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Joined: Fri Feb 11, 2011 2:10 pm
Posts: 2336
PostPosted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:21 am 

I've been having mundane dreams lately - often just about doing day-to-day things. They last for a couple of minutes and then disperse, however, a few nights ago I had one in which I was on a ferry to somewhere, and we were on the deck looking at whales breaching. Suddenly the ferry ran aground on a beach I used to go when I was younger, and sometimes still do. Me and a few of my friends somehow ended up off of the ferry, and were chilling in war-like trenches on the beach, talking. We then got into a fight about something, and ended up having a fist-fight, and chasing each other with water-pistols. More happened, but ultimately, I woke up soon after.

Most of the dreams in this Freudian field-day thread put mine to shame, I feel.

Metal newbie

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:29 pm 

I had a dream last night where there was a zombie apocalypse and I was in a hot air balloon and I landed on a supermarket and cleared it out, but then something happened and more zombies got let in so these random 10 year old heavy metal kids came and I left with them in some airship or somethin'. But then I realized it didn't have a cassette player so I got really pissed and somehow I got chained in the back and a cop came to bust me but I killed him and then I got unchained somehow and we touched down somewhere cause I wanted to use the internet, so I saw an internet cafe that looked more like a office building and I was really careful in going in it but then everyone in there was normal and I used the internet for a while and then a group of zombies smashed through the door and I ran out before they caught me and I was running like crazy avoiding zombie police dogs and other zombies till I found a meat packing store and I'm like oh shit but then there weren't any zombies anywhere and I saw how it started. There was this fat guy who ran the store and this really hot purple ghost witch thing came in the store, cut the guys stomach open, fed him something and turned him into a zombie. Then this chick came in asking for something and he gave her a hot dog with relish on top, and that turned her into a zombie, and then I became the fat butcher guy, and he was a zombie but he could still think and was smart and stuff and I went around turning a bunch of people to zombies and then I woke up. yeah it was pretty fuckin weird.
Moravian_black_moon wrote:
Lord Dweedle wrote:
Infact, I think I love Madonnas music more than Metal lol

Be gone, troll!

Metal newbie

Joined: Mon Nov 10, 2008 1:32 pm
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:34 pm 

Bobby Liebling, at my childhood home, smoking a gargantuan joint of something, talking to my father and uncles and then offering the rest of the aforementioned joint to me.

Metal newbie

Joined: Wed Nov 16, 2011 7:15 pm
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 7:20 pm 

I had some dream I was skiing and all of a sudden the germans invaded us and I tried blowing up their tanks with a russian RPG.
Then I wnt into this spooky house and had sex with a bunch of girls.
I like metal.
I like metal
I like metal


Joined: Fri Feb 11, 2011 2:10 pm
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:10 pm 

Last night's dream was a bit of a mad one;

Terrorists had teamed up with the dark lord Sauron, with the intent of performing some kind of evil attack on somewhere - it was quite vague. Me and a few of my old friends from school had giant completely square see-through swords, and were slaying the evil terrorist minions, until the chief terrorist attacked me - we duelled for a while, but eventually I knocked them down. At this point, the battle sort of ended, but the chief terrorist turned out to be the english-teacher from Donny Darko, and wondered off. I followed, having to sneak underage into a little round whiskey and cigars bar at the top of a stone spiral staircase, at which point I woke up.

Metal newbie

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 2:17 pm 

I seem to have recurring dreams where I am drink and have trouble walking or thinking clearly and the weird thing is I have never drank alcohol.


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PostPosted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 11:48 am 

One of the weirdest dreams I've ever had was where I was in a pyramid like tomb, and there were bizarre alien worms and insects on the ground that I was stepping on with bare feet. I woke up with the strong feeling that they were in my bed, and I couldn't go back to sleep for hours without looking under my covers.
bearkin on what people call metal wrote:
Or even once, I heard "scary music". Lock your doors, check your closets, look under your bed, metal is coming for you.

