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Metal newbie

Joined: Sat May 19, 2012 10:33 am
Posts: 48
PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 11:00 am 

I remember my weirdest dream:
It was a huge mindf**k to me.
So i was walking on the street at night, near my home. Then i saw some clocks on the sky and some gliding donuts appeared firing green lasers. I ran to my home and heard somebody scream and it was a big mosquito with round potatoes as wings.
The mosquito flight away. When i went to my room, my (ex) girlfriend was sitting on the bed looking at me, then we started to have some sex.
I woke up, jumped from my bed and ran to the toilet with an "ups!" filling my underwear.
The past days, i realized that i should be some kind of pervert...

Metal newbie

Joined: Sat Nov 20, 2010 11:53 pm
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 2:03 pm 

OK, so I was with my section for marching band, and we were firefighters. There was this hospital on fire, and I was in a helicopter with some other people I knew. So the helicopter lands abruptly once, and then does it again. I get worried that it might explode, so I say "fuck this, I'm out of here", and as soon as I'm out of the helicopter, it explodes, killing everyone on board. Then I'm walking along the street leisurely, and some other kid I know throws a match to this old building, setting it ablaze. The fire somehow got to every other building in town, so me and someone named ethan start to run. We run into this family's house that was burning , and see some kids burning. We jump out of the back window into the backyard, and start to jump some fences into other backyards. Eventually we get to these two houses we have to go through to escape the fire, but then an old lady comes out of one and an old man comes out of the other. They seem really creepy, so we decide to go through the old man's house with much caution. Well, he attacked me, so ethan attacked him. Then I tried to escape throught the front door, but when I opened it, the old lady is standing there with blood on her face. So I grab a dildo-shaped rock and slam it into her face. She flies a few feet then gets up and grabs my throat, and swings me against the side of the house. I notice some hatchets, grabbed one, and slamed it through her mouth, decapitating her. Then I ran to the corner of the house with the hatchet, and the old man jumps out from behind the corner. I slam the butt of the hatchet against him, he flies against the house, and then I slam the hatchet into his throat a few times, killing him. Then ethan and I start to walk away, and this lawyer comes up and offers to defend us in court. We ask his name. He says Wilfred. I slam the hatchet on top of his head and it falls of his shoulders.

Metal newbie

Joined: Sat Nov 20, 2010 11:53 pm
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 6:59 pm 

There was crack dealers out in my backyard, and they were shooting at me and my family. So we go up to the attic(my house doesn't even have an attic), grab some snipers, and start sniping them. Eventually they disappeared, and we decided to go back down into the house. I jump the length of the stairs into the house from the attac, but then a crack dealer comes out from behind the corner and slams a baseball bat into my leg in mid air. I fell to the ground, and was beaten to death. Brutal

Mallcore Kid

Joined: Thu Jun 07, 2012 8:15 pm
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 8:34 pm 

I got 2. The first one I killed a bunch of zombies (the ones in halo) and started throat fucking them, as well as fucking their vagina's (which they apperently had). After this I just started shooting a whole bunch of military people until I was finally woken up, with cum stains in my pants...

The second one I got caught by a giant spider and gradually got eaten for probably an hour until I woke up panicking and sweating my ass off. (This one is more fucked up for me than it would be for anyone else)
...a magical adventure with rainbow unicorns, and popsicle knifes, and marshmellow pillows, and chocolate walls...I know! We could suffocate people, stab them, and stick them to the walls, then ride away on our magical rainbow unicorn while drinking its magical unicorn maonaise!


Joined: Thu Feb 07, 2008 6:41 pm
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 8:48 pm 

Yeah, some of you guys have pretty creepy dreams. Hopefully they aren't an indicator of anything...

Anyways, some of you have dreams where you actually die? I very rarely remember my dreams and I don't remember ever having anywhere that's happened. Since everyone I've ever remembered has been in first person, which I'm assuming all or most dreams are in, I'm curious as to what that's like. Does the dream continue without you, or does it just splinter off into something else?

