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Saanut kerran. Todistetusti.

Joined: Wed Sep 19, 2007 10:17 pm
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 3:07 am 

So let's get this done already!
I've seen that there is a general "geek" thing going on in this forums, and of course Anime is a big part of this cultur, along videogames :P
So, what kind of anime do you like? Are you a big fan?

Personally I remember watching Saint Seiya when I was a little kid, that make me like Dragon Ball, and you know... All the most popular anime things that aired on TV. But it comes a time when you have to explore more "obscure" things (like in metal) and you find amazing shit.

The last one I saw was Texhnolize, lots of gore, blood, technology... It is one of the best I've seen, 'cause, hell yeah, what else can a metalhead want?

Come on people, I know there are some otakus in here!!! :P


Joined: Sat Sep 15, 2007 5:23 am
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 3:14 am 

I tried to like anime but too much of it sucks. The same formulas and characters over and over again. I like a few series but one the whole it's just too poor.

Tzeentchian Rubric Manipulator

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 3:33 am 

Avaddons_blood wrote:
I tried to like anime but too much of it sucks. The same formulas and characters over and over again. I like a few series but one the whole it's just too poor.
Kind of like anything. Right? Anime is just about as diverse as music, or at least a genre of music. Even Metal has an over abundance of shit.

Anyways, when I was a kid my older brother watched a fair amount, so I grew up with stuff like Fist of the North Star, Appleseed, and Vampire Hunter D. I remember him getting a copy of Akira on laserdisc. Early exposure meant it was normal to me, not until later did I realize(before the advent of Adult Swim) it was such a niche thing. Or it was.

I've personally always preferred the one shot movies or single season series'. I don't really have time to find all the obscure gems so the ones I like are pretty well known. Evangelion, Hellsing, Cowboy Bebop, Trigun and Outlaw Star. Ghost in the Shell is probably the only show I've enjoyed that's gone on longer than a season. As for movies aside from the aforementioned, Ninja Scroll and Perfect Blue are great.

Can't really relate to the humor in a lot of Anime though, only comedic one I've liked was Desert Punk.
macrocosm wrote:
Since Chuck Schuldiner died of AIDS, I'm gonna say there is a pretty high chance of him being gay.


Joined: Tue Jan 27, 2009 8:23 am
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 3:53 am 

It's hard liking that stuff because a lot of it is crap, and I don't want to feel like an Asian teenage female that writes like this~~ *^^*

I never really enjoyed any of the TV series, save for Robotech (Macross), but that's because it was the first animated show I saw as a kid where people actually died.

Some movies I like would be Akira, Urotsukidoji: Legend Of The Overfiend, Ninja Scroll, Fist Of The North Star - again, these are all things I liked when younger so it has more to do with specific memories I had at the time than actual quality of said movies (memories of LSD, dammit!).

Some of the stuff like Howl's Moving Castle, Grave Of The Fireflies etc is not bad but anime is not something I would actively seek out.

Got a bunch of manga in a box here, could never really get into that, either.
I am a Chinese lady with a pair of big water eyes under the long eyelashes.I don't know how beautiful i am , but people usually say that I needn't do face-painting.


Joined: Sat Sep 15, 2007 5:23 am
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 4:03 am 

Kutulu wrote:
Avaddons_blood wrote:
I tried to like anime but too much of it sucks. The same formulas and characters over and over again. I like a few series but one the whole it's just too poor.
Kind of like anything. Right?

Except worse.


Joined: Wed Jul 01, 2009 10:45 pm
Posts: 1306
PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 4:46 am 

waiguoren wrote:
Some movies I like would be Akira, Urotsukidoji: Legend Of The Overfiend, Ninja Scroll, Fist Of The North Star - again, these are all things I liked when younger so it has more to do with specific memories I had at the time than actual quality of said movies (memories of LSD, dammit!).

You watched Urotsukidoji on LSD? o_O Couldn't find something more obscene?

Got a bunch of manga in a box here, could never really get into that, either.

Ever try Berserk or Gunnm?


Joined: Thu Mar 25, 2010 7:31 pm
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 4:53 am 

The closest I got was when a friend forced me to sit through a scene in Fist Of The North Star where the guy starts killing people, and it was cool.
The rest I have tried watching either seem like they were written just for fan service, for angsty teenage girls, or for emos.
Anyone care to rec some good stuff? All I want is pure action, and no pretty boys. They are annoying as all hell.