Mallcore Kid

Joined: Wed Dec 02, 2009 10:54 pm
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 3:03 pm 

My dream is very similar to the movie "Wrong Turn" but also very much like "The Hills Have Eyes".
So, basically my boyfriend and I were out in a forest. We were just 'head on an adventure'. We stumbled upon the clearing and fell victim to bard wire and bear traps and were captured. Days past, and eventually we were gathered. We were brought to another clearing. This one made up of dirt. Surrounded by dense woods. Through the trees I could make out houses and burned out cars though. In the trees on hunting platforms were mutant, and mutilated humans. They through us into the centre of the dirt. and watched us. Bows and weapons drawn on us.
Eventually, we killed all but two mutants. Burning some, decapitating, etc.
So, we had made a plan to escape them.
We were the ones in the trees with unlimited weapons now.
Though, we failed, we were both captured and like deer hung upside down and gutted. Weirdest part was that I managed to stay alive through the entire 'gutting session'.

Big Cube

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 2:15 am 

I had really bad insomnia a few weeks ago so I started taking meletonin (over the counter stuff that acts as a sleeping pill) and its been giving me some really weird dreams. In one I was at some fucked up medical centre. There was one woman with no skin but just muscle talking to a doctor. There was random organs on the table next to me. The guy sitting next to me has his intestines hanging out. The doctor told me I'd have to undergo some sort of surgery without painkillers or being knocked out. That dream kind of stops and later I'm at some random house with my family. For some reason I was being a dick to everyone. I got so pissed off I just sat in the corner. A woman comes up to me and randomly shape-shifts into a person I know. Since this is a dream I don't find anything weird about it. A cat comes up to me and I try to pet it and it digs all four claws into my hand. I go outside and my dad says "your brother needs to talk to you." He looks really upset. He's like "I'm sick and its getting really bad, I need your kidney for a transplant or I will die." I start totally freaking out and two minutes later he's like "dude, I'm totally fucking with you." The only good thing about this dream is it woke me up and if it didn't I would have slept in past my exam and therefore failed the course.

The other day I had another weird one. Everyone from school was there, we were in a building and everyone from school was in this locker room. There was a coach and he said I had to go on a mission and swim out in the ocean in the middle of a thunderstorm to save a dying manatee. I swim for probably two miles and see it and some guy in a boat tries to harpoon it, but misses. In another boat there are all these Nharwal wales in the back of this wooden boat, kind of like cattle in the back of a truck. They could talk and where all shouting insults at they guy trying to harpoon the manatee. I get the manatee on my back and swim back to shore and that part of the dream ends. Suddenly I'm at the site where my cousin ran a music festival over the summer, except everything is gone and the grass is covered in frost. I see a polar bear going in the opposite direction as me and I'm not at all scared by it because it looks like its headed into the woods. Suddenly it turns around and starts running in my direction. I start running. I debate whether to keep running or lock myself in a car that is conveniently located a few feet away from me (I don't have the keys to drive it but it is unlocked.) I manage to lock myself in the car with the bear a few feet away from me and then the dream ends.

~Guest 282118
Argentinian Asado Supremacy

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 25, 2011 4:35 pm 

Just last night, I dreamt that I was beating the living shit out of Lil' Wayne at my fathers house (why specifically there, I don't know). And it's not that I hate him or dislike him in any way (he just completely flies under my radar), but I was furiously kicking him and punching him and bodyslamming him (yes, I said "bodyslamming him") while he didn't seem to offer any kind of resistance. Finally, when I threw him out of the window of the second floor, the dream ended. It was really weird...

Last edited by ~Guest 282118 on Sun Dec 25, 2011 7:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Metal newbie

Joined: Thu Dec 22, 2011 11:11 am
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 25, 2011 5:19 pm 

Something involving inquisition, hiding under gigantic rubber mats, trying to survive in the company of two people I never saw the faces of, moss-covered megaliths and a passionate lover who reminded me of Enrique Iglesias crossing extra-terrestrial desert-like landscapes, but never reaching his destination.

Metal freak

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 3:26 pm 

I had a dream last night:

I was checking my mailbox, and there was a package. Inside was the new ''Nokturnal mortum'' live album, Kolovorot.

