, since late January I've been pretty stationary as far as exercise goes.

When I was actively losing weight, I would only be walking four about 25 minutes a day, in addition to 200 or more sit-ups. It really did the trick for a while until I hit the infamous/dreaded/fabled wall. I've since ballooned back to 278, but I'm pretty confident I can lose another 40 pounds.

I know this is pretty common knowledge, but exercise is also a great tool to help fight depression. Who would have thought feeling good about yourself was as simple as... feeling good about yourself?

And I've added nothing to this thread of note. Carry on!

Eats and Spits Corpses

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 27, 2014 9:29 pm 

The human body has the normally coveted, but in the case of weight loss irritating ability to adapt extremely well to new stresses put upon it. Just like breaking through a plateau while working out, sometimes you just have to switch it up and keep your body "guessing."

Big Cube

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 11:39 am 

Just finished the creatine I had, and I've decided not to buy more. It definitely did help with the initial muscle gain, but at this point I feel that it is counterproductive to weight loss due to the water retention it causes.

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Metal Pounder

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 3:36 pm 

Grave_Wyrm wrote:
Hey, guys. What are some good home workout exercises for the core/lower abdomen? It's by far my weakest section. I don't have room (or $$) for new equipment at my place. I had a Perfect Pullup, which allowed for leg lifts (those worked great), but I can't put it up in my current place. I already have a pair of 15 lb. dumb bells, though. Thanks.

Body weight exercises are awesome for pretty much everything, and most body weight stuff is meant to work groups of muscles, so it gives you functional strength, which is really important.

Also, now that I said this, you probably shouldn't take the advice of a 202-pound fatass.


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PostPosted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 2:58 pm 

dystopia4 wrote:
Just finished the creatine I had, and I've decided not to buy more. It definitely did help with the initial muscle gain, but at this point I feel that it is counterproductive to weight loss due to the water retention it causes.

you're trying to lose weight, not just fat? are you training for a specific weight class?
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Big Cube

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 10:55 pm 

Uh, just trying to lose the fat. I'm really not training towards anything specific beyond gaining muscle and ceasing to be a great big fatty.

Also, happy 666th post :headbang:


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PostPosted: Sun Apr 06, 2014 12:16 am 

You can take creatine while cutting. It's not gonna disrupt fat metabolism.

Eats and Spits Corpses

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 06, 2014 12:25 am 

Yeah water weight comes and goes, and is easily managed at any point. All it might do is make it harder to see smaller increments of progress, but if you are gauging your daily progress visually you are approaching it wrong anyway.
nuclearskull wrote:
Leave a steaming, stinking Rotting Repulsive Rotting Corpse = LIVE YOUNG - DIE FREE and move on to the NEXT form of yourself....or just be a fat Wal-Mart Mcdonalds pc of shit what do I give a fuck what you do.


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