Thunderbolt from Hell

Joined: Tue Jul 25, 2006 11:28 pm
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 5:37 am 

Byrain wrote:
Ever try Berserk or Gunnm?

Gunnm is amazing. I hear Last Order sucks though?

I'm not big into manga but I told a friend I liked Gunnm and he said I might dig Dorohedoro. The art definitely looks pretty cool. Other than that I was thinking of reading Sanctuary, 20th Century Boys, and some other random stuff... not much.

Some favorites of mine are Legend of the Galactic Heroes, Votoms, Zeta Gundam, City Hunter, Maison, Touch, Space Adventure Cobra, bunch of other older stuff.

At least Kutulu got it right. There's more to anime than Akira, Ghost in the Shell, Naruto, Cowboy Bebop, Evangelion, and anything and everything Adult Swim ever showed. Do some research yourself and you'll find the goods.

Mallcore Kid

Joined: Tue Nov 30, 2010 5:42 am
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 5:47 am 

lately been watching one piece..

though i'm not a big fan i found it very amusing..

well everytime a series ends you get excited with the next series..

and that makes it amusing to me..

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 5:58 am 

"moe" and "fanservice" has smeared the genre to the point that it's percieved nowadays as being borderline degenerate.

Bit of a shame, there's plenty of legitimately worthwhile shows. Kinda wish the "anime" tag would dissapear, we don't have a special word for japanese live action, so why do we have a special word for japanese cartoons? All it does is lump the good shows with the aforementioned fanservice-fests.

Metal newbie

Joined: Thu Oct 09, 2008 5:01 pm
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 7:30 am 

I used to watch anime a lot about 9 years ago when it was still really popular in my country. Recently i got hooked to it again, good pal of mine is a hardcore anime-fan so he always recommends me some good stuff. As for the new anime series, Highschool of the Dead is great, highschool and zombie stuff, and ecchi of course.

Recently i've watched some missed classics like Gundam Seed and Full Metal Panic (Fumoffu, best comedy there is!). Also i'm gonna rewatch soon some of my old favorites like Nagareboshi Gin, Tenjou Tenge, Mezzo DSA, Hellsing ova, Ninja Scroll, Scrapped Princess, Kiddy Grade, Vision of Escaflowne, Samurai Champloon, Rurouni Kenshin, Berserk, et cetera, i could go on forever.

I wouldnt say that anime is that geeky stuff, though my metalhead friend found it really disturbing that my last.fm page has black metal and j-pop/anime ost peacefully mixed together haha!

Metal newbie

Joined: Fri Jun 25, 2010 11:08 am
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 7:39 am 

Is Pokemon considered anime?
I used to watch them on tv when i was little.
Played the games on the game boy too.


Joined: Mon Jul 19, 2010 11:15 am
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 7:44 am 

My first run in with anime is pretty cliched, Dragon Ball Z actually, but when I was a little younger I found some more intense shows such as Gundam Wing, Trigun etc

Just a couple days ago, I finished the first season of Jigoku Shoujo ( anime about a girl that offers to send peoples enemies to hell, but they also go to hell when they die, some depressing stuff in here ).
Woman getting raped, daughters being murdered, girl trying to commit suicide.
Strangely enough, it was pretty popular in america, last time I checked.

And Vampire Hunter D, cheap gore anime, but it does the trick, if your bored.

ff_triste wrote:
Is Pokemon considered anime?

Last time I checked, yes.
ENKC wrote:
When kvltlord wants you banhammered, you know you're in trouble.


Joined: Sat Sep 11, 2010 4:22 pm
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 9:55 am 

Obviously Cowboy beebop is badass, Even people i know who HATE anime love Beebop. Also, Gurren Lagen is abso-fucking-amazing
ShaolinLambKiller wrote:
i'm powered by blast beats and distortion.