I then went inside some sort of bar or something, and the first thing I did was to put this album on :P
All the people there started to wonder what this was and they also liked it.

So, what the dream tells me? That I am really looking forward to get this album, and I am! :D


Joined: Thu Apr 24, 2008 3:35 pm
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 9:10 am 

Just had the most epic dream in a long while. What's more, I seem to remember every last bit of it in detail, something which I have been able to do more and more lately.

It starts off at night, rainy weather. The location seems to be inside a citadel with lots of gothic architecture, although the geographical whereabouts of the place are unknown. Initially I'm standing outside, no one in sight, in front of this enormous cathedral with gleam coming from the inside. Then the scenery shifts and I'm suddenly inside the cathedral. The room I'm in is immense, sort of a cross between this, this and this, but it's definitely more of a "war room", with huge screens on the walls, tables, high tech equipment, and lots and lots of people; high ranking officials, heads of state, judges, lawyers, analysts, everyone who's important, like it's the most important meeting that ever happened. I'm dressed like a professor, holding a shitload of documents and standing in front of all these people ready to give a presentation. Then I turn around to the wall behind me and who do I see? None other than Hitler, behind bars and bitching. Now this sounds rather corny, but I think I was supposed to be either a prosecutor or an expert witness, but either way because I'm not interested in neither Hitler nor the Holocaust, the dream sort of skips forward to the point where Hitler says something like "What happened to justice? There's none of it here blablabla". I reply to him by saying that I fully understand his position because I've been there, and that he should go watch A Few Good Men in his new home, the prison cell. So Hitler is taken away. Don't worry, he won't be back. (Don't know why he was even in there)

Now the serious part starts. Something must've happened between that dream and this next one, because it's the exact same crowded room, but now everyone's just walking around, talking about irrelevant things. I walk to a table out of a hundred and notice a button. I make sure no one's looking, and I press it. BAM! Alarms and sirens going off everywhere, people start to panic like it's the end of the world, and it just might be; a computer voice in the background says that the doomsday device is armed and that we have about one minute to find shelter, or else. Strange though, you'd think that the military guys would know how to handle the situation, but everyone is too disoriented from the fear and desperation to know what to do, except for me. I exit the cathedral, run through the citadel as fast as I can while a handful of others follow. We reach what looks like a subway entrance that is in fact a mine leading to a deep underground tunnel network. We run through a series of empty corridors lit by ceiling lamps with under 10 seconds left before the fireworks start. Now the first time we don't make it, an explosion goes off and the intense heat travels through and kills us instantly. Flashback, the second time we make it through a passage just in time into the "protected" part of the mine and slam the heavy metal alloy door behind us. On the surface, hydrogen bombs go off, destroying everything and shaking the earth violently. Goodbye surface world.

Right then, me and the handful of people (a couple of which happen to be my friends now) are walking through a long, dark, empty, descending corridor that looks almost exactly like this. We must've descended some 400 metres into the earth's crust, when we finally reached the last corridor with extremely bright light at the end of it. It's so bright, like natural sunlight, but it can't be. Or can it? We were about to find out.

We reach the end of the corridor and enter... A villa? Underground? Sure enough there's a patio with plants, fountains, a pool, some chairs and a table beneath a wooden rooftop, and a terrace. There's a bright orange ceiling beyond the loosely connected wooden rooftops that we're walking beneath, but I couldn't figure out the magnitude of the structure until I reached the terrace. I could spend a whole chapter describing what I saw, but essentially... The view at the terrace peeks at a new world, hundreds of metres directly below us. An immense world, almost boundless. Cities, forests, beaches, seas... A man-made, uninhabited subterranean haven, and I couldn't even see the end of it. The orange ceiling turned out to be an equally gargantuan dome with a gigantic Sun-like LED light source at the center illuminating everything below and reflecting off the massive tangerine painted stone walls. Immediately next to the terrace there's an elevator and a bridge to other balconies far away like the one we've entered from (because that's what the villa was, a mere balcony hanging above the world below). Presumably, more people or "refugees" will soon arrive through them as well. Purely epic imagery, but the dream took a really weird and somewhat terrifying turn at that point.