Mallcore Kid

Joined: Thu Jun 07, 2012 8:15 pm
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 9:13 pm 

hey wrote:
Yeah, some of you guys have pretty creepy dreams. Hopefully they aren't an indicator of anything...

Anyways, some of you have dreams where you actually die? I very rarely remember my dreams and I don't remember ever having anywhere that's happened. Since everyone I've ever remembered has been in first person, which I'm assuming all or most dreams are in, I'm curious as to what that's like. Does the dream continue without you, or does it just splinter off into something else?

If I have a dream where I die I usually wake up in some sort of panic, and what is equivalent to falling for a jump scare as well as I sometimes phyically thrash out somehow. ie. punch something
...a magical adventure with rainbow unicorns, and popsicle knifes, and marshmellow pillows, and chocolate walls...I know! We could suffocate people, stab them, and stick them to the walls, then ride away on our magical rainbow unicorn while drinking its magical unicorn maonaise!


Joined: Sat Jul 07, 2007 6:40 am
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 2:29 pm 

This one isn't weird in a creepy weird way, but it has parts that are a little funny-weird and at the end involves this forum, so...

It starts off that I'm at my school's parking garage and I had just found a rare cassette demo which I think is a real one but I can't remember which (it was a black-and-white one with some kind of Egyptian theme; I'm tempted to say it's a trad/power demo but I might be wrong there) and anyways, wanting to replicate the story of the guy here that impressed some older metalhead to gain access to a treasure trove of metal obscurities, I was going to give the demo for free to one of the campus maintenance men. So I was walking around on campus looking for a specific gruff dude on a maintenance cart, when suddenly I find this tunnel. I enter and now it's like Minecraft if each Minecraft block was about 3x3x3 blocks (i.e. it's fairly large). I'm walking around and suddenly I encounter what I remember as "Anacrusis ghosts"; they're basically the dude/thing on the Screams & Whispers cover art, but they're 2D sprites that look like Seth McFarlane parodies. And they blow up just like creepers, with the red S&W ones being much more harmful than the ordinary grey Suffering Hour ones, or even the pink Manic Impressions ones (don't recall seeing any Reason-colored ones). At some point I get to what is apparently my homebase in the tunnel, with four "torches", except each one is a sprite of a different Dragonball character: Bulma, Master Roshi, the pig, and the fat guy with the samurai sword and long hair. My mom tells me that I'm going to be late for school so I quickly remove each torch and put them in my inventory so that nobody steals them.

Then my younger brother is going to drive me to school, but halfway there I realize that I forgot my socks and some other article of importance (I wish I could say pants, but I don't think that was the case). On the second trip some ricer car passes us up as on the freeway at ~80mph, which inspires us to speed and almost miss the giant Christmas festival going on at the entrance of the neighborhood. We had just missed Arthur's Christmas episode so somehow we rewind the outdoor projectors to watch it again. It starts off with Arthur's parents having just divorced, and Arthur is bummed during Christmas. He doesn't want to eat his dinner, so his new step-dad yells at him. Arthur says "You're not even my real dad!", throws his food on the floor, and leaves the chair to run to his room, but the floor is covered in some electrical zapping device which causes his extreme pain, and when he says "WTF?!" his mother scolds "You didn't ask to be excused!" Then he tries to leave again (no zapping this time) when his dad grabs him in a bear hug and says "Ah, I'm sorry, please, eat some desert" and then they all start dumping cakes and pies and bowls of cookies on him and at one point he finally says "Wow, that's a lot of desert! I'm so sorry mom and dad, I forgive you!" and eats it all. Then when he wakes up the next morning his mom says "You sure got a lot of sleep!" and when he checks himself in the mirror, he had gained a tummy. At this point I knew the episode to be about weight-loss (like that summer Doug episode), but the act of Arthur waking made me think of waking up.