The_Beast_In_Black wrote:
I touch ladies all the time.
Ladies can't get enough of my touchings

Metal freak

Joined: Fri Oct 13, 2006 12:11 am
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 10:39 am 

I'll bring this thread up since I use it when I'm really bored.
http://metal-archives.com/board/viewtop ... sc&start=0

Basically the anime thread from last year.
gomorro wrote:
Yesterday was the birthday of school pal and I met the chick of my sigh (I've talked about here before, the she-wolf I use to be inlove with)... Maaan she was using a mini-skirt too damn insane... Dude you could saw her entire soul every time she sit...


Joined: Tue Oct 03, 2006 8:14 pm
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 12:39 pm 

Gelseth_Andrano wrote:
Obviously Cowboy beebop is badass, Even people i know who HATE anime love Beebop.

I'm in that category. Good show.

Metel fraek

Joined: Sat Sep 29, 2007 1:41 pm
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 1:42 pm 

waiguoren wrote:
It's hard liking that stuff because a lot of it is crap, and I don't want to feel like an Asian teenage female that writes like this~~ *^^*
It's a bit like why I don't really like metal. I mean, it's not music. It's just screaming anyway - just listen to Slipkot - and I don't get all that business with satan worshipping, self-mutilation and drug use. I don't want to feel like a leather-clad gutter-rat who talks like this: DEATH TO POSERS AND FALSE METAL \m/ !!!!

I used to watch a lot of anime when I was younger. I watched the most when I was 14-16. Bleach was the first show I ever watched, and it got me hooked. I couldn't stop watching it, until, of course, the show eventually turned to shit. Same with Naruto. One of the early arcs of Naruto still holds one of the most emotional moments for me in TV series, drawn or else. It started sucking eventually too, naturally, and if I was introduced to the show now, I probably wouldn't like it. One of the deasrest shows to me was Hunter X Hunter. It had some of the best characters in any show I've ever watched, much less idiotic humour than nearly any show aimed at that age group, and especially the manga had some very dark themes aswell. The show remained awesome until the end, but the OVA's were piss poor in comparison.

Cowboy Bebop was something practically everyone recommended and praised, but it left me slightly unsatisfied. Perhaps I was losing my interest in anime altogether at the time, possibly in part due to realising that despite the ending of Bleach filler the show remained ever so atrocious. It's disillusioning to see something you used to cherish fall so low. It was a mockery. Ergo Proxy was another huge disappointment, and Ninja Scroll TV show was definitely a step down from the movie, plus got tired of watching the good shows over and over. I just moved on to different things.

The last show I watched was Shigurui. It's probably the most chilling anime I've ever watched. The characters are so cold it's unbeliavable, and the atmosphere is so oppressive that even the little gore there is becomes stomach-twisting. Fuck all those 30-people-killed-in-excessively-gruesome-ways-in-every-episode bullshit, those are children's series compared to Shigurui. And I thought I was in for some more mature version of Rurouni Kenshin there.
"A glimpse of light is all that it takes to illuminate the darkness."

~Guest 178973

Joined: Thu Dec 18, 2008 5:11 pm
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 2:08 pm 

Ehm... I like hentai. :oh shit:


Joined: Wed Jun 17, 2009 10:25 am
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 2:15 pm 

Cowboy Bebop was cool, although I think the 'coolness' owed as much to the jazzy soundtrack as Spike & Fey's characters. Probably the only pure sci-fi anime I really enjoy...most are overblown space operas with the universe at stake, robot suits and magic chicks with exploding clothes.

My other favorite series is Black Lagoon. It has a great setting, very good animation, lots of vicious underworld plots, and Revy is just a nutty character.

As for movies, Perfect Blue is probably my favorite. A perfect marriage of Brian DePalma and David Lynch in cartoon form.

Don't really watch anime all that often; I'm pretty picky and don't want to waste my time investing on a series that winds up sucking (like the unbelievably awful Gilgamesh).


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PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 2:47 pm 

Liquid_Braino wrote:
As for movies, Perfect Blue is probably my favorite. A perfect marriage of Brian DePalma and David Lynch in cartoon form.

And that's my cue. The lack of Satoshi Kon in this thread is depressing. Everything I've watched by the man has blown me away. Perfect Blue and Paranoia Agent are my favorites, but Millennium Actress and Paprika are solid too and do an excellent job at showing the range of moods that he was capable of creating. I haven't seen Tokyo Godfathers, but I've heard great things about it.