As we're still in awe, I look over to one of my friends, and immediately a flashback occurs. We were on the streets before I blew up the surface world, and I was following him closely from behind. A sort of voice-over narration says that this person's ancestors have been known to have very poor genetics which facilitated the development of cancer in their descendants. Thus, the person is a threat to the remainder of mankind and must be eliminated before he has the chance to spread his genes further among the population. Great, so I have to kill the guy. Flashforward now. I approach him and tell him that we should check out the nearby balcony alone, while others figure out how we're gonna get down to the world below. Good idea! As we're walking on the bridge that connects the balconies, I stop, let him get ahead of me, take a deep breath... Then I rabbit punch him unconscious and push him off the side to fall to his doom. As I went back to the first balcony (don't know why I did that instead of running away) I meet another one of my friends who asks me about the guy who accompanied me. I'm terrible at lying, but he knows what happened anyway, because he saw someone fall from the other side of the bridge. He gets really mad, angrier than anyone else I've seen getting angry, and the whole dream ends with him saying something I'm sure I've heard somewhere else before: "We have began anew with an act of cruelty."

Or something like that. Pretty chuffed that I'm able to remember my dreams now. I have a few others jotted down, but none as epic and complete as this one.
Watch Dominion


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PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 10:47 pm 

I couldn't fall asleep by myself for a long time because of this one. I was 5 (in real life, as well as the dream) eating cookies with my father at a cookie themed restaurant. I remember them being pretty good and we're the only people in the restaurant. As soon as we finish eating those cookies, a big cookie man comes out from the kitchen and gives us more cookies. I start eating them and then the cookie man devours my dad in front of me.

Metal freak

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 9:30 am 

Was practicing archery infront of this taekwondo gym. Some guy had an armour on so my uncle told me to aim on his chest. Somehow my hands were a little slippery and I accidentally shot at his head. If that wasn't bad enough for him, about a second later his head got on fire and I got blamed for it.

I seriously asked my dad what he had put in my food yesterday. :lol:

~Guest 287630
Metal newbie

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 1:23 pm 


Last edited by ~Guest 287630 on Sun Sep 08, 2013 5:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Mallcore Kid

Joined: Sun Apr 01, 2012 1:12 pm
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 1:35 am 

It was drizzling, and I was standing in a forest. Well, there were two forests parallel from eachother, in between was just flat land. Not a road or anything.
Anyway, there were crows flying at me and landing by my feet. I'd pick them up and throw them as hard as I could - kind of like throwing baseballs, but it was just birds.

That's about it.
Folkemon_ wrote:
I recently lost 2 santa hats on Runescape and now im poor ive lost all will to play it


Joined: Wed Nov 16, 2011 10:39 pm
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 11:19 pm 

My family was in a car on a highway when a truck sped off the road and hit an oil tank, like those huge ones at oil refineries. The whole refinery went up in flames, and the whole city (none in particular) started to burn. Then, for no apparent reason, a volcano rose out of the ashes of the city and started spewing out lava. We drove over a bridge to a concrete bunker ship (it felt as if this were the destination all along), and settled in just as the lava went over the building.

When that was over (I can't remember how long it felt like, but sequentially it was a few days), mine and all the families who were in the bunker left to scour the burning city for resources. I don't remember what I did in particular in the burning city, but it felt like a few hours. It was weirdly enthralling, so I was really pissed when I woke up.
orionmetalhead wrote:
So you go to a show, and you can't mosh... who cares. Are you there to run into people or to listen to the music? If you want to run into people go to the mall and run through groups of mall goths or something for fun.

TIMJ Profile

The Folk One

Joined: Thu Jul 16, 2009 8:04 pm
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 12:27 am 

Not exactly weird, per say but last week I had a good number of Lucid Dreams inside Lucid Dreams. Persay, more like Lucid Nightmares, if most people would have it, but I'm used to that shit. But really, Dreamception. A Constantly Amount of Lucid Dreams in one Dream Cycle. According to this little book (Dream Diary, *shrugs*, It's fun to see how fucked up my brain is) it was Lucid Dream x10.