Unlike an ordinary dream, however, I only woke up in my dream. Dream-me then went to the Metal-Archives forum and found a topic about "What is the most metal cartoon?", at which point I found a screencap of Arthur holding a hand mirror with an "Anacrusis ghost" in the reflection. Somebody here (I want to say Thrashierthanthou but that might be wrong) then quotes me, but replaces the image within the reflection with what is a reflective pixel value, i.e., just like a PNG or whatever can have transparency, he managed to make the image actually reflect the face of whoever was looking at it on their monitor. Then he says "Yeah, I'm the most metal" in a joking way and someone gives him shit for it. Then I really wake up.

kingnuuuur wrote:
Just had the most epic dream in a long while. What's more, I seem to remember every last bit of it in detail, something which I have been able to do more and more lately.


That was a cool and rather logical/sensible dream, and I'm sure the "purely epic imagery" part was amazing; maybe 2% of the time I'll have dreams with some massive breath-taking landscape and they are always among my very most cherished ones.


Joined: Thu Apr 24, 2008 3:35 pm
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 2:38 am 

Here's a recent one I had. I found myself in Doom the game, in the middle of a large, empty, somewhat ovoid-shaped level that looks like this. No enemies, so I climbed the stairs to the raised ground you see in the picture and suddenly, Hell Knights, Barons of Hell and possibly Arachnotrons as well started teleporting in to hunt me down and kill me. I pulled out the shotgun and started strafing around and shooting, but I got killed. I respawned and got killed again a couple more times in a row. Eventually I respawned in front of the hatch door (the circular thing with the yellow window) so I decided to take a peak at what's inside. What did I see? A bunch of frustrated-looking revenants doing a kebab barbecue on a big grill. One of them opened the door and yelled "We're running short on meat. Could you go get us some?" Not knowing how to react to this, I quietly said "Oh ummm, yeah okay" and I freaked out and ran the fuck away towards the bridge. As I went to exit the level, the Hell Knights and Barons of Hell shouted out to me from afar: "Hey! We just wanted some meat! Ham, veal, whatever, just don't forget the meat please!" and the dream ended there.

Not the first time that I dreamt about Doom btw. :lol:
Watch Dominion


Joined: Wed Sep 24, 2008 8:15 am
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 1:53 pm 

Last night I dreamed I had a cock and balls. My dick was enormous, like an elephant trunk, but my balls were smaller than a baby's and felt like marbles. Of course, this was new to me so I spend a lot of the dream playing with myself (not masturbating, but just touching stuff and marveling on the weirdness). I thought to myself that I am a man now, and that will make things different. I don't remember much else about the dream, except that a gay guy I went to school with was running around singing like he was in a musical.

I've also had a lot of weird lucid dreams lately.
CircleOfDestruction zine #18|Video-Nasties.net | My Art Site


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PostPosted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 12:39 am 

Last night, I probably had my weirdest dream.

The dream starts out with me in some weird room similar to the one where the first SAW movie takes place. I'm strapped to a chair with my wrists held down with leather straps like a belt you put around your waist and my legs are also strapped to the chair's legs with an unknown, warm material. As I look up, I see Joe Pesci (yes, Joe Pesci of all people) and two other men crucifying an old man wearing a shirt and tie, slacks, etc. with large shards of metal through his hands and his feet. The whole time the old man is begging for his life, screaming, "Please no! Don't do this! Have mercy!". Once his feet and hands are secured, the two men leave and Joe Pesci starts screaming "You made me do this!" over and over for several minutes. Pesci then proceeds to yell "I'll take it out for ya!!!". Pesci pulls out his cock and slices it off, and the old man immediantely screams, in a blood-curdling fashion over the pain. Pesci then crushes his balls in his hand while laughing and starts crying. For whatever reason, I finally realize I had to get out of there. My hands and feet easily rip the straps away and I proceed to run down the hall of a huge mansion and hide behind some desk or hutch. Pesci and 4 other men start looking for me and finally he yells, "FUCK THIS SHIT! KILL HIS FUCKING ASS!". I gasp in a state of panic and am suddenly outside running from a car of which Pesci's men are in while shooting at me. I wake up before I'm finally ran over.