Other than that I'm a very casual anime fan. I don't find the majority of it that interesting, but I have a few shows that I consider myself a fan of, namely Evangelion (bracing for the incoming hate), Serial Experiments Lain, and the aforementioned Paranoia Agent.
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Joined: Sat Nov 08, 2008 12:56 am
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 3:00 pm 

I barely watch animes (not really a fan, but i do read a lot of manga). However, there is one show I grew up on that despite it's faults I still very much enjoy it. That being Lupin III haha just thinking about it makes me laugh.
Liquid_Braino wrote:
Cowboy Bebop was cool, although I think the 'coolness' owed as much to the jazzy soundtrack as Spike & Fey's characters. Probably the only pure sci-fi anime I really enjoy...most are overblown space operas with the universe at stake, robot suits and magic chicks with exploding clothes.
I agree with both of what you said here. Cowboy Bebop was pretty damn cool.
Leify wrote:
My grandfather always said, if you can't fix a problem, just systematically blow shit up.

Digital Dictator

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 3:10 pm 

Ilwhyan wrote:
One of the deasrest shows to me was Hunter X Hunter. It had some of the best characters in any show I've ever watched, much less idiotic humour than nearly any show aimed at that age group, and especially the manga had some very dark themes aswell. The show remained awesome until the end, but the OVA's were piss poor in comparison.

This is one of the few series I still actually care about. The manga is a hell of a lot better though, as things are generally more violent and some of the "filler" plot bits are left out and you get a lot of the wordier (but interesting) explanations the anime drops. If by the OVA's you mean the Greed Island arc, it makes a lot more sense in the manga as things are explained better, so the tactics and strategy is a lot more engaging. One thing I really like about the series is while he establishes "rules" for the characters' abilities, he still finds clever ways for the characters to subvert or get around them, and usually it's strategy, planning, knowledge of the opponent, or effective use of specialized skills that'll win a fight, rather than straight-up power like in DBZ. In other words, it doesn't feel like he's just set up a rigid "magic system" that the characters follow mindlessly or fit into neatly; they all act like real people working within it, trying to get ahead however they can, and sometimes they succeed and sometimes they fail.

Naruto and Bleach jumped the shark long ago, and they really weren't much good to begin with. I'm just really tired of the whole "adolescent punk outcast kid rising to the top against all odds to save the world" cliche. It's fucking dumb.

Anyway one series I really did like (and I might be alone in this) was Big O. A lot of people slag it for being "Batman with a mech" or something, but really, that's only superficial and it starts getting really, really weird later on as the characters dig into their past. Also the art style was really cool, for example the mechs looked like if Fritz Lang had designed giant Art Deco robots.
MorbidBlood wrote:
So the winner is Destruction and Infernal Overkill is the motherfucking skullcrushing poserkilling satan-worshiping 666 FUCK YOU greatest german thrash record.

Last edited by failsafeman on Tue Nov 30, 2010 3:16 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Saanut kerran. Todistetusti.

Joined: Wed Sep 19, 2007 10:17 pm
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 3:12 pm 

OzzyApu wrote:
I'll bring this thread up since I use it when I'm really bored.
http://metal-archives.com/board/viewtop ... sc&start=0

Basically the anime thread from last year.

So you were a big PokéFan??? Well, we all were, when there were only 151 little monsters... After that it became shit. I still have my old gameboy advanced with the remastered Pokemon Red on it.

I also enjoyed the first season of Digimon (which is basically Pokemon, except that monsters talk... But I like Digimon more... Don't know why...)...
You might say that the formula is used over and over again, but c'mon! It is the same with everything... Satanic, evil, destruction, apocalypse, that's been overused in Metal, and you don't get tired of that, do you?

Oh and BTW, a lot of metalheads I know are into Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG (me too, I have a complete Zombie deck :P), but it happened the same as Pokemon, too many damn monsters, too many new rules, and they change over and over again... I don't know wheter I can still use Dark Hole or not... :lol:


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PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 3:18 pm 

Young_Metalhead wrote:
OzzyApu wrote:
I'll bring this thread up since I use it when I'm really bored.
http://metal-archives.com/board/viewtop ... sc&start=0

Basically the anime thread from last year.

So you were a big PokéFan??? Well, we all were, when there were only 151 little monsters... After that it became shit. I still have my old gameboy advanced with the remastered Pokemon Red on it.