The Dream was the usual Lucid Dreaming, waking up n stuff, at first it was sort of like Zombie Apocalypse-ish, before some sort of Acid Dream came in and it was more of a cat 'n mouse chase between multiple people. The weird part was just about everything was flashing, people and buildings melted and formed into weird versions of themselves. The Lucid Dreaming started when i seemingly woke up and as I was walking down the house, one person just melting in a pile of blue. After that my writing gets erratic.

When I woke up I found out that only 15 minutes passed. Not wanting to go through another monotonous cycle, I went downstairs to watch some Get Smart (The original Series).
Acrobat wrote:
I dunno, I'm a guitarist and it always feels like playing a giant cock. Not just that but live music should hit you in the genitals. It might not if you don't use good amplifiers and your modelling shit goes straight out of the PA. But good music hits you HARD in the GENITALS.


Joined: Tue Jan 12, 2010 7:08 pm
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 3:03 pm 

Avgudadyrkning wrote:
I had some dream I was skiing and all of a sudden the germans invaded us and I tried blowing up their tanks with a russian RPG.
Then I wnt into this spooky house and had sex with a bunch of girls.

That's like Red Dawn with an alternate ending.

Mallcore Kid

Joined: Tue Apr 03, 2012 12:17 am
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 10:04 pm 

I've had 3 dreams of an airplane crashing miles away from my house. In each dream the crash seemed to be closer O.o
But since I have a fascination with zombies I've had zombie invasion type dreams. In all of them I never die or anything or get turned into a zombie but It's always the case that I don't have a proper weapon to kill them off -_-
Art Page


Joined: Mon Dec 26, 2011 10:56 pm
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 10:21 pm 

Yesterday i dreamed something weird as fuck and i was like "im soo posting this on metallum" xD
nah just kiding...well the thing is i dreamed i was in the vatican with my anthrax t shirt (the one wich i sleep with)
and then i met Scott Ian who was dressed as a priest and said something like "hey, theres booze in the back
we are setting a party" and there was my math teacher and my neightboor too...weird as hell!
Can´t touch this

Dude: If you tour, will you bring out other musicians? Use tapes? Clone yourselves?

Fenriz: I am up for cloning, but with less tinnitus and more chest hair, please.

Film reviews and rants for all ye' spanish speaking basterds

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 10:54 pm 

There could be a thread like this, with this many posts, just about my dreams. I've been getting more and more crazy ones lately (I remembered 7 dreams the other night, all of them weird as fuck). Now that I know it's here I'll give some highlights if I remember the following morning...dream journals are very effective for long term memory of them.


Joined: Fri Dec 16, 2011 4:52 pm
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 4:10 pm 

I always create stories in my dreams, which is weird. For example, I like to pretend I'm in a Middle Earth sort of era, kings and queens, etc. Pretty intense.
I'm Greek. My body produces feta cheese.


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PostPosted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 4:49 pm 

I had a strange one 2 nights ago. I was in a club in Ibiza, sitting on a sofa at the side of a stage. All of a sudden, Skrillex walks over and we talk for a while. Then everything turns into a Fallout game he says "If you want to follow me on tour then you have to fight through all of the Feral Ghouls in the cave leading to my tour bus." I fight through the Feral Ghouls, but when I reach the exit of the cave, his tour bus is in the distance. I spend the rest of the dream following him across a Fallout: New Vegas-type landscape and never really catch up with him.

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PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2012 7:04 am 

Mine's pretty simple. Since I gave up smoking cigs almost 10 years ago, I have recurring dreams in which I find myself in a situation where I have started smoking again, or even just smoked one or two. I know it doesn't sound very bad compared to some of the warped shit that goes on in dreams, but it happens once a week on average, and when I wake up, in those moments until I realise it was a dream, I get a nasty feeling pretty much like how you'd feel if it happened in real life. I wish they would stop, it sucks.