I don't know why but this dream scared the absolute shit out of me. I felt like I was having a heart attack when I woke up.

Moral of the story: Don't watch Goodfellas and Casino before you go to bed!!!
Ribos wrote:
Thashierthanthou wrote:
Last time I went on 4chan I saw a dude surrounded by a ton of dicks and decided to get off.

Well, that's not uncommon at all. Many people go on 4chan in order to get off.

Metal newbie

Joined: Wed Jul 16, 2008 11:35 am
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 8:33 pm 

Being a psychology major, I love this thread!! Very interesting to read through, not done yet, but I like it!
I don't know which would be my weirdest, maybe the one where my boyfriend told me he had slept with all these chicks and lied to me and then slept with his best guy friend during a threesome, I woke up almost in tears, told him about it through text. It seemed upsetting until I started writing it out and realized just how stupid and funny it was. When I sent it I said, "don't laugh at me!" The response I got was "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Oh Brittany" Oh Brittany my ass, it was upsetting during the dream/nightmare.

I also have a weird theme that recures every so often where something scary is happening and I can't scream, which is what scares me most. The dream itself is always different, but always scary and I can't scream. I try so hard to scream I usually end up waking myself up screaming, though sometimes I start making little noises and my boyfriend shakes me to wake me up before I really get loud.


Joined: Thu Apr 24, 2008 3:35 pm
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 1:08 pm 

My most recurring dream is about being at sea level moments before a gigantic tidal wave hits and sinks the whole city. Sometimes I'm on higher land and the city is already partially sunk before it hits.
Watch Dominion

Kite String Popper

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 1:11 pm 

I have that same dream constantly.
theposaga about a Moonblood rehearsal wrote:
So good. Makes me want to break up with my girlfriend, quit my job and never move out of my parents house. Just totally destroy my life for Satan.



Joined: Wed Sep 24, 2008 8:15 am
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 4:59 pm 

Last night I dreamed I killed my dad with a rifle (IRL he died of natural causes) and stuffed the body into a large black garbage bag. People kept stopping by and I didn't want them to go in the room with the body, I didn't have a chance to hide it yet. Then, for some reason, Shaquille ONeal came over, and kept trying to get me to let him carry the garbage out. My dad's feet were still sticking out of the bag, and I was freaking out, telling him I didn't want him to help. Can't remember much else.
CircleOfDestruction zine #18|Video-Nasties.net | My Art Site


Joined: Thu Apr 24, 2008 3:35 pm
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 5:27 pm 

Necroticism174 wrote:
I have that same dream constantly.

I bet you get falling teeth as well.
Watch Dominion

Kite String Popper

Joined: Mon Mar 30, 2009 6:46 pm
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 5:56 pm 

I don't actually, why?
theposaga about a Moonblood rehearsal wrote:
So good. Makes me want to break up with my girlfriend, quit my job and never move out of my parents house. Just totally destroy my life for Satan.


Sweek Souvlaki Muncher

Joined: Sun Mar 06, 2005 5:00 pm
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 6:48 pm 

I've had tons of weird dreams...

- Getting chased by two friends and getting caught, then they wiped boogers in my hair.
- Dreamt that I was in hell being chased by a flying demon in the sky when I was like 5-6 years old. Only colours I saw were black and red.
- I've been killed a couple of times as well. Stabbed, cut, blown away legs, poisoned...
- Being fucked by a dog was pretty weird as well...

Although the most reoccurring dreams I've had were both scary and just plain strange.

One I had often was that whatever happened in the dream, I would just go to an indoor parking with like six floors, and get to the roof top which was a desert full of trucks. Very quiet and very dark, but I felt safe there for some reason.

The other one was the "labyrinth dream". Mostly it would be a basement environment with every room having four exits and now and then I would find my way out to a larger room, but I could never get out. Or it would be in my high school which had halls that went in circles and if I'd enter the wrong room I would get attacked by a giant spider.