I also enjoyed the first season of Digimon (which is basically Pokemon, except that monsters talk... But I like Digimon more... Don't know why...)...
You might say that the formula is used over and over again, but c'mon! It is the same with everything... Satanic, evil, destruction, apocalypse, that's been overused in Metal, and you don't get tired of that, do you?

Oh and BTW, a lot of metalheads I know are into Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG (me too, I have a complete Zombie deck :P), but it happened the same as Pokemon, too many damn monsters, too many new rules, and they change over and over again... I don't know wheter I can still use Dark Hole or not... :lol:

I've actually always liked digimon more too lol, but they fucked up with not making a cardgame. I actually recently just found all of my pokemon cards. got em ALL! at one point I had 4 chariizards.

Liked Yu-GI-OH! game, but not the show really. I need to get some cards, but no one around here fucking plays!
ShaolinLambKiller wrote:
i'm powered by blast beats and distortion.

The_Beast_In_Black wrote:
I touch ladies all the time.
Ladies can't get enough of my touchings

Metal freak

Joined: Fri Oct 13, 2006 12:11 am
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 3:24 pm 

TheNiceNightmare wrote:
Ehm... I like hentai. :oh shit:

Word, hentai doujins and mangas trump most anime shows.
gomorro wrote:
Yesterday was the birthday of school pal and I met the chick of my sigh (I've talked about here before, the she-wolf I use to be inlove with)... Maaan she was using a mini-skirt too damn insane... Dude you could saw her entire soul every time she sit...


Joined: Sat Sep 11, 2010 4:22 pm
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 3:28 pm 

OzzyApu wrote:
TheNiceNightmare wrote:
Ehm... I like hentai. :oh shit:

Word, hentai doujins and mangas trump most anime shows.

Rammstein got me into metal, hentai...well, you know the rest i suppose.
ShaolinLambKiller wrote:
i'm powered by blast beats and distortion.

The_Beast_In_Black wrote:
I touch ladies all the time.
Ladies can't get enough of my touchings

Saanut kerran. Todistetusti.

Joined: Wed Sep 19, 2007 10:17 pm
Posts: 1516
Location: Mexico City
PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 3:41 pm 

Gelseth_Andrano wrote:
I've actually always liked digimon more too lol, but they fucked up with not making a cardgame. I actually recently just found all of my pokemon cards. got em ALL! at one point I had 4 chariizards.

Liked Yu-GI-OH! game, but not the show really. I need to get some cards, but no one around here fucking plays!

4 Charizards dude, that's awesome :lol:
Yeah, studying in the Faculty of Science is a huge deal, I see people often playing Yu-Gi-Oh, and watching anime... What a geek thing... :lol:


Joined: Sat Sep 11, 2010 4:22 pm
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 3:45 pm 

Young_Metalhead wrote:
Gelseth_Andrano wrote:
I've actually always liked digimon more too lol, but they fucked up with not making a cardgame. I actually recently just found all of my pokemon cards. got em ALL! at one point I had 4 chariizards.

Liked Yu-GI-OH! game, but not the show really. I need to get some cards, but no one around here fucking plays!

4 Charizards dude, that's awesome :lol:
Yeah, studying in the Faculty of Science is a huge deal, I see people often playing Yu-Gi-Oh, and watching anime... What a geek thing... :lol:

Man, if it's a stereotypical nerd thing, i've done it/into it.
ShaolinLambKiller wrote:
i'm powered by blast beats and distortion.

The_Beast_In_Black wrote:
I touch ladies all the time.
Ladies can't get enough of my touchings

~Guest 226319
President Satan

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 4:48 pm 

Young_Metalhead wrote:
I've seen that there is a general "geek" thing going on in this forums

Not as much as you may think. My western comics thread barely got two pages and it keeps falling into obscurity every time I bump it. Though I wouldn't be surprised if an anime thread did much better. :grumble:


Joined: Wed Jul 01, 2009 10:45 pm
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 5:02 pm 

Saw Serial Experiments Lain mentioned somewhere up there, one of my favorites. Some of Satoshi Kon's movies are also worth checking out, Perfect Blue, Millennium Actress, and Tokyo Godfathers. Other then Cat Soup is another strange little gem and nostalgia is enough for me to enjoy the old Slayers seasons once in a while.