Metal newbie

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PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2012 8:43 am 

I recently had a dream that my significant other was a serial murderer. I witnessed around 7 murders in the dream, but instead of turning her in I decided that it was fucking sexy.


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PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2012 9:46 am 

Probably not as odd as most of the ones in this thread, but definitely unusual for me. So, for whatever reason, there was this guy I was supposed to kill, or fight, or something and as I was going to do that, I ran into a female subordinate of his. Even though I know she's his subordinate and she knew that I was aware of that, we decide to go to a restaurant for some reason. The restaurant we go to is pretty nice, and we both order salads. As we're waiting for our food I manage to impress her with my wit and charm (I lack both of those in real life, but it was a dream after all). Anyways, once our food comes, it becomes painfully-obvious that I'm unable to eat a salad gracefully and she stops being impressed. Then the dream ended.

~Guest 285672

Joined: Fri Feb 03, 2012 10:01 am
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PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2012 1:25 pm 

As sad as this sounds, I had a panic attack over a dream nearly 30 minutes ago. I saw my harddrive burst into flames in front of me (with all of my music) and then then burn seared off my eyes and ears, I'm relatively sure I felt the pain, it was a weird one. It felt so hot that it felt cold. The panic attack came after I woke up, I literally shook for about 5 seconds, and I was in a classroom when it happened, so everyone looked at me funny.

Pretty sad, haha.

Heavy Metal C-3PO

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PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2012 3:24 pm 

Weird is what dreams are about
Formerly known as HouseSpiders
vacca wrote:
"Pointwhoring is no fun. Pointwhoring endangers the life and happiness of millions. It must stop. We appeal in particular to the youth of today, stop the madness. There are better things in life."

Last edited by Midnightwards666 on Wed Jun 06, 2012 4:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Mallcore Kid

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PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2012 4:07 pm 

So this is what happened in this fucked up dream:
I went downtown and picked up a hooker. She had these bizarre sores all over her face. After we had sex she drugged me and I blacked out. Then I woke up in this hut in the woods. I was strapped to a table and there were dead bodies all around me. Then this crazy hooker started cutting me up into pieces. I remember looking at myself from up above as this was happening. Slowly I was dismembered and tortured. After I died, my consciousness went into my hand and I was watching out of it. The hooker started eating my body parts. I could feel what she was doing and started screaming. As the dream ended I remember zooming in on her face and she was making these strange gurgling sounds. That was when I woke up. The worst thing was how real it felt. Very unpleasant.


Joined: Thu May 06, 2010 12:52 am
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PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2012 5:17 pm 

Only the streetlights that were still functional gave me any light to see the street shooting through the residential zone of Random Suburbia, U.S.A. My head was so heavy that I couldn't turn around to see what it was, but I was sure that something was pursuing me, rather stalking me. The harder I tried to run, the more lead my legs became until I was virtually face to face with the ground, dragging my legs like a wounded dog. It was as if the world had become vertical in front of me and I was scaling some side of an asphalt cliff with no summit. In between breaths, I was spitting my teeth out of my mouth. They weren't broken nor whole, but misshapen in some unfamiliar way. In place of blood and saliva were streams of blue, yellow, and green, like food coloring. I don't remember why I didn't feel the need for them anymore, I just kept spitting until none were left. When finished, I looked ahead and starting laughing uncontrollably.

blackcandle wrote:



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PostPosted: Sat May 12, 2012 1:05 am 

I had a dream once that about an ex of mine and my roommate. Even thought when I had the dream, her and I were broken up at the time, it was still jarring: Basically my ex and my roommate sat me down and told me they'd been having an affair. The odd part about it is that by the time my roommate became my roommate, her and I had been split for almost 6 months (that and she and him hated each other) I Remember I had woken up in the middle of me bolting upright from deep sleep into a fully awakened state. I had started to sweat and my heart rate was through the roof while I spent the next 30 minutes being unable to figure out if it'd actually happened or not. My dreams have been messing with my head (as far as making me questions whether the events in my dreams or not actually happened) a lot lately.
ShaolinLambKiller wrote:
i'm powered by blast beats and distortion.