The final one and probably the one that left me startled for hours after I woke up was the one where I would be downtown under the ground, but with a small opening in the roof so I could see the traffic. As I went on I finally ended up at some stairs which descended a little. There was a large wooden door with a big knocker. Something still makes me uneasy about that door, even though I never opened it. Some scary shit right there.

To end it with a somewhat brighter one, I have met the devil at the gates of hell, wearing bermuda shorts and holding a surf board. His name was... Luke Perry!

Metal newbie

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 6:26 pm 

circleofdestruction wrote:
Last night I dreamed I killed my dad with a rifle (IRL he died of natural causes) and stuffed the body into a large black garbage bag. People kept stopping by and I didn't want them to go in the room with the body, I didn't have a chance to hide it yet. Then, for some reason, Shaquille ONeal came over, and kept trying to get me to let him carry the garbage out. My dad's feet were still sticking out of the bag, and I was freaking out, telling him I didn't want him to help. Can't remember much else.

I literally burst out laughing reading this. The images in my head of this unfolding was great.


Joined: Mon May 17, 2010 1:46 am
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 5:00 pm 

I still remember this dream I had when I was a little kid. Maybe like 7 or 8.

But I was playing with the neighborhood kids around one of our parent's garage and hanging out by the car. This girl and I were teasing each other. I forgot what I said to tease her but she couldn't counter with a retort. So she stood there and said she was going to wake me up. No one knew what she was talking about and thought she was weird except for me who started to take her seriously. I wondered if I was actually dreaming.

My weirdest most recent dream I can remember was me being a male prostitute and one of my clients was this good looking Russian girl. Hot accent, long brunette hair, and a real cutie. But for some reason I can't remember I didn't show up to my appointment. Maybe I was too lazy to work that day. I was scared my pimp would find out and get mad so I kept hidden around these alleys and apartments. While I was wandering around I saw my client and got scared that she would immediately notify my pimp that I ditched her.

My gf had this look on her face when I told her about the dream. :|

Metal newbie

Joined: Sat May 19, 2012 10:33 am
Posts: 48
PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 6:17 pm 

Lord_Manthing wrote:
I got 2. The first one I killed a bunch of zombies (the ones in halo) and started throat fucking them, as well as fucking their vagina's (which they apperently had). After this I just started shooting a whole bunch of military people until I was finally woken up, with cum stains in my pants...

You just made my day sir xD

Sweek Souvlaki Muncher

Joined: Sun Mar 06, 2005 5:00 pm
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 6:41 pm 

I just remembered two dreams I had as a kid.

The first one was me in the park, on the grass, started flying up in the sky, through space, until I came to the "roof". I dug a hole in it and came up from the ground in the park. Warp holes anyone? I might have been only five-six years old when I had this one.

The second one was also in that same park. A boy and a girl are standing on a grovel way and suddenly the boy whips out his peanut sized penis. The head falls of and he stomps on it.
Now that's some strange shit right there!

The Hypercube

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 8:00 pm 

I had a dream last night where I got blown by a dude just to see if I was gay. I wasn't apparently, and said that I wasn't getting an erection, and thus could never perform. He got sad and left. He looked like one of the Turks from Final Fantasy VII. Then I set up a pirate radio station in my old college and fought the power. It was weirdo...
hats prices are at an all time low

Spoiler: show
║░▒║with this blade
║░▒║i cut those who
║░▒║Carly Rae Jepsen


Joined: Wed Jun 01, 2011 8:55 am
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 11:36 pm 

No recurring dreams, but I still remember two dreams from my childhood, vividly. Not sure what either one means:

On the positive side, I remember being able to fly. Soaring above this beautiful bay, cruising over ships below. I remember the water was incredibly clear & clean; like I could see right through it to the ocean floor below. I was somehow with a group of others, soaring, and then diving down into the ocean, coming back up, and soaring again. I don't ever remember feeling quite that level of exhilaration ever before, or ever again, in my waking life. It was a truly transcendant, amazing experience. I'd give anything to be able to actually do that. I didn't want to leave.