Xeogred wrote:
Byrain wrote:
Ever try Berserk or Gunnm?

Gunnm is amazing. I hear Last Order sucks though?

Hard to call one better or worse, the vibe changed a bit and the battles became more exaggerated with Last Order, so its probably more of a matter of perspective. On a plus side, the ending for the first series was partially scrapped for something I feel was overall stronger.

failsafeman wrote:
Ilwhyan wrote:
One of the deasrest shows to me was Hunter X Hunter. It had some of the best characters in any show I've ever watched, much less idiotic humour than nearly any show aimed at that age group, and especially the manga had some very dark themes aswell. The show remained awesome until the end, but the OVA's were piss poor in comparison.

This is one of the few series I still actually care about. The manga is a hell of a lot better though, as things are generally more violent and some of the "filler" plot bits are left out and you get a lot of the wordier (but interesting) explanations the anime drops. If by the OVA's you mean the Greed Island arc, it makes a lot more sense in the manga as things are explained better, so the tactics and strategy is a lot more engaging. One thing I really like about the series is while he establishes "rules" for the characters' abilities, he still finds clever ways for the characters to subvert or get around them, and usually it's strategy, planning, knowledge of the opponent, or effective use of specialized skills that'll win a fight, rather than straight-up power like in DBZ. In other words, it doesn't feel like he's just set up a rigid "magic system" that the characters follow mindlessly or fit into neatly; they all act like real people working within it, trying to get ahead however they can, and sometimes they succeed and sometimes they fail.

Hunter x Hunter is great, it still amazes me how such a simple premise could blow away all the other shonen I have tried. It seems to get better as the story progresses as well (The art does seem to suffer at times though). And the hiatuses are killing me...

Big Cube

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 5:02 pm 

Can someone please explain to me what is so appealing about anime?


Joined: Wed Jul 01, 2009 10:45 pm
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 5:16 pm 

dystopia4 wrote:
Can someone please explain to me what is so appealing about anime?

What is so appealing about novels or western tv shows? Wouldn't the same things apply? Its just another medium.

Thunderbolt from Hell

Joined: Tue Jul 25, 2006 11:28 pm
Posts: 7154
PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 5:50 pm 

Shigurui is pretty cool from what I've seen, you can easily tell it's from the Texhnolize director. This kind of stuff is what I like when I'm in the mood for real dark stuff, completely shits all over Elfen Lied or whatever.

Satoshi Kon (RIP) was amazing. Paprika makes Inception look like a joke kind of.

Wow Hunter x Hunter fans? lol, I can't really concur since the hiatus' are hilarious and the current arc I don't really care for. Gon and Killua are my least favorite characters out of the mains and it's been about them for the last 100 some chapters. The OVA's were a big step down as well and the confrontation with the Spiders in the city/auction arc was very unconcluded. HxH has its moments, but I think One Piece blows it out of the water. I can see how One Piece isn't for everyone, but the payoff is great... it's hilarious how Oda connects things throughout the series, you can tell he did a lot of thinking ahead. It gets increasingly easy to blast through the episodes later on too since they practically become 15 minutes long. I love how One Piece keeps a good balance between all the characters, unlike DBZ, HxH, or whatever, and it's quite an adventure, never diving into boring training segments even from everything I've seen about 400 episodes in. It does a great job giving a lot of detail and history about the world which makes it all the more better. It's pretty nuts where I'm at. (fun fact these two shows started up around the same time, and now One Piece is like 2-3x longer because it's consistent).

Never got into Bleach and all my friends that have seem to really hate it thesedays. Naruto I just stopped caring for eventually, the generic training and story, hated most of the characters, etc, didn't do much for me.

You should watch LOGH failsafe! You'd probably love it. I'll kill you if I hear you complain about old art though, haha. It's just like metal to me man, I prefer older anime by far when it comes to art, cel drawn stuff beats the crap out of digital animation, but digital is finally looking good more recently. If you take a look at stuff from 2000 though, like say Gundam SEED, that stuff looks like pure ass. Old stuff once you're used to it, has the superior character designs, heavy use of shading, thicker lines, and just lots of personal touches that make it amazing.