The_Beast_In_Black wrote:
I touch ladies all the time.
Ladies can't get enough of my touchings

Metal newbie

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PostPosted: Sat May 19, 2012 12:03 am 

last summer, i had a really fucked up dream that i went back to school for the new school year, but the school was really crazy. it was dark as hell, the students were running around like psychos, and the whole school looked different (it was supposed to be the same school though), and there was a part where i was in a sleeping bag with dave mustaine in a classroom.. i don't know what the hell was going on in my mind during this time but it must have been the result staying up til 4 AM every night reading creepypastas

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PostPosted: Sat May 19, 2012 12:20 pm 

A few days ago I dreamt that Lars Ulrich was giving me a back massage... That was really fucking weird... There was a lot more in the dream but of course I forgot most of it. Last time I fall asleep with my headphones on.
Painkiller1349 wrote:
You lose 20 kvlt points if you change your logo to something easier to read.

Smalley wrote:
If I wanted a better version of something, I certainly wouldn't want it to start smoking crack, it'd get all fucked up and gross.

Mallcore Kid

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PostPosted: Sat May 19, 2012 1:20 pm 

MegaAwesomePants wrote:
I seem to have recurring dreams where I am drink and have trouble walking or thinking clearly and the weird thing is I have never drank alcohol.

Trust me the dreams you have when going to bed after a few too many are even more weird. For me it is often a dream of me waking up with a unnatural hangover lasting for a day or sleeping-in and not turning up to work, one dream involved me being paralyzed from a hang-over.

Professor R. H. Gumby

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PostPosted: Sat May 19, 2012 11:42 pm 

DisciplineOfRevenge wrote:
last summer, i had a really fucked up dream that i went back to school for the new school year, but the school was really crazy. it was dark as hell, the students were running around like psychos, and the whole school looked different (it was supposed to be the same school though), and there was a part where i was in a sleeping bag with dave mustaine in a classroom.. i don't know what the hell was going on in my mind during this time but it must have been the result staying up til 4 AM every night reading creepypastas

I take it you left out the part were Dave Mustaine molested you in the sleeping bag?
Azmodes wrote:
Well, I guess there is this inevitable point in life where you have to see Till Lindemann ejaculate. I'm just glad that's behind me now.


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PostPosted: Tue May 29, 2012 8:33 am 

Maybe not weird, but definitely the saddest dream I've ever had.

It took place maybe 10-20 years from now and the world's become almost some sort of post-apocalyptic scenario. There's still plenty of people alive, but society was no longer really functioning at all. Anyways, I was traveling along with someone through the remains of a public transportation system while trying to avoid masked police-like figures that were monitoring everybody. When we get to this one station, me and him go our separate ways and I head into a bathroom. While in there, some kid begins yelling and everyone's trying to get him to quiet down. Leaving before any of the police figures come to investigate, I head out for the neighborhood I grew up in. Nearing my house, I notice that the other than the windows being smashed in, the house wasn't in as bad shape as you would've expected. Oddly enough, the garage door was open so I went in through there. The garage was also in fairly good shape though it seemed like any substantial piece of metal was removed. Then I notice there's a package on the ground which I go to open. Inside of it are letters from my parents and family. Amongst them are birthday letters and letters from my parents telling me that while worried about not having seen me for years that they still loved me.


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PostPosted: Wed May 30, 2012 8:49 am 

kignuuuur wrote:
...while others figure out how we're gonna get down to the world below.

So kignuuuur, you were close to a world below? :wink:

Metal freak

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PostPosted: Wed May 30, 2012 9:05 am 

I was at home when this little kid knocked on my door and said he wanted to exchange a soccerball for something ''cool''. First I hestitated but somehow I accepted the offer. I gave him my soccerball and hoped for something great in return. Later that day the guy shows up again at my door and brings me a ball with some Pony on it. Little fucker got me there. :lol:

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