And on the negative, I remember being captive and in a line of creatures, heading for some kind of evil machine which took the form of a huge shute, sucking people up and through -- into some kind of ultimate doom. As I approached, I watched people being sucked up. Since the the shute & tubes were clear, I could see them transformed into monstrositites as they were stretched and deformed in the tubes. Completely destroyed for all time. And the screaming. Horrible.

Fortunately, all my "bad" dreams end before I am killed.

Unfortunately, I cannot stay in any of my "good" dreams.


Metal newbie

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 4:34 pm 

Ok, beat this dream I had a couple of weeks ago after a rather heavy party. Not intensely so, but I did drink about five glasses of wine in rapid succession, and I think this may have affected my dreams.

First, as the dream begins, there is a set on which a Star Wars Opera is being performed. Very dark music as Darth Vader literally prances about (I kid you not) with some kind of angry glee in a torture chamber while singing very operatically in an intensely deep and sonorous bass voice (yes, Darth Vader was singing opera) about his desires to brutally torture Han Solo, and then rape his own daughter. Yikes.

This part of the dream (perhaps thankfully) then completely faded into something else entirely, where in a weird castle at dusk under a sky brimming with thunderclouds, a pumpkin headed man and a tomato are supervising the carving up other vegetables by their human slaves. A massive feast is prepared, for...well, something. I never found out exactly what.

Later, in the same castle, some horrifying 3 metre tall robot without a face is hunting and stalking some terrified woman. Somehow it is "exposed" and "beaten", though I have no idea how, and then transforms into this giant potato-headed alien thing with a MASSIVE TOOTH LIKE SPIKE protruding from its forehead. (in fact, it looks a lot like the horrific screaming mountain face on this rather famous metal album cover which I'm sure we all know: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-gAeq-lv0otY/T ... rance.jpeg) In any case, this tooth-headed potato monster thing then starts bemoaning its depressing life and begins crying tears of blood. A moment later, it inexplicably goes nuts and vomits a load of mozzarella pizza topping onto a naked woman it was talking to. She is just kinda nonchalant about it...but hte monster thing just groans in some odd way and then resumes crying, sounding a bit too much like a combination of various monsters from 80's fantasy films. Then the dream ends.

What the hell was that about?

~Guest 104167

Joined: Sun May 20, 2007 9:46 am
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 7:09 am 

My weirdest dream was in the summer of 2011. It was about the death of Muammar Gaddafi. In his homeland he tried to climb the mountain to save his life, one man on the mountain from above give a hand to pick up him, and Gaddafi almost take the hand but then someone shot a gun in Gaddafi's hand and the hand was separated from Gaddafi, he fell from the mountain and died. How do you like this dream? I feel myself like a prophet when he was shot in October 2011.

Metal newbie

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 4:12 pm 

Okey, I'm gonna be brief on this one; 'Cause, frankly I feel a little nauseated just thinking about it.
I guess this one is more down right disturbingly sick rather than weird but who the frick cares...

I had it the other week and what I remember was I was about to have a threesome with my freaking mom and sister, and I think I got to the point where I consummated the act with mother (oh, lord...) and the next thing I know I'm at home, sitting in my couch, staring into the earth visualizer on my ps3 when my brother walks in and start to jerk me off when I stopped it to put on a good porno to get in the right kind of mode.
- The horror. THE HORROR!

Why the freakin' fuck can I never lay a beauty in my sexy dreams, for!? It's either the above-mentioned story or I alone, jacking to some nude flick. But when I think about it I did get to ram my slippery prick into Fran Drescher in a dream once...
"You see man as a rather dismal creature." "Yes. Why not? Look around...you'll see what's there. Fear, and frightened people who kill what they can't understand."



~Guest 285672

Joined: Fri Feb 03, 2012 10:01 am
Posts: 498
PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 9:25 am 

kingnuuuur wrote:
Not the first time that I dreamt about Doom btw. :lol:

I dream about doom all the time; considering I mapped and designed for it for a majority of my childhood.