Just for fun: Bubblegum Crisis OVA (1987) vs Gundam SEED (2000) (this is also giving SEED bonus points since openings look even better than the actual show, but that BGC footage is straight from the show).

BGC is probably my favorite OVA, next to Iria, Gunbuster, and some others. Back when anime sci-fi fucking rocked.


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PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 6:25 pm 

Xeogred wrote:
Satoshi Kon (RIP) was amazing.

Satoshi Kon is dead?? Fuck, I hadn't heard. That's very sad. He was definitely one of the most interesting creators in anime. Tokyo Godfathers is one of my favorites.

Thunderbolt from Hell

Joined: Tue Jul 25, 2006 11:28 pm
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 6:29 pm 

HellBlazer wrote:
Xeogred wrote:
Satoshi Kon (RIP) was amazing.

Satoshi Kon is dead?? Fuck, I hadn't heard. That's very sad. He was definitely one of the most interesting creators in anime. Tokyo Godfathers is one of my favorites.

Dude was only 46, pretty sad. Was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer I believe.

I've heard he got the script done for his final movie though, so hopefully the rest of the staff can make it happen.

Digital Dictator

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 6:31 pm 

Xeogred wrote:
HxH has its moments, but I think One Piece blows it out of the water. I can see how One Piece isn't for everyone, but the payoff is great... it's hilarious how Oda connects things throughout the series, you can tell he did a lot of thinking ahead. It gets increasingly easy to blast through the episodes later on too since they practically become 15 minutes long. I love how One Piece keeps a good balance between all the characters, unlike DBZ, HxH, or whatever, and it's quite an adventure, never diving into boring training segments even from everything I've seen about 400 episodes in. It does a great job giving a lot of detail and history about the world which makes it all the more better. It's pretty nuts where I'm at. (fun fact these two shows started up around the same time, and now One Piece is like 2-3x longer because it's consistent).

I dunno dude I fucking hate One Piece, pretty much all the good guys are total douchebags with the worst "whoops in the middle of the battle I magically invented a new amazing skill that can instantly defeat my initially far stronger opponent" shit in the whole world. Like I remember in one fight Zoro was up against some dude who could turn his whole body into a sword edge, and midway through after having a rough time, Zoro's like "guess what, during the battle I've learned how to use my swords to cut through other swords," so he then automatically won. It's even worse than DBZ in that regard, except in One Piece I'm always rooting for the villains, since they're always more interesting than the good guys. It totally takes the suspense and suspension of disbelief out of the story when the main characters don't even have to work for their powers, they just fight some tough guy and skills magically fly into their brains mid-fight and they win. Also the "surprise, the main character is actually the son of a really famous guy!" thing is fucking stupid, Naruto did that too. I thought the whole point of these series was that the protagonists were scrappy underdogs? It's like rooting for the underdog team in baseball and finding out after they become very successful that the team was actually the Yankees in disguise all along. At least in HXH the fact that Gon's father is an international badass isn't a secret, and in fact finally meeting and learning about his father is Gon's whole motivation for becoming a hunter in the first place. Yeah, I know I'm probably taking things too seriously here, it's just that I enjoyed One Piece for the first couple arcs, then it just got totally out of control, and it pisses me off how much it sucks now. It's like what happened to DBZ in the Buu saga, except sooner and worse.

As for HXH, are you reading the manga or watching the anime? I found the latter to be substantially worse, much as with Naruto (which is shit as an anime, and passable in the manga) and One Piece (which is unwatchable as an anime, and merely pretty shitty as a manga). I don't like Gon or Killua too much either, but they don't really irritate me, and the series jumps around to minor characters pretty often, which keeps it interesting. The Chimera Ant arc is pretty weird and I don't know where it's going, but that's a good thing. The fights are unpredictable and the good guys often lose.

Oh, and I totally agree with you about cel vs. CG. It was right about when they started switching over en masse that I really stopped being too interested in any anime. Something like Akira will always look better and more "solid" to me than some flat CG with stupid effects out the ass, like Naruto or Code Gayass: LeDouche of the Rebellion, which may be the worst anime ever made.
MorbidBlood wrote:
So the winner is Destruction and Infernal Overkill is the motherfucking skullcrushing poserkilling satan-worshiping 666 FUCK YOU greatest german thrash record.