Sometimes I cry at night as I think about nightmares with the Mancubi...


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PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 9:52 am 

It weirds me out somewhat that rather than dream about real life things, I dream about stuff from fiction.
I have all the usual suspects - eating your own teeth, in a strange place.
I regularly have weird dreams, and I tend to have a lot lucid ones (in layman's terms- you become aware, you take control, you have as much fun as you want) so here's a couple I remember over the past year-

- Raiding a retirement home (secretly operated by Cylons) to rescue a scientifically aged James Callis

- Discussing the pros and cons of an anarchic society with a group of my friends while fleeing into the London underground because the war of the worlds-esque Striders from Half Life 2 are kicking the crap out of the city above.

- My friends and I somehow picked up the ability to throw lightning at people a la Star Wars thanks to one of us carelessly leaving a fork in the microwave. Embracing the dark side, we elected to rob a costume store, and then robbed a bank. Each of us dressed as Darth Vader.

- Defending Padiham Town Hall, which is suddenly perched on top of a cliff, from Apaches.

Eternal Winter
Metal newbie

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 1:22 pm 

I had a dream i was a cow once...

Just stood in a field eating grass....

It fucking sucked!

Mallcore Kid

Joined: Mon Oct 08, 2012 6:24 am
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 6:51 am 

I had a dream we where me, my mom, and someone else were walking in a place I can't remember, but it felt familiar, there was an uphill slope, at the end I met a friend, sat on the chair, was greeted by maybe a family member, I started to play something on the bass when suddenly FUCKING ARMAGEDDON STARTS with a huge firestorm, I leaned across the balcony and yelled "GET THOSE FUCKERS!".

Then it shifted, I was browsing a gore website, clicked on a video that had "Amman" in it, the thumbnail had that Russian chick from Hitman wearing a yellow skirt, y'know, those tight things porn stars wear? She was giving a spinning back kick to a person. She had one fine ass.

I click the video, and it ended up in fullscreen. One person had his face blown off, another had his head chopped off cleanly, took a few steps towards me, then his head fell off, last one had some sort of disease, like those annoying bugs in Halo where when it explodes, it releases a fuckton of bugs.

and it ends.

Metal newbie

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 3:18 pm 

I had this dream when I was about 10 or 12 but I can still remember it clearly. (Trust me, this is quite random).

My dad, one of my brothers, and I went to a restaurant. Now the particular thing about this restaurant is that its specialty was water with pepper. So whatever, I thought it was a little weird but by family thought it was perfectly normal. So suddenly while we're drinking this weird shit, this really old 60's car parks outside of the restaurant. Now this would've been okay or whatever, but suddenly ELVIS PRESLEY walks out of the car.

I was like, "Dad wasn't Elvis dead?"

And he goes, "Dead? Didn't you know, he was just hiding."

And then the dream ends. What the hell.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 4:16 pm 

Never one dream in particular, but some people that I've met in life have ended up in my dreams somehow. Nobody's been in my dreams for the past few months now, but it was starting to get on my nerves. (The only person that I haven't met in real life but still appeared in my dreams was Tony, but just to ban me from the forums :-D .)

Metal newbie

Joined: Sun Nov 30, 2008 2:59 am
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 11:12 pm 

One recurring dream I have is that I'm driving at early dawn in the highway and am going very fast and am about to rear-end another vehicle, then I wake up. What bothers me is not that I am distracted and don't see the vehicle in time to break, or that I hit the breaks and they don't work, but that I feel the strange urge of not doing so.

I had this dream a couple of weeks ago where I was an omniscient observer, but at the same time I was one of the observed, and he who I was in the dream wasn't really me (hope that makes sense). In this dream I was some sort of prince of a very bleak and ancient realm. I lived in a castle in a hill near the sea. I don't remember there being anyone other than me in this place, save a female creature that came from the sea of which I don't remember her appearance. She was in love with me and always was seeking my company. Even though I didn't enjoy her company and sometimes avoided her, I was never rude and treated her kindly while dismissing her advances. One day I decided to leave and explore new and far places; I knew she was sad. I was away for a long time and every passing day I felt lonelier and I realized I missed her. When I returned it was solely because of the desire to see her again, be with her; but I couldn't find her, so I stood by the sea waiting for her return until I turned into a statue.

This dream was weird in the sense that I don't remember many details but I remember the feelings and atmosphere, and understood everything that was going on. There was a lot of stuff that was implied in this dream that is very hard for me to put into words.

I've had some weird dreams before and am not one to believe that they have any special meaning and instead are random events put together from things in your subconscious, but when I woke up I had this epiphanic moment where I realized its meaning (maybe misguidedly) and its metaphorical value.


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PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 11:31 pm 

So I just had this dream that I was playing a game of Sid Meier's Colonization, and somehow the tobacco trade was rerouted from the colonies in North America to colonies in Africa. This was ordered by Marcy from Married with Children. So Al Bundy and his No Ma'am guys were living in the colony in Africa, and when Marcy took control over it she banned female strippers, so at the strip club Al and the guys had to watch Bob Rooney dress up in a rabbit costume and read poetry. When the crowd was restless and demanding tits, Bob Rooney stripped and presented his mantits, after which the guys went "oh what the hell" and danced with the naked Bob Rooney on the stage. All of this was happening within the game of Colonization I was playing. It was pretty weird.
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Mallcore Kid

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 4:40 am 

The weirdest dream that I can remember off the top of my head, was a dream I had were I was the wrestler Masahiro Chono. I was seeing things as him from a first person pov, as I was fighting a homeless man on the street. I remember the homeless man was on the ground throughout the entire dream as I stood over him yelling. Each time he pleaded for his life I would give him another brutal 'yakuza kick' to his head and yell at him in japanese. I repeated this until I finally chocked him to death and walked away,next thing I knew I was walking alone on a beach. I woke up sweating and breathing hard thinking to myself 'what the hell is wrong with me'.

Something Stupid

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 3:02 am 

Once i was late for work because i had dreamed that i woke up and went to work. This went on for half an hour, just dreaming about a normal-ass day. Then i went to take a piss and was dragged down the drain by a giant squid. Thats when i knew i was still asleep.

Metel fraek

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 10:53 am 

I just had a dream where I had Altar of Plagues's new album, and I absolutely loved it despite its sounding like the same nonsense that it is in the waking world. I loved it so much that the band became one of my top artists on last.fm, despite AoP having very long songs and thus yielding very few scrobbles.
"A glimpse of light is all that it takes to illuminate the darkness."

Kite String Popper

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 12:06 pm 

What a nightmare!
theposaga about a Moonblood rehearsal wrote:
So good. Makes me want to break up with my girlfriend, quit my job and never move out of my parents house. Just totally destroy my life for Satan.



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PostPosted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 8:25 pm 

This dream wasn't as weird as it was awesome. Alien race was destroying everything and killing everyone on earth. I was with a small group of survivors hiding out in some ruins of buildings when they finally found us. This gold and black mist started surrounding us and everything started to become fuzzy and loud like tv static. Unable to move and ready to accept my death a voice from nowhere said it had chosen us to be it's "champions" and rule the universe with ultimate power... Then I fucking woke up before I even got to do anything cool, damn it!
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Metel fraek

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 6:41 am 

Necroticism174 wrote:
What a nightmare!


I was watching Sodom live, probably at Steelfest this summer where they play since I was discussing that wild a friend earlier. Anyhow, they had some young guy replacing Angelripper on vocals, and his vocals sounded very different. The other musicians looked different as well, I didn't recognise any of them, so I didn't see if Angelripper was playing. At one point the started playing a new song that sounded extremely similar to Ghost - Ritual. I don't remember what I thought. I probably thought they had sold out or something.

I always remember my dreams better when I've been drinking. :|
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