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PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 6:56 pm 

Heres my "lists" just for the hell of it

Animes that i think are amazing: TTGL, Evangelion

Animes i think are great: Berserk, Death Note, Trigun, Black Lagoon

Other Animes i enjoyed that were good: Code Geass, First 3/4 of Claymore(last few episodes were complete fucking shit), Full Metal Panic, Full Metal Alchemist, Cowboy Bebop, Gantz

oh and i watched Elfen Lied and i dunno what everyone see's in it but i found it to be "decent" at best

Some great movies: Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind, The Girl Who Lept Through Time (totally recommend both of these if you like anime with emotion), Akira, Ghost In The Shell

TTGL though...damn its the most inspirational, epic thing ive ever seen grace my computer screen, i fucking love it so much
everything is sexist, everything is racist, everything is homophobic and you have to point it all out

Thunderbolt from Hell

Joined: Tue Jul 25, 2006 11:28 pm
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 7:04 pm 


The thing is I don't really complain much about the cel preference, at least I hope I don't sound like it. Because I think old anime in general is far superior to most new stuff. So... there's still tons of stuff you could discover. I recently got through Touch myself, and it was incredible stuff. So mature, and hilarious how whenever drama popped up in the romance department the characters always got over it by the end of the episode. That was refreshing. Also been hitting up some 70's European novel based shows that were pretty amazing, Rose of Versailles and Nobody's Boy Remi. Both from director Dezaki, that guy just knows his stuff.

I dunno dude, logic + One Piece? lol. Where I'm at, the entire crew actually just got destroyed and SPOILERS entirely seperated SPOILERS. Dunno how far you got but it's after the Thriller Bark arc, so things are definitely interesting. One Piece is more my style with its adventurous vibe and you can tell the creator was very influenced by Dragon Ball. The original Dragon Ball if you haven't seen it, is amazing. I recently convinced a random friend of mine to check it out and next thing I know he watched all of it... the pacing gets to the point unlike DBZ and the fights were consistently interesting through the whole thing.

I watched all of HxH up to the Chimera Ant arc and have read all of that arc so far and it just bores me to tears dude, it's so fucking long and I definitely don't remember them jumping back over to Kurapika or Leorio at any point (will that guy ever get his due?). I just can't really get down for HxH because it seems so utterly random and has so much more potential to be more. The Spider/auction arc ended so anticlimatically, we still barely even know anything about big side characters like Hisoka or Gon's dad... this shit has been going for 11 years now, how much longer do we have to wait for some real development to get going again? This current arc just feels like endless filler that's not moving the main story anywhere, yet it's a 3rd of the manga.

I read all of Naruto up to the time leap. Wasn't a horrible experience but I'm far more interested in other things to worry about ever getting back into this one. I'm more interested in something like Hokuto no Ken and someday if it ever gets decent subs, I'd like to watch Saint Seiya. Overall I'm not too big into shonen's really, but I guess sports anime has these elements and put them to good use. I plan to watch a lot of these, Slam Dunk, Hajime no Ippo, Ashita no Joe, and a handful of other stuff. Touch was just too good.

Actually I read up to chapter 70ish of Claymore, that was pretty good.

Honestly Battle Angel Alita / Gunnm reminds me a lot of HxH's style, if that interests you. But I like it way more, incredible dysotopian setting with some well placed humor, just has a great vibe.

Metal newbie

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 7:40 pm 

I see a terrible lack of Monster, Noir and Ideon in this thread.


Though I've seen some good series/movies being called out thus far, namely:

Rouroni Kenshin
Vampire Hunter D
Ghost in the Shell
Serial Experiments Lain

Very good stuff, those.

And, on a side note, and just to make a statement: even though I don't play it anymore, Magic: The Gathering is just a MUCH BETTER TCG than Yu-Gi-Oh!, in every possible aspect. Period.
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We need an entrance exam for this forum.

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Thunderbolt from Hell

Joined: Tue Jul 25, 2006 11:28 pm
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 7:46 pm 

Ideon fans are pretty rare. I liked it, and LOVED Be Invoked. Breathtaking stuff.

Easily one of my favorite anime OST's, out of this world!

Just haunting stuff, lol

Last edited by Xeogred on Tue Nov 30, 2010 7